I am 18+, as are all characters. I'm only looking for 18+ writers and characters.

So! I am looking for someone able to play as either a female superhero, or a cosplayer. She doesn't need to be Spider-Woman at all. I'm just writing the prompt as such.

If you were playing as a hero, I will be playing as a male civilian. He's her classmate and fully unaware of her heroic alter-ego. Sure, he knows of Spider-Woman and her actions, but not who she is beneath the costume and the mask.

Sadly, his home life is a rather heavy factor towards his shy and anxious personality. He is often beaten and battered by his drunkard father, with a rather neglectful and drug addicted mother to boot. As a result, he is often nursing injuries and bruises though these are sadly overlooked by those who should be keeping out an eye for his welfare.

Despite his timid and quiet personality, if one were to bring up the town's superhero he would often speak with passion and pride about her. About how brave she was, how strong she was. He has a scrapbook with clippings from newspapers, and he draws sketches of her. He looks up to her, and wishes to be as brave as she is one day.

What he doesn't know is that she has seen these injuries. She trails him home at a distance one particular afternoon, and appears in his room that night in full costume. He's still unaware of whom she is, and they spend a few hours talking about her and her heroics. He seems unable to discuss his own situation, but she comes back to see him most nights.

She slowly speaks about her concerns of being a hero, and eventually he's able to discuss his situation. He begins to crush on her, both as her Spider-Woman persona and her civilian personality though he's not aware of the connection between the two. They can trust each other, after all.

And that's all I have thus far.