"What in the hell is wrong with you?!" Alex screamed, throwing her hands in the air, "You were supposed to make these orders last week, did you fall and smack your little head on the sidewalk?!" She bellowed. She sighed, rubbing her pale face.

"Make the orders Dan, and pray that we don't run out of beer," She said, walking away from the bar. She left Dan, their bartender trembling in his boots. He hurried to the back room to make the orders, phone in one hand, order sheet in the other. Alex walked across the bar, her black stilettos clicking on the floor as she went. She flicked her long, dark hair over her shoulders, irritation apparent on her face. Her bright red lips were pursed, and her blue eyes were fading to their normal deep green. She passed a window, catching herself in the reflection. Her short shorts and white halter top were overly flattering. Not her normal dress. She prefered dark jeans, sensible boots and a leather jacket over a tank top, but running a topless bar made her have to dress the part. She wondered idly where her sister had gotten off too, but she didn't worry too much about it. They opened in about half an hour, she'd be here.

Alex let herself into the back room, met with naked women. She sighed, still uncomfortable with how these women projected themselves. She didn't have a problem with any of the girls that worked for her, but sometimes she got really tired of seeing other women's boobs every day. Alex closed the door behind her and crossed her arms over her chest, inspecting the girls as they got ready for their shifts.

"We open in half an hour ladies, wrap it up," She said simply and then walked across the room and through another door. This led to the back, where the managers office was, one that Alex shared with her sister. She let herself in and sat down in a chair, rubbing her temples and kicking off her heels. They were terribly uncomfortable. Her small toes stretched, popping as they did so, and she buried them into the deep throw rug under the desk.