Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TShara


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Joseph glanced down sharply at his master's eyes, verifying Alexi's sincerity in this, wondering just how addled his brain was by the blood loss. Much to his dismay, Master Alexi seemed perfectly serious. But surely the secret plan would work. Surely Leader Schumann would have no reason to make good on that promise.

Even Erik was shocked into silence, first by Alexi's admiration, then by the promise of his life should he be found a liar. You... you realize I just threatened to kill you, right? I'm not exactly winning any Mr. Congeniality contests here. I've hardly said a kind word to you since I've arrived here. And rightly so, I'm still a prisoner, grandiose promises aside., he thought incredulously, but he was not about to admit his modicum of guilt to the human who still held him prisoner. He's not making as much sense now. I should have seen it sooner. He's lost a lot of blood and his body needs to recover. I should end this now. Despite himself, Erik found himself touched by Alexi's “offering” of his life, though of course, he knew it could still all be part of some insane ruse. But he also thought back to that look of horrific pain on the human's face, his decision to give Erik blood and alleviate the suffering he had caused. He prided himself in being able to size a man up, but since he had failed with Seran, had led his own men and women into a trap, he was not so sure anymore.

“Careful giving me that offering, Alexi. Don't you know that I'm a dangerous criminal?” he finally joked.

Though not formally dismissed, Joseph had excused himself from the room for just a few moments, and returned with some painkillers and sleeping pills.

“Leader Schumann, I will retrieve the supplies for the restraining system after Master Alexi falls asleep,” he announced, anticipating any possible complaint from the younger vampire.

But Erik managed to show a bit of humanity, for he had finally looked past his own anger and indignation to realize just how weak Alexi was at the moment, and responded kindly.

“I understand, I can wait. And please just call me Erik, my title is a mockery when I'm chained like this,” he replied, his voice sounding much more calm. Joseph nodded and turned back to his master and friend.

“Master Alexi, please, take this to help you sleep and recover by the morning,” he requested handing Alexi two pills and some water.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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As Joseph slips from the room, no doubt to get something to help him, Alexi's head sinks down between his hands and he lets out a little whine. He has not often had to suffer such pains, most of his pains coming from a scratch or a blow, so as the throbbing continues he carefully slips out of his top, dropping it to the floor to be retrieved later, and he carefully pulls himself up towards the head of his bed. A small chuckle escapes his lips as the rebel leader's words reach his ears. 'Yes, I understand the danger to myself perfectly, my dear Erik, however my confidence has not waned. Despite what loss I have taken in from you, I have as of yet to suffer any of my own, and I will not give up my faith'

Managing to get up to the pillows by the time Joseph gets back, the human sits up and obediently takes what is offered, handing back the small cup to his old mentor. He sits their silently for several minutes, just thinking to himself, and wondering upon certain things and flitting through various fantasies to try and set his mind at ease, if even a little bit. However he becomes too tired rather quickly and shifts the sheets around to try and get comfortable.

Alexi lay back into the pillows, his eyelids already drooping from the painkiller and sleeping pill mixed in with the blood loss. “You are no criminal, Erik. You are a knight. A knight fighting for his people, with naught in his heart but the righteous fury that makes you one of the finest men I've ever known, if not the finest. . .” As his voice trails off he adds lightly as a correction. “Forgive me, finest vampire. . .Or male I should say, to cast the net wider, heh. . . .” And with that, he slips away into the darkness. Moments after drifting off his hands slide up from their place on the still soiled coverlet to rest on either side of his head, making him look quite vulnerable and childlike.


Mois, use to his brother's inexplicable actions, taps his now empty plate gently, his own eyelids drooping as the lack of anything to do mixed with his difficult day, both coiling together to create weight upon those little flaps of flesh. 'Come now Alexi, you have to eat sometime. . .' He lets out a sift yawn and lay his head upon the table, sliding the plate to the side so he can rest directly on the tablecloth. Crossing his arms beneath his head, he begins snoozing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TShara


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Erik smirked at the human's words. If you knew the things I've done, Alexi, you would not call me that. You would despise seeing the things I've had to do. Hell, I despise them. If I, of all people, am one of the finest beings you have ever known, then you have not known many fine people. But it's doesn't matter, you're clearly going into shock and falling asleep. You don't understand what you're saying right now, he finally decided, looking on to the peacefully sleeping human with nothing but curiosity and concern. The anger had completely evaporated from his eyes, and as such they had shifted back to their usual gray hue.

Joseph would, of course, have the coverlet cleaned in the morning after Master Alexi awoke. But for now, he merely removed the man's shoes and placed a thin blanket over him, knowing that the minor ministrations would not awaken the man in this condition. Then he left the room, giving Erik a slight nod. When he returned, about ten minutes later, he carried a large tray of lasagna, vegetables, and tea from the kitchen, balanced on top of a large box.

“Once your body recovers from the feeling of blood lust, the secondary needs for food and water return. In other words, I thought you might be hungry. This is for you to eat while I set up the security system. If you don't like the food, I can have the kitchens prepare something else for you,” Joseph quietly announced as he stepped into the room and set the tray on the bedside table. Pressing a button on his cell phone, he extended the chains to the full length so that Erik would have a bit more freedom while he ate and waited.

“Thanks. And no, this food is fine. It looks wonderful, in fact,” the captive replied, already digging into his meal with gusto. Joseph merely smiled his usual weak and soft smile and began setting up the security triggers at the two doorways to the room, and in the large windows in the adjoining restroom. He hesitated as he returned, unwilling to take the collar out of the box. But the rebel leader had agreed to wear it, and it would provide him the freedom to walk around the expansive room. So finally, he removed it, and walked over to Erik, who was already finished with half of his food.

“I'm genuinely sorry about this,” he muttered, sitting down on the bed and looking at the younger vampire.

“It's fine. If he's telling the truth, then I'm willing to deal with it. Why did it have to be a collar though, why not something on the person's arm or leg?”

“Well, actually there's a bit of a technical reason in this case, apart from the general degrading design of a product intended for slaves. This band doesn't just trip an alarm, it uses a fusion of magical and electronic technology to cause the person's own muscles to push them away from the exit should they try to go through it. That kind of nervous system control is most easily achieved in a neck-based device.”

“Fascinating,” Erik replied, smirking a bit and motioning for the servant to go ahead and put the collar onto him. The device was made of a soft black silicone, with only a small lightweight box on the back of it, that held most of the electronics. It was surprisingly comfortable, despite the humiliation Erik knew he would feel every time he saw himself in the mirror. Clearly, this model was meant for relatively well-behaved, higher class slaves. He wondered briefly if that's what he was now, but pushed the thought from his mind for the moment, and finished his food.

“I apologize if I was harsh to you before, Joseph. I was in a lot of pain at the time,” he commented rather quietly, as he finished his meal.

“I understand. I still remember the process all too well myself, my friend. Besides, I've taken worse treatment than a harsh tone before. I do not resent you for it in the slightest,” the vampire servant replied kindly. “Would you like anything else to eat?”

“Yes please, if you don't mind. Do you guys have any more of this great pasta? I'd make something for myself if I could, but there's not even a microwave in here.”

“Yes, we have some more, I'll get you a second plate.” With that, Joseph left the room, taking Erik's plate with him. When he returned, he brought Erik a small button along with the food. “This will ring my cell, so use it if you need me. I am sorry that we can't let you contact anyone yet. I don't know what Master Alexi's plan is, but it's important that no one know you are here, not even the other servants.”

“My cell already knows I've been captured. They will be looking for me.”

“I know, but I'm sure Master Alexi has taken steps to prevent that,” Joseph answered. Erik sighed softly and met his eyes.

“I still despise being a prisoner here. But I'll try and follow this goddamn plan,” Erik muttered. “I wish I could at least tell my followers that I'm alright though.”

“I wish you could as well, but I honestly don't know what Master Alexi has in mind anymore than you do.”

“Why do you trust him then?” Erik asked, resentment creeping into his voice.

“Because he is my master, and also my friend. I have known him since his birth. I raised him, and I know he turned out well. He is strange, even a little mad at times, but I believe he has a good heart, because I have seen it.” Erik had nothing of use he could say to that, no arguments of any sort, so he just sighed.

“Well, thank you, Joseph,” he muttered. Sensing that the conversation was over, the servant simply nodded and exited the room, leaving Erik to finish off his meal.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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While his younger brother sleeps on overhead, a dangerous criminal now free to roam his room, Mois sleeps for only a half an hour before a soft hand on his back rousts him from his uncomfortable sleep. Looking up into the smiling face for his brother's driver the elder Vandros shakes off a bit of the fog from his mind and offers a nod to the smiling slave. Coughing he stand and gives the young elf a soft look. “If you see him before I do, can you tell that pest of a brother of mine that if he doesn't start eating regular meals, I'm going to force feed him?” Uwin nods seriously before chuckling lightly and motioning for the slaves peeking out from the kitchen to clear the table. The boy may be young, but he is one who is not afraid of the Masters.

Mois moves out of the slaves' way and walks towards the garage, Uwin following silently behind him. The human glances over his shoulder, curious, but then recalls that the young elf likes to sleep in the little shack in the garage, always there and ready should Alexi need him. 'He's such a sweet kid. I wonder if he'd stay. . . .' He glances back once more, earning a curious look from the smaller male, however he ignores it, instead looking to the control device on the boy's wrist. 'Another one of my brother's -humane control- line. I wonder how much he actually makes off of those. I know that a lot of owners do not want their slave damaged like a lot of the stuff on the market does, or has the potential to do, but all that thing does is knock the slave out. It works long distance, but I don't see a lot of people wanting them. . .'

He sighs softly, earning another curious look, however Uwin knows better than to ask. 'Master Mois is a private man, he only shares with Master Alexi. I hope there is nothing bad going on between them. . .That would be the worst! They are the only family they have. . .' The little elf lets out a sigh of his own before ducking off into the shack, getting back to sleep. The kitchen staff had to wake him up to deal with Mois, knowing that if they left the plate with the half finished sandwich there too long that they would get bugs, and no one wants that.

Mois wanders all the way through the garage and out the side door. Following the path to his house he grumbles lightly at his brother's no show as he pushes the door open, growling lightly to himself as he makes his way through the smallish living area and into his bedroom. “Seriously Alexi, with your plan in place, scaring me to death and worrying me into an early grave, you could at least let me see you once a day to reassure me you're alive. . .Stupid little brother. . .” Sighing again, realizing he's doing a lot of that which makes him sigh once again, he strips down and flops on to his bed with a grunt. “Stupid Alexi. . ..Why you. . . .” Mois already knows the answer to that one, however he'd rather not admit it. Not just yet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TShara


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Now that he was free to roam around the room, Erik was actually slightly confused as to what exactly to do with his lovely freedom. His first thought was how easy it would be to kill Alexi, to smother him with a pillow, break his fragile human neck, or simply punch his skull until it caved in. But several things stopped him. For one, he suspected that there was at least one other alarm in here that would stop such an action. Alexi Vandros was many things, but stupid was not one of them. Secondly, even if there was no such safeguard, he still would have no way to escape this room, so it would not solve his real dilemma. Thirdly, for all his attempts at threatening airs, he had no desire to kill Alexi, not anymore, at least. He still was leery of trusting him, but he had agreed to fall into his plan on the crazy hope that he was telling the truth, and that his secret plan would actually work, would actually save the magicals from their lives in chains. To kill Alexi, or really even to attempt to kill him, would be to throw away that hope, and that trust, so Erik had no desire to do that.

The first thing he did was to explore the expansive room, looking around at all the little knickknacks, books, and wall paintings. Though he had seen it for three days now, he was still quite amazed by the size of it, at least twice the size of a dorm in his cell that would hold twenty people. No matter how much he looked at it, he could not get over the luxury. He chose a few books that he'd like to read while Alexi slept, for he felt extremely energetic now, thanks to the infusion of blood.

Next, he opened the door to Alexi's bathroom, which had been out of reach when he was in the chains. Immediately, the vampire's jaw dropped. He had never seen anything so luxurious in his very long life. The bathroom was decorated in Greco-Roman style with marble-looking columns, and four bathtubs that each had several taps to choose from. It essentially looked like a modern version of a Roman bathhouse, and was almost as large as the bedroom that it adjoined. “God damn... it's like that bastard over there has infinite money...” he said aloud. It was all of thirty seconds before he had begun filling one of the pools so that he could jump in within just a few minutes. It occurred to him that the collar he wore might not be waterproof, but the worst case was that it short circuited, and that would actually be a good thing. Besides, he highly doubted that Alexi would have given him one that could be subverted so easily.


By now, Joseph was quite behind on his chores. So now that he knew that Master Alexi was asleep, and that Leader Schumann, whom he would never insult by calling “Master,” was well fed after his three-day fast, he set to work on his “normal” chores, knowing that the rote motions would calm him down. He even took another liberty that he would have never allowed himself even one hundred years ago, to listen to music while he worked. He found that he worked more quickly, focused better, and enjoyed what he was doing far more. The violin solo that played into his earphones was lovely, and for about an hour, he could almost forget his concern for Master Alexi, his curiosity about the master's plan, his fear that Leader Schumann was far too angry to be trusted alone with the master, his guilt that he could not tell Master Mois everything that his brother was up to, for fear of -

The thought hit him like a train. I left Master Mois just sitting in the dining room, expecting Master Alexi to come. I never even attempted to inform him that his brother couldn't make it. Goddamnit! he thought, nearly dropping the can of wood polish he was using. Leaving his supplies and his headphones in a bucket by the door, he bolted out of the room, quickly making his way back to the dining room. Not finding the human, he walked briskly over to the kitchens, and calmly asked to speak with the head cook.

“Did Master Mois leave for his cottage?” he asked, managing to hide the near panic and breathlessness from his voice. The head cook, a female dwarf named Roni, answered, her voice sounding slightly guilty.

“Yes, Mr. Joseph. He had fallen asleep, and the servers wanted to know if they could remove his plate, so they woke Uwin and asked him to awaken Master Mois.”

“Well, that was needlessly complicated,” Joseph replied. “If they were afraid to approach the Master, then why did they not just notify me? You all have my cell number,” he asked, his voice remaining calm and, if anything, curious. Despite his many attempts to make himself accessible to them, many of the other slaves still saw him as an authority figure, and were nearly as afraid of him as the Masters. He suspected that that was the cause of such behavior, and he was unwilling to worsen the perception by being too irate now.

“It seemed like something too trivial to bother you about, sir,” one of the other slaves piped in, hanging his head, fear written all over his face.

“Very well. I understand. Please notify me of something like this in the future. Nothing is too small for my attention. There is no reason to awaken anyone else in his or her time off. Are we clear?”

“Yes, Mr. Joseph,” answered both Roni and the other slave. With that, Joseph waved them back to their duties and made the short trek out to Master Mois' cottage. It was twilight now, and the light was not strong enough to be a problem for him, so he enjoyed looking at the lovely gardens and the rising half moon.

Sighing softly, the vampire servant knocked at the door, practically afraid to bother the elder brother.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Rolling around for quite some time, his worry only growing now that he has gone a night without seeing his dear little brother, Mois can not find it in himself to sleep just yet. Instead he rolls right off the bed and throws on one of his favorite cotton robes. Unlike his brother who preferred 'the finer things in life' as he puts it, he finds the rough thick feeling of cotton and wool more pleasant than silk and the like. 'Spoiled little son of a feather bed! One of these days I'ma sit him down and whoop him like father use to, get me some answers!'

His angry thoughts do not last long, knowing he could never raise a hand to his brother, no matter what. 'If I were any other way, he would not trust me. Sure, I have stopped him from doing certain things by force, but I have never raised a hand to him, or stopped him when it was something that really matters. And even after I stop him, he always finds a way to do it anyways. . . .' Letting out a faint groan he collapses into his favorite chair, his eyes going to the fire where the flickering flames keep him lost for a time, drawing him away from the worry.

There is a soft knock at his front door, starling him out of his lack of deep thought and for a few seconds he just stares openly at the finely finished wood. 'Door. . .Knocking. . .Not Alexi, he never knock, so a servant? Why? At this hour. . . .' Rather than letting his mind run wild over just why a slave would be knocking on his door at such a late hour he pushes himself up with a groan and walks over in a few quick strides. Pulling the door open he manages a half smile at the sight of Joseph. 'Well, he's not falling to pieces, so I can assume my dear brother is still in one piece' His mind flashes to the visual of Joseph after Alexi's untimely death but swiftly shakes the image away, not really wanting to think about his brother's demise. “Come in Joseph.” He murmurs, leaving the door open as he wanders back to his chair to sit down. Once settled he motions that the vampire may sit if he wants to, then waits quietly for Joseph to state his purpose.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TShara


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Once the deepest of the four tubs was filled, Erik grabbed a towel from the wall and placed it beside the pool. Then, he stripped off his stupid slave's robe, dropped it by his towel, and jumped into the perfectly warm water, barely resisting the urge to shout “Weeeeee!!” or something equally silly. After all, he was a leader to hundreds of people, and he was still in a dangerous and suspicious situation. Besides, he was over two hundred years old for God's sake.

And yet, as he allowed his body to relax in the perfectly warm water, a luxury that the Resistance could never afford, it seemed that perhaps life as a prisoner was not so terrible. He was not even fully conscious of the realization, it was just that for the first time since he had arrived, he was able to let go of his fear and distrust, if only for one luxurious bath. He even forgot that he was wearing a collar, and that he was a prisoner in these two rooms. Untying his shoulder-length hair, he began to swim laps in the pool and to dive underwater. After a few minutes, he emerged to the surface, giggling like he had not in months, not since he'd gone swimming in the river with some of the newer recruits.


Joseph entered and strode over to the living area, but chose to remain standing. He was too embarrassed about his mistake to sit down, but he hoped that Master Mois would forgive him, and decided to get right to the point.

“Master, please forgive me. While I was out of the room, Master Alexi sliced his wrist open to give Leader Schumann some blood. For now, the rebel has agreed to go along with your brother's plan, though it was for... a different reason.” Joseph paused here, unsure how much he should tell the elder brother. He had raised, protected, and trusted them both, and it was difficult for him to favor one over the other like this, but it was ultimately Master Alexi who was his owner. “Suffice it to say that the Master has done something that convinced the rebel leader to comply, at least for now. He will be taking the proper potion in the morning. I did not want to draw any more blood from Master Alexi to mix it right now. He needs to sleep and time to regain his strength.

Please forgive me for not informing you more quickly. To be honest, I forgot that you were waiting on him, but I know that that is no excuse."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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The worry and stress seems to be coming off of Joseph in waves and Mois braces himself. While he's sure his brother is still alive, he's equally sure he's done something monumentally stupid as well. He tries to remain relaxed and calm, but as the first declaration about his brother's foolishness reaches his ears his hands grip the arm rests of the chair and he pulls himself to his feet. He is beyond angry, even as he follows up with the rebel leader's decision to go along with his brother's mad plan he is unable to relax. If anything, the willingness of the vampire seems to upset Mois even more.

His face betrays very little of this, however he moves swiftly around the room, pacing in that completely erratic manner that is indicative of his level of anger. It is all he can manage not to bolt over to the house and charge strait into Alexi's room. 'That, of all the, he could have, is there any, gah! I need to make him change his mind, this is so stupid, even if it is for a cause as great as all this if he would just, AUGH!' He comes to a sudden stop behind his chair, gripping the back tightly as Joseph goes on, a note of calm entering his eyes at the sound of Alexi at least waiting until the next day to lose any more blood.

'And I know my brother, he most likely wanted to do the potion as soon as possible. If he's still listening to Joseph, at least he's not gone completely off the deep end into this insane plan of his as of yet. . .' He looks up as the head slave once more seems to beg forgiveness, however at this point Mois hold no anger for the elder vampire, in fact, he feels a touch of gratitude at his efforts to care for his brother. He takes several deep breaths, forcing his muscles to relax until at last he manages to release the chair and move to stand near Joseph. His voice is strained, but there is no anger in it. “I am not upset Joseph. You had something more important to deal with, and I'm sure his foolishness was fairly distracting. I do not blame you. . .”

Reaching out he touches the vampire's arm gently before moving back over to his chair to sit with a long sigh. For several seconds he just stares off at the ceiling, the fire in the grate burning low at this point, casting most of the room in shadows. There are overhead light fixtures, however Mois does not bother to turn them on, the harshness of such lights not what he needs right now. “I am glad he still trusts you Joseph.” he murmurs softly all of a sudden. “I fear I may have lost bits of his trust over the years. . .Every time I could not do what he asked, or I would try and refuse one of his requests. I fear he's pushed me away little by little. I have no doubt he still loves me, which is why I know something you do not, and I can not tell you, but Alexi no longer trusts me the way he does you.” His eyes turn on to the vampire, blank, with a touch of something sad.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TShara


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Joseph grimaced, and looked towards Master Mois, though he could not meet his eyes.

If he trusted me, he would have told me what the potion really was. If he trusted me, then he would tell me what he intends to do with Leader Schumann instead of leaving it in the dark. I have followed every command and request he has given me since he's come of age, and he still does not trust me, not really, Joseph thought, just a touch of resentment in his head. He had no choice but to trust the human completely, unquestioningly, and it would have been nice to receive the same. But he was only a slave after all, and he knew that it was wrong for him to feel such things. It was the function of a slave to give of themselves completely, and to expect nothing in return. That Master Alexi did love and care for him, and that he trusted him at least slightly, should have been enough for Joseph, and he knew that. But his words primarily focused on Master Mois' emotions.

“First of all, Master Alexi does not trust me, not really. As you've pointed out, he's told you parts of the plan that he has not told me. Secondly, trust should not come from giving into another person's will or constantly doing what they ask of you. If it were even true that he did not trust you because you do not follow his every whim and request, then that would be his failing, not yours. But really, I think he trusts you as much as he is capable of trusting anyone.”

The vampire servant wished more than anything that Master Alexi would see what his secrecy was doing to Master Mois. Even if he was going to make Joseph tear his hair out, it was far worse to do that to your own brother than to a slave.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Mois nods with a sad smile on his lisps at the final thought expressed by his once mentor, however he can not stop the sigh, or the deep rooted disagreement with the rest of what Joseph had to say. “I agree, his madness, the madness of our family, is already affecting my dear little brother, making it hard to trust, how to confide in people, anyone really. . .” He huffs softly. “But you are wrong Joseph, that is exactly what trust is, and you and I both know that even if you were freed today, you would follow that foolish mad man to the ends of the earth. Perhaps putting your foot down on some things, the kind of things that has me knowing what I know and you do not, but you and I both know your will would be his even to the end of all things at this point, even without your enslaved will from the breaking.”

He chuckles softly, looking to the fire. “No Joseph, what you have with him goes beyond trust, it is what had humans fighting one another for so long over, what has made most of the major events in human history such massacres as to have the demons of hell turning their eyes from the carnage. What you have for Alexi is faith. The true and pure belief that even though you do not, no, even though you can not understand his will, you are willing to follow it anyways. You have faith that what he says is true, what he he believes in is real, and what he wants is. . .Well, what he wants, is what you want. . .” He rubs his eyes gently with one hand before dropping it back to the armrest. “While faith has caused such terrible things, I still envy the fact that you have it, and still think it is one of the greatest things any being can ever have in anything, be it a person, a place , or a belief.”

His voice trails off, a thick weariness overcoming his voice even as he seems to spiral down, deep into a pit of sorrow he knows will only deepen as the days go by. 'My little brother,t he fool who feels the need to save the souls of the world. My mad, wonderful younger brother who knows the pain he causes, but whose heart is unable to bend beneath the weight of it. . .Why must I be blessed and cursed, with such a beast as my blood? My father at least was simple, the madness inside of him turning to pure evil, plain and simple. I know not yet if my brother has become good or evil, but I pray I find out before it all comes to a close'

A long weary exhale comes from his now dry lips as he at last looks once more to the elder vampire and tries to pull at least half a smile. He fails, only managing a wince before he gives up and shakes his head, his eyes falling closed. “You and I both know, what we see as failing, is something that has given Alexi the power he has today, and without it, this mad plan of his. . .would never work. . .” He bites his lip softly, looking into Joseph's eyes apologetically. “Forgive me, I do carry on. I did not mean to tell you your feelings. . .And if I am in any way wrong, feel free to voice such. . .” Mois has always carried a bit of calm inside him at the thought of how devoted the head slave is to Alexi, and a part of him prays desperately, if silently, that his assessment of the older male is accurate.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TShara


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Joseph listened patiently to Master Mois' words, never willing to interrupt, even if he did not completely agree with the elder brother's assessment. Though it was meant as a compliment, he was rather disturbed by it, for he was already disillusioned by the fact that his belief in Alexi appeared so blind to the outside observer. But he would not have even defended himself, if Master Mois had not directly requested an answer of him. He hated expressing disagreement with his masters, but he despised lying to them even more.

“You are correct in most of your assessment, Master Mois. Should he allow it, I would follow Master Alexi to the ends of the Earth, even if slavery ended this very moment. But that is not wholly because of my faith in him, I'll come to that in a moment. It is because this life, the near complete devastation of my freewill, is my punishment for the crimes of my youth. I tormented humans because of cruel and outdated beliefs, and so I will serve human masters until the day I die. That is the way of things.” Joseph began, looking towards the low light of the fireplace.

“But I served your father with very near the same fervency that I now serve Master Alexi, except for one thing. I will not harm another sentient being, no matter how much agony the 'soft'-breaking causes me, for I will not have others punished for my sins. The only exception is if not following the command would make things worse for the victim. When I spanked you and your brother as a child, it was because I knew that if I refused, your father would be much more painful than I was. I agreed to help Master Alexi torment that man, because what I was really doing was providing Leader Schumann some modicum of comfort. Even then, it hurt me so badly that I nearly -” Joseph quickly cut himself off, unwilling to continue that particular thought. After a moment, he simply began again, refusing to acknowledge the near confession.

“All of that being said, I do trust Master Alexi. I trust him in a way that I have trusted few other Vandros masters, because I have watched and served him for his entire life, and I know his heart to be in the right place. It is not as obvious, but I trust you in the same way, Master Mois. But even so, my faith is neither blind, nor absolute. I evaluate his orders under the same scrutiny that I evaluated those of any other master, and the vast majority of the time, I choose to follow them because I find them either harmless, or worthwhile. Unless it is a question of harming another, then my own opinion, my own will, my own life, doesn't matter. I must confess, I am taking liberties even allowing that as a consideration in my station, but that is how my mind works, and I cannot alter it, anymore than you or Master Alexi could alter your minds.” With that conclusion, Joseph bowed respectfully again, silently hoping that he had not spoken too much or too out of turn before the elder brother. He rarely mentioned the matter of his penance to any master, but these were troubling times.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Despite the disagreement, the complete tear down his once mentor seems to do to himself, Mois can not stop a faint smile from finding it's way to his lips as the older male speaks. 'Ah, Joseph. . . .If only you understood. I know what you were about to say there, it is quite obvious to me. I am an officer in the crime detection league after all. I know, that Alexi would have prepared for such a betrayal. In fact, I know this. I was after all the one to instal the very things that would have stopped you. He plays us both so well, don't you think? No matter how much it killed you however, he would forgive you, and ultimately he'd have found a way to work it all to his advantage. Do not feel so bad, old friend. . .' He sighs softly. 'I have no right to call you that, not like Alexi. You've always been closer to him, but I am glad you at least believe you serve me just as fervently'

His smile only grows as he speaks of his faith, the confession of why he feels the need to server Alexi even if he was no slave logged away to be revealed to his little brother at a later date. As the elder slave falls silent Mois stretches, a light groan finding it's way out before he drops his arms across his stomach as he slouches down into the chair. His looks is soft as he casts his eyes once more at Joseph. “I never called you faith blind Joseph. I know you are no fool, and I also know we are not exactly the most special Vandros you have ever served, save Alexi's ambition to change the world, and the likeliness of it succeeding.” He shrugs best he can from his position. “It does not matter what the faith is built from, the fact still remains that if he called from a distance for you to duck, you would do so without checking for the reason, you would react without needing proof that your actions are necessary.”

He shakes his head softly, doing his best to pull himself into a proper sitting position without looking like an overweight man stuck on a park bench. However his body it too tired to allow him any grace at this point and he ends up growling to himself before just sliding off the chair to sit on the floor. With another faint groan he looks to Joseph. “Forgive me, I am tired and may be just speaking from the tired, but even if you came about your faith scientifically, I am comforted by the fact that you do not deny having faith. It makes me happy.” Pushing himself up he stands looking to Joseph with a half smile. “However, one of these days, I will prove to you that what you feel towards Alexi, and your trust in me, are two very different things.”

Reaching out he grips the vampires shoulder tightly in a friendly manner before looking towards his bed room. “I am grateful for the update, Joseph, I feel I will be able to sleep now, thank you.” He turns back to the older male. “I am sure there are a bunch of things you have left on that over full plate you stack for yourself left to do this night, Alexi's false suicide attempt and your trip to report it making you over late for many things. Go now, and thank you again. Now, I will be able to sleep.” Humming softly he makes his way back to his room, throwing off his robe to the floor before collapsing into his bed for the second time this evening. However, this time, sleep is swift in finding him, even as the nightmares soon follow with gruesome images of a future he prays will never come.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TShara


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

There was a part of Joseph that wanted to continue this debate with his master, but naturally, he knew better than to continue speaking after being dismissed. Outwardly, he merely bowed low, and responded with a soft, “Goodnight, Master Mois,” before exiting the cottage. But once he left, and began his trek back to the mansion, his mind was on fire, wishing he had been free to say more.

You misunderstood me, Master Mois. Both you and Master Alexi are very special, and if this insane secret plan of Master Alexi's succeeds, then perhaps the two of you will be remembered in history as the men who ended slavery, assuming his plan even allows for such recognition. In any case, I will not forget what you did, or even what you tried to do, for the magicals, regardless of history's opinion. But even without that, you have both been kind to me, allowed me freedoms and privileges that I never have deserved, and treated me with respect. I will not forget that either, long after both of you have passed.

And though I did not have time to say it, I wish you could know that I do trust you just as much as I do Master Alexi. If I have favored him in my servitude, it is merely because he has asked more of me, not because of any real preference. I don't care what your father decided about this estate; you are both my masters, and nothing can change that.
But of course, none of these things had been said to Master Mois, and when it came down to it, that was fine by Joseph. There had been enough heartfelt conversations in the past few days to last a lifetime.

When he reached the room he had been cleaning before, he changed his clothes to a less formal polo shirt and black pants, clothes that still looked dignified, but were a little more suited to the “dirty work.” Then he set to the calming task of polishing the wood furniture and the floors of the rooms in the northern wing. He thought about how Master Mois said that he stacked too much on his plate, but in reality he only did an average of 12 hours of work, 6 days a week. Vampires did not need as much sleep as humans did, and it was not as though he had a commute, so he found that the work was completely reasonable for him. Furthermore, there had been masters in the past which worked him more than that, and so he was accustomed to it.

Besides, he refused to make things easier on himself, for this too, was part of his punishment. Even now that his responsibilities were increased, he would not shoulder the work onto any of the other slaves. He deserved this servitude. They did not. The other slaves served roughly forty hour workweeks, and while several had seen what Joseph was doing to himself and asked to help, he had turned them down. The last time he had asked someone else to take the workload off of him was when he'd been severely injured while serving Tristan Vandros, Mois and Alexi's father, and had needed two days to mostly recover.

It was seven hours before he was finally finished, and so it was just about the break of dawn by the time he packed up the cleaning supplies, traveled to his room in the servant's quarters, showered, and fell asleep. Naturally, he set his alarm clock to awaken him in three and a half hours, so that he would be ready to take Master Alexi's blood at 9 AM.


Meanwhile, Erik finished an hour long bath, one of the longest he had taken in his life, and stepped out of the gigantic tub feeling remarkably content, given his situation. There was an assortment of huge towels and linens in the corner of the room, and Erik selected a fluffy terrycloth robe and a large towel. He had taken the vial of potion with him into the bathroom, for he had been afraid that it would somehow be switched out when he wasn't looking, and now he slipped it into the pocket of the robe.

If only my soldiers could see me now. I've traded my freedom for the comfort of a beautifully gilded cage. Do I really believe Alexi's promises, or did I just want to be free of the hunger and of the chains? Even after he gave me his blood, I knew that if I refused it would only be four days before I would be back to where I was before. Is that why I agreed to this? The former rebel leader wondered as he walked back into the bedroom with his slave clothes in hand. But as he thought back to that moment, he was able to reassure himself.

No. I truly couldn't stand to resist a plan that promised the freedom of my people. He promised me the thing I've watched people die for. Hell, it's only sheer luck that I'm still alive myself. I meant it when I said that I would spend the rest of my life as his slave, if he freed the rest of the world. One life for the lives of many, that's worth something, right? Still, I fear that if my followers saw me enjoying these luxuries, they would think me a traitor. But it does not matter how they see me, only if Alexi's eccentric plan is both real and successful.

Besides, I've already lost their trust. I led them headlong into a trap, got myself and most of those with me captured. They'll think I've been hard broken, even if that's not what this potion even does. Even I I were allowed to leave here, they would never let me lead them again, and rightly so. I've lost that privilege. I've been cell Leader for fifty years, but it's meaningless now. I cannot face them, much less lead them.

However, once again, I must remind myself that it does not matter. This is not about my glory or leadership, and I should not let my own arrogance into this. If somehow this madman's plan works and ends this nightmare, then that's what matters, not my damn ego.

With distaste, he changed back into the slave robe, hung the bathrobe, pocketed the stupid vial, filled himself a glass of cold water, and began to read one of the books he'd selected, in an attempt to distract himself from his own disturbing thoughts.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Not long after sunrise Alexi wakes slowly, the activities from the night before taking their toll in the form of various body aches and a pounding headache. He whines much like the petulant young man that he is and shifts under the covers, rolling about and stretching in an attempt to get his blood flowing properly, and work the kinks out of what feels like every joint. 'If Joseph comes in and sees me looking worse for wear, he will try and refuse to take my blood, I just know it. I would rather not have to order him to do it. After all, I am just beginning to win Erik's trust. . . .' At the thought of the rebel leader he smiles fondly, stifling his noises a bit as he finishes his stretches. Once he is sure he won't be moving like a cripple when the head slave shows up the younger Vandros throws the covers back and stretches one last time.

Slipping to the edge of the bed he stands up carefully, testing his balance before trying to move. His eyes seek out his captive, the light he used to read allowing the human to see fairly well despite the just-woke-up blurry vision. He smiles warmly. “Good morning.” he murmurs, shuffling past the second bed in his room and making his way to the bathroom for his morning bathroom stuff. He smiles at the sight of the still full bath and tries to imagine what it would look like to see the rather filthy vampire captive bathing. He wrinkles his nose a bit as he realizes just how filthy his tub now is, however he shrugs it off quickly and shuffles over to the privacy stall.


“If he's been captured. . .”

“There's no way he could have known. . .”

“That traitor! Thanks to him Erik was. . .”

“We have no proof he's been captured. He may be dead somewhere. . .”

Adrian bits his lip, keeping his thoughts to himself as he makes his way through the encampment. The rumors and suspicions flying all around him have been going on since their leader vanished on the night of the raid. The young drow, having been needed at the camp that day had been forced to stay behind even if he'd wanted badly to go on the raid with his idol. True, he's only a low level fighter within the resistance, but none the less he felt he could be of use. The dark elf pauses, looking over to a litter of werewolf children who seem oblivious to the plight all around them as they play fight under their mother's watchful eye. 'Some of the only children born free. . .' He says a silent prayer that this sight will become more and more common in the future before continuing on his trek through camp.

He once more overhears a group whispering about their leader being captured, being enslaved, and once more he bites his lip. 'Even if he was captured, there is no way he would ever bow to the will of his captors! He fights for our freedom!' Most of the camp are of like mind when it comes to their leader Erik, and already some have begun talking about having a funeral. Even if he was captured, he would be dead soon, not allowing them to keep him alive to potentially harm the rebellion. Adrian curses aloud drawing the attention of a few filth covered refugees, however he falls silent as he slips out of sight into his sleeping area. Stepping over the few already asleep for the day he curls up in his own dark little corner of the Hodge-podge structure of metal and cloth and settles in for the day. 'He would never betray us. . .Never. . . .No matter what. . .'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TShara


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Erik had been unable to sleep that night. In truth, he'd been almost hyperactive with both mental and physical energy. Though he had tried to remain quiet so as not to awaken the sleeping human, he had eventually become dissatisfied with reading, and had eventually began to do push ups and aerobic exercises to try and wear himself out and release some of this boundless energy. Once or twice he wondered if he should lay off blood more often if coming back to it made him feel this amazing. He had even tried several attempts at leaving the room, first by walking, and then sprinting, out towards the exit, only to have his own body force him back crashing onto the floor. A human would be hurt and severely bruised, but Erik merely brushed it off and stifled a laugh. He eventually had exercised so much that he sweated himself into needing another bath, which he took gleefully, swimming through the water he did not think was terribly dirty. Of course, he had been so excited that he had forgotten about draining the pool, much to Alexi's chagrin in the morning.

However, when Alexi awoke, Erik was much more calm, the physical energy having been spent, but the mental energy still keeping him awake and reading. He had finished his book on high elf history and had begun reading about the dark elves, commonly known as Drow. He had nearly finished that book as well, when Alexi spoke to him.

“Good morning,” Erik replied politely, looking up at Alexi with some concern. But his expression wass not without trepidation. He thought carefully about the potion he was about to take, and once again assured himself that he could evaluate the effects and refuse with what will he had left later, if it was determined that Alexi was lying. Besides, there were a few more ways to commit suicide now, if it came to that.

Just as that horrid thought passed his mind (and it was horrid, for Erik did not relish death, and truly only considered it a better resort than living the rest of his life in disgrace as a slave), Joseph entered the room, carrying a pitcher of orange juice, wearing his usual posh head butler's outfit and looking calm and collected as ever, despite his internal worry over Alexi.

“I heard the alarms as you tried to bang through a few doorways last night, Erik,” he chastised, remembering the Leader's wish not to be called by his title. But the younger vampire thought he detected just a hint of a smirk behind the elder butler's lips.

“I prefer to think of it as 'knocking... loudly,'” Erik replied jokingly. “And come on, you can't blame a guy for trying.”

“No, not at all," Joseph agreed. It is only natural for a wolf to beat against the bars of his cage, he thought, thinking of the way he had been when he had first been captured, in addition to Erik's situation. But his eloquence was not spoken, for he did not want to insult the younger vampire. Without being asked, he poured the younger man a glass of orange juice as they waited for the master of the house, and of their lives.

* * *

When Master Alexi finally left the bathroom, Joseph greeted him immediately, offering him a glass of the juice without asking if he wanted any. Given how weak he looked (oh, how he tried so hard to hide it!), Joseph shot him a look, just for a split second meeting his master's eyes. It was almost an unspoken order that he drink the juice. Of course, such an order was only ever given for Master Alexi's own good.

“Are you prepared for me to extract the blood, Master Alexi?” he asked demurely, once more looking down at his Master's neck, no indication of that unspoken, almost fatherly order that had passed between them seconds before.

Of course, despite his great eyes and normally keen senses, Erik was oblivious to all of this, as he was far more focused on the potion that lay innocuously in his pocket. He took out the vial, studying it once again, as if he did not already have every crevice of the intricately woven, hand-sized bottle already memorized.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Humming softly, feeling a bit better than he had right after waking, Alexi dries his hair a bit before wandering away from the pool he used to bathe himself in, just across from the one Erik used the in the night. 'Well, he looked to be in a much better mood this morning. I am glad. It goes to prove that sometimes civility can get through to the civilized. . .Or that sometimes really foolish things lead to success. Either works for me in this case' He chuckles at himself, dropping the wet towel down on the tiles before looking over his collection of robes. Alexi knows he can get a little excessive, the robe collection a prime example of this, however he can not find it in himself to deny his collectors instinct.

After a little deliberation he grabs a black, sleeveless one, silken in texture, and bordered in golden thread woven into text from an ancient culture. Embroidered into the back is a large serpentine dragon, making the robe look less like a bath robe and more light something one might see in an old kung fu movie. After tying it on, he twirls once, admiring the flow and glint of the piece of clothing before heading for the door leading to his room.


Meanwhile, the elder Vandros makes his way to the private dinning area, the smell of the food making his mouth water even after his rather filling set of dishes the night before. He did not sleep well, which may be a part of what is making him so hungry. Well, that mixed with the worry he seems to be constantly feeling these days. As he takes his place at the table, to the right of the head of the short table, he flips open is phone and scrolls down to Joseph's name. 'I know he's going to see my dear brother this morning, and he's more likely to actually read a text, so. . ..' Pulling up the text screen his fingers fly over the keypad. -Please tell Alexi I'm not leaving for work until I've seen him, so it will be his fault if I'm late. Thanks.- After clicking send he begins digging into his meal, the servants peeking in on him, a few with smiles as he makes it quite obvious that he is enjoying their cooking.


“Good morning Joseph!” Alexi says jovially, doing his best to appear as well as he can, however a moment later he's handed orange juice and given a silent order to drink it. His smile turns sheepish and he begins sipping at it while walking over to his bed. Sitting on the far side from the door to the room, the side Erik can see clearly from his own bed, the slave owner looks to the elder and gives a nod. Downing the rest of the drink quickly he sets the glass aside on the nearest bedside table and settles so that Erik will be able to watch the entire process. 'I have a touch of his trust now, I do not want him thinking I am trying to hide anything now' His eyes ghost over the vial and looks up to where he'd left it the night before. 'Seems he does not trust me enough to not swap it out even when I am passed out, but, no matter' He lets out a sigh, craning his neck around as he hears a phone going off. 'It is not mine, that is over here, and Erik does not have one' He smiles, suddenly recognizing the text tone. 'Oh, hah' He stays silent, his arm out and waiting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TShara


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Joseph stood calmly beside his master and picked up the first aid kit that had been left in the room. He wished he could wait a day or two on extracting the human's blood, so as not to weaken him further. But unfortunately, he knew that it was important not to delay Master Alexi's Master Plan any more. Recognizing Master Mois' texting tone, he quickly took out the phone and read it to the younger brother verbatim.

“Your elder brother says, 'Please tell Alexi I'm not leaving for work until I've seen him, so it will be his fault if I'm late. Thanks.' So, I will escort you downstairs for breakfast when we are finished here,” he declared as he assembled the syringe. “You will need a decent meal after this anyway.”

And may I add that it is really pathetic that your own brother has to text ME just to get you to actually communicate with him, you bloody madman. Why must you be so damned admirable, so damn idealistic, but so bloody oblivious to those around you? This would have been much less painful for me if you had told me that the potion would not break him, if you had explained why you needed him. But this is not about me. Goddamnit, I'm not going to just watch you push Master Mois into an early grave. The least you can do is share a meal with him. Don't you know how worried it's making him that you would share your bedroom with a criminal? Don't you even care? Goddamnit, I am so broken that I would follow you to the ends of the Earth even if I despised you. But I love you. I love you both dearly; you are the closest I've ever had to sons. And the worst part is, I have no right to even think this, any of this! This is not my function. What is wrong with me?! Sometimes I think things were easier back when I was little more than an automaton. No bloody emotions to worry about, nothing but blind loyalty, following instructions, and doing my chores.

As usual, his outward actions did nothing to mirror his internal monologue as he carefully extracted the exact amount of blood that the potion needed to work, for he was unwilling to deprive Master Alexi of any more than was absolutely necessary. Erik strode over to watch, his face also passive. With a slight gulp, he handed Joseph the potion, and watched as the elder vampire mixed the serum together in a tall glass. With an unintentionally grave look, Joseph carefully handed the glass to Erik.

There was a minor bit of hesitation on the rebel leader's part, the last lingering bits of doubt. He thought to himself, Well, I already made the decision. A commanding officer does not have time to doubt his decisions. You make them and you live with them. And … and I am sure... well goddamnit, I hope to God this is the right one.

“Cheers,” was all he muttered, however, even managing to flash a tiny grin at Alexi before downing the entire glass in one draught.

Erik's first response was merely the normal soothing effects of human blood on his system. It had not been so long that he needed to feed, but it was long enough that his body wanted blood if possible. But it was only about a minute before the effects of the potion began to work. The emotions were... confusing, to say the least. Erik had steeled himself for pain, the same pain he had seen in Alexi's eyes. But this was... pleasant. He felt warm, and a smile was forming on his lips without his fully even being aware of it. He was admired, respected, adored... He was loved.

The emotions were directed towards himself, though he still knew they came from Alexi. And yet, he felt them towards everyone else. On complete impulse, he turned to Joseph, who had just wrapped the syringe to properly dispose of it in a few minutes, and gave him a bear hug, kissing him firmly on the forehead. Then he turned and hugged Alexi the same way, and left the kiss on the cheek this time. After days of battling self-hatred, pain, a severe case of cabin fever, and the beginnings of insanity, this felt amazing. He was so... so very confident that he could do anything. He could absolutely take down an entire governmental system and change things for the magicals. And he would do it himself, in his lifetime, dangit!

But the initial “shock” of the new emotions, as his brain and body adjusted to the influx, was over in less than three minutes, and Erik found that Alexi's emotions were much more muted than all of that. He still felt wonderful, but it was more like a warm and fuzzy blanket of love and confidence than anything else. He was still grinning widely though, when he finally spoke.

“I'm sorry guys. I have no clue why I just did that. I guess I was getting adjusted. It's very difficult to sort all of this out. I still have no clue what I'm feeling. It's so very different than my normal reality, and it's nothing like what I imagined after seeing what happened to you,” he admitted, looking to both the vampire and the human before him.
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His eyes go back to Joseph when he begins reading his text aloud, and can not help but laugh. 'Not only does my brother order me to come see him, threatening me with the blame for getting fired, but my own head servant orders me to comply. What and odd household I live in. I wonder, who is the master here again?' He chuckles lightly, fully aware that his eccentricities are causing problems for his loved ones, but also feeling no real urge to change that fact now. 'It works, and even if they suffer now, and even if they suffer later. I know I am doing the right thing' “Okay Joseph, we shall do just that. . .” he murmurs quietly. He then turns his focus on to Erik, letting his emotions flow naturally so that the first dose will be properly effective. He does not even look to his arm as he feels the needle pierce his flesh, instead keeping his eyes locked on the captive.

He does not look away, keeping all of his focus on the vampire, not wanting to miss a moment of what is to happen next. He responds to the smile with one of his own, the warm grin staying in place even after the rebel leader's attention turns inwards after drinking the mixture. 'Took a little while for it to kick in fully, I wonder. . .' Alexi is not left wondering long and he slips off the bed with an ever widening smile at the effect the exchange seems to have on him. 'It looks as if the feelings are being well received. . . .Either that or he is just being overwhelmed by them. . .Either is fine as far as I am concerned'

He can not suppress the open laugh at the sight of Joseph being pulled into a strong hug, by the force of it looking to almost lift the elder off his feet, the added touch of the kiss adding new delight to Alexi's gaze. 'Beautiful. . .' Hi is ill prepared however when the vampire turns on him with the same treatment, his weak body little defence against the fierceness of the hug, however he does his best to hug back, his heart picking up to an incredible pace at the sweet kiss to his cheek. He flushes brightly as the other lets him go. Not in embarrassment, but in true glowing joy. Other than the smile and the flush however, Alexi does not seem all that different that usual, however being released from the hug he practically falls to his rump on the bed unable to keep his feet.

Giggling a bit Alexi at last looks away, if only for an instant, to give Joseph a warm 'See what I meant?' smile before turning his attention back to Erik as he begins speaking. His smile shrinks a bit as he recalls what happened the night before, however he waves it off with a playful pout. “Aww, I told you before, it only hurt me because of the kinds of feelings I received mixed with the intensity of them. . . .You may be noticing that after the initial surge my feelings feel quite. . .Dull compared to your own. Yours on the other hand. . .” He presses hand over his solar plexus like someone who has heartburn. “I can still feel them gnawing at me. . .Your feelings are so much stronger than my own. . .” His voice trails off around the end and his eyes fall to the ground as his feet begin kicking softly. His eyes light up once more as he looks to Erik. “It's one of the things I admire about you.” he says softly, dismissing his own discomfort.


Rolling out of his comfy chair Uwin races to the servant's quarter’s bathing area for his morning wash. He's running a little late, but he knows he has more than enough time to get through with his morning routine without looking rushed. He waves to the other slaves, a few of them looking at him funny. Those who still find him odd are new, having very little experience of what it's like to be a slave to Master Alexi. Even some of the older ones find him odd, however they also seems to admire his spirit. Despite his position as slave, Uwin always looks as if he couldn't be happier. After his quick scrub down he dresses in the uniform one of the cleaning servants always has ready for him and with a bow, he races off to his waiting room, his breakfast already waiting for him.

'These guys are good!' He can not help but laugh a bit, feeling almost like a master himself with all the service the other slaves provide him because of his position as head driver for Alexi Vandros. Munching down his salad, complete with honey and lily petals, he pulls out the daily planner to once more make sure he has memorized the contents before settling back for some relaxing music Alexi had found him years ago of a choir, singing in his native language. He lets out a long sigh, and despite his lowly place in the world, the spry wood elf slave feels content.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TShara


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Joseph merely watched as the pair spoke, waiting until he could escort Master Alexi down to breakfast. He had honestly not known what to expect from this strange “Bonding” potion. His own Binding had been less emotional in the beginning, as the main feeling had been relief from the pain of bloodlust. It had merely begun to depress him and deaden his emotions and his will as time had gone on. There was a portion of him that was almost envious of Erik now, for the idea of feeling Master Alexi's thoughts and emotions was appealing to him in a way. He wonder if doing so would perhaps allow him to understand his dear master better. But alas, he was not the one granted the privilege of peering into the enigmatic Master Alexi Vandros' mind.

Meanwhile, Erik was slowly beginning to come back into some form of rational thought, though he still found it difficult to wipe the silly grin off of his face. In their more muted state, he just felt content, loved, and confident. He was not even terribly embarrassed at having hugged Joseph and Alexi, and replied to the latter now.

“I am sorry that my emotions are still causing you discomfort. That is strange to hear, because I do not find them anywhere near that painful. They are simply my reality. It was actually rather jarring to see their effect on you,” the former rebel leader replied truthfully. He simply felt pleasant now. It was as though he just loved the presence of everyone in the room. There was even a small part of him that wanted to take the next dose soon, just to feel that complete love and contentment again. “How long will it be before we have to take the next dose of it?” he asked curiously.

The truth was, there were several more questions that he wanted to ask Alexi about these emotions, about this strange adoration. He at least knew that part was honest now. But he also knew that Alexi needed to get downstairs to see his brother. No one would want to know that their kin was in the same room with him. He was a terrorist after all. And he would never want anyone to lose their job. It is important to note that he still had no idea that Mois Vandros was the one who had fired the tranq dart that had captured him, that had led the spring for the trap he had fallen into. Without that knowledge, he only felt a mild sympathy for the poor man who had to deal with this eccentric billionaire for a brother.

Perhaps when Alexi returned, the former rebel would be more open to asking him about his life, and about these strange emotions he felt. Perhaps, in time, he could even begin to trust him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Letting out a faint sigh Alexi manages to regain his feet without looking like it was hard to do and locks his gaze on the rebel leader. “Is it really strange? For a man with muted, unenthusiastic emotions, who has never failed, and never held true passion in his heart, to suddenly be filled with the self loathing, the anger, the pure, unfettered fury that you were feeling, stronger than you have ever felt it before due to the state your body was in after so long without blood? Not to mention that little pain, for a man who has never wanted for anything, that overwhelming need for something as simple as food. . .No Erik, it is not strange. From their perspective of my emotional center, your emotions are nothing short of a touch of hell.”

He say none of this in an accusatory manner, his calm smile and relaxed facade never changing as he looks to the vampire, doing his best to try and explain his understanding of why it still hurts. He chuckles softly. “That aside, these feeling are not suppose to fade, so of course I still feel it, but now, as I did with my past pains, have managed to press it back so I can function.” He looks to the ground, sweeping his foot back and forth almost shyly. “I do not press it back too far however, since this is meant to be shared. It would be unfair on my part.” He smiles before slipping away to his wardrobe to get dressed. After throwing the doors open he strips and calls out to address the question posed by the vampire.

“As to when we may do the next dose, I would say a couple days. It is best to get to understand what is inside before moving on, and since I spend most of my day out of the manor, it will take a while if I am to actually get some sleep at all during this. The past few nights have been. . .” He lets that sentence hang in the air, the implications obvious so he lets the vampires make what they will of it. He finishes changing quickly, closing his wardrobe to turn and face the other two in the room. His robe now lay crumpled on the floor and Alexi is now dressed in an old fashioned gentleman’s pants and suit coat, both in deep purple, while his undershirt, showing from his navel up, is white, ending with a dark red cravat, his hair already pulled back into a proper pony complete with black hair ribbon.

Smoothing his hands down the suit coat to fix any wrinkles and smiles at the two of them. Wandering over to where his shoes are kept on a rack by the door he takes a seat on a low plush stool to put on ones that match his outfit. “Yes, tonight, tomorrow, and the day after to talk, and the day after we shall move on to the next dose.” His smile widens. 'This is much faster tan anticipated, however it all still fits within the margins, so everything is fine. Everything is already in place, so nothing suffers from us reaching the conclusion a bit faster than predicted' He hums softly, ignoring the fact that he just basically lied to himself, knowing full well that the faster things go. . .He shakes off the feeling, standing and shifting his feet around inside the slick leather shoes until they fit right before looking back at the other two males in the room.


Mois pokes at his half finished plate of food. It hasn't been too long since he sent his text, so he knows he's just being a bit impatient, however he can not help the rising level of worry in the back of his heart. Finally he drops his fork, lacing his fingers together as he places his elbows on the table and presses his forehead to the laced fingers as his eyes fall closed in impatient thoughts.
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