It was mid summer and day time the streets and markets were as usual busy due to trade caravans from all over the world came to the Empire of Tallendon to sell there wears and potions, all sorts of exotic items. It was as if those wars long ago never happened. The family that once ruled over the Empire are no more except for two of them for they are the only survivors left Alzeron and his brother Thalos Carnisor both ruled the Empire together and fought long and hard to maintain the peace among the other Kingdoms, they were elves and in there mid 30's in human years. Alzeron trained as a scout and assassin most of his life and Thalos was more attuned to nature and the druidic ways and both maintained a perfect balance as they were twins Dark Skinned elves. Alzeron leaned over the balcony his blue eyes staring upon the market as Thalos went off to check on things down there his eyes shifted through the many folks coming and going silently observing them as his fingers tapped upon the railing this day he wore his usual black armor and strapped upon his sheath his sword and upon his back his shield and he kept for himself a bow and a quiver of arrows it was crafted to hold at least 200 arrows.