Hi there!

Since you're here, I'm hoping you're interested in some casual Shadowrun roleplaying. I am brand new to Shadowrun and just started an in-person group a few days ago. I created my character and would like some extra time to learn about how the world works and develop my character's personality. If you're interested, send me a PM. I added the 18+ tag because I like to have the option to explore darker themes if that's where the story decides to go. I'll put a summary of my character below.

Maeve Finnigan-Collins, aka "Vault", is a female elf from Ireland which is now called Tir na nOg. She grew up to become quite the accomplished gymnast until she decided it's time for her to get a real job and move away from her parents. She got a job with the Evo megacorporation in Seattle as a surgeon assistant for installing cyber and bioware. It was in the company that she met her husband, an elf named Cyrus Collins. He was very high up in the rankings and eventually she became his project manager. Everything was fine for a couple decades until he decided that nobody would be better to try his new project out on than her. She had been keeping her body toned over the years by taking to parkour. It was this physique her husband needed. (What exactly he did and how it went down is something I'm still undecided on, just know he did something bad to her and Evo swept it under the rug) Maeve quickly left Evo behind and became a runner in Seattle to try to get revenge on Evo any way possible. She has been running for three years before the start of the in person group. I am hoping to play around in this three year gap before the group gets together.

Anyway, thanks if you made it this far!