Hello! I'm seeking one or two (preferably female) partners in the 25-35 age range to keep as both friends and long-term writing companions! Ideally, we would chat a bit here on RPG to figure out whether we have similar interests, compatible writing styles, and like expectations. I have several friends with whom I've remained in contact for years at this point, and I'd love for you to become one of them!

I generally stick to historical fiction and really enjoy researching various periods to maintain a certain level of accuracy. I'm also open to fantasy, if you like, but rarely modern or fandom (unless I REALLY like you).

Preferred Mediums:
- Google Docs
- Forums

Genres of Interest:
- Medieval Europe (various centuries)
- Regency Era
- Victorian Era (various decades)
- 1920s-1940s
- Medieval Fantasy
- Fairy Tale retellings

If interested, please DM me and we can get the ball rolling!