Basic Statistics:

name: Kai Leigh Jones
name origin: His mother wanted so little to do with him she wouldn’t even help name him. Stanley picked out the name Kai Leigh from an article in the newspaper about two brothers, Kai and Leigh, who robbed a series of banks before being gunned down.
“What they did was stupid, and dying obviously sucks, but I like the name Kai Leigh for him. You okay with that, Jess?”
“Name it Blue Ivy for all I care, he’s yours. I told you, this baby was a mistake and I want as little to do with it as possible.”
birthdate: September 21st
nationality: English
hometown: Louth, Lincolnshire in Britain
currently lives: Detroit, Michigan
occupation: Bartender
income: Between tips ((sometimes given to him because of threats)) and his check, about 40,000
talents: Kai is a very artistic kid. Writes comics with Angels and Demons as the main characters, paints scenes from the comic or some other random thing that inspires him. He loves to act and sing, doing Drama and Choir when he was in school not caring if people quite often picking on him. ((He couldn’t quite hold his own in a fight, but his tongue was sharp and he always knew what to say to get under someone's skin.))
relationship skills: When it comes to friends, he gets along with them pretty well. Even if there aren’t a whole lot of him. He’s a little too blunt and honest for most people to really get along with. It doesn’t help much that it's unknown whether he doesn't know that his complete no filter honesty can often hurt someone's feelings or if he doesn’t care.
“What? I didn’t say anything wrong. I just told them the truth.”
When it comes to the other type of relationship, the romantic kind, that’s pretty much non existent. He doesn’t go much further than a one night stand, every once in awhile someone may become a Friend With Benefits. But once they try to make something serious happen Kai drops them. He has never seen an example of a healthy or good relationship, has never had any sort of one, and has little to no hope for ever having one. He would have to tell them stuff, about him, about his fucked up so called family. He would have to open up in a way that he never has which is honestly terrifying to him. No thanks, fucking and talking about whatever dribble is on Netflix or something is enough for him. It's all he knows how to handle. Besides, he’s pretty sure that there’s not a chance he’ll ever find what so many people call their soul mate.
Needless to say, he just never had any good role models for good and healthy relationships in his life.

Immediate Family:

mother: Jessie Diana Taylor - Maiden name Baker
father: Stanley Evan Jones
step mother: Emily Annabelle Jones - Maiden name St. James
step father: Grant Kenneth Taylor ((deceased- Kai was 17))
brother(s): Gregor James Jones ((6 years older than Kai))
Harvey Matthew Jones ((5 years older than Kai))
Jasper Stanley Jones ((twin to Jessamy - 7 years younger than Kai))
Grant Kenneth Taylor Jr. ((15 years older than Kai))
Grant Jr is Kai’s step brother from Grant’s 1st marriage, first wife died from cancer
sister(s): Zara Marie Jones ((5 ½ years older than Kai))
Jessamy Jayne Jones ((twin to Jasper - 7 years younger than Kai))
Gracie Lynn Taylor ((4 years older than Kai))
Nicola Whitney Taylor ((3 years older than Kai))
Annabelle Elizabeth Taylor ((1 year younger than Ka))

Physical Characteristics:

height: 5’6 ½
weight: 118 lbs
race: English
eyes: bright green quite often outlined in black eyeliner
hair: the back is black and the shaggy front changes colours every time the old one starts to fade. Colours like blue, purple, pink, red, and the like.
how does Kai dress?: Kai is an androgynous male, more in touch with his feminine side than most other guys. He doesn't really care if what he wears is made for girls or boys. He wears whatever he likes and feels comfortable in and if that happens to be a pair of woman's leggings with a long black tank and studded belt along with other accessories and heeled boots then so be it. He could also be just as comfortable in a pair of jeans and a flannel button down shirt and converse. There’s not really any specific fashion style he’s into. He usually just wears what's clean and comfy and only ever takes extra time to pick out something with a purpose when he's going out.
((the hand drawn pictures of Kai will be at the end of the Character Sheet just before his long little background along with some pictures of different outfits he would wear. A friend of mine drew him and I made his personality and background myself.))
mannerisms: Kai doesn’t know how to think before he speaks, there is just about absolutely zero filter from his brain to his mouth. No little voice warning him that something he’s about to say isn’t a good idea and he should keep his mouth shut. His dad once told him that he was pretty sure his son didn’t even have that voice since even after he’s said something others would consider stupid, harsh, rude or the like he still didn’t see that he did anything wrong. Wouldn’t people prefer to hear someone tell them the truth over some sugar coated lie? He knew he would rather people just telling him the truth even if someone else did see it as harsh. Besides, people said stupidly cruel and hurtful things to him all the time, he pretty much just returns the favours to them except unlike them everything he says is true.
He always has to be doing something with his hands, whether it be talking way over animatedly with them or spinning a pencil between his fingers just for something to do. Hard as he tries, it’s hard for him to stay completely still. Even in his sleep he moves a lot, though that could be because he has a hard time getting comfortable at night.
He is honest to a fault, a lot of people say too much so since his blunt statements can quite often come off as rude. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t have secrets or can’t keep them- he does and he can, very well in fact. He has a hard time opening up to people about himself which makes him chock full of secrets and if someone tells him something in confidence he has no problem keeping it to himself since as far as he is concerned it's not his secret to tell to anyone, ever. Unless he has said person's permission to tell someone.
Despite how hard he tried to deny it and act like nothing anyone ever said or did to him bother him, it actually really did. It honestly hurt. But he was such a good little a actor considering he had been faking his smiles and happiness for years. Sometimes he almost believed it himself until something completely random will set off a trigger and instead of his real smile he must force his fake on instead. He assumed it was pretty good, no one ever called him out on it. People bullying him though, as much as he didn’t want to admit it to anyone it did change how he is around people, it changed how he sees people and what he thinks of them. Which is that most of them suck.
What was worst for the boy in the long run called life is that all the taunting and cruel words or schoolyard jocks beating him up as he grew up cause Kai to truly believe that he would never find that special someone in his life that so many people called their soul mate. He wasn’t a hundred percent sure if he didn’t believe in it at all or that he was just never going to find someone for himself but either way at only twenty years old he had resigned himself to being single forever. Faking his smiles most of the time and having a string of one night stands was just fine for him. As smart and sure of himself as he was, he never realized that between his lack of parental guidance and love and the kids callous taunting growing up had fucked his head in ways he didn’t even know or understand. That the reason he would poor someone’s beer on them at the bar when his buttons got pushed a little too far and his sour attitude towards love and relationships was all on them.
The first time he did that to a customer the man had grabbed his ass as he was walking back to the bar from his break and without thinking twice he grabbed the beer from the table. The next thing he knew the man was soaked with beer and Kai was threatening him. “You ever try touching me without my permission again and I promise you that being soaked in beer will be the least of your problems.” He thought he was going to get fired for that, but when Lynn called him into her office all she said was good job for sticking up for himself and asked if he’d work an extra shift the next day. This was when he learned that bartending really was the perfect job for him and that people were even more idiotic than he first thought. Apparently they liked Kai’s snarky sarcasm, brutal honesty, and tendency to throw beer on people when they pushed him too far. The same mannerisms that had gotten him in so much trouble with the world growing up were the same ones that got him the bigger tips and vast customer basis. It made no sense to him. But really, why should he care? More money was more money, no matter what the drunken idiots reasoning was to giving it to him.
bad habits: Kai smokes both cigarettes and pot, and will have a few drinks every once in awhile. Though he will never say no to something harder if you’re offering. Because, you know, why the hell not?
health: Other than the occasional hangover from crashing off something he took or drinking just a tad too much he’s in good health and will tell you just as much. Though if anyone ever bothered to take the time to really get to know him they would see that behind his sassy, snarky, honest brutality is an undiagnosed depression and anxiety disorder.
hobbies: Kai loves art, of all forms, and writing. His dream, that unfortunately he didn’t think would ever come true, was to write and illustrate his own comic books. To become famous because so many people enjoy his work and eagerly await the next book in the series. They’re not superhero comics, but closer to japanese manga with romance and drama between an angel and a demon. Kayden and Azrael were his muses, the little angel who fell from grace because of the demon who fucked up in his mission of simply making the good fall and turn evil by caring about him. He drew, painted, and wrote other things as well from time to time but oh so often those two were the center of his artwork in some way, shape, or form.
In high school he also did drama and choir, because he wasn’t picked on enough without it. He had fun in both but if he were completely honest with himself he joined them mostly because both met after school on different days of the week and that meant he didn’t have to go home as early. It sucked to go home to a place where you know you’re merely tolerated and not wanted.
Nowadays he still spends a lot of his free time on his art. Sketch pads, canvases, and other art supplies littered a lot of his apartment, you could barely see any of the desk in his living room it was so cluttered with paper and supplies. The only room that didn’t look like a art store threw up in it was the make-shift office he made out of the tiny second bedroom in his little apartment. He had to have some place to study without chances of being distracted by something much more fun. He only took two or three morning classes each semester since he had to pay for school on his own and it was all he could afford.
His newest hobby wasn’t much of a hobby at all, but with how much time he spent on it, it might as well be. He was doing school work and studying like crazy.
He wanted to be an art teacher, to teach kids to love the craft the way he did while doing what he loved and still have some free time to pursue his own work. But that wasn’t happening anytime soon, there were so many classes he had left to take and he needed to keep working full time to afford everything, every since he enrolled in college classes last year he was struggling to make ends meat which really had him neglecting his passion and hobby much, much more than he wanted too. As a matter of fact, other than a few nearly messes sketches in the small pad on his nightstand that he jotted down before sleep he hadn’t done any since the new semester. One of his classes was a history class and he was struggling like hell to keep up in it, he couldn’t afford to fail that class. He needed it for his degree and failing it would mean he wasted the money to take it in the first place.
most used word(s): Fuck, Shit, Damn, Cocksucking mother fucker. Basically anything that could be considered a curse word is a pretty big part of his vocabulary.
favourite quote: “Okay so first of all, fuck you.”
Disability: Just his undiagnosed mental status.
Style: He doesn’t have any one particular style, he just finds stuff likes anywhere from the mall to expensive stores or most likely for him as of late thanks to his new budget since starting school- the salvation army. He loves clothes and shoes, all kinds and styles. If he could get paid to shop that's what he would do in a heartbeat. The salvation army saved him when he was working out what his new budget was, it allowed him to still get new clothing and the like without spending an arm and a leg. Even if they were used. And since he wore no single style in particular he was always able to find something there.
biggest flaw: Never saying ‘No’ to people when he is offered some drug or drink, especially when it comes to uppers. He could get much more work and studying done when he was on uppers that he was even able to make some time for some random art piece he was working on which made him actually happy. Art had always been the one constant in his life that could make him happy and the uppers allowed him to make time for it without the need for sleep.
best qualities: If you are lucky enough to get to know him and somehow managed to break through his carefully constructed wall that he put up to keep from getting hurt more than he already has in the past and get him to like and trust you as well, you will find that not only is Kai one of the most loyal friends you will ever have but beneath all the sass, snark and brutal honesty is actually a really sweet boy. A very blunt sweet best friend that might sometimes sounds like an asshole, but you will realize his brutal honesty is coming from a good place and he doesn’t actually mean to sound so rude, it just comes out that way.

Intellectual / Mental / Personality Atributes:

educational background: Graduated High School with a 3.8 GPA and is currently taking classes at the local community college to try and double major in both art and education to become an art teacher.
short term goals: To find the time to perfect the finishing touches of his comic Falling From Grace Vol I, so he can finally send it to publishers and hopefully get that part of his career started since the teaching part was going to take a lot more time and a lot more school.
how does Kai see himself?: Kai is happy with who he is as a person. He’s not intentionally cruel to anyone knowing how it feels when others are callous and unmerciful towards you for no reason other than the fact that you’re a little different than others. So he happens to wear jeans or t-shirts sometimes that are more targeted towards girls and was born with slightly more feminine features- the second of which he had no control over. Why does anyone care?
He knows he can come off a bit bitchy sometimes, or a lot of the time if you don’t know or understand him, but with no filter between his brain and his mouth and a pure hatred for lying about anything it just happens to come out that way. He doesn’t mean any harm to anyone and doesn’t mean to hurt their feelings like the kids who fucked with him growing up. He likes to think that he’s a strong willed, independent, kind hearted, and honest person and just hopes to the gods that others will one day be willing to get to know the man behind the sass that is often used as a defense mechanism to try and not be hurt like he was all throughout grade school until he graduated.
how does Kai believe he is perceived by others?: Unfortunately Kai does not believe that people see him the way he wanted them too. Many customers at Fatal Five saw him as a short tempered bitch, but the only times he loses his temper is when provoked. If he did it for shits and grins he highly doubted that Lynn would still be letting him work here. They weren’t exactly friends, she was twice his age and his boss after all. But she had still taken the time to actually get to know her employee and see the real Kai behind the mental walls. She could see the kind hearted boy who was just too honest for his own good. Where most everyone else just saw douchey twat waffle, Lynn saw the truth that even Kai couldn’t admit. Lynn saw the deep set sadness he refused to admit was even there.
Kai wasn’t completely obtuse, he was under no impression that he was ever going to be liked by everyone. People didn’t understand him, his way of life, his sexuality, his need to always speak the truth, or why he didn’t just change the way he acted and dressed and shit just so he could fit in. The answer to that was simple and came from his grandmother before she died soon after his first day of high school.
He had a particularly bad day first day, he didn’t have any classes with any of the few friends he did have, by lunch Mike McDowell had the entire freshmen class calling him ‘faggot’ having found out that he came out to his dad over the summer, one of the football players tripped him in art class- making him spill paint and dirty water all over the place including the new outfit he was wearing, and at the end of the day Mike had gathered some of his buddies and tried to lock him in a locker. By some miracle a teacher was coming around the corner while Kai was struggling against the three boys to not be put in the locker. They finally dropped him and took off as soon as they heard someone else coming around the corner.
“I should just start acting like the rest of them, Grandma. Pretend that I’m actually normal and stop being like… well, me.”
“Don’t you ever change a thing about yourself, Kai Leigh Jones. You’re the sweetest, most honest boy in the world with a great sense of fashion and talent up the ass. Why would you want to be like one of those mean spirited cookie cutter copies of so called humans when you’re unique, like a snowflake, and so much better than them? Sure, sometimes that whole honest to a fault thing can be taken the wrong way with people but those people are just hard headed idiots who would prefer a sugar coated lie than face the truth. Unlike them, you’re fearless, Kai.”
“But Grandma, this is high school and snowflakes melt. Being unique and talented gets you bullied and shoved in lockers.”
“You spent a long time being unhappy trying to appease a man who, sadly, no matter what you do will never be the father you both want and deserve. Do you really want to go back to being miserable every day just to fit in with people who don’t matter right after you finally know what it feels like to be yourself and happy?”
She was right of course, Grandma Baker, his mother's mother was always right. She was also the first one, and probably the only one, in his family who accepted Kai without question. So he was gay. So what? So he had a different sense of fashion than most people. Why the hell did that matter? For fucks sake it wasn’t like he was wearing a dress and hitting on all the guys in school under the pretense he was a girl. He couldn’t change the fact that his features were softer and he had slender body with legs for days. He was just born that way. Besides, even putting all that together with a pair of girls skinny jeans it was still more than obvious that he was a boy. It also was a pretty big clue that he was gay, but he wasn’t hiding that fact. Unless he was hitting on you than it really shouldn’t matter what sex he happened to be attracted too.
Kai didn’t need to speculate on how other people thought of him. He already knew for the most part, especially since a few of them told him what they thought of him and some others would say it under their breaths thinking Kai wouldn’t hear them. The part that he actually found amusing though was that quite a few of the people who would say the nasty things about him kept coming back. If he bothered them that much they could easily walk the fifteen feet down to the other side of the bar where his busty blond coworker could make the exact same drink he would make them. And the chances that said drink would make it to them and not just in their face was cut completely to zero considering Megan was a chipper, happy-go-lucky, always smiling girl who would never dream of talking to customers the way Kai did. It was exactly why Lynn always had the two of them working together. They offset each other well and brought in a huge crowd.
how self confident is Kai?: When he was younger his self confidence was nearly non existent. Neither of his parents actually wanted him, the one person in his family who seemed to actually care that he was around was his Grandma Baker who lived four hours away and then died when he was just a young teenager. Well, Grant seemed pretty cool too. Whenever he did happen to see his mother at her house Grant was always nice to him and tried to make Kai feel like part of the family. Unfortunately even his best efforts were futile. For Jessie Kai was nothing but a constant reminder of her betrayal and even though Grant long ago forgave her for it, she still couldn’t bring herself to get close to Kai like she was with her other children. Needless to say it didn’t help his confidence much.
Then he turned eighteen and he took all the money he had saved up the last four years of summer jobs and moved as far away from his so-called family as he could. He had absolutely nothing keeping him in Britain anymore. His grandma died years ago and the only other person who ever tried to make him feel like he belonged, Grant Taylor, died as well. He was done trying to make people like him for who he was, dammit! Well, not so much people as just his family specifically. Trying to be accepted for eighteen years was more than enough. He was done and was finally going to completely take his grandmother's advice from all those years ago. He was done trying to make himself good enough for other people, he was going to be himself and he was going to be happy.
And for the most part, he was happy now. He wasn’t part of what society considered the ‘norm’, so of course he still had to deal with uneducated prejudicial idiots but the walls he built up as an armour to keep pain out still stood strong and he stopped holding back his temper and being the polite young man he once thought his mother wanted him to be and he had never been happier. For the first time in his life he was who he wanted to be without holding anything back.
That wasn’t to say he didn’t still have some issues that probably seriously needed to be addressed, like his anger issues, trust issues, and the deep depression he forced himself to ignore from the the severe emotional abuse by his family over the first eighteen years of his life. But on the plus side his self confidence was better than it had ever been back home, he didn’t have to hide any part of who he was anymore, and he was doing things he loved. If you didn’t count the fact that he used from time to time when that was something he wouldn’t fathom to try back home than he was doing a million times better than he ever had before.
Does Kai seem ruled by his emotions?: Completely. Once upon a time he tried to be the perfect little boy and held his emotions in so tightly it would physically hurt. Now that he was no longer holding onto them with an iron clad fist he seemed to have lost all control of them. Though if he were to be honest he wasn’t sure if he lost all control he once had over his emotions or if he was just refusing to hold back anymore since letting go was so much more freeing.
what would most embarrass Kai?: When he was a teenager, Kai could make you a list from A to Z of all the things one could do to embarrass him. But after two years in Detroit finally being himself and holding nothing back, short of a sexual assault Kai wasn’t sure anything could embarrass him. He was still a slight little thing, that was simply genetics, so not being able to protect himself against something like that was his biggest fear, an embarrassing act that he would hate himself for all because he was unable to protect himself.

Emotional Characteristics:
It’s almost surprising how much two years can change you. Back in Britain he felt the need to be in complete control of everything about himself. Though like now everything he said was always the truth because of how damn much he hated lies the words that actually came out of his mouth were always thought of beforehand. Now he had no filter and rarely thinks twice before speaking his mind. Letting go of that control changed more about him than just his mouth. It also changed how he handled his emotions now that he wasn’t holding them back.

strengths: He’s never afraid to speak his mind, to stand up for himself or even someone else in need. He’s smart and determined to better himself and live his life doing what he loves and teaching others to love it as well. He works hard at whatever he does and will find a way to complete whatever task he puts his mind too if it kills him.
weaknesses: His biggest weakness is his family. He refuses to even talk about them to anyone wanting his new life to be free of all the negativity his mother, father, brothers and sisters had thrown at him over the last eighteen years. And there was that little fact that talking about them always put a painful knot in his belly. He left them two years ago and not once did they ever try to contact him to even see if he was okay. For the first fews months he was here he wrote them letters, telling them about what he was doing in the states and giving them his number at the end of every letter with the final words my phone number here, just in case you ever miss me. But of course they never called, they never wrote back. Twelve people alive in his immediate family and not a single one of them cared enough to send or say a single word back to him.
Then there was his newest vice, something he had started just this last semester of school with taking one more class than he had been doing while working six nights a week at Fatal Five. If anyone ever found out or said something to him about it, he would swear up and down that he was not addicted to anything. He just needed a little something to help him focus and stay awake while he was studying or doing homework after a long night of work, and maybe a little more in the morning if he didn’t get any sleep before class. But dammit, he was not addicted to the high adderall and coke gave him, and he only used xanax to come back down. But as it was, only one person knew what he was doing and that was the man who sold the drugs to him.
introvert / extrovert: Kai is a very strange mix of both an introvert and an extrovert. He works in a bar and has to talk with people all night, about whatever the hell the drunks he was serving felt the need to talk about with him. He and Megan agreed, being a bartender for some reason also meant you were a psychiatrist without the doctor patient confidentiality clause. Kai and Megan often got a kick at the end of the night while they were cleaning telling the stories of the weirdest drunks they had served that night.
But if the conversation ever steers towards him while he’s talking to absolutely anybody his introverted tendencies kick in and he falls silent, mumbling that he didn’t want to talk anymore. He didn’t want to talk about himself, his past, which is what he knew they wanted to talk about. The only thing that they knew about his life before he came to Michigan was that he was from somewhere in England and that was only because his accent gave him away clear as day. Till this day they were still trying to get him to talk, but as loose lipped as Kai was about everything else, he had yet to let anything about life before he came here slip. Unless you counted stupid things like his favourite colour being teal and that he loved sushi.
how does Kai deal with…
anger?: It mostly depends on what exactly he’s angry about. If it's because someone is being inappropriately annoying or someone grabbing at him without permission they usually ended up with their drinks wetting his hair and making his shirt stick to his skin. Honestly, the men who actually grab him are lucky he didn't hit them with the empty glass in his hand as well. He hated when anyone touched him without his permission. And memories he would much like to just keep buried with the rest of his past.
When he’s alone, he mostly destroys stuff. He's had to replace his entire dish set since he got here… twice. If he’s not near any breakables his artwork usually suffers. Grabbing one and glaring at all the flaws that he saw even if no one else noticed them before he would tear it to shreds. He's lost count of how many sketches and paintings he had ruined that way over the years.
sadness?: He doesn't deal with sadness. He pushed it so far back it topples over the wall in his mind that keeps people, himself included, from noticing that he's depressed. Sadness and depression go hand in hand as far as he war concerned. And he refused to let anyone see him cry. Crying was weakness, and men do not show their weakness. It was something that his dad drilled into his head when he was still a toddler because he the smallest whine from the young child drove him insane. Even if he was crying because he got hurt his dad didn't care.
“Men don't cry, Kai Leigh. Over anything, ever. So dry it up and stop acting acting like a girl. You're three and half years old for fucks sake. My dad would beat me with his belt if I cried over anything at your age. Is that what you want?”
Fear. That's how he drilled it into him when he was so young, he made the little kid actually afraid to cry even till this day. He was in another country and no one he knew here was going ‘whip his ass till it bleeds’. His father would never even know and at this point in his life he doubted the older man would actually take off his belt to whoop him, but that fear was set so deep none of that mattered. It was probably because just after fourth birthday when the neighbor's cat clawed his leg and when he came home crying his father wasted no time in doing exactly as he threatened, which of course just Made the little kid scream louder and louder. He saw the kids clawed up leg afterwards and actually apologized, his leg was pretty torn up. But at least none of those scarred. He still had a light scar over his right ass cheek from his father's belt cutting into his skin.
conflict?: He's an androgynous male that was conceived during a one night stand affair that no one was ever supposed to find out about. He was the literal meaning of an oops baby. His entire life was filled conflict.
He wasn't wanted by his mother or father and was only born because his stepfather was against abortion. He had a total of nine siblings between his mother and father. His sister's on his mom's side only ever wanted to use like a living doll. His step brother on his mom's side was fifteen years older than him and wanted nothing to do with the baby that wasn't even technically related to him. His older brothers and sister on his dad's side bare knew him, but on the rare occasion they did see him they treated him like he was some second class citizen.
“How messed up do you gotta be for your own mom not to want you? I bet he's diseased or something like that. I mean, you see it too, don't you Gregor?” Zara sneered a little at her seven year old little brother. She was always the first one to start in on him on the rare occasions they saw one another.
Harvey and Gregor always jumped right in though. Not picking apart every little thing about him from the way he dressed to him reading a book and even at the so glad freckle on his upper right now. Even though he was curled in the chair and reading the book his dad's new pregnant wife Emily got him for Christmas earlier in the day he could still hear every word they were saying. And despite him never even flinching and continuing to read throughout their little Knock down Kai game they knew that Kai could still hear them. Thanks to his dad though he had learned years ago how to not let let a hint of sadness cross his young features.
Kai couldn't have been happier when he geared the click of Emily’s heels coming down the hall and the three of them instant shut up. “Dinner guys, come on, your father's ready to cut the bird.”
Kai let out a little sigh of relief. Christmas dinner. Their mom's would be here to get them after dinner, they wouldn't get a chance to start in on him again.
change?: Kai had to be used to things changing at the drop of a hat. He had nine siblings with a total of seven parents and he was the only one who had to deal with all the adults at some point in time being the one thing that mixed these two families together that should never have been brought together. His world was constantly changing growing up and it changed completely when he packed up and left Britain and his family behind. Change didn't scare him, it was when things were going well to the point that he could actually think about long term plans without worrying about having to break them that scared him.
loss?: Kai had a hard time handling loss. He had only ever post one person that was close to him, his grandmother- the one person in his family who didn't treat him like he was a burden or a mistake. He was nearly catatonic for weeks. Just went with the motions of day to day life. School, homework, shower, bed. That was his day to day life for months, and it took his family months to realize that something was wrong with him.
what does character want out of life?:
what would character like to change about life?:
what makes character happy?:
is character judgemental of others?:
is character generous or stingy?:
is character generally polite or rude?

Kai’s parents were never married, in fact they barely even knew one another before he was born. Stanley and Jessie had a one time affair that left her with one hell of a souvenir and reminder of what she had done by getting pregnant with Kai. Since it happened she has been saying it was the worst mistake in her life, even in front of Kai. Babies are supposed to be a blessing but there was not a single happy soul when Kai was conceived. He was pretty damn sure he was only alive because of how against abortion her husband was. The affair Grant could forgive her for. It was just one time. One momentary lapse of judgment in her drunken state.
He was a good and truly kind man who almost always forgives people, at least after a while once he had to process the information and was able to see the grey area again instead of the black and white one. It’s when he could see into the grey area that he could realize that everyone makes mistakes and although she made a big one, Jessie was the love of his life and he didn’t want to lose her over this, he was sure they could work this out. His family all thought he was crazy for forgiving Jessie, but it was just one indiscretion, it was really none of their business what happened between him and his wife, and he truly believed that everyone deserves a second chance. Even if that one mistake did happen to end with your wife pregnant with someone else's baby.
She thought of abortion for a moment there, that she could just get rid of the only evidence of her one night with Stanley. But after thinking about it for awhile she decided that making the fetus disappear like she did nothing wrong and just go about her life like nothing ever happened was just wrong for her in the long run of things. Terminating the fetus just had more cons the pro. For one example, forever there would be absolutely no way she could make sure that Grant stayed in the dark. People liked to gossip. For another, on the off chance he really never found out than she would have to lie the man she loved for the rest of her life which would only put a strain on relationship with her always watching what she said, how she said it. It would ruin everything faster than having this baby was going to do.
The man happened to have some strong opinions on abortion. Grant was against abortion in most cases. But unlike so many people out there, Grant could also saw the gray area pro-lifers often forget exists, or rather pretend that it doesn’t. Grant felt that all lives were precious, but he could respect and understand some woman's decision to abort in some instances. For him some exceptions were things like a child conceived from a rape, if the pregnancy is endangering the mother's life, or if the child would be born with some sort genetic disease or deformity that it would never be able to live a full and healthy life. Cheating on your husband and getting knocked up was not even close to anything that he believed to be a valid reason to terminating a pregnancy.

The more Jessie thought about it, the more her emotions changed and the shock, embarrassment, and depression she had felt finally allowed for some rational thought and she realized that had she gone through with ending her pregnancy the chances of her husband leaving her rose significantly rose by probably three or four hundred percent. He leaned towards the pro-life spectrum with very few exceptions in his mind that would make it okay and even understandable. In Jessie’s case was not one of them. It was just one time, her husband was in cuba for nearly three months on business, his longest trip away ever, and her kids were all at camp and she was lonely. His father was far from the best man, a well known player and flirt with three children already by three different women, all within a year of one another. He was handsome and charming and girls fell for his words easily. He Including Jessie who had only gone into that bar the night she met Stanley for a drink or two before going back to her empty house. Taking that empty seat next to Stanley was a mistake, falling for his carefully planned words was her biggest ever. He got them a hotel room that night and with butterflies in her stomach she let the man take her hand and lead her to their room for the night.
“It was just one time, it was a mistake. How could this happen with just one mistake?” She asked herself the question a million times, blamed everyone and everything even claiming that Stanley purposely broke the condom to screw her over.
“Why the hell would I want to pay child support to a fourth mother and child? You’re a married woman and have already slept with one man that I know of that's that's not your husband. How can I even be sure it's mine?” He actually made her get a prenatal DNA test to prove the child was his before he would even talk anymore about the fetus growing in her belly- and cursed up a storm when it came back that it was his.
The hardest part for Jessie was telling her husband, Grant. Grant was a kind and patient man but she still didn’t know how he was going to react to that kind of betrayal. which Stanley was completely voting for, but she knew how her husband felt about it. Knew that if she went through with that option and he found out about it that even though the child wasn’t his he would never forgive her. So when he got home from Cuba, she admitted it all to him. The affair, the baby, the thoughts she had of terminating the pregnancy. She had betrayed him, the sacred bond of marriage, she couldn’t lie to him about it as well.
He was furious, as to be expected. But not once did he even raise his voice to her. In fact, the man actually thanked her for taking his feelings about killing the fetus into consideration and keeping the baby as there were obvious other options.
Grant forgave her for her infidelity, though it did take longer than Jessie had hoped for him to fully trust her again. He also made sure she knew Kai was still welcome in the house and he would even raise the child as his own. Every child needed a father. But but by the time he had worked through his own feelings on that and said something to her she had already met with Stanley and lawyers, she was giving him primary custody and wanted as little to do with the baby as possible. She didn’t want it ruining her marriage and life more than it already had.
Stanley didn’t exactly want the baby either, there was a reason he hadn’t fought for custody of any of his other kids, but the idea of someone having to pay him child support this time was just tempting enough for Stanley to agree with the arrangement,
Unfortunately for Kai, Jessie skipped almost all visitations with him after the first two and only saw him when she found it convenient for her instead. Which wasn’t very often when he was young. Kai resented her greatly for everything but especially for leaving him with his father who had already made it clear he didn’t care about his kids and that didn’t change just because one of them was now his responsibility. Kai firmly believed that Jessie should have taken the hint he was a terrible father with the fact the other three woman he had knocked up only let Stanely have controlled visitation with their kids.
In fact, the only reason they allowed it at all was because all three kids had begged to get to know their dad. Once finding out about one another Hannah, Alexis, and Irina who friends. Mostly so the children would get to know one another as siblings especially being so close in age. The kids though, they knew and loved each other. They all loved their mothers and even each others moms, but they all still felt something was missing, that they needed to know the man who fathered them. Although the women would prefer Stanley out of their lives for good, they loved their kids and both respected and understood their want or need or whatever it exactly was to know Stanley. So they even pushed aside their hatred long enough to give them a chance to know the man who helped give them life Even if it was only once in awhile for a few hours at a time.
Once again though, Kai was left out of the picture. With all that was going on in his siblings and their mothers lives they never thought of the fourth sibling and he was almost always left out of their little family outings to get to know one another. Kai couldn’t understand any of it, he still didn’t understand it, why they wanted to get to know the douchebag who just so happened to help give them life but not him. It broke his heart that they didn’t seem to care about their little brother that was forced to live with him and could not only tell you just as much about their dad as he could but he would be honest about it too when he was sure probably half if not more of the mans stories were lies.
It probably wouldn’t have bothered him quite as much if he had any parental attention in his life. Yeah, Gregor, Harvey, and Zara had the same shitty dad he did. But at least they all had mothers who loved them and from what he gathered over the years it was kinda like each had three mothers. Not to mention that each ones step father was even nicer than the last. He found it so unfair. What did he do that was so wrong that neither of his parents wanted him. He remembered calling Jessie one night bawling and begging her to let him come live there instead. Her response just broke his heart all over again and kept him crying in bed for days. “No, Kai, I don’t think so. I doubt Grant would be okay with it and besides I’m just too busy to deal with another kid. But I’ll see you next month when I get back from Disney World Paris with Grant and the girls. Which reminds me, I have to finish packing for Annabelle. Bye, Kai.” She didn’t even wait for Kai to try and get his own tearful goodbye before she hung up on him.

Emily was the first woman that Stanely actually married. He had changed when she came around, unfortunately not in any way that concerned Kai but he stopped sleeping around and bringing floozys home. Kai still has no idea how she puts up with him let alone love him enough to marry him. But for some reason she does and did. And despite his four other children, with four different woman, she still had two more kids by him. What did she care he already had kids? She never had to see three of them and she mostly tried to pretend that Kai isn’t around. Which really, he isn’t when he can help it. It sucks to be in a place where you can feel you’re not wanted and he felt that from all his parents his entire life.

Out if the four parental figures in Kai’s life, Grant is probably the nicest of them all. It was a shame for his kids that he worked out of town so much, sometimes for weeks at a time. He had actually told Jessie that he would be okay if she wanted primary, or even full custody of Kai even if the boy wasn’t his. It was Jessie who didn’t want Kai around as a constant reminder of her indiscretion. She only started to see Kai because of him, telling the woman that every child deserves to know their mother not to mention his three sisters and brother he hadn’t met yet. He was seven by the time she finally agreed. Apparently enough time had passed and she didn’t feel as guilty as before. But even so, when he was at their house on his mother's days with him Grant more of a parent to him than her. Really, Grant was a better parent to him than the other three of them combined.

Having nine siblings one would think that Kai would be close to at least some of them. But the mothers of Stanley's first three children wanted as little to do with the man as possible, and in turn that meant Kai as well. The woman had found out about each other all around the same time, and that time happened to be around the time they were pregnant. Once finding out Stanley was a cheating, lying bastard they wanted nothing to do with him. And Stanley was more than willing to just send the checks every month rather than fight for more visitation or even some sort of custody of his kids. He was only in his early twenties than though, he wasn’t ready for kids than. For him it was a win/win situation. Except the having to give them money thing. Because of all that the three of Stanley’s oldest kids were more like acquaintances to Kai who happened to share some DNA. If their mothers ever thought they should get to know their little brother, Kai knew nothing about it. It always felt to him like he was just a mistake.