Have you ever had a really good, well developed super hero or villain concept you wanted to do an RP for,
or may have ported into Marvel or DC?

This is a universe you can establish them in where they won't be alone, or alongside Hulk, etc.

This is a universe building project (many RPs) for original character concepts only. The goal is to flesh out a universe through the creation of characters and the development of those characters in origin stories, team-ups, cross-overs, and special series stories. As such, the universe will have many different RPs, with an ensemble roster of characters that interweave to create a larger narrative.

When it comes to OC super heroes and villains, I believe in the power of the origin story. You don't show up, having 'history' and form super teams to save the universe, you're an OC, not Captain America.

I want to assemble a small team of writers to co-develop the universe, on top of recruit as many able bodied hero/villain writers in the community as possible to hammer it and all of its Rps out.

In order to keep a lid on it, and establish a premise for the hero and villain dynamic, I created some lore.


In the beginning, there were only two.
Twin brothers and deities of The Cosmos.

Hyperion represented energy, light, and creation.

Kronos represented matter, darkness, and destruction.

The Rise of Kronos

The proverbial waltz was never-ending. A constant upkeep of the celestial balance between good and evil, light and dark, matter and energy. Constantly the struggle between light and dark. The cycle was relentless, lasting eons upon eons, before a restless Kronos grew impatient.

Seeking a resolution; some semblance of closure, let alone freedom, Kronos succumbed to the darkness and violence that consumes his very existence. He took staff in hand, taking Hyperion by surprise, and struck him down.

The Conquest of Kronos

Free from the bonds of his brother and duty, Kronos set forth, destroying planets one after another.

None could resist his might, until he discovered Tartarus and its indigenous Pyrophyte population of warriors. Who fought so hard in resistance that Kronos chose to enslave them using the promise of conquest and glory.

The Children of Kronos

Over thousands of years, the decision to murder Hyperion began to weigh on Kronos. He somehow felt incomplete, restless still. He discovered a young, vibrant planet in a tiny, unspectacular corner of the cosmos… Earth.

Kronos began an experimental chapter of his existence. He birthed two sons, Zeus and Hades. Lesser deities birthed by the Pyrophyte Empress’ eldest daughter, despite the human appearance Kronos had designed.

The twins were told the story of their father and uncle, and tasked with a job similar to that which he and his brother shared, so long ago. They were to maintain the scales of good and evil on Earth.

For tens of thousands of years they watched over, sometimes even ruled over the planet and its young species, the threat of Kronos ever looming overhead. . .


The lore of old has been forgotten.
Zeus, Hades, fictional characters in old Greek stories and Disney cartoons...


Citadel City, NY

Citadel City, New York is the largest, most technologically advanced city in the world. Rich with metahumans, and crime for them to fight. Whilst it is the primary location at present, more are welcome.

Temples of Shadow and Light

In ancient Asia, two temples were formed in dedication to light, and darkness. They both trained warriors to carry out the will of their cause and masters.

The modern era is when origin story RPs will begin to pick up.