
Thanks for taking the time to read this post, despite my total lack of previous posts in the past. , Due to the fact that I'm working a lot lately and simply don't have the time to RP through my usual means, I'm looking for someone to play with me over email or PM!

Some disclaimer stuff before we get in too far...

- My post lengths vary from anywhere from semi-paragraph (About 4 sentences) to multi-paragraph posts, depending on scene circumstances.

- My preferred pairing is F x F. I will do M x F on occasion as well, but I have no interest in male characters myself, so I'd be playing the male role in those cases.

- Adult themes are welcome, and to an extent, encouraged... this includes this scene. If you're uncomfortable or otherwise unwilling to engage in some adult themes including violence, sex, and other not-PG-things, then you'll probably be better off looking elsewhere.

- I cannot post EVERY day. I can post most days though, sometimes even multiple times in that day if our online times match up. It all depends on how the schedule for that day is set up. Please understand.

There! Now that that's all out of the way, let's get on with the actual scene idea, shall we?

Who I Play: Lorraine Terremont - Profile
What I'm Looking For: I need a player for Lorraine's childhood friend; Kashiri Matthews. Kashiri was Lorraine's best friend when she came to her unfortunate end at the age of 7. As a witness to Lorraine's death, Kashiri has blamed herself for the past ten years. Today, Kashiri is an aggressive and antisocial -- though not entirely unattractive -- young woman. She keeps to herself, but is prone to snap at people. She has no close friends -- or any friends at all, really -- and spends her time after school either in the office of a therapist that her mother insisted that she go to, or at Lorraine's grave, pouring her heart out to a dead little girl's gravestone.
Life for a supernatural cop isn't always easy... The afterlife has just as many -- if not more -- criminals running around making things dangerous for innocent people as the mortal world does... and sometimes those supernatural baddies target people who truly can't defend themselves... mortals.

This time a particularly heinous supernatural crime syndicate has been found to be kidnapping and tearing the souls from young mortal girls, in search of something in particular. The clues left behind have finally created a trail that's led Reaper forces to someone who's most certainly the next victim: Kashiri Matthews; a seventeen year old girl with severe antisocial tendencies... and an easy target for supernatural criminals to snatch without anyone noticing, thanks to her lack of living friends.

Now that the reapers know who's next, it's their job to put a stop to it. And so, Kashiri has been assigned a guardian angel, a member of the reapers, assigned with the task of making sure nothing happens to her, and that anyone who tries to hurt her is eliminated. It most certainly would have worked too, if Kashiri hadn't recognized the reaper that was sent, Lorraine.

Believing it all to be a cruel joke, or a sign that she's finally lost it, Kashiri wants nothing to do with her new guardian, and avoids or threatens her at almost every turn, making protecting her a little more difficult than expected. The higher-ups don't have the manpower to make a switch for her guardian though... and don't want to risk the bad guys swooping in during the transition either, so Lorraine's stuck with the job... even if it does seem nigh impossible to accomplish on her own.
In any case! If you're interested, PM me and we'll talk. Thanks!