Alright, I saw Birds of Prey the other day, and I've been waiting like forever to see Harley given the credit I've wanted her to have since I was a kid. That said, I don't just wanna write Harley -- I'd really like to write a movie-verse Huntress in all her awkward, but kinda earnest glory. Some post-movie stuff with Canary, maybe. I'm only interested in writing her against women right now, so I'd love a Black Canary, or even a Harley! Post-movie sleepovers, an OT3 to die for, everyone getting to pet Bruce, the possibilities are endless.

That said, I really would like to write Harley, too - so if Huntress isn't your thing, I'd be more than happy writing Harley instead, either against one of the ladies from the movie or Poison Ivy, if that old classic's more your thing! I'd love to see Ivy in the movie universe, I think it could be a lotta fun, especially with Harley getting a hold on her independence.

I've been writing for like 17 years, I'm over 18, and I'm in EST.
I get anxious hella fast, so if I don't answer your messages right away, safe to assume I'm working up to it, please be patient with me. In return, I'm extremely patient, and ditch friendly. If things aren't going your way, no harm, no foul, no hurt feelings if you don't reply.
I'm happy writing over PMs or Gmail primarily, but I'm alright chatting over Discord if that's something you'd like to do!
My discord's gay dad#6052 and you can reach me at too!