Hello there. I'm going to be straight with you right from the start. I think the first thing I should go over are my own personal pet peeves/rules, that way they're out of the way. If you don't like any of them, or you cannot agree with absolutely all of them, I would ask you to kindly leave my thread right after you read them. Thanks.

1. It clearly says casual in the title. That means if I see a one-liner, I'm not going to want to continue with you anymore. I don't care if there's only dialogue going on, I'm sure you can be more creative than a one-liner. One paragraph at the minimum per post, but of course more is always welcome. Personally I usually try to match or stay around my partner's length, it's just a habit of mine. However, it's not always the case.

2. I don't have any limits. Again, I'm looking for females who can handle blood and gore and sexual content. If you aren't comfortable playing out an intimate scene, I'm not the partner for you.

3. If you intend to go out of town for a few days, or you need a break, or something of that nature, tell me. I will understand, I promise. Real life comes before anything else, I don't need you to tell me that. On the same note, if you decide you want to stop the rp altogether but don't let me know and just decide to ignore me instead, I can promise I'll never talk to you again.

4. I need someone who can post at least a few times a day. I know this is a lot to ask, but I've got a lot of free time and when I'm between activities I like to have a response ready to read and get back to you on. On the same note, don't feel the need to rush your responses. Take your time, make me get absorbed in just how good it is when reading it.

5. I know people probably overuse this term, but I'm not a grammar Nazi. However, if I see multiple mistakes in every single one of your posts, no matter how much I enjoy your writing, I'm not going to want to continue until you take another English class. There's something called spell check, and if you don't like using that, at least read over your response a few times to check for yourself.

Alright then. For those of you who are still around, there's one more thing I need to say before we get to the good stuff. I will not be roleplaying via threads. I find it much easier to look up at the top of the page and see a notification in my PMs. I also don't want this thread to get cluttered with responses, so I will not be responding to anyone who posts in this thread. If you want to do something with me, PM me. I'll also be looking for these three numbers tacked on at the end of your PM- 375. This tells me that you've read over my entire thread before sending me a PM, and that you understand, agree with, and respect my rules. If you do not tack those three numbers on at the end, I will not be responding to your PM. Period. No exceptions.

Now we can finally get to the fun stuff. Here's a plot I've come up with, and I may add to it as they come to me. I know it's only one, but I don't want to put a bunch of pairings down here that I may or may not want to do. I want good, thought-out plots. Hopefully I'll get another one or two up there sometime tonight. Of course, I'm also open to any plots you may want to PM me that you've thought up on your own.