Hey there, looking for something that's kinda new to me - and consequently, something I'm a lil apprehensive about.
I've recently gotten into writing Bucky Barnes - mostly MCU just because there's more room for my own interpretation, but I've read a few comics as well, of varying quality. To go along with him, I'd probably be looking for a Steve, because let's face it, that ship is right up my alley. I know, super late to the party and everything. So if you're a fairly chill person who writes Steve, I'd love to give some possibly AU stuff a try.

I haven't seen Endgame, truth be told I'm not that invested in the MCU, so things that deviate from the movies are just fine - the movies are mostly just serving as a base for Buck and Steve for me. 50s AU? Hell yeah. Coffee shop? General stuff with the two of them after Bucky's had some time in Wakanda to calm the hell down? Let's fuckin go.

I do ask that you be patient with me, but rest assured I'll be doing my level best to make it enjoyable for both of us.
If anything adult comes up, so long as you're over 18 I'm fine with it (I'm over 21, rest assured).

You can shoot me a PM, message me on discord (kitboodle#1629) or send an email my way (irresponsiblygay@gamil.com)