Hi there and thanks for reading! Before going to the fandoms, here are some things you might be wondering about:

-I've been roleplaying for about 16 years now and consider myself high-casual to high-advanced depending on what's needed.
-I like to keep threads on the boards and by extension PG-13. I can do PM's, but I do tend to lose track of them in my inbox.
-Things are slow right now, so I can post about once or twice a day. Once things pick up (which I anticipate will happen soon), looking at two to three times a week. Would love the same frequency if possible, but IRL comes first.
-I won't ghost you. Seriously, I hate that. If I have to be gone for a day or a year, I WILL let you know. I ask that you do the same. Also, if you're not just into our thread any longer, let me know! There won't be any hard feelings. Sometimes a thread doesn't work out for one player or both and that's FINE. This is supposed to be fun, not a chore or an obligation.
-I LOVE building plot with my partners, so I like to communicate quite a bit.
-I'm a guy, so I play men only as my primary character. I can do other supplementary characters that are women, but I can't do the better gender justice as a primary character. hence my male-only PC's.

If you're cool with all that other stuff, here's what I've been thinking about:

Persona 5: All Grown Up

Resident Evil: Fallout

I'm also open to your ideas, so feel free to shoot me a line via PM and I'll let you know if I think we can make it work!