This story is 18+ meaning there will be instances and scenes involving gore, blood, swearing, possible crude humor, and scenes of horror and mild sexual elements. If you are not 18 or you are unable to handle such elements than please turn around now. This role play is an original concept and is in no way related to or in the same universe or even inspired by the movie 30 Days of Night. This roleplay will get dark, no puns intended and will explore the darker concepts of the human mind. With this said please scroll below for more details.

This role play will be taking place in the modern day world, so there will be no futuristic aspects aside from whatever we feel we want to have. It will be taking place in a small town in Alaska where the phenomenon known as thirty days of night affects the area. This roleplay will explore the aspects of what truly lives within the dark and is going to be a horror story. Again completely unrelated from the movie or the novel 30 days of night. A lot of this story will be exploring the darkness within the human heart, and what humans are truly capable of when this darkness is brought out. So there will be a psychological factor as well as horror. We all have a monster inside of us in other words, so what does it take to make it manifest?

I am not looking for perfection or nothing here but I do have some things I would mention for potential partners. Ideally I am looking for someone with an interest in psychological aspects of this roleplay. You don't really gotta know nothing about the area of study but there will be concepts from it within the roleplay, so long as your comfortable with that and can use google or asking me what this or that means, you would be fine. I am also looking for someone who will be in this for the long run, I have not been able to finish a story in years, mostly due to drops outs and such, I really wanna see this one through and I would need your help to do it. So please don't start and than immediately disappear or leave. If your not interested anymore or what have you than please tell me, but do give it a chance. If it doesn't work out for you then no drama from me, glad you gave it a go. I am a mid to advanced level writer so I can write a story in one post or multiple paragraphs, you don't have to be able to do this of course but I am just looking for someone who puts detail into their posts, short or not, my rule of the thumb is quality over quantity, no one liners please, I am always looking for one paragraph minimum. I am also looking for someone who can play more than one character in the long run of the story, and someone who is interested in writing this story with me and not following along blindly.

If this seems to be you and your interested in this story than please PM me, I am open to discord if you want to discuss more in real time, just shoot me a heads up and a time to be there as I am not always actively on discord. Beyond that I am a fairly easy going person to roleplay with, I just enjoy the story and friendly banter outside of the story. Also I am open to other avenues of writing outlets, such as google docs, or otherwise so if you have a preference we can work it out. If you have questions about me the story or just in general please don't be shy.