Basic Statistics:

name: Israel “Izzy” Felix Hartmann
birthdate: December 12th
age @ beginning: 17
nationality: German / French
hometown: Munich
currently lives: Chicago
occupation: school
income: not a clue (IE: Daddy's Money)
talents: is very artistic. A skilled artist and writer. A fantastic dancer.
relationship skills: Izzy can have a conversation with anyone about something or another with just about anyone. That isn't to say that his conversations don't get heated as they often do. Izzy has no problem talking to people. (( Though people sometimes have a problem just talking to him. )) Getting close to people though? It happens far and few between and sadly all too rarely in his life.

Immediate Family:

mother: Adalyn Macy Martin Hartmann
father: Dominick Felix Hartmann
brother(s): Dominick Alexander Hartmann - 38 - half brother
sister(s): n/a
spouse: n/a
children: “Oh gods, never!”

Physical Characteristics:

photo: ( face claim is Luna Lovebad, formerly known as Izzy Hilton )

height: 5’5
weight: >100lbs
race: caucasian
eyes: right blue, left green
hair: natural soft light blond curls
how does Izzy dress?: Izzy wears clothes that are typically meant for girls. Dresses, skirts… heels and makeup- he loves the whole shebang! He's a crossdresser, not Transgender like so many people think upon finding out he's actually a boy.
mannerisms: Pulls hair and/or bites lip when nervous. When he's around people he has always tried to seem upbeat and happy. Showing any other emotion made people ask questions.
What's wrong? Nothing.
Are you okay? Perfectly fine.
Tell me what's made you so sad. Who the hell actually talks like that?
I'm here for you. No, you're here trying to sleep with me.
The higher he is and the higher his emotions are running the more animatedly he talks.
bad habits: smokes cigarettes and pot. That whole addicted to blow thing. “Blow is cocaine for all you tight asses out there.” Rarely drinks, prefers being high over drunk.
health: physically- too thin mentally- bipolar
hobbies: writing and drawing his comic books. Working on a hard novel based off the comics and paintings/sketches/etc. Still takes dance four times a week to keep up and stay in as good of shape as the high on can be in.
quote from Izzy: “Jesus christ I'm not a girl! I don't feel like I'm in the wrong body, and I in no way want to actually be a girl. I just like the clothes so much more. And shoes. And makeup. Girls have better shit, boys need to step their game up or do something that should be so much easier and simply start accepting people like me.”
favourite quote: “Crazy people are considered mad by the rest of the society only because their intelligence isn't understood.” - Zhou Weihui
disability: n/a
style: whatever he feels like that day. Elegant. Flashy. Fun. Cute. Simple. Stylish. Outgoing. Shy. Sexy.
glasses: no
biggest flaw: is addicted to cocaine.
best qualities: if one really would just let Izzy be Izzy and accept the kid as is they would see them. Izzy is really a sweetheart, rather smart, and when he lets himself be and isn't putting up a guard to keep people from hurting him Izzy is fun.

Intellectual / Mental / Personality Attributes:

educational background: graduated in the top of his class a year early, he just had to get out of school and studied his ass off for weeks to be able to do it. Opted out of college.
IQ: 139
short term goals: to be himself, to really be happy.
how does Izzy see himself?: As a drug addicted crossdressing teenager.
how does Izzy believe he is perceived by others?: by the people he hangs out with: As a drug addicted crossdressing teenager. The rest of the world: As a cross dressing teenager. That's exactly what showed, no one's perceptions of him should be any different than how he sees himself.
how self confident is Izzy?: confidence completely oozes from Izzy when he's out in the open. Said confidence has gotten him in trouble plenty of times though, like when stupid ex football players find out they just hit on city freak in a dress.
does Izzy seem ruled by his emotions?: very much so. Izzy has a hard time thinking logically before opening his stupid mouth. So much of what Izzy says and does is done in the heat of the moment.
what would most embarrass Izzy?: if people found out some of the things he believed to be true about himself, finding out the all confident Izzy isn't so perfect. Example: He thinks he is unlovable.

Emotional Characteristics:

strengths: loves the unlovable. Not afraid to be who he is inside. That doesn't mean everyone deserves to see all of him.
weaknesses: coke, and shoes. He has a closet just for his shoes. He's nearly as addicted to them as he is to the drug.
introvert / extrovert: although he keeps his guard up, Izzy is very much extroverted. He is open with the world about who he wants to be, for the most part at least. Due to a deal with his father he had to stay out of the media so he does have to keep it reigned in.
how does Izzy deal with…
anger?: not well, the teenager is quick to anger. And isn't very good and holding back his tongue when he's pissed. When someone makes him snap, the little spitfire will actually throw punches. Thanks to years and years of dance he did have some strength.
sadness?: he doesn't deal with it. At all. Ever. He just does more drugs, puts himself in a world far away from whatever upset him.
conflict?: avoids it if at all possible, he has enough conflict in his life without actively seeking out more. Conflict eats at him, he doesn't really know how he's supposed to deal with it.
change?: really well. Izzy is usually pretty good at just going with the flow. He's good at accepting what life throws at him and trying to do something with it, even if that something isn't necessarily a good thing or even a good idea in the first place.
loss?: not well. His family spends most of the time trying to forget that he's a part of it and that left Izzy starved for attention growing up. It also left him alone, not even school offered much solace- kids are fucking mean. When he finally makes real friends, real people he actually gives a shit about and who gave a shit about him even just the thought of losing them makes his chest ache.
what does Izzy want out of life?: so simple it's almost sad. He just wants to be truly happy and loved. He would also love for everyone to know who he is because of his comics / paintings / book. But happy and loved more.
what would Izzy like to change about life?: change how people see him, would make the world just accept him and treat him like everyone else.
what makes Izzy happy?: positive reinforcements, compliments. And coke. You can't help but to just smile when you're mind is racing a mile a minute and bad ideas suddenly sound like a lot of fun now.
is Izzy judgemental of others?: not in the least bit.
is Izzy generous or stingy?: He has never had to work for anything that could be bought, but it didn't turn him into a stingy spoiled brat. If you're someone he cares about, or at least not somebody he hates, than Izzy has little to no problem sharing anything- except his shoes. He'll share his coke ten times over before he'll give up his shoes. “Don't give me that look. These are vintage prada heels, only a hundred pairs were made!”
is Izzy generally polite or rude? He tries to be polite. He can't expect people to be civil with him if he's not with them, right? But once one starts throwing smack in any form his way all bets are off, much of what he says than would probably be considered rude.