Troublemaker. When the students, and staff for that matter, of Sycamore High think of Gwendolyn _______, that is usually the word that comes to mind. Only a second year student at the school, Gwen has gotten into more fights, more detentions, and more suspensions than most other students combined. Known for frequently trying to bait people into fights, be it of the physical or verbal variety, people know it is generally a good idea to stay away from her.

On top of the constant fighting, bickering, and over-all antagonistic personality, Gwendolyn is known for her intelligence too. When she picks a verbal argument with someone, it is much more than “you smell.” She has a very special way of getting into people’s heads, along with using that to get people angry. If you start a conversation with her, you are more than likely to end up frustrated, angry, or just over all upset.

Most schools would have booted her out. Kicked her out without so much as a second thought. The only reason she is allowed to stay is her grades. A+ student through and through, Gwendolyn is the model student in an academic sense. Her high scores on tests are the only reason she is allowed to stay, and she knows it full well. Her grades help make the school look good, and while they can keep all her constant fighting off the books, they can also put her academics in the books. The trade off is simple: as soon as her grades slip, she is gone. Everyone knows it, and most despise that she has such an easy way into the school.

Besides their Gwendolyn problem, Sycamore High is regarded as one of the more higher end schools. Uniforms, dorms, full on campus, everything. Prestigious by nature, Sycamore is far above other schools, in terms of budget, grades, and over all finances. All in all, the school is infamous for being the top. Only the best were accepted; the rejection list was much, much longer than that of the accepted.

Not the most high quality interest check, but I digress. Hello friends, it is me Apples! I haven’t really made a full interest check for this site yet, with most of them being incomplete thoughts or vague ideas. I do, however, have an idea for this roleplay, though not a script or anything. I was thinking it to be the standard high school romance, with me playing the part of troublemaker Gwendolyn. Your character is entirely up to you though. You could be a fellow troublemaker, or maybe someone she picks a fight with. At the end of the day though, I’d like it to somehow end up as a romance

A little about me though! As a roleplayer, I average about 2-3 paragraphs, maybe one if it’s a scene of dialogue or a lot of action. I’d like this RP to be through discord, but on-site dies work. I just thought it would be easier to OOC on discord, not to mention it allows to see responses without having to constantly refresh. All in all, I think discord allows for a more personal relationship with my roleplay partners. I’d like to be your friend also, if that doesn’t bother whoever reads this!

If you are somehow interested, PM me on here and I’ll give you my discord, or you can just tell me what yours is. If you don’t want to do it through discord, that is also fine though ^^