
If one word, just one, described how James was feeling right now it would be “Overwhelmed.” He sat on the floor, his knees drawn to his chest and his head bowed to rest his forehead against them. The halls of Hamilton High School were much more full than usual, thanks to a much-anticipated football game. As a result of this, students, staff and parents from both schools were filling the corridors, classrooms, bleachers and anywhere they could get. The game wasn’t scheduled to start until 3pm, but that seemed to make no difference to those who were excited.

And James didn’t blame them, but the noise, lights and general chaos were rather otherwhelming to the soft spoken young man! Closing his eyes tightly for a moment as if to try and find some peace, his trembling hands slipped into the pockets of his jeans and retrieved a small circular, metal case. Fingers tried to open it to retrieve the earplugs within, but he was starting to feel frustrated and close to tears with the noise! He felt a hand on one of his and looked up to meet eyes with a familiar face. He was surprised one of the cheerleaders had even spotted him, never mind bothering to stop.

“H…Hi?” He spoke quietly, barely audible above the noise of the other students. His head rested on her shoulder if she allowed it, closing his eyes for a moment. He needed to get out, but was feeling too overwhelmed and tearful to make a move for himself!


Okay, simple premise! I’m looking for someone able to play as a popular but rather aloof cheerleader, who can come across as self-absorbed and rather mean at times. However, she is rather kind and understanding beneath that facade, especially towards James. They’re friends and have been for about 3 years now. Her father and his mother dated briefly, and although it didn’t work out for the elder two, James and her are still friends. He doesn’t like to bother her in school, fearing she’ll be picked on for talking to him.