Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LaBellaMia


Member Offline since relaunch

Hello All! My name is LaBellaMia. I have taken a long hiatus from Gaia thanks to a lot of medical problems involving my mom. But now that her health is very much improved, I would like to reboot and restart and hopefully find some willing role play partners. I'm 22 years old and have been role playing for many many years. I have always loved writing and communicating so writing stories with others is always fun. I live in the southeastern United States and operate off of EST time or GMT -5 Hours. Despite my age and role play experience, I'm not one to be hoity toity about post length. I really have a more casual approach and average between one and three paragraphs. I'm sorry if that isn't your cup of tea and if you prefer more 'advanced' writing but I write role plays for the enjoyment and fun, not to fill a specified word amount. So anyway, it isn't much and I'm sure you probably aren't even reading this part but if you are, kudos to you. I really do appreciate you taking the time to read my life story. That being said, onto what I am looking for.

[list][*] No God-Modding. I can't role play with someone who insists upon overtaking my characters actions and thoughts and facial expressions. Characters are meant to be our creation and sometimes, reflections of ourselves. It isn't much fun to have characters you create controlled by someone else. The only time I would ever consider god-modding is when we time skip within the role play.
[*]Please, have a decent understanding of proper English spelling and grammar. I have to be able to read what you write after all. Mistakes are understandable but if your entire post is a conglomeration of misspelled words and lack of proper punctuation, we are not going to role play long.
[*]Please follow site rules. I do not want to get banned.
[*]Be willing to talk with me and to plot. One sided stories are no fun and I would like to have a good OOC partner as well. Making up a plot and plot twists are half the fun.
[*]Please do not drop me without a word. I am very understanding of real life sometimes getting in the way and would just appreciate a heads up. However, I won't hold a grudge if you disappear off site for a bit with no explanation. I won't pester you for replies but if I have seen you online and haven't heard anything from you for a couple of weeks, I will certainly drop you a PM.
[*]Threads or PM based role players first and foremost, and then email but nothing else. I do not have an IM service and do not intend on using one in the foreseeable future.
[*]Be willing to play multiple characters and multiple genders. If JK Rowling, a female writer, can write seven books from the point-of-view of a teenage boy, I think most everyone can play both sides of the gender spectrum. So yeah, I insist on DOUBLING.
[*]I only role play in 1x1 settings. My schedule doesn't allow for group role plays and I never have cared for them much.
[*]Third person POV only. I do not role play in first or second person. It just is not my thing. Sorry.[/list]


Below is a compiled list of fandom and original pairings and any plot bunnies I may have. Of course all plots are easily able to double and will require some OOC via PMs in order to iron out a plot that we both like and hope to enjoy.

The Borgias is a television show based in renaissance Italy. The only canon I would want to play is Lucrezia and while the show ended pretty abruptly, something involved in that world of intrigue around the time of the Borgia pope sounds like a lot of fun. The italicized character is my preference but this is not set in stone.

Lucrezia Borgia x OC
OC Lady x OC Vagabond
OC Lady x OC Merchant
OC Merchant's Daughter x OC Lord
OC Lady x OC Lord
OC Artist x OC Artist's Muse
Arranged Marriage (for political or financial purposes)
Forbidden Love (Romeo and Juliet-esque, without the suicide)

Brave is one of those great movies from Disney that I just love. Given Merida is roughly fourteen or so, it makes sense that she doesn't have a prince help to save her. I would really love to do a role play however, involving the redheaded princess meeting her match. Perhaps Merida and her family are visited by a ranking Laird or Laird's son, about 4-5 years after the movie taking place. Just having some sort of romantic pairing with Merida would be absolutely amazing.
Merida x OC Laird
Merida x OC Laird's Son
OC Friend of Merida x OC Laird
OC Friend of Merida x OC Merchant

Oh my fandom bug kicked into high gear when it came to Frozen. Like Brave, I love this Disney movie and love the relationship created between the two sisters. While Anna got her happily ever after, Elsa didn't get to find any sort of love so I would love to role play something like that. Perhaps Hans' older brother comes, trying to mend fences with the beautiful Elsa after his younger brother nearly destroyed the alliance between the two kingdoms. I also wouldn't mind an AU version of this story set in modern times. ANd of course I would love to do an Anna and Kristoff pairing involving the marriage years that could be quite fun!

Elsa x OC Prince of the Southern Isles
Elsa x OC Male Character
Anna x Kristoff (Married Ever After)

To clarify, I have read the books and would really like to stray away from the books and into a more future setting. Ideally, Dany would be High Queen of all Westeros, and married to Jon Snow (I totally ship this pairing - fire and ice, duh -). The focus wouldn't be on any specific characters in the show or books but rather on a new set of characters in Westeros. If that makes any sense. I just think creating our own OC world in Westeros makes it better without stomping all over a book series that isn't yet finished.

OC Lady x OC Lord
OC Lady x OC Merchant
OC Lord x OC Female Thief
OC Lady x OC Dothraki
OC Lannister x OC Stark
OC Stark x OC Snow
OC Stark x OC Tyrell
OC Tyrell x OC Lannister
OC Baratheon x OC Stark
OC Targareayn x OC Prince

Mythology is one of those great voids where anything can happen. I would really love to do a role play AU of Hades and Persephone. Perhaps a modern twist. There is no real plot idea but a nice twist on the original tale. You know without the incest.

Hades x Persephone
OC Demigod x OC Human
OC Demigoddess x OC Human
Perseus x OC Princess
OC God x OC Human
OC Goddess x OC Human

If you are at all familiar with this series, you know it is about time travel. My take on it would be taking an OC from the Present and sending them back to Scotland in the corresponding year. Like 2014 would probably be 1812-1814 Scotland and going from their. Perhaps even a descendant of Claire and Jamie. Maybe even a granddaughter or great granddaughter through Brianna. Something like that I think would be utterly amazing. This also leads for a lot of creative storytelling and plenty of OC characters to work with without treading on the books.

OC Modern Girl x OC Scotsman from the past

This is just me getting hold of the fandom bug with disney princess movies. I would love to focus on Eugene and Rapunzel after they marry or even role play the adventures of their daughter or son, maybe even both. But I imagine it would be quite interesting for Rapunzel and Eugene to get used to married life and being Prince and Princess of a kingdom where neither has the proper training or upbringing.

Rapunzel x Eugene
OC Princess x OC Male
OC Prince x OC Female

Now onto my favorite time frame, history! I love historical role plays, especially ones based in Europe. There is so much fun to be had, a blank canvas to fill with stories of lords and ladies, vikings, pirates and thieves. It can be so fascinating to role play something in a past setting and so instead of listing pairings, I'll list time frames and maybe we can come up with something there.

Ancient Greece
Ancient Rome
Middle Ages (England, Scotland, Ireland)
Viking Heyday
Renaissance (England, Scotland, Ireland, France, Italy)
Pirate Heyday
American Revolution
French Revolution
Regency (England, France, Scotland)
Victorian (England, Ireland, Scotland, United States)
American Civil War
Wild West (United States)
Edwardian Period (England, Ireland, Scotland, United States)
Roaring Twenties (United States)

Modern pairings are certainly the most versatile, ranging from the dark and depressing to the bright and bubbly. I have quite a few plots for this and pairings and I'm sure you can find something you like.

Rich Girl x Middle Class Guy
----- This is a generic pairing true but my idea is that a young woman finds herself in a rather bad situation. Her boyfriend is a real jerk and leaves her pregnant and alone when her parents die, their entire fortune tied up for several years in courts because there was no will left. So here she is, alone, and penniless when a kindly bar owner offers her a place to sleep and a job as a waitress. The bartender that works at the bar is a musician, the complete opposite of the guy that dropped her once her money is gone and is intrigued by the young woman now working in the same joint as himself. Of course their would be other characters and romances going on but I really would love to role play this.

Formerly Abused Single Mother x Sherrif and Next Door Neighbor.
----- Her husband died in a car accident. A member of a large mafia family, she knew she had to escape with her daughter. Especially when her father in law tried to get her daughter taken away from her. So she has escaped to the rural midwest, changing her appearance and her name and that of her daughter to try and stay safe and setting herself next door to the local sherriff who has his own bag of demons to deal with. This is more a story of two people healing with one another to help them. Definitely more emotional and certainly more of a darker role play. Perhaps she has a sister or brother helping to keep her hidden and has his or her own set of problems with her husband's family and love life.

Rich Guy x Waitress
Abusive Boyfriend/Husband x Abused Girlfriend/Wife
Single Mom x Single Dad
Single Mom x Playboy type
Agent x Unsuspecting Love Interest
Fictional Princess x Bodyguard
Widow x Widower

Really it is anything you can think of! Adventure, romance, and perhaps two lost souls needing one another to rejoin the land of the living. It makes for a lot of possibilities. Name it and I'm sure we can think up something. Hope to hear from you soon!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Athinar
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Athinar Big Stupid. Veteran from Oldguild.

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I would be interested in this one, if you don't mind RPing with me.

Rich Guy x Waitress

I have some experience RPing a Rich Guy, and I can get along with 1x1 Rp partners (for the most part...) fairly well! PM me if you wish to continue this train of thought.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nine


Member Offline since relaunch

I saw your little thing about Frozen and I was very much wondering if you've seen the movie Rise of the Guardians. I've been aching to do a crossover and an Elsa x Jack Frost RP for ages now. PM me if you're up to it and it you're not I'd be up to do one of the other pairings. (Sorry if it takes me forever to reply. I'm currently away from home and mooching wifi wherever I go)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Durachka


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hi! I thought maybe we could do fictional Princess x bodyguard. I always have my main character a girl, but I always double. So maybe we could do another pairing, maybe an arranged marriage pairing. That would be interesting. Also: Would this be set in medieval times or would it be set in more current? I like doing Princess stuff in medieval times. Its fun. :)

PM me if you are interested.
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