Hello! I'm Liz, transbian disaster. I won't beat around the bush here, we all know why we're here. I want my character or characters to find themselves thrust into the many worlds of the multiverse for an adventure. Sort of Kingdom Hearts style but not tied to that specific franchise. Also, kinkier, lol. It's one of those things I've always wanted to play in but never had a partner willing to run, so I've decided to turn to the wider internet for help. I've been RPing for eight years--it's my passion!

*Must be LGBTQIA+ friendly--though if you're clicking on an FxF post I'm sure you're fine with that, haha.
*No hard limit on post length, just show you put in the effort. You can expect around one to two paragraphs on average from me.
*I should be absolutely clear that in this scenario, you're gonna be something of a GM for me. This is something I want to play more than run. That said, I am perfectly willing and even hype to plan things out with you, including lore, plot events, settings or fandoms we want to visit, whatever!
*In return for you bearing the brunt of the GM work, I am willing to go in blind into any setting or fandom you want!
*I love chatting OOC and shooting whatever!
*Kink-wise, I'm mostly into kinda weird stuff and more into my kinks themselves than actual sex, so keep that in mind. My biggest kinks are posted below.
*I prefer using art for characters.
*I do RPs best over Discord, though I'm open to PMs as well. My Discord is XionKuriyama#6147.
*I can be online a lot, but keep in mind I work a minimum wage job and deal with depression and ADHD. In return for this understanding, I'll be understanding of any issues you have or if you need to ghost.
*Feel free to ask any questions. We can work out characters in DMs!

Kinky Things
I'm Into:
*Transformations of all shapes and sizes, especially inanimate. Seriously, if you're willing to turn my character into an inanimate object for a bit at some point, I will love you forever.
*Bondage, especially gagging
*Flattening (another rare one that I'll love you forever if you do for me)

I will NOT do:
*Bodily functions (scat/piss/vomit/etc)

I'm pretty much at least willing to try anything else.

That's pretty much it--can't wait for you to shoot me a message!