Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Captain Jenno
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Captain Jenno Waltzing for Zizi

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shortly after the closing of the Second World War (The 2nd of September, 1945), tensions began to grow between the Western Allies, and their former Soviet comrades.
No longer confronted by the threat of fascism, the superpowers of America and Russia- Capitalist and Communist states respectfully- began to suspect one another of being that domino that would topple the world into its next ruinous global conflict, and slowly but steadily began to turn against each other.
As early as the Potsdam Conference (1945), held between the British, American and Russian powers, connections between the allies were beginning to crumble: Truman had shown great ire towards the Red Army’s growing influence in Poland, in which there was now a Communist government, and Stalin- Russia’s dictator- demanded greater reparations from the German people, as the war had been particularly calamitous to Russia as a whole.
Furthermore, America had secretly manufactured its first atomic bomb, under the title “The Manhattan Project”- Which would, later that year, play a key part in initiating Japan’s surrender- but withheld the information from the Russians.
Stalin, however, was painfully aware of the weapon’s presence- having monitored its creation with his own network of sleeper agents- and the fact the USA had not alerted him to it, despite their alliance, gravely irritated him.
Not the US, the USSR nor the UK left satisfied.

What followed only proved to further escalate tensions, however.
One thing that had been agreed upon was the division of Germany amongst the powers.
Northern, Southern and Western Germany were shared amongst the Western allies- Even France, whom had been notably absent from the Potsdam conference- not for the purpose of occupation, but instead for rebuilding.
A democratic system was to be reintroduced to the country, once it was ready, with a strict “no extremist parties” policy, and the currency was to be replaced with the ‘deutschmark’ in the hopes of restabilising Germany’s shattered wartime economy.
The Soviets, however- Whom had been given Eastern Germany, and torn it asunder in an act of vengeance- had different ideas.
Politically, Eastern Germany was made to appear as if it was a democratic state, but in reality this was only an illusion intended to keep the West from applying any further pressure to Russia.
Walter Ulbricht, a German brought in from his exile in Moscow to serve as a political figurehead, is quoted as having said “It has to look democratic, but we must have everything in our [The Communists’] hand.”
They also refused to partake in the currency of Western Germany, and as a result, The Soviet Occupation Zone suffered a severely slow economic recovery.

Attempts to reunify the German states failed, as a reasonable agreement could not be made between the allies.
The Communists insisted that they needed Eastern Germany (As well as Poland, Hungary and Czechoslovakia) to serve as a ‘buffer zone’ in case another war broke out- As, having witnessed such destruction, they could no longer trust the Germans- but the US feared that the true intentions behind Russia’s occupation of these countries was purely to spread the message of Communism, an idea that startled them greatly.
Their paranoia lead to the creation of two separate states: Western Germany (The FRD) was within the control of the Western allies, and saw the benefits of their Trizone (a united economy.)
The East (GDR) was controlled solely by the Soviets, save for Berlin, which- despite the entire city being encapsulated in Soviet territory- still belonged, in half, to the allies (West Berlin.)

On the 29th of August, 1949- Four years after the US’ completion of The Manhattan Project- The Soviet Union detonated its first atomic bomb.
It was from this point onwards that things truly began to grow heated between the allies.
Between the years 1949 and 1950, both the nations of China and North Korea identified themselves as Communist nations.
When North Korea went to war with the South, it found itself backed by the forces of Russia and China: These Communist titans were then pitted against the forces of the UN, most notably the USA.
The war ended on a ceasefire (1953), and America became certain that the USSR was working to spread its influences.
From here, the pressure only built.
As the 50s pass on, horror stories of the failed revolutions in Eastern Germany and Hungary crawled towards the West, and as of 1956, the British and French forces began receiving threats of Nuclear war in response to their occupation of Egypt.

But things didn’t truly peak until the early 60s.
In 1961, the Berlin Wall began its construction, effectively choking Western Berlin’s supply routes and sealing it off from the rest of The Soviet Occupation Zone.
It made delivering supplies from the ground impossible, which meant the Trizone would be forced to deliver them by air instead.
Then in 1962, things saw their worst during The Cuban Missile Crisis.
When the Soviet Union positioned some of their nuclear missiles within the Communist state of Cuba, the US threatened nuclear retaliation.
Both the Eastern and Western blocs concurred that their hands hovered firmly over the buttons that would decide Earth’s fate: The world was threatened with nuclear annihilation for days.

That is when Project Deimos was founded.
Following The Cuban Missile Crisis, the Western allies- Britain, the USA and France- concurred that they could no longer continue to risk the breakout of a nuclear war.
But be it nuclear or otherwise, a war was brewing, and if they had any hope of preventing it, they needed to “choke the Soviet Child whilst it was still in the cradle.”
The Russians had proven to be adept at the arts of subterfuge- having monitored the USA for countless years, pre and post-WWII- but hadn’t been quite as observant as they, perhaps, should have been.
From as early as 1921, British spies had infiltrated the USSR, and had been sharing vital intelligence with the allied forces of Britain and France.
Amongst these items of interest was the Russian project “снег ястреб” (Sneg Yastreb – Snow Hawk), in which Stalin had- Prior to his death in 1953- ordered the creation of an “elitnaya komanda” (Elite Team) of operatives who “expressed some manner of supernatural power,” in order to prepare for the possibility of all-out war with the US.

Komanda Sneg Yastreb had been behind the brutal crushing of the Eastern German revolution, and had played a similar role in the horrors of the Hungarian revolution (off of the record, naturally.)
Terrified- and simultaneously intrigued- by the realities of the ‘Soviet War Machine’, the allies agreed that a similar project needed to be instituted amongst their own ranks, or else the brewing war would almost certainly be won by The Red Army.
And so, Project Deimos came into existence.

Utilizing a vast series of British connections- bound together by the might and seeming perpetuity of The Empire- the allied forces began to seek out any and all individuals whom presented traces of some unnatural ability.
Although, obviously, there wasn’t a single man of whom was truly a ‘one man army’, they came across many whom presented rare and unique powers- referred to by the British recruiting agents as “Lassus powers”- and offered them each an invitation, which explained simply that their powers were called upon by Her Majesty the Queen of England, if they were willing to lend them.
If agreeable, they were then taken to the US to be researched and trained to use their powers to the benefits of the allied armies and UN: If not, then they had their memories of the encounter wiped (because, quite fortunately, the woman whom possessed the ability had said yes.)

For the next thirty years, Project Deimos would persist in growing, and each of the project’s participants would be honed into perfect, gifted soldiers to fight in the inevitable war against the Eastern bloc.
Except the war wasn’t inevitable… and it never came.

During the 70s and 80s, the Soviet economy began to collapse in on itself, in parts due to an increasingly costly arms race with the West, and a failed war campaign in Afghanistan.
Then, In ’85, Gorbachev found himself in power, and the Cold War drew to a close in ’91 when he initiated massive political reforms and an agreement with the US to concede the arms race.
The Cold War had ended without so much as a bullet being fired, despite both the Eastern and Western Blocs building such mighty tools of destruction.
But then the question remained… what would the UN do with those who’d agreed to be part of Project Deimos? Some had given up as many as thirty years of their life, and others had fled their home countries or- worse yet- defected from the enemy in order to join them.
But neither France nor Britain could house them- As they were now suffering from major political reforms themselves- and allowing them to live with the general populous of the US left them open to the machinations of any sleeper agent still poised to strike.
So just where, then, could they put them?

Teplee (Tep·Lay) is a modestly sized (read: small) town located in far North-Western Alaska, within the valley of the ‘Burns’ Range, a series of modestly tall (and notoriously difficult to climb) mountains.
Founded in 1830 by a small group of Russians whom represented ‘Russkaya Amerika’, the town was incredibly obscure and appeared on very few maps.
In the modern day, however, it appears on none.
Teplee had the bad fortune of being abandoned by its original occupants in the second half of the 19th century due in part to the near-constant snow fall (Which actually saw the town buried until it was rediscovered in 1920 by a Russian spy drone), and a lack of communication methods with the outside world.

In the 1940s, the American government refurbished the town in the hopes of housing retired war veterans: However, the town proved to be far too small to even start considering it as a possibility, and so it was instead placed on the public market for a short spell.
In that time, it developed some popularity amongst the more outdoor-inclined breed of Americans, but was still grossly undernourished in terms of population.
By the 60s, it’d been removed from the market by the request of its citizens, whom preferred their quiet existence.
Despite this, however, by 1991 the town boasted a small collection of shops and businesses, all of which made worthy living despite Teplee having a population that barely scraped 100.

Frankly, the town was perfect for what remained of Project Deimos: Barely one hundred agents made up their numbers, and Teplee housed many empty homes.
In return for a hefty yearly salary, the town’s general population agreed to keep the operation a secret, and welcomed the ‘Lassus Soldiers’ with opened arms.
Teplee, so secluded and cosy, made a perfect home for them.

The year is now 1998, seven years after the relocation of the Cold War agents.
Teplee remains anaemic compared to other, larger settlements: Accommodating only one infirmary- staffed by a single doctor and only a trio of nurses- only one coffee shop of note (“The Bean’n’Gone” being one of the only places in town to acquire a cup of coffee anything near the grade one might see in the rest of the states), and a series of small business as opposed to the “superstores” that are now taking the nation by storm.
Regardless, the people here are generally contented with their simple lives.
True it snows near constantly, but that’s all the more reason to wrap up warm in the local coffee shop.
And true, there are barely any cars in the town, but who could ever hope to drive them with all of the snow?
The one thing Teplee possesses that most places no longer do is the fact that everybody knows one another: There is a sense of community about the place, be it because of a comradeship or a mutual distrust of the Russians living amongst them.

So welcome to Teplee, agent…
How do you take your coffee?

[Agent’s Profile]

Although we trust our agents sincerely, the Cold War isn’t long behind us, and it never hurts to keep tabs on those of a superhuman persuasion.

Agent Name:
Agent Country of Origin:
ID No.: [This is a semantic detail, give any 7-digit number]
D.O.D: (Date of Defection)
Prior (Cold War) Employment: [If any]
Current Employment: [If any]
Agent Biography: [Starting from around the time said agent became worth monitoring]
Psych Evaluation: [A brief description of personality and mental state]
Physical features: [Give a brief description of appearance here]
‘Lassus’ Power: [Any ability that transcends the norm, but isn’t ‘drastically’ superhuman, such as flying or throwing fireballs would be]
Purposes this ability served during wartime: [Hypothetical position that would’ve been filled after war escalated]
Notes: [Any extra information about agent not covered in profile]

Keep these profiles updated should anything change in our Agents’ statuses.
Project Deimos is of paramount importance, all records must be kept up-to-date until the project’s participants are deceased.

Approved Agent Profiles
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Empath
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

[Agent’s Profile] - Pretty much done... I think.

Agent Name: Jacob ‘Jack’ O’neil
Agent Country of Origin: America
D.O.B: March 21, 1963 (35).
ID No.: #0309905
D.O.D: February 5. 1990.
Prior (Cold War) Journalist.
Current Employment: Editor and journalist at “Teplee Times”.

Agent Biography:
Jacob was born in a small town in the middle of nowhere in the northern parts of New York State he wasn't anything special when he grew up, he had a few friends he liked to read, write and play outside. Nothing special about this child. However that changed when he turned ten a group of agents that worked on the Deimos project came to their small town. While the town was nothing ape islands, though the scenery was breathtaking with its clear lakes and the Green forest rising from the mountains that surrounded it. The town had a few shops, a school that went up to high school before you had to leave the town to pursue your educational dreams. Other than this there was just the usual assortment of places a small town would need. However this didn't matter for the agents. They had received orders to check every village - no matter the size - for possible future 'participants' for Project Deimos. Of course, considering the size of the village, there weren’t many potential participants - however, Jacob stood out. He showed great characteristics of a person that had extraordinary psychic abilities - and especially the nature of his abilities caught the attention of the agents. However, being as young as Jacob was at the time, his parents decided that he shouldn’t be enrolled in the program - and as the protocol stated: their memories were wiped, however his data was kept stored for possible later use.
As if nothing had happened Jacob lived his normal life, he went to highschool and had high hopes of getting into college where he could follow his interest in literature - aiming to become a writer or journalist when graduated.
It was a few years after Jacob started his college life, all was normal and well - he had even been so lucky to find a cute girl to share his normal life with - however, this was once again interrupted by the arrival of a group of governmental agents working on the Deimos Project. With the constant knowledge of the cold war, and the possible danger of the Soviet Union, Jacob went to the recruitment area - though he had no idea what awaited him.
Because of his prior contact with the Project his information was quickly passed up through the ranks and mere days later after his initial tests he got a letter stating that not only his country, but the entire allied forces required his help. Still not knowing exactly what was going to happen - the details was kept in the shadows in order to keep Project Deimos as secret as possible - he broke off the life he had at the time. Of course doing such a thing left him mentally hurt, but he felt that his ‘talent’ - as the letter had called it - needed for him to put his country as the first priority. And so, at the age of 21, Jacob disappeared from his family, his friends and his one love, in order to join the Deimos Project.
Throughout the next 16 year Jacob underwent intense training (sometimes going beyond the border of torture) he was honed and shaped into the perfect agent. His body and abilities evolved at a rapid rate, and it was clear that from the nature of his supernatural abilities that he was meant to become a spy or infiltrator - someone that could go beyond the enemy’s borders and stay alive while gathering intelligence. However the war never came, and as the year of 1990 came around Jacob defected from Project Deimos.
The reason for this defection? There could really only be one answer to this kind of move: Love. The town near where Jacob was stationed wasn’t a big town, but it was fun enough so that the soldiers that were stationed at the military camp enjoyed going into town on the weekends in order to have some fun - and Jacob was no different. However, it was one of these weekends that he met a girl, Julie, that caused the second big change in his life. It only took a year to convince him that she was the one, however, it was clear to him that he couldn’t stay as part of the project as long as she was in his life - and so he left the military as he could no longer see a need for him there taking the political changes into account.
Soon after they moved, he had applied for spot at a small newspaper company in a bigger city, and since Julie was a writer (it was their mutual love for books and writing that ignited the flame between them) it wasn’t a big move. All went well, they seemed to be perfect together, sharing everything with each other - Jacob would have done anything for her, however he never told her what he did in the military, just that he had been a marine since the early years of the Cold War.
Jacob’s happy life wasn’t meant to be. It wasn’t soon after he defected that he started showing signs of what would later be a well known problem for the agents of Project Deimos: he started having dreams revolving around the threat of the Soviet Union and the possible agents that would hunt him down.
Soon this psychological fear began to hurt his and Julie’s relationship; he showing signs that are similar to military personnel after returning from battles, and while he never hurt her, his change in personality caused great worry for Julie. This all collided on night when Julie came home late, Jacob, having another sleep filled with nightmares of the Soviet Union, woke up. Being a trained agent he quickly made note of his surroundings, spotted a dark shadow looming at the door to their bedroom - and without thinking he grabbed his knife and attacked the shadow. It was only after he awoke from his own illusions that he saw what he had done: standing above the body of his now dead wife, his naked body painted with the crimson color of her blood, her lifeless eyes staring straight into his.
The whole episode was quickly covered up by the government - a former cold war agent, part of a secret agency being caught up in the spotlight of the relentless press for the cold murder of his own wife, wasn’t something that the government wanted to happen. His actions would undoubtedly cause a series of investigations into his past with the danger of his past actions within the military getting brought into light. The military quickly concluded that it would cost vastly less resources to cover the episode, than the investigation into his past would cost.
Surprisingly after it had all been covered up the military withdrew, leaving him alone with the haunting memory of what he had done. This caused a second stage of psychological stress for him: he now lived in the house in which he had shared some of the happiest of years with the love of his life - a love that he had murdered himself in that horrorful night. He soon began to drink excessively, living most of his days in an intoxicated haze cause by various types of liquor - usually sprawled in a chair or on the floor in only his underwear, living the life through his own delusional dreams he would have had if he hadn’t killed his wife. Of course an ex-marine (especially one that had quit his job as a reporter) he quickly ran out of the necessary funds to sustain his drinking habits - so what should he do in such a situation? Jacob only saw three possible solutions to his grave problem: Get a job, try to turn his life around - and get a job, or find funds through different means. He did what addicts usually do, choosing the easier way out. This started a spree of curious thefts in the town nearby. The thefts left the victims, usually shop owners, with memory loss and no recollection of any suspicious persons. This continued for a time, but of course, being the drunk that he had become, Jacob made mistakes. At first it was small ones, but they started to escalate. It didn’t take long from then for his mistakes to lead the police to him - but once again the military stepped in before any permanent damage could cause their past experiments to hurt them publically. It was at this point in time that Jacob was told about the possibility of living in a remote place made specifically for former agents: Teplee - however Jacob turned it down, believing that a town full of ‘weirdos’ like himself wouldn’t exactly be a good place to be, and for some reason the military accepted this - they did however keep an eye on him from that point.
Jacob would most likely have met his demise if things had continued spiraling downwards for him - it isn’t easy to turn your life around after all - but then he met one of his few old friends from the Deimos project. It would later dawn on him that this ‘accidental meeting’ wasn’t a surprise after all, but at the time he didn’t realise this. Instead he opened up to someone for the first time since his wife had died, and through a series of event he somehow he ended up being persuaded into giving the looney town of Teplee a try, and only a few months later he found himself in the cold, snowy prison that was the town his defected comrades, getting a place to live and a job at the local newspaper.

Psych Evaluation:
A psychologist once noted that the best description of Jacob would be that he was “broken” - and indeed, “broken” fits him perfectly. He has to some degree lost the will to live, at night, when he is all alone with his nightmares, he wonders if he should just end his own misery and shoot himself. He is haunted by the murder of his own wife to such an extent that he repeatedly loses consciousness from his alcohol intake, which usually is combined with a gun and a hallucinogenic dreams where he lives out the happier moments of his life with his wife. However he has never gone that extra step: for some reason he cannot get himself to put the gun to his head and pull the trigger - it is not because he can’t do it, but rather that he has started to accept his current life, not that he likes his current life or the place called “Tepee” (or “the frozen hell on earth” as he likes to call it), but the thought that his deceased love would want him to continue living.
However, when Jacob is out in public he seems rather okay; he isn’t the happiest person in the crowd, but he does joke around now and then, using his natural charm to create a bond with the people around him. You should not, however, count on him being energetic - rather he loves the quote “I am too old for this shit”. He is getting older and he isn’t ashamed of making this clear to the people around him - especially when they want him to actually do things. However, when things does need to be done he is your man. He know how to get things done and he isn’t afraid to make the tough decisions - you can most definitely rely on him in bad times.
Physical features
[Inspiration: http://static4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130213073339/thelastofus/images/4/44/64615_247866825303251_1612539343_n.jpg ]:
Jacob is a rather handsome man; even though he is reaching the higher forties he still has a rather young face and body. He has semi short black hair that started to show signs of grey in them, his face, while still looking rather young, has been painted in the wrinkles of time, however, his deep brown eyes still hold a youthful sharpness to them. He usually keeps his beard grown in an unkempt manner of an inch or so. Because most of his life was within the military he has a daily habit of going through a training course that was tortured into him during Project Deimos. This means that, while he isn’t the energetic young guy he once was, he still keeps a strong and well-kept body, capable of doing things more ‘relaxed’ persons in his age-group would be able to do. His skin has a natural tanned color.
He usually wears a shirt with a pair of denim jeans, covering his upper body in a black leather jacket. He has a pair of worn out brown leather shoes and a thin army watch on his left arm. Usually he goes around with a pair of sunglasses tucked in his shirt and his gun hidden away.

‘Lassus’ Power: Jacob possesses the ability to “control” - or rather “trick” a person’s senses. What this really boils down to is the ability to create “illusions”, subduing a target into the realm of Jacob’s nightmares. While this does mean that it can be a powerful and useful ability, it does have its limitations. The more people Jacob tries to subdue, the more energy it takes to create believable and lasting illusions - the highest number of targets he has subdued was five targets, but he has once commented that his limit is two targets before his illusions begin to deteriorate. Furthermore he has to be within a certain range for his abilities to work - once again: the closer to the target he is, the better the illusion will be. As his ability does allow him to trick the senses - it has been hypothesized that this works through manipulating the neurological transmissions within the target’s brain), what this means is that, he is able to ‘play’ with all of the target’s senses, making him/her smell, see, hear, feel and taste what he wants them to.
Purposes this ability served during wartime: [Hypothetical position that would’ve been filled after war escalated] (Spy/infiltrator) - though have also been used to question certain targets (make a person feel at ease, smell good, feel good/pain etc.)
Notes: He tends to drink and smoke a lot - call it the image of being ‘manly’ if you will.
Jacob always carries a black modern militarized handgun with him somewhere - of course it is always hidden, but ready to be used in an instant.

Additional information:
While Jacob was trained as a soldier, he technically never officially went on any missions before his ‘departure’ from the military - something which annoys him quite a bit when mentioned by other military personnel - especially by those who went on missions during their service.
Jacob still retains his habits of submitting himself to regular ‘sessions’ of alcohol abuse, living out his happier ‘life’ within the realms of his own illusions. This also means that he is usually in a state of light toxication whenever he is out in public (and you can be sure that he has at least one bottle of liquor somewhere on his body).
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Captain Jenno
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Captain Jenno Waltzing for Zizi

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ahh, hello Empath! Right on time.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Empath
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

That is me :D
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Empath
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Quick question(s): for how long did the program recruit new agents, and what was the minimum/maximum age that were tested? Oh and can the government keep watch on when an ability is used (some form of radar that picks up disturbances in "force")?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pumpkin Prince
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Pumpkin Prince Actually A Princess

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hey look, finally got this finished!

Agent Name: Juliana Sepulveda
Agent Country of Origin: Spain
D.O.B: November 1st, 1968
ID No.: 080747
D.O.D: January 28th, 1989
Prior (Cold War) Employment: Rocket Scientist
Current Employment: School Teacher
Agent Biography: Juliana worked for NASA as a rocket scientist – Though the space race had died down, NASA was still hard at work developing new technology to explore the far reaches of space. She was a kind but relatively ordinary woman, diligently working day by day on equipment from the shuttle launches, testing to see what could be improved and refined.

One day however, she began acting oddly. She shed her lab coat in favour of a hooded cloak, she dyed her hair a deep wine red and began demanding people refer to her as the ‘Emissary of Space’. Some days her personality would shift even more drastically, and she would simply sit and mope, or lie back in her chair and refuse to do work. When the government caught wind of this, they brought her in for a special screening, thinking this may have been caused by something supernatural. Their thoughts were correct – The results showed that Juliana had undergone a severe mental shift due to a sudden change in genetics; The change, however, couldn’t be identified. New DNA and cells were present, but they were nothing like what the doctors had seen. When they were at the end of their tether, a session with her psychiatrist resulted in the answer they had been looking for: Juliana was sharing her body with an invader from another world. The invader held a hideous power – If he wished, he could crush men with little care, shrug off bullets and even swat planes out of the sky. The opportunity was right there – If the government could harness and control this being’s power, the Lassus project would be even stronger; Russia would be no match for them!

But the problem wasn’t harnessing and controlling its power. It was making the being get off its lazy ass and use it. The invader had come to this world after failing to conquer another, and not only was he cripplingly lazy, he was also prone to bouts of severe depression and moping. Using its strength seemed like a far-off dream, but Juliana was still enlisted into the Lassus power in the hopes that something could be made of the invader she shared a body with. After two years of failing to do so, the Cold War had ended, and the government were not only left with a whole project full of people they had no idea how to deal with, they were also left with a manically depressed planetary invader and an eccentric Spanish scientist that harboured him.

In the end, Juliana was sent to Teplee along with the rest of the Lassus Project, where she soon found a job as a teacher at the village’s school – After all, though she was eccentric and incredibly awkward to deal with, Juliana was still an accomplished rocket scientist.

Psych Evaluation: The invader’s hijacking of her body has left Juliana a little worse for wear. While not far gone enough to be considered deranged or insane, she certainly is a very odd woman. She still demands to be known as the ‘Emissary of Space’, and seems to take an odd sense of pride in her self-proclaimed status. The alien’s influence still leaves her prone to sudden bouts of depression and laziness, but overall she is at least generally rather pleasant and kind; once one gets past the eccentricities.
Physical features: Juliana is above average in terms of size, with a slightly thinner build than most (due to her strange habits not including a whole lot of eating). She has dyed, wine-red hair and emerald green eyes, with slightly tanned skin.
‘Lassus’ Power: Shares her body with a powerful (but manically depressed and lazy) otherworldly invader.
Purposes this ability served during wartime: Juliana could have utilised the being’s power to take on whole platoons with little danger – If it could ever be persuaded to stop moping and do something.
Notes: Juliana is very rarely seen without her dark purple hooded cloak.
The being that occupies her body is formally classified as ‘M4R51N’, but most refer to it as Reuben.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Empath
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

You work so fast prince - please teach me how to do that fast writing thing!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pumpkin Prince
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Pumpkin Prince Actually A Princess

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

All you have to do is have a very bad habit of writing everything and anything in one sitting, or simply forgetting about it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Captain Jenno
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Captain Jenno Waltzing for Zizi

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Empath said
Quick question(s): for how long did the program recruit new agents, and what was the minimum/maximum age that were tested? Oh and can the government keep watch on when an ability is used (some form of radar that picks up disturbances in "force")?

Project Deimos has been in effect since 1962 (following the Cuban Missile Crisis, and the very real threat of nuclear warfare), and there weren't any 'tested', Lassus-powered individuals were being monitored prior to the projects actual activation as a matter of national security on both sides, and were simply approached when it was officially active.

The government monitors Teplee using a series of civilian informants (that's why everyone is on such a fat paycheck, they're keeping Teplee a secret and occasionally reporting back to the government whenever a disturbance surfaces.)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Empath
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Great - now I will try some of that hokus pokus prince talked about.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by thorgili


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hmm very interesiing hold me a spot for now i should get a CS up by the marrow!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Empath
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Time for an update: While my cs is still very much work in progress, I have at least nailed down the biography... somewhat... so at least I am making progress... slowly.

And hi Thorgili! :D
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Captain Jenno
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Captain Jenno Waltzing for Zizi

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hello Thorgili!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Empath
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Okay I know this is completely unrelated to this thread, but what the F has happened to our avatars?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Captain Jenno
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Captain Jenno Waltzing for Zizi

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Unicorns have found us?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Empath
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Run everybody, run! Don't let those bloody Unicorns get ya'!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Empath
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Character updated.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Captain Jenno
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Captain Jenno Waltzing for Zizi

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I admit, this isn't getting the traffic I was hoping for.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pumpkin Prince
Avatar of Pumpkin Prince

Pumpkin Prince Actually A Princess

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Man, no one's taking this? Come on... I was really excited for this. Disappointed, general public. Disappointed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Captain Jenno
Avatar of Captain Jenno

Captain Jenno Waltzing for Zizi

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Me? Shamelessly bump something? Perish the thought!
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