Cat's Tail Tavern

What's this?
Well howdy! This thread is for non-committal, spontaneous Rp. Posting here is usually fast-paced. Scenes end when the players have to go for the night, and often have assumed endings. The next day, someone starts a new scene and the Rp starts fresh! Events from the previous day still carry over, but the story moves on.
The tavern is meant to have a low pressure atmosphere so players feel okay just dipping their toe in for a little while. It's a good place to get your daily Rp fix and go hunting for a new RP partner without having to commit to anything long term.

Okay, what's the setting like?
Mostly fantasy, with a mishmash of other things. The Cat's Tail Tavern sits in a lovely forest, but for our convenience it's been known to have inter-dimensional hiccups. If you can think of a reason for your vanilla human, superhero or space man to be here, then that's fine with us! The setting is flexible so everyone can join.

Can I play?
Yup! You don't have to ask before entering your character. Please read the tips first! It will make your Rp experience smoother.

- No sympathy fishing. You can stumble in gravely injured if you want to, but don't be angry if the other players overlook it. Sometimes tavern goers just want to have a drink without being interrupted by a guy with arrows in his back. (There's one in every RP, you know? If we rushed to all of them, nobody would get anything else done).

- Be respectful of other players and their space. If they're not feeling an RP with you, let it go.

- Any kind of character is fine. The setting the tavern resides in is fantasy, but we'll take whatever you've got! (Vanilla humans, aliens, dragons, motorcycles, guns. It's all allowed.)

- Be respectful of Rp immersion. (Example: Crashing your dragon OC through the roof in a way that forces everyone to notice you would be considered disruptive, and generally not cool.)

- Keep the OOC atmosphere pleasant (and fairly minimal, OOC should be relevant to Rp.)