So, I'll start with a brief blurb about me.

I'm Male, 21, used to roleplay a ton on here probably 4 or 5 years ago. I don't remember the exact username I used, but it was probably some variation of "chickn" or something like that, if it sounds familiar. Forgive the new account, I have plenty of experience roleplaying/writing, although I might be a bit (a lot) rusty currently. I stopped because life got in the way, but I've recently been wanting to write and roleplay, so I figured I'd jump back into things here. While I do have plenty of interests besides ATLA/LOK, this is kinda specifically what I rejoined for. I'm a very casual writer, but I can keep up with a decent pace/writing length. If the situation calls for several paragraphs, I'm more than comfortable writing said paragraphs, and will generally write at least one solid paragraph per reply. But I also don't mind one or two liners, again if the situation calls for it. If you are gonna act all elitist about your/our writing, then there's the door. I'm here to have fun and tell cool stories, not write the next Game of Thrones (Though that'd be cool).

Regarding ATLA/LOK specifically, I have a slight preference for LOK/the more modern environment, though I'd be more than happy to play out something in ATLA or even before ATLA. I lean towards OCs/original plotlines, with little to do with canon plots. Obviously the events in the series would affect our own plots, but I would like to have them be on the side, rather than the center. I think my ideal scenario would be writing about a whole new avatar, either before Aang or Korra. Involving canon characters on the side can be interesting, but I would rather we tell our own story, not theirs. I don't mind writing multiple characters, and if the scenario calls for it I'd like you to be able to as well.

Regarding 18+ content, I don't mind some explicit material, but I am not here to write porn. Violence, graphic content, etc. is fine by me as long as it fits the story. We're all adults (I would hope, if you're responding to this) I would enjoy having some level of romance in the story, but I'd rather have that be influenced by the story, rather than it being the story itself. I don't mind MxF or FxF, and would be alright with MxM, but it is definitely outside my comfort zone and would prefer it as a last resort, or on the side.

I prefer PMs, but wouldn't mind doing a thread if you would like. PM me to get details sorted then we can go from there! Promise I'm friendly and like to talk, even if my post might be a bit brief and cold