Hidden 1 yr ago Post by franko


Member Seen 7 mos ago

You will be playing a premade character for this! I'm sorry, it's based on a fandom that no one seems to be in apart from me, so I've lifted the character I'd like you to play from it! This means I have clips from the fandom to show you, which should help you get to grips with the character should you want to pursue it. It's based on a movie, so if you feel you want to watch it, I'd happily point you in the right direction!

The setting is hyper-capitalist dystopian future, where synthetic humans (replicants) walk among the population as labour (this goes through from slave labour, to street workers, to lawyers and beyond.) However good this was at the start, humans began to grow bitter about it, and still treat the synthetics as inferior beings after fifty years of them being around, doing the dirty work of the humans that have enslaved them for so long. The replicants are slowly developing into 'perfect' humans, beginning to show empathy and more human traits with each new model release, which is becoming problematic in the eyes of the general population, where it is becoming more and more difficult to spot a replicant within the human communities. There are ways, but the more crafty replicants bent on freedom have become adept at hiding in plain sight.

What I need from you:
Literacy: Advanced and up please. I can't be dealing with 2-3 line replies. I'd like at least 3 meaty paragraphs minimum - more is always wonderful and I would greatly appreciate that. :)

Frequency: I'd like a couple of replies a day minimum, BUT I totally understand shit happens and it might not be possible for you to reply a day here and there. As long as it's not a habit going for a week without responses. Roleplays tend to move at a snail's pace like that, which loses my interest quickly.

Please feel free to PM me for any further info and for character info - I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have!

Discord only!
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by franko


Member Seen 7 mos ago

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by franko


Member Seen 7 mos ago

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by franko


Member Seen 7 mos ago

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