Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mach2
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Mach2 Mad Hops

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The Lucid, injected directly to Vander’s neck, had taken effect well before Deon had finished with her. It was the first time she’d wished the drug had metabolized slower. Every sense had been heightened. Colours had become vivid, sounds crystal-clear, and sensations…a thousand times more intense.

She walked numbly down the street now, the backpack clutched in her hands. There were four syringes left inside; enough to last at least a day. If she didn’t think about how she got them, she could even feel almost happy. And so long as she was still on the high from the drug, not thinking came easier than it would later. Not easy. Just easier.

The bright neon signs no longer hurt her eyes or provoked her headache. No, the colours and lights were beautiful. The noise of the street was an electrifying hum. She let herself revel in the drug, walking home via a roundabout route and emptying her mind of thoughts. Soon enough, she found herself back in District 16, walking down the street to her familiar run-down apartment. Vander entered, pulling a small electric-key from her back pocket. The backpack was stowed in the bottom corner of her tiny closet. As an extra, albeit somewhat paranoid, precaution, she grabbed a pair of dirty jeans and threw them on top.

Vander had been intending to sleep. Earlier that night, she’d been looking forward to the heavy unconsciousness and vivid dreams that accompanied the drug. But after tonight…with the thoughts lurking at the edge of her mind…the sweet sleep was bound to end in horrifyingly realistic nightmares.

She walked to the bathroom, looking in the mirror with dilated pupils and pulling her hair back from her face. The bruise on her cheek had blossomed already. To her, the colours registered as brilliant violets and blues, emerald green and sickly yellow licking the edges. In reality, she knew that the colours were slightly more subdued, though still obvious. There were doubtlessly bruises elsewhere, but she was not in the mood to take inventory just now.

Instead, Vander zipped her jacket up as high as it would go, and headed for the door again. The cooling night air hit her in the face, and she let herself enjoy it. Her hands were tingling with Lucid, and there were still hours left before morning. Vander started walking, her hands slipping into her pockets…

…and brushing against the piece of paper crumpled up in the corner. She pulled it out, knowing already what it was, but reading it nonetheless. She stared at the lines, the letters, the name on the card. District 1. She’d had her fix now. She would be able to carry on a conversation without distraction. She’d be able to enjoy a conversation. Hell…right now, she needed a conversation. Vander slipped the paper back into her pocket, and let her legs carry her through the night.
The sights of Zone Alpha, to a mind doped up on Lucid, were nothing short of awing. Vander easily ignored the stares she got, gawking at the towering skyscrapers instead. The heights were dizzying. Truly vertigo-inducing.

By sticking to the smaller streets, she managed to avoid the majority of the stares. But disapproving glances were still cast in her direction when Alpha citizens caught sight of her haircut, her ripped jeans, and her wasting build. The druggie didn’t belong here, but no one dared to speak up. They all assumed that law enforcement would pick her up and shoo her away. She reached District 1, and sped up her pace. The streets grew more and more unfamiliar, but she still had a vague sense of where she was going.

Just as Vander neared the address that had been written on the card, she caught sight of a familiar figure.

“James!” she called impulsively, and then hesitated, unsure of how to approach him now. Even with Lucid chasing away some of her reservations, she was out of her comfort zone in Alpha. She closed the gap between them. The pained walk he had left the club with was gone. “Are you all right?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

When all was said and done, Deon pulled his pants back up with a rather pleased smirk on his face as he looked down at Vander. He quietly walked back to the backpack, pulled out his bag of coke, stuffed it into his pants pocket and then tossed the backpack of syringes at Vanders feet, uncaring if the syringes broke on the exchance.

"You just let me know when you wanna do this again." Deon chuckled and was on his way to a nearby hotel where he had told the girl to meet him earlier, leaving Vander in the dark ally on her own.

When he arrived at the hotel, the girl had already checked in under his name and therefore all he had to do was knock on the door. He was greeted by the already naked female and was dragged inside, the door locking behind him.
2 Hours Later
"Weaponry won't be necessary." Kate said to Sektor after Jack had agreed to let her...and the robot come along. "Sektor, run database for Detective Jack Roman of District 17. Allow any and all behaviors as acceptable. Any interference by your program will result in immediate shut-down, only to be rebooted manually. Confirm command."

After instructing Sektor, she sighed and turned her attention back to Jack and began walking with him in the direction of the parking lot where she had left her car.

"I do apologize about him. He's new, like you observed earlier. Still working out the technical difficulties." She then shook her head. "Payment isn't needed, I'm glad to be of assistance."

As she unlocked her car, she slid in the drivers seat, instructing Sektor to sit in the back before giving him the command to initiate stealth mode. That ought to keep him quiet for a bit. Kate then spent the next twenty minutes talking with Jack about Sektors programming...probably in a more advanced way than he would be able to understand but she continued on talking. Finally arriving at the scene, Kate pulled over for Jack to get out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Wyron
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Lord Wyron Reclusive Giant Lord

Member Seen 12 days ago

"Sektor, run database for Detective Jack Roman of District 17. Allow any and all behaviors as acceptable. Any interference by your program will result in immediate shut-down, only to be rebooted manually. Confirm command." Sektor heard its maker command. The robot nodded once, repeating her command. "Affirmative. Running database on Jack Roman. Detective Roman has been given full clearance level. Warning: Command cannot be fully complied. Mobile platform will relinquish unless Detective Jack Roman poses a threat to Katherine Saunders; in which case guardian program will take precedence. However, databases confirm Detective Jack Roman's record is clean. Statistical chance of Detective Jack Roman attempting any harm on Katherine Saunders is at an estimated 4%. Information available. Cybernetics increase such chances an estimate 7%."

It continued to babble on like this for some time until the trio entered the car. Being commanded to initiate stealth mode, Sektor did so. Active camouflage rendered its platform nearly entirely invisible, and it remained deathly silent in the back seat of the car.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gonzo
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Gonzo Narcissist and Sarcastic Neucance

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Gonzo & Mach2 Collab (Kind of Long)

James stepped out into the cool night air and smiled. It was one the single refreshing thing he had felt that night, since leaving his flat to go to The Spit. James turned to his left and started walking. He didn't know where he was going to walk, but he needed to cool off. There was a nice restaurant a couple blocks away, or maybe he could hit a club he actually wanted to go to. He looked up at his watch, and the time showed up in the air. There was still a few hours until sunrise, so that meant that Solaris, a higher standards club than Eclipse, was open. And if anything was more certain in James' mind, it was that he needed a good lay.

"So that's it, then," James mumbled to himself, as he started walking in long strides. "Solaris is the spot of the night."

He hadn't even made it to the end of the block when he heard his name being called.


James turned around and cocked his head to the side, confused. The name call of course didn't go unnoticed, getting a couple of disapproving looks from the night-life crowd walking along the streets. He saw the figure approach him, and as the figure got closer, he was able to make out who exactly it was, and that made his face go white.

"V-Vander... Yeah.. I'm uh.. I'm alright. Thanks for asking." He looked up as a young couple, who had been smiling and laughing about some trivial thing, fell silent as they passed the two, staring at Vander in particular with some disgust. James turned from looking at the couple, back to Vander. "Do you want to go back to my flat? We can talk more in private, there."
She immediately regretted her lack of judgment as the disapproving stares were cast her way yet again. Only now, they were looking at James as well. She realized that showing up in District 1 so shortly after the events in the Spit was probably not the most brilliant of ideas. Embarrassment, combined with Lucid, seemed to add a filter to her vision. Harsh and disapproving stares turned vile. Expressions distorted, until the faces of the pedestrians became almost nightmarish.

"I'm sorry, I should have waited or given you some warning or something...not just shown up out of nowhere," she apologized sincerely, trying to ignore the stares they were receiving. Returning to James's place, escaping the twisting faces of the people on the streets, was appealing. "We can head back to your flat."
"Okay, come on. Let's go." He reached out, grabbed her hand, and led her back to the apartment building. They silently made their way to the lift, and stepped inside. A drunk couple stepped inside right after them, and proceeded to have a little fun in front of the both of them. James turned his head in Vander's direction and gave her an apologetic smile. Finally, the lift doors opened on his floor, and he grabbed Vander yet again. After pushing past the couple and waking a few feet, he approached his door and walked inside.
Mason turned his head and quickly put down his self-lighting bong. His eyes widened at the sight of Vander and he bolted upright. His glossy eyes narrowed in the direction of his brother and new guest. "What is she doing here!?"
Vander let her fingers slide out of James's hand as Mason caught sight of them, almost regretfully. She'd enjoyed the feel of his hand, against her currently hyper-sensitive fingertips. She looked at Mason, hair hanging over the right side of her face, unsure of how to react. Vander was good at handling conflict...or she had been, at least. Back in the days when she'd still been an active dealer, she'd rarely had a deal turn sour.

But looking at Mason now, this was a type of situation she was unprepared to deal with. His facial expression seemed to twist, becoming angry and vile like the people on the streets. It was a mild hallucination, she knew, but unsettling nonetheless. Vander fixed her gaze on the wall behind him, not wanting to make eye contact, but not wanting to resign herself to staring at the ground either. "I can leave," she said simply. "I'm not trying to cause a problem by being here. I just don't want to be at my own place right now, and James had invited me to stop by sometime...probably not quite so soon. I'm sorry."

She apologized again, the rambling mess of words spilling out of her mouth before she'd even fully thought of what she was going to say.
Mason stared at his brother as the girl began speaking, his glossy green eyes never leaving his brother's cold, brown ones, except once, when he stared at Vander in utter disbelief. Once she was finished speaking, Mason nodded. "Yes. You can leave. Door is behind you. You made it here yourself, I have no doubt you can make it back yourself, as well."

"Mason!" James stepped forward shaking his head. "We do not treat guests that way. You heard her. She didn't want to stay at her apartment, so she came by. I said it was fine for her to do so. Lighten up, will you?" He turned back to Vander and shot her a small, reassuring smile. "You can stay here, Vander. You are our guest. I'll go fix us up some drinks, you can take a seat on the couch over there."

Mason stared at his brother as he walked into the kitchen. Not even an hour after his father left saying not to do anything stupid, and James brought the girl who had started all of this into the apartment. Normally, this would be his type of behavior, not James'. Wordlessly, he turned his head back to Vander, then picked up the bong. He needed a hit, that was for sure. He began to lift the bong up to his mouth, then stopped when he caught glimpse of a bruise on her face.

"So," he said lifting the instrument in his hands to his mouth and taking another hit, blowing the smoke into Vander's face, afterwards. "What's with the mark on your face?"
Vander sat herself down on the edge of the couch James had indicated, looking decidedly uncomfortable. It was obvious that she wasn't wanted here by Mason, but James also made it clear that she didn't have to leave. She made a face as the smoke was blown in her direction, turning to look at Mason after it had cleared. The scent, thanks to the Lucid, was overbearing.

"Took a wrong turn on the way home," she said. The cover story was spoken robotically. If possible, she looked even more uncomfortable than she already had. "Ended up going through an unmarked gangland in District 15. Small fight, nothing major."

She reached up, running a hand through her hair and brushing it back into place over the right side of her face. It didn't entirely conceal the bruise, but it came close enough.
As Vander began explaining what had happened to her, Mason placed the instrument down on the table and picked up a small tablet. He pressed the button on the bottom, and the screen sprang to life. Moving his finger to the right a couple times, he came to a song, Free Bird by Lynyrd Skynyrd. It was an ancient song now, but still loved by him. He had come across it at a friend's party while he was getting high, and instantly fell in love. He pressed play on the screen, and the music began playing, somewhat softly, from the sound system around the living room.

Mason gave a small head nod as he picked up the bong again, as if to say he believed her, although the look on his face definitely said otherwise. He took another hit, and tilted his head back. His eyes took a fresh coating of gloss as the drug, a more potent, chemically enhanced weed, took effect once again. Time slowed, and the ceiling began to crawl and pulse with the music. A smoke crept up on Mason's face, and he tilted his head back down. He offered the instrument to Vander, then spoke.

"Sure you did. Look," he said, his words coming out slow, "it doesn't take a rocket scientist to notice when someone is lying, but I won't say anything. I will say something, though; you look different, more alive, happier. So tell me, what kind of drug are you on right now?"
Vander took the bong as it was offered, debating for a second. Lucid didn't play well with other substances, not that it had stopped her before. She would doubtlessly feel like shit in the morning. But until then, she could enjoy the high. And a hell of a high it would be. She took a deep inhale from the bong. The flavour of the weed coated her tongue, intensified by the drug she had already consumed.

She exhaled slowly before answering Mason. He was right. It didn't take a genius to see through her lie, or to see that she'd gotten her fix. The lie could remain unacknowledged for all she cared. He didn't care enough to push her for the truth, and she wouldn't have told it anyways. As for her drug...

"Lucid," Vander answered. The name of the drug rolled off her tongue like one might say the name of their lover. "It sort of kills you in between doses...It had been over a day since I'd had a hit when I was in the bar."
"That explains a lot."

James walked in carrying the tray of coffees, along with milk and sugar, and set them down on the small table in front of the couch. He picked a mug up after pouring in some milk and sugar, and shook his head as he made his way to his spot on one of the couches. Once seated, he took a sip, closing his eyes as the warm liquid made its way down his throat.

"That's why you look like how you look," he mumbled, more to himself than anything, "Tell me, how did you get your fix, Vander? The guy who could get you anything?"
Vander looked up as James walked in again. The mix of drugs was starting to take full effect, and her head was spinning slightly. Adding even a small amount of caffeine to the mix would probably be overkill. She cringed visibly as James spoke, as though the words were physically painful.

For a few seconds, she sat silently, simply grinding her teeth and inhaling the rich scents of coffee and weed. She didn't want to think about how she'd gotten the Lucid anymore. But when you were a terminal drug addict, you stopped worrying about lying. It would be less effort to admit to it. "Yes," she reluctantly answered.
Mason turned his head in his brother's direction, watching as he took yet another sip of his drink. The song started to speed up, and with it, so did Mason's trip. The walls, and even James' skin started to pulse and crawl faster. He took a deep breath and turned his head back at Vander when she had answered without skipping a beat. He let out a small whistle, but other than that, remained quiet.

James set down his mug on the table then tilted his head to the side. His stomach dropped. He should have known better than to expect anything more from this girl. He mentally kicked himself after having the thought. He was a better person. He always tried to see the best in people, so why would she be any different? She wouldn't. However, there was one question that kept playing over and over in his head. "How did you get it? Did you have to sleep with him?"
She looked James in the eye, and the answer was visible on her face well before she spoke it. The Lucid, combined with the weed and lingering alcohol, was causing the entire room to spin and move around her. But his face held steady, and she could make out every subtle nuance in his expression. It seemed to take a great effort to force her head to nod. Yes. She had slept with him.

Before James had a chance to react, Vander could hear the words tumbling out of her mouth again, trying to reason her actions. "I've never done that before, and I'm not ever again. I didn't want to. But...I had a migraine, and I couldn't think, and I was going to vomit if I didn't get Lucid soon...I needed it, and he had it right there." The shame, embarrassment, and regret were clear in her voice. "I didn't do it because I wanted to, I swear."
"You did it because you needed to. Yeah, I know. You don't have to swear anything to me, Vander."

James stood up slowly, and looked at the sound system. "Music off." The music stopped, letting the room slip into silence. James looked at Vander and shook his head. "Look. I don't know you, and you seem like a really good person, but I can't really associate myself with people who don't respect themselves. I hope you can understand that much. You know the way out, and back to your District. Good night." And with that, James turned and walked to his room.

Mason stared at his brother in utter disbelief as he walked away, then turned his head to face the girl on the couch. Now it was his turn to urge her to stay. "Look, he isn't always like that. I think he's just bitter about the fact that he got his ass kicked. That's all. Don't sweat it, Vander. You can stay here if you would like, and we can continue talking. Maybe he'll snap out of it, and come out of his room..."
James's words hurt nearly as bad as a day of Lucid withdrawal. In an instant, he had turned from the first decent guy she'd talked to in a long while...to cold and unsympathetic. His words stung. Partially because they were true, and partially because he couldn't possibly understand they really had on her. She was dying, and she had allowed herself to hope for the briefest of moments that she might have been able to have a friend until the Lucid ate away what was left of her. No such luck.

He left, and she listened to Mason's offer for her to stay. Vander shrugged, truly unsure of what to do. "I...I should probably go home," she admitted, starting to stand up from the couch.

A wave of dizzying vertigo hit her, and she staggered a step before continuing in the direction of the door. It had been a while since she'd had Lucid in combination with anything other than alcohol. She forgot how hard it hit her.
Mason shot up the moment Vander staggered. There was no way that he was letting her go out into the world, not when she was doped up as bad as she was. He took a couple of long strides, closing the gap in between him and Vander, and grabber her arm lightly. He may not have favored this girl, especially since she had caused the fight between his brother and that fighter, but he wasn't about to just throw her out onto the street like his brother. He gently led her back to the couch and sat her down.

"You wait right here. I'll get some spare bedding and whatnot, and a couple of pillows, and you can spend the night. If the cops pick you up, there's no telling what they will do to you. Plus, the streets in your district aren't safe at this time. It's the least I... I mean, we, can do." He gave Vander a small smile before retreating into James' room, and closing the door behind him.
A pillow hit James on the head, and he got up from his spot on the bed. James glared at his brother, who was glaring right back at him. Another pillow came sailing through the air, and hit James in the face.

"The fuck was that for!?" James hissed.

"For being a fucking prick, that's what!" Mason walked closer to the bed, his voice low and menacing. "She is spending the night. Okay? And you are bringing her the bedding and pillows for the couch, and you will apologize. What you did was childish. It was stupid. Something I wouldn't have expected you to do. That was something I would have done. You are the older brother for fuck's sake. I don't care if it is for a few minutes, so don't you get smart with me." Mason picked out the bedding from the closet and hurled it at his older brother. "Now, get over your little pity party. You lost. Big deal. She needs help. I can't believe that you, the 'nice guy,' would outright deny someone help."

James stood up, gathering the pillows and bedding, and walked out of the room. He saw Vander sitting on the couch and sighed silently before walking over. He set the stuff down next to her and took a seat on the couch next to her. "Look, I'm sorry for being a jerk and all that. I'm just a little pissed about this... I brought you this. Like Mason said, you can stay the night..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Roman07
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The Roman07

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Jack was once again rubbing his temples in the passenger seat from the very descript explanation of Sektor and his programming and how his code can override the three laws. It left Jack with quite a large migrane and even more questions that he simply did not want answered. Tech wasnt really his forte and was originally against the whole cybernetic prosthetics in the first place. Unfortunately you can't really do much without hands so he had no choice. "Okay okay so let's just say he listens to you... why exactly I'm not sure but he does... also that whole going invisible and staying quiet thing he's doing right now is creeping the shit out of me. I can say goodbye to a good nights sleep for a month." Not that he really had a restfull sleep anyway after the accident but he might as well stock up on coffee now.

Once they pulled up to the crime scene the familiar lights colored in reds and blues bathed the alleyways creating dancing shadows of garbage cans and stray animals. The location seemed to be a few streets down from The Spit and you could still hear the faint beat of the music being played reverberating off the concrete walls. a large holographic police line sectioned off the back alley just within line of sight. Uniformed officers were standing guard as forensics took photos and tested nearby samples. One plain clothes officer was standing next to a large industrial dumpster smoking a cigarette while others seemed to keep busy. Jack gestured towards Kate and Sektor before they left the vehicle. "Okay this is it... Kate I want you to stay close to me and for the love of god don't touch anything. Your smart and judging from earlier I assumed you were familiar with someone around here, maybe you can help with faces... if your uncomfortable in any way whatsoever just give me a hint and I'll get you outta there. These things can get pretty brutal sometimes and much worse if the face of an old friend ends up between those chalk outlines." Jack went to open the door but stopped mid way. "Oh and Toaster!" He almost forgot about the invisible synthetic artificial intelligence sitting quietly in the back seat. "Don't scare the locals... try to blend in." Jack said almost choking on his words when he realized the irony in that statement.

Pushing the door open and closing it shut with a thunk. He noticed it started to drizzle a bit outside. Making his way around towards Kate and the sidewalk, he took off his coat and wrapped it around Kates shoulders. The cloth was heavy and quickly took shape around her smaller figure. "Just in case it gets heavy." He said with a smile before he took lead towards the crime scene. Gun and badge shown openly on his left hip and bulletproof vest wrapped clean around his torso. If one didn't look closely you couldn't even tell the thin black vest was even on him and blended well with his prosthetics. Once they reached the Holographic yellow tape a metallic voice echoed around him. "Detective Jack Roman has arrived on scene, will the current XO please be notified." Jack ignored the voice but gestured to a nearby officer that the others were with him. The body was sprawled out on top of various garbage bags and trash cans, posed in an almost mannequin like position. The red dress was dirty and torn and the womans blonde hair was soaked and full of whatever shit that leaked from the garbage. Her face was severely bruised and swollen, purples and blues fought with the red trickling from her mouth and nose. It was unclear thanks to the rain if the lipstick was actually red or if it mixed with the coagulated blood. Underneath the dress, makeup, hairstyle and stylish heels you could tell she was young. Too young for the look she tried to create. A teenager at best trying to look older and "classy" Jack couldn't help but get angry at the victim. "Damn bitch just wanted some attention and now look at her." He hated seeing younger bodies, it reminded him of someone. "I'm taking lead on this investigation... were fucking catching this asshole. Damn killer just... threw her out when he was done, didn't bother to hide the body."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Wyron
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Lord Wyron Reclusive Giant Lord

Member Seen 12 days ago

As the car stopped at the crime scene, Sektor deactivated the active camo, its single photoreceptor looking about at the crime scene with intrigue. As Jack motioned for the two of them to step out, Sektor slowly opened the door and stepped out, scanning the scene for any forensic information. "Oh and Toaster! Don't scare the locals... try to blend in." The cyborg commanded. Sektor complied, accessing the archived information located from the emulation feature. It began blending in as best as a large, synthetic robot could. It walked like a human, the distinct swaying of the arms, the fluid motion of the legs. For all intents and purposes; Sektor moved like a human.

Sektor approached the body, scanning it with intent. "Information available." Sektor began, attempting to modulate its vocal emitter to 'sound' human. "Scan is complete. Subject had high alcohol level in bloodstreams by the time of death. Cause of death: repeated blows to the face and head. Subject died estimate 2 to 4 hours ago." Sektor stated, crouching down, making a few odd clicking noises as it did so. Its photoreceptor dilated on the girl curiously.

Finally, without saying another word, Sektor arose. "Detective Jack Roman. This unit requests a DNA sample of the subject. Such a sample would increase chances of locating proper forensic evidence by an estimated 47%." Growing silent, Sektor pondered for what seemed like hours before speaking again. "Have suspects of the crime been located yet?" It asked curiously.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Collaboration between The Roman07, Ghost Shadow and YoshiSkittlez
As Kate parked and locked the car, each step she seemed to take towards the crime scene became heavier and heavier. The police who had already arrived seemed to have the location under control, as was evident by the holographic yellow line that only police officers and other qualified members of the government were able to cross. Still though, the knot in Kate's stomach continued to grow as they approached the deceased, however the uneasiness in her gut began to let up as she realized first that the victim was female...but it didn't make her feel all that much better and it wasn't because the smell of blood and garbage filled the air immediately around her.

A soft shiver crept over her frame as the rain lightly drizzled down, she hadn't even noticed the change in weather as they were driving to the district, but then again it wasn't exactly unusual for Kate to lose touch with all that was around her when deep in thought about something. Suddenly, a blanket of warmth then enveloped over her shoulders as she felt the weight of the long brown coat which nearly made her lose her balance. A soft, shy smile crept across her lips as she watched Jack take the lead. If someone hadn't been dead, Kate might of actually been excited about the fact that she felt like she was on some crime scene t.v. show.

"Unit 0.18462958..." Kate hissed, ushering her newest AI towards her as she suddenly realized that it had made it's way over to the corpse. "Let Detective Roman do his job." She ordered, sounding rather firm, but then her face cracked into a bit of a smile. "Even though both you and I know we could solve this a whole hellofalot faster." She winked.

Jack watched cautiously as the toaster made his way towards the crime scene. He was blending in rather well for a flashlight as a head. when he came over he did a bit of his own analysis on the body which he had to say was rather impressive. If only the BoD's could see what secret weapons he had under his belt now. "I would let you take a sample but that would be tampering with police evidence... sorry bud." Jack bent over next to Sektor. "See the blood under her nails? she fought back. not much of a struggle from the looks of it. The size of the bruising proves the knuckles are rather large and masculine, plus women are prone to slapping and choking their victims as opposed to punching. We’re dealing with a male assaulter." Jack turned his head to make sure Kate was ok and surprisingly she was. She even made a snarky remark about being able to solve this quicker than him. "Oh yea? Then let’s see if you can figure out how the body got here tough girl." Jack replied with a smirk.

Kate tried not to look at the body strewn down on the ground, the first time she looked at it nearly made her lose her lunch. She worked with electrical equipment, and therefore wasn't exactly used to the gruesome scenery of a crime scene, but she knew she had to be here. Turning her attention from the brick wall to Jack, she simply nodded.

"Unit 0.18462958. Run trajectory program…possible positions of the deceased's movement whether it be scalar, linear or projected."

Sektor made a few odd clicking noises once more, obviously confused by the contradicting commands issued by both Detective Roman and Kate. Deciding to obey the latter, Sektor knelt down next to the body once more. "Analyzing, studying trajectory. Pending..." Sektor pondered for a few moments. "Consensus reached." It finally spoke aloud.
"Subject was moved approximately 200 feet from initial attack." It turned and looked at Jack. "Detective Jack Roman, this unit requests any holo-video evidence within the last 5 hours for analysis. Recommendation: Such evidence could increase chances of statistical success by an estimated 48%."

Jack gestured towards a fellow officer who was watching the three of them study the crime scene. "Yes sir." the officer asked politely. "Don’t suppose there are any working video cameras in the vicinity are there?" Jack asked but knowing already what the response would be. "Err…I’m sorry sir but this is D10, most security cameras are either CCTV or nonexistent.... we did have a witness stating that she was chasing after one of the fighters inside the spit roughly 3-4 hours prior." the officer stated towards Jack. "Much appreciated Lieutenant Johnson, please keep the witness close by, I’d like to ask them a couple questions myself later on." Jack pulled out a pair of synthetic gloves and started checking the body for any signs of ID or picture or possibly a "he did it" note if he could be so lucky. Instead he managed to pull out a tiny crumpled piece of paper neatly tucked in the base of the shoulder strap. It was a simple card, the name of a near-by sleazy hotel printed on the front with the address in smaller print underneath it, and on the back scribbled in obvious man's handwriting was simple 'Room 203. Mr. Jagger.’ Jack stood up and handed the paper towards Sektor. "I know this is breaking the rules but see if you can grab a fingerprint from this, maybe we can identify this fucker."

Kate's somewhat amused expression on her face that came from Sektor's quick identification and specific proximity for the origin of the body darkened the moment the other police officer mentioned a witness seeing the girl with a fighter. There was only one fighter scheduled that night, Deon made it clear that she knew that as his constant bragging around the house had nearly drove her mad. Her palms began to sweat as she then looked over Jack's shoulder and was able to immediately identify the handwriting on the back of the card as Deon's and was unable to hide a rather sick looking frown and subtly shook her head towards Sektor, not wanting him to run the fingerprint analysis.

Sektor took ahold of the card in a single hand, looking at it with intrigue. Kate had shook her head towards it, yet Jack had told it to run analysis. Sektor had a thousand 'thoughts' running through its computers. Obedience towards the maker, or towards law enforcement? Sektor stood there completely silent for what seemed like hours before looking up. "Analysis complete. No identification was found." It stated. To trained ears one could even hear...sadness(?) in the tone as Sektor returned the card to Jack.

Kate couldn't help but to sigh a bit in relief as the robot had seemed to obey. Still, what struck her brain as more curious than the fact that Deon was practically written all over this place was that Sektor had proven to be able to...deceive? Was that even possible?

Jack snatched the card back from Sektor. "Damn useless toaster." He muttered obviously not meaning it. Jack took the card and handed it to the fellow officer. "i want every test known to man done to this card, this may very well be our Rosetta stone!" Jack got up off his knees and noticed the expression on Kate’s face. The utter realization that bringing in a woman who has never seen a dead body before to his knowledge help investigate a crime scene with him. The very atmosphere must be overwhelming to her. "Hey look, if you want to go back behind the lines I’ll be there shortly. no need to get worked up, I promise ill find whomever did this... it may just take a couple hours to get the evidence and forensics reports back now." Jack pulled the coat higher up on her shoulders as he noticed the rain getting heavier. "Told you it was gonna get heavy." He said with a smile.

Kate's expression of first confusion towards the initial reaction of Sektor's deception, as CLEARLY Deon's fingerprints were all over that card, shifted then to another sick feeling pitting in her stomach as Jack addressed her once again. Perhaps she was stupid for coming here; perhaps she was only going to make matters worse...for everyone.

Sektor cocked its head at Jack. "Detective Jack Roman exhibits displays of the organic emotion of 'affection'. Neural patterns remain human, such emotions are logical." Sektor looked towards Kate curiously, "Extranet search protocols confirm the human male is subject to increase of pheromone levels when in the presence of an 'attractive' female. Typically in the form of 'voluptuous' bosoms’. Does Katherine Saunder's mobile platform fit up to standard?" Sektor asked curiously.

If Kate hadn't been blushing from Jack's gentle gesture of covering her up even more with his own jacket, she was sure beet red by Sektor's random, and yet blatantly obvious remark. She quickly looked down at the wet ground beneath her and then stalked over to Sektor, only able to look back up when she was far enough away from Jack.

"I have got to work on your timing." She mumbled as she grabbed the robot by the arm and forced it to walk with her back behind the yellow line of the crime scene.

Jack couldn’t help but give a questionable stare towards Sektor. "Umm I honestly don’t know if I should answer that." Jack chuckled before he gestured for an officer once more. "Do me a favor and make sure they get home safe ok? I seriously owe that woman and her...umm bodyguard." Jack watched as the two walked away behind the holographic line, wondering what kind of fate has brought these three together in one place. these past months have been nothing but anger, resentment, despair and an alcohol numbed pain yet today of all days, even though he was standing overthe body of a brutally murdered woman, he couldn’t help but to feel... good. something he thought he forgot how to feel. Jack put his hand out and watched the raindrops fill his synthetic hand with a tiny pool of polluted water and all he could think of was... "She took my coat."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The front door of Kate’s apartment flew open and in walked a completely drenched and irritated looking Katherine Saunders, obediently followed by Sektor who she instructed to immediately sit down on the couch and run a reboot. While the robot was quiet, she quickly hooked up a few wires to her own personal computer, the same sort of system she would use to calibrate her other AI in her own home. The more information she could get about this unit, the easier her decision would be in returning the unit or not. Questions still plagued her mind about the creation of the AI, but she couldn’t afford to think of that now. Once Sektor was down and stable, Kate then stormed down stairs where she didn’t even bother knocking when she threw open Deon’s door.

She wasn’t surprised to see her cousin butt-naked in his bed, the sheets wrapped around him time and time again as he had been turning in his sleep. He hadn’t even budged when she opened the door, no doubt knocked out completely from an overdose of drugs and sex. Could you overdose on sex? Kate sighed, shaking the thought away and went to Deon’s bedside, shaking him awake.

“What the hell happened tonight? There’s a dead girl near The Spit, your card was found on her. I swear to God Deon, if you’ve turned to murder-“

With a loud, agitated groan, Deon tried swatting away the annoying noise that was his cousin.

“Shaddup, I’m sleeping…” Deon groaned, rolling over onto his stomach and stuffing his face into the pillow.

“DEON! I’M SERIOUS!” Kate yelled, grabbing his shoulder and forcing him to roll back over on his side.

“I don’t even know what you’re talking about.” Deon grumbled irritatingly as she sat upright on his bed, using his arm to keep himself up as he glared accusingly at his cousin.

“Well there are cops crawling all over the place.” Kate said, not sure whether or not she was trying to warn him, or just make him feel scared. “And I swear, if cops show up at my house tomorrow and arrest you, then you can find your own place and move out. I’m not going to get involved in your shit.”

Kate then got off of the bed and slammed Deon’s door shut, making his head nearly split open in pain as he was still high on cocaine. He rubbed at his scar a bit before shrugging and then laid back down, immediately falling back asleep.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Wyron
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Lord Wyron Reclusive Giant Lord

Member Seen 12 days ago

Sektor followed its master obediently into the apartment. Talking the entire way home on random assorted topics and descriptions, observing and documenting on every little thing that happened to be in its view. Finally, they went inside. Kate ordered Sektor onto the couch to run a reboot. It complied and ran a complete shut down before running a full systems diagnostic once more.

It had activated by the time Kate had gone downstairs to yell at Deon. Sektor stood up from the couch and began examining the apartment. A small box in its HUD appeared: [SECONDARY DIRECTIVE HAS BEEN FOUND: LOCATE WEAPONRY] Sektor complied and it searched throughout the entire apartment for any and all weapons it could find. However, upon finding none, Sektor switched its programming towards a simple scavenge mode. The AI found itself looking through every cabinet, cupboard, locker, and desk it could find, documenting everything within the vast memory banks of its archives.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mach2
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Mach2 Mad Hops

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Vander nodded to James, instantly forgiving him. Had the situation been reversed, she could have understand his anger and frustration entirely. She took the bedding from him gratefully, and started making the couch. "Thanks. Really, thank you. I'll head home in the morning, I promise," she told him.

When he left and she curled up on the couch, it was softer by far than the old box-spring mattress in her own apartment. Vander was asleep within minutes. And, with Lucid still coursing through her body, she was dreaming in minutes more.
Vander dreamed she had no hands.

She was back in The Spit. Only this time, her arms ended several inches before her wrists. They simply tapered off into dull, unattractive, stumps. She walked through the club, stopping to make conversation with some of the more drunken patrons. They told her stories, and she listened with undying interest. Each of them had a life....had stories to tell that she would never experience. She soaked up the lives they spoke of as if they could someday be her own. She was a vampire, feeding off of their life stories as one may feed on blood. But always, just as the stories became truly interesting, they realized she had no hands. Horrified, they would put a stuttering, awkward, stop to their tales, before leaving. And disappointed, Vander would move to the next.

Deon was in the club, fighting in the ring that night. He promised her hands. He could get her a new set of hands, if she could beat him in a fight. She had no choice but to fight him...you couldn't function without hands. She climbed into the ring, the bright spotlights glaring down on the two of them, and the bell rang to begin the match.

It was only then that Vander realized that she couldn't punch without hands. Deon's blows came fast and strong, one bruising her cheek, another heading for her stomach. She dropped, her abdominal muscles seizing, and the blows kept coming. She curled up, raising her hand-less arms to try to cover her head. And still the punches didn't end.
Vander awoke, completely entangled in the blankets on the couch, and covered with a layer of fear-induced sweat. Her hair was a mess, parted unevenly and hanging over both sides of her face, rather than brushed over to the right as usual. She took several deep, gasping, breaths. Her stomach was still clenching from the blows in the ring, and she couldn't feel her hands. She quickly raised an arm in front of her face, relief flooding through her when she saw the spiderleg fingers curled at the end. She had hands. The nerves were just fried from being over-stimulated by Lucid. But her stomach was still churning, and the nausea only grew worse.

She quickly disentangled herself from the blankets, making a beeline for the apartment's bathroom. She knelt down over the toilet just in time for her stomach to eject a mess of liquid bile. She hadn't eaten anything substantial since the morning the previous day. Only Lucid, alcohol, and weed. No wonder she was sick. She took a steadying breath, and her stomach lurched again. Heaving into the toilet bowl, nothing came up this time. Unsteadily, she stood up and flushed the contents away. With numb, clumsy, fingers, she turned on the faucet. Vander awkwardly splashed water over her face, and rinsed the acidic taste from her mouth. The water dripped off her fingers, her hands unable to hold it.

She leaned against the bathroom counter, her headache already beginning once again. She had no idea how many hours she had slept for, but it was enough for the Lucid to run its course. She had to get back to D-16 and grab another syringe. Vander stood in the bathroom, trying to massage some feeling back into her hands, in order to lace up her shoes and be on her way.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Roman07
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The Roman07

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Jack lay in his bed with wide eyes, unable to sleep. The recurring pictures of events playing through his mind. The girl in red, the robot, the girl with green eyes... Closing his eyes picturing a familiar face with those very same green eyes. His heartbeat finally slowing and his breath shallow. Watching the familiar face as she danced through his studio apartment. "Dance with me Jackie!" The voice echoed. He smiled and reached out a healthy hand out to meet hers. He could feel the warmth of her skin meeting his. Her heartbeat racing as he got up and floated around the room dancing to the rythm of the music coming from out the window. She looked out the window and her face grew pale white, pushing Jack off his feet and back onto the bed. His vision blurred as a loud crack echoed through the tiny apartment. Those green eyes filled with fear as they welled up with tears. "Its okay, I'll be fine." The words escaped her lips but there was no sound. A red circle appeared next to her heart and molotov cocktail came flying through the window.

Jack woke up in a cold sweat ghasping for air. Looking franticly at his room for flames... nothing. He got out of his bed and walked toward the window. Imagining a familiar music as he touched the freshly painted wall beside him. Tears welled up around his eyes as the prosthetics gave little feedback on the wall. Letting out a gutteral scream and a growl as he balled up both his fists and pummeled the wall into gravel. The ashes behind the drywall filled his lungs as Jack started to calm down. Falling to his knees and resting his head against the cool drywall. A radio came to life next to his bed. "Detective Roman, your request for an evidence check has been completed on the Red Lady case. Please report to the station within the hour."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The night seemed to have gone on forever. After realizing that it was completely pointless to lay into a drug-induced Deon, Kate returned upstairs and poured herself a glass of scotch. She dropped a few ice cubes into the glass and as she waited for the beverage to go down in temperature, she went to her room to remove the soaking wet green dress and threw on a long shirt that could easily pass as a night gown. Returning back to the kitchen, she quickly checked on Sektor, realizing that he had been going through absolutely everything in her absence and let out a small, tired laugh. She couldn't be bothered with talking to the AI at the moment though, as the more pressing matter came back into her mind as she realized that she now only had hours to come up with a system update.

She took her glass of scotch back into the living room and opened up her laptop computer, hammering in a list of commands as the screen's bright light illuminated her face in the dark room and began the tedious task of creating an update for an AI she had no part in creating in the first place. The sun had come up by the time that Kate felt like she needed to close her eyes...just for a few minutes...

Curled up on her couch, Kate slipped into a deep sleep, mentally exhausted by the days events, her untouched glass of scotch on the coffee table gradually getting warmer as the ice cubes melted through the hours.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Wyron
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Lord Wyron Reclusive Giant Lord

Member Seen 12 days ago

Sektor did little during the time its maker was sleeping. It scanned and downloaded entire schematics of the apartment, knowing what was in every nook and cranny before investigating some more.

Its photoreceptor landed on the half-empty glass of scotch on the coffee table. Sektor scanned it, realizing that leaving the glass out had a 32% chance of spilling on the floor. The AI picked it up and promptly threw it in the trash can.

It continued snooping around, scanning her laptop for any useful data. Eventually growing 'bored' (by that definition, running out of things to archive) Sektor sat down on the couch and turned on the holovision, intently watching a romantic comedy show that happened to be on at that time.

"Incompatible. Jessica is proven via holo evidence to have had oral mouth-to-mouth contact with Matt first. Kelly's claim of 'dibs' is unacceptable. This unit has reached consensus; proper organic courtesy requires Kelly to return privileges of Matt's infatuations to Jessica. Recommended course of action is for both Jessica and Kelly to regress themselves back into proper companions capable of sharing data."

After a few more hours of ranting, Sektor looked down at Kate. "Katherine Saunders has reached the necessary sleep requirement for an adult organic female." Sektor knelt down in front of her, "Katherine Saunders will awaken." It began to repeat ceaselessly, growing louder in volume.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Roman07
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The Roman07

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Jack walked out of the station with evidence report in hand. The polymer transparent pad displayed various data regarding the "Red lady" case:

Blood match: singular person to a Ms. Jessica Roberts, age 18. Person has been sexually active 24 hours prior. Internal fluidic samples include masive alcahol consumption as well as trace amounts of other chemical stimulants. Several semen samples from a 1. Deon Saunders *note external arrest file below* No sexually transmitted diseases or other genetic mutations.

Material evidence: Victims dress show no physical or chemical evidence of other person or persons. Shoes exempt due to contamination from surrounding trash waste. Small 3"×2" paper card with local hotel name, unknown persons handwriting and two-thirds partial fingerprint identified to a 1. Deon Saunders *note external arrest file below* Handwriting analysis proves a mental phsyce profile of Narsasistic personality, borderline sadistic personality and a napoleon complex. (High possibility of hostile behavior)

"Two accounts of dissorderly conduct, three accounts of public physical harassment, one account of public nudity and public drunkeness, and one account of possible sexual harrassment and several drug holdings for personal consumption." Jacks eyes widened as he spoke the words out loud. "Sa-un-ders" it sounded familiar but he just couldn't pin it. From his record, he could tell this guy was a real asshole. He wanted this guy to go down bad, and he didn't mind doing it personally, but first he needed to get a "trump card".

Jack walked back towards the Spit but took a slight detour towards an "old friend" who owed him. In front of him was an old desserted looking warehouse. Walking up to the main door he knocked rythmicly against the big metal door. The metal eyeslot opened and a beady set of eyes shown through. "Password!" The eyes shouted between the 3" thick metal. "Needle in a haystack." Jack grunted. The eyes looked him up and down. "Wrong password, get the fuck outta here cop." That was a bad idea... Jack shoved his cybernetic hand straight through the eyeslot, bending the metal borders to fit his entire arm as he grabbed hold of the mans head. Squeezing with just enough force to cause blood to pour out of his ears. "OPEN FUCKING SESAME ASSHOLE!" Jack screamed. an audible "thunk" sounded as the door latch unhinged. Jack squeezed the rest of the contents out of the mans head and let the body drop like a bag of shit. As the door opened five men with guns drawn took cover behind a poker table as Jack slowly made his way into the dimly lit room unarmed. "You don't remember your old friend Mr. Stone?" Jack yelled from across the tiny room. The older looking man in the center gestured the others to hold their fire. "Well if it isn't the Ol' Demon of D17. What can I do for ya officer... or is it detective now?" The old man slowly got back into his seat at the poker table but kept his gun drawn and pointed at Jack. "I need something... and I'm willing to go back on our old deal." Jack said, placing his hands by his sides and away from his gun holster.

"Well that's more like it! My old friend back to his old ways... with some new toys I see!" Stone said pointing to his prosthetics. "What substance can I do you for this time?" He said as he gestured for the others to put down their weapons yet his was still aiming at Jacks head. "No drugs, information..." Jack slowly pulled out the evidence report from the Red lady case and tossed the file onto the poker table. "There was drugs found in her system and I want to know if she passed by here with anybody, specifically that man below." Mr. Stone read through the file and looked at the photo of the woman. "Cute broad, but I don't recognize her... this other guy though, he's a regular but he wasn't wit THAT broad. Some Junkie chick... thin, name started with a V I think. Vanessa, Vicky, Vander idunno." Jacks eyes widened as he realized there may be another witness to the murder... or an alibi. "Tell me everything Stone." Jack said with a growl. "I know your holding back. Jack started walking slowly towards stone and sat in one of the seats across from him. "Okay okay the guy.. Deon... he's a regular but usually gets the lighter stuff, but this time he went heavy... he bought Lucid. Guess it was for the junkie girl or maybe both of them I..I dunno look this ain't leaving this warehouse okay? I gots a rep to uphold ya know?" Mr. Stone said nervously. Jack gave a wide smile. "Don't worry Stone... nothing will leave this warehouse I promise." Jack leaned back on the chair and put his hands on the poker table playing with the deck of cards in front of him. "One more thing, I need something... untraceable, got anything laying around?" Stone smiled as he knew exactly what Jack meant. Stone gestured towards a man hidden in the shadows for a dufflebag. He unzipped it and pulled out an old .357 revolver and tossed it towards Jack. "The thing is ancient... but its reliable. I'll throw in a couple speed loaders and some ammo for the trip." Stone smiled as Jack picked up the gun and examined it. Nodding in aggreement as he loaded the revolver and placed it in the small of his back. "Thanks Stone, good seeing you." Jack grabbed the dufflebag full of ammo and started heading out the door.

"Oh and Jack... send Michelle my regards will ya?" Stone said and then continued to laugh while Jack stood there. Pictures of emerald eyes appeared in front of him as he felt the fires of that day burning inside of him. All he saw was flames as he pulled out his pistol and the newly brandished revolver and emptied them both towards the men at the poker table. The familiar flames engulfing him as he watched gun in each hand let hell rain down on the five men in front of him. The familiar sound of audible clicks signaled he was out of ammo and the flames receeded as he looked over the bloody mess he created. Slowly he turned around and walked out the door, closing behind him. "Detective Roman, seventeen rounds have been expended from your sidearm, please report." The metallic voice echoed from his holster. "Target practice." Jack said as the holster beeped with a confirming tone.

After about an hour, Jack approached the address of a Deon Saunders stated on the evidence file. The area seemed vaguely familliar but he proceeded to knock on the suspects door. He wanted to meet this asshole face to face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kate felt her eyes blink a few times before her pupils finally focused on the bright blue light staring straight at her. With a tired yawn, she stretched herself out on the couch, her right arm reaching out to tap Sektor on the head.

"I havent forgotten about you. I promise." She slowly sat up, adjusting the long shirt so that it was covering her down to her thighs once more instead of riding up on her chest like it had been in her sleeping position. Quickly realizing that it was no longer dark in the living room, as the sun was now up, she let out a soft gasp.

"Shit!" She glanced over to the clock, nearly 10:00 a.m. and she was no where close to being finished with her update. Flying over to her computer, knocking miscelanious items to the floor that had been on the coffe table, she began work once again, forcing everything else out of her mind once again. She hadn't meant to sleep in so long. Hours passed, and Kate didnt even so much as move, her eyes glued to the screen and her fingers flying over a series of different keyboards. She was so immersed in her work, she hardly registered a knock at the door.

"Wonder who that could be. I swear if its the science group come to collect me early-" She quickly opened the door and the second her mind registered Jacks face, she let out a curse and out of instinct, slammed the door shut on his face. What the hell was he doing here?! How did he know where she lived? Was he onto Deon? No...maybe he just came for his coat.

"Sektor. Fetch Detective Roman's brown jacket from my room." Kate instructed and then opened up the door again, slower this time to keep her body behind the door with only her head visible, as she wasnt exactly dressed and gave him a sheepish smile.

"Sorry about that, drafty house. Oh, and sorry about taking off with your coat last night too. I had a lot on my mind. Sektor is going to get it now." She cleared her throat awkwardly, waiting for Sektors return.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by slint


Member Seen 8 yrs ago


He shuffled through the stirring bar; the recent fight had caused quite a commotion within the Spit’s snug interior and he was looking for someplace more… not quieter, but someplace with a different mood altogether.

He looked down at his pocket and saw his phone was flashing intermittently through the denim; slipping his fingers for the device he removed it to discover a few missed messages.



The fiery dark-redhead couldn’t part her gaze from Colin, and he knew this. He had been observing her calculated glares from his spot at the club’s bar and though she was the one that invited him, he was no stranger to the drill. Elle had to dance “long enough” before she could break and hit the floor to grab a drink or schmooze with any of the patrons.

“Whattya feelin’ tonight, bud?”

Colin turned to the barkeep with the same smile Elle put on his face a top the stage on the other side of the room. He smirked at the keep, and then back to Elle as to indicate why he was grinning like an absolute sap.

“Aye.” The woman giggled, “Elle’s a beaut. Favorite of many, that girl.”

Colin chuckled lightly, disarming her words. “How about a beer for now?”


“Whichever you like.”

“I’m a big fan of the witbier, something about the wheat proteins make it look hazy when cold.”

“Sounds like a winner,” he told her with a grin.

She moved to the other side of the bar to grab his beer from the fridge below the counter and tend to the other customers, they had seemed to be multiplying by the second. She shouted out someone’s name to come assist in keeping the drunkards happy.

A steady, pulsing electronic beat cast itself across the entire club, slowly building out of the last song and surmounting into an ethereal mix of driving bass, heavenly chopped vocals, and electronic synths and bloops. Colin raised his head from the bar and to Elle’s stage in the opposite corner, she was gone.

He cocked an eyebrow and looked frantically around the club, planted on his chair at the bar. No sight.


“Here’s ya beer,” the bartender said as she slid back to Colin’s side of the counter, “everything good?”


“Look like ya just lost ya kid or somethin’!”

“Oh nah, nothing, just thought I saw a friend.” He slid his card across the table and she ran it through a swipe.

“Thanks Colin, have a good night.”

He assured her he wouldn’t be going anywhere and placed the top off the beer in the center of his palm, which was callused enough that the bottle popped open with ease when he gave it a pressured turn. He propped himself up with a hand on his cheek and attempted to sip the beer in pose, without hands. He looked absolutely foolish - like a kid that somehow snuck in - but he couldn’t place any feelings of shame, he was lost in his diversion.

“Hey Beth. Whiskeyneat, somethin’ cheap.” Hanging on the bar next to him was a voice, unmistakably hers.

He turned to lock his eyes with hers for a moment. She looked away, back at Beth, and tapped her hands excitably on the counter. She looked amazing, wearing a slightly torn red, white and black flannel with cutoffs. Once he saw the shorts he realized just how hot it was in the bar.

“Elle! Nice to see you girl, how’s business?” She filled the dancer a glass of their cheapest whiskey and placed it in front of her.

Elle snatched the glass and took herself a shot, “It picked up a few hours ago. But I’m done, I can go home.”

“You know this one was lookin’ at ya.”

Colin laughed mid-gulp and was wildly close to spitting his beer across Beth’s countertop, luckily he saved himself the embarrassment.

Elle turned to him, this had been the longest they held each other’s gaze and he wasn’t about to break it, it was her who pulled away. She smiled at Beth, “Yeah, I know. I was lookin’ back.”

He bit his lip from the inside, she couldn’t see it, but he was biting down hard. A metallic, salty taste filled his mouth and he moved his tongue to find the tear in skin. Colin washed it away with a few swigs of beer.

“Have a good night, Beth.”

“Yeah, you two… too.”

Elle slapped her forehead and Colin smirked like a dumb lug back at her, watching her act pure in her moment of embarrassment. That’s the weird thing about being embarrassed, though one would like to divert attention away they never fail to react in a way that garners them even more.

“You want to go to my place?” She asked him.

“Yeah, I can be late for work.”

They kissed and she could taste the blood.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Wyron
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Lord Wyron Reclusive Giant Lord

Member Seen 12 days ago

Kate eventually awoke, dismissing Sektor tiredly as she quickly jumped into action upon realizing the time. Sektor simply stood there silently, observing her. There were conflicting thoughts. Sektor had noticed her sleeping form and documented numerous files on the organic female platform. A large box inside Sektor's HUD showed up,


Sektor archived this data, its photoreceptor dilating, as if in thought; flaps on its 'head' seeming to furrow in concentration. A knock sounded on the front door: Sektor followed behind Kate as she opened it, slamming it shut as soon as she noticed Jack outside. "Information available. Detective Jack Roman had a 35% chance of returning within 24 hours of initial visit. The probabilities have been calculated."

"Sektor. Fetch Detective Roman's brown jacket from my room." Kate commanded, sounding rather exasperated. "Affirmative, command confirmed." With that, it walked away from the door, returning moments later with Jack's thick coat draped over its arm. "Coat has been located. Mission profile is complete. This unit has completed this task with optimum efficiency." Sektor detailed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gonzo
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Gonzo Narcissist and Sarcastic Neucance

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Collab between Gonzo and Mach2

Beep Beep Beep... Beep Be-

James opened his eyes and smiled as his hand slid from the old alarm clock. He turned over, half expecting to see the half-naked body of a female who he had picked up the night before, but when his arm wrapped around nothing, his smile faded. There was a confused look on the half-awake male until the memories from the night before came flooding into his head. His hand immediately went for his gut, and he pressed down. No pain. That was good.

James stood slowly and grabbed a towel, disrobing on the way there. He took his shower slowly, listening to another favorite classical piece. Once he was out of the shower and dried, he wrapped the towel around his waist and slowly walked out of the room. Once inside the front room, he looked up at the ceiling.

"Music, on. Continue playing Bach Cello Suite No. 1."

The music started playing softly, and he passed by the restroom on his way to the kitchen. The sounds of Vander heaving made him stop in his tracks, then backtrack a few steps. "Vander? Are you okay?"
She opened the door a moment after James spoke, but first took the second to make herself look at least a tiny bit presentable. She pushed her hair over to the right side of her face, allowing some of it to conceal the fully-developed bruise on her cheek. Her hands still refused to move too far from a relaxed fist, but she managed to get the door open after a second of fumbling. "I'm sorry, you shouldn't've had to hear that," she apologized sincerely, realizing he'd undoubtedly heard her ejecting the contents of her stomach.

She looked at him for a second, and proceeded to feel suitably embarrassed. James was in a towel, freshly showered, already awake. She was in the same clothes as yesterday, her hair a mess, puking into the toilet of his apartment. "I was about to leave," she added quickly, absentmindedly continuing to try to massage some sensation back into her numb hands. "I didn't actually mean to stay this long."
A small smile flashed across the young man's face as he looked down at the clearly embarrassed Vander. It wasn't until he looked down at his own attire did he fully understand why. His face grew red with embarrassment of his own, and his shifted his feet, a bit uncomfortably. He cleared his throat once or twice before shifting on his feet once more. His eyes opened up at the mention of her leaving, and he immediately shook his head.

"No, no. You don't have to leave right now. Please, stay. Get washed up. I can wash your clothes for you as well, and I can get you some fresh, clean clothes. And then when Mason wakes up, we can all go to breakfast or something. I mean, it's the least I can do for being such a dick last night." As he spoke, he tried not to break eye contact, giving Vander a pleading look that he used to give his parents when he was earlier; one that almost always worked.
As James turned red, now it was Vander's turn to bear the amused smile. But the expression vanished as he made the offer to allow her to stay longer. It was replaced with a mix of surprise and anxiousness. She couldn't stay. She had to get back to D-16, back to her apartment, where the four precious syringes were stowed carefully in her closet underneath a pair of jeans. She could picture them in her mind, and she needed to get them. Vander bit her lip, looking entirely undecided. You'd gone a full day yesterday...and you didn't have anyone offering you breakfast then. But yesterday she had also been just a little bit healthier, just a little bit stronger. "No, I really need to get back to..." she started to argue, but then she looked at James.

The expression on his face seemed to be pleading for her to stay. It was a complete reversal from how he had behaved last night, but it was just the persuasion she needed. She could do this. If she really, truly, pushed herself, she could do it. "Okay...All right." The agreement was reluctant, but it was there. "I'll stay. And I'll try breakfast, too. Thanks...that really means a lot. Really."
James smiled and clapped his hands together once. "That's great. I will... go get dressed. In the mean time, you can order clothes from any shop. It's on me. Just go grab that tablet on the table, and he clothes will be here faster than you can sing a line from your favorite song." The man turned on his heels and slowly walked back into his room.

Not even a minute later, Mason stepped out of his, what his brother liked to call, "shit hole of a room". The man was in nothing but his underwear and an open robe. He walked over to the kitchen, passing by the bathroom, and picked up an apple from the fruit basket. He turned and walked over to the bathroom door, but not before grabbing his bong off the coffee table, and smiled, raising an eyebrow. "Hey. You're still here," he mumbled, taking a hit, then taking a bite of the apple directly after blowing the smoke in Vander's face. He motioned his head to the bruise on her face. "It's getting kind of noticeable. Might want to cover that up, you know?"
"Yeah. James offered to let me stay a while longer..."

The scent of the smoke nearly sent her stomach reeling again. But without Lucid, the odour was subdued to a minimum. Vander raised a hand, the fingers curled in a loose fist but slowly beginning to regain some sensation, and gently brushed it against the bruise. Even the slight contact was easily felt. Deon had struck her hard, but on any other girl, the bruise wouldn't have been quite as noticeable. "I bruise easy, lately," she answered indifferently. It was an effect of a long-term addiction to Lucid. "Blood vessels weakening and all that. It doesn't actually look much worse than if I'd just walked into something."

She made her way over to the indicated tablet, a much more sophisticated version of the glitchy knock-offs they used in Beta. She knew how to use it, and accessed the network of online shops, swiping her half-dead fingers over the screen. The first ones that popped up were hundreds of credits outside of her usual price range, and it was impossible to keep her eyebrows from going up in surprise. She navigated her way to a shop midway between her own budget and what had been initially offered. With a few more clumsy swipes across the tablet, Vander selected a simple pair of jeans and, taking a step outside of her comfort zone, a shirt that was not black or white. The burgundy shirt buttoned up in the front, and the sleeves looked long enough to fit her lanky arms. She made the purchase.
Mason looked up at the ceiling, and frowned at the song. "Music off." He looked back down at Vander and shook his head. "I swear. Him and his classical music. I've heard that song at least a thousand times."

The male raised an eyebrow at her statement, and nodded in understanding. "It's because your body is dying from the inside out." It was more of a statement to himself than a question. At this point, he didn't know if he should feel sorry for her, or worry that she seemed to stop caring about what the drug was doing to her.

He watched as the female made her way over to the tablet, and followed close behind her. He raised an eyebrow, taking interest in her choice of style, and laughed a little when she moved to the less expensive clothes than what she could have bought. His eyes shifted to the back of her head, then back to the tablet, and smiled. "You know, if James said you can buy clothes, you can buy something a littlemore expensive than that. Just saying.. Oh, make sure you buy some make up as well.. You know, for your face and all."

James stepped out of his room, dressed in a cool, blue button up, and a pair of cream colored slacks with matching shoes, and frowned at his younger brother. "Leave Vander alone. She can buy what she wants." He walked up to the two and smiled down at the tablet. "Nice choice in clothing. Suits you well, I think. Now, when the clothes arrive, just leave them on the couch, and you can use my shower to clean up. Then after that, we can go somewhere and eat, okay?"
"I know what my body's doing," Vander replied, unable to keep a distinct edge of bitterness out of her voice. She didn't need to be reminded. In fact, the less she thought about Lucid this morning, the better. Every mention of it only served to remind her that she was already hurting for another fix. "Just...stop talking about it," she muttered under her breath a moment before James walked back into the room.

She quickly took Mason's suggestion, adding a concealer for her bruise to the list of purchases before setting the tablet down. Feeling had finally returned to her fingertips, though a faint pins-and-needles still remained. The nerves would likely start acting up in another hour or two...but until then, the dilemma had passed. "What I bought was expensive. It would have taken me weeks to save up for just the shirt," she told Mason jokingly. Weeks, of course, when she'd actually had a proper part-time job, and before she'd gotten into the drug business.

Vander listened as James spoke, nodding when he was done. The thought of eating anything wasn't entirely appealing. No matter what it was, it would taste bland and irritate her stomach. But the thought of a shower was enticing beyond words. The water pressure in her own apartment was non-existant most of the time, and half-assed at best. "Thank you, again," she said earnestly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Roman07
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The Roman07

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Jack waited patiently at the door as he heard footsteps approach. Gun at his hip and ready for the suspect to flee like what usually happens. Badge draped around his neck with a thin chain taking the focus off his short sleeved shirt that exposed his prosthetics. "I shoulda looked for that girl that night, she took my only good coat...." he muttered to himself rubbing his arms in anticipation. Just as the door opened a familiar face appeared and just as quickly slammed shut. "Wha-waa?" He rubbed his temples anticipating his neural sensors on his head were messing up again. Shitty prototypes are filled with bugs. Within a minute the door opened up again and the familiar face formely known as Kate Saunders appeared before him. He took a quick mental relapse on the file he read about Deon. "Sa-un-ders..." He muttered. RIGHT OF COURSE! All the peices were coming together! No wonder she seemed worried at the crime scene and offered to drive. She knew all along! He couldn't let her know he was here for Deon and she most likely told him something about last night so he needed to play ignorant and see if he can see through her game. "Right, sorry I looked you up in our database when you ran off last night... that is my favorite coat." He said attempting to cover his lie with a joke. Sektor was right behind her with coat neatly folded over his arm. Reaching over to grab the coat he noticed what Kate was wearing and quickly stepped back. "Umm... actually that wasn't why I originally came here, I wanted to talk to you a bit about the evidence at the crime scene-but if your not... well, alone at the moment I can always come back." Jack said with slight enthusiasm in his voice. Unsure if in the report stated that he had a sister, cousin or possibly even a wife. For all he knew Deon was her husband. "Bad taste in men than if you ask me." He muttered under his breath unable for kate to hear.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mach2
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Mach2 Mad Hops

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

When the clothes she ordered arrived, Vander retreated to the shower with yet another word of thanks. She set the bag of new clothes on the counter and worked her way out of her old ones. The full-size mirror in the bathroom allowed for her to finally take inventory of her bruises. As Mason had said...her body was dying from the inside out. The purple and blue spots along her spine, the result of lying against the hard ground of the alley, would barely have registered on a healthier body. Her skin clung to her bones, no fat and very little muscle lying in between. Her eyes flickered to the skin at the inside of her elbow. There were numerous scars, the result of clumsy injections with a hypodermic. Too many to count.

She sighed, climbing into the shower and turning the water on. The sound of the pressurized stream blurred into a dull static. With Lucid, she would have felt as though she were hearing every individual droplet crashing against the walls of the shower. But instead, it was subdued. Even the heat of the water felt lessened. Vander had to turn the heat to a nearly scalding level before she could even feel it.

She washed robotically, scrubbing away the Zone Beta dirt and grime. As she did so, her mind was racing ahead. Breakfast was going to be an ordeal. She wasn't hungry...rarely was, nowadays. Food made her nauseous most of the time. And right now, when she wasn't on her drug, it would definitely leave her stomach irritated. But she would force herself to handle something small. Toast, maybe something to drink. As soon as it was over, she could return to her apartment and grab a syringe.

A wave of intense dizziness caught her as she stepped out of the shower, bad enough that she had to steady herself against the bathroom counter for several moments. At this rate, it would be a herculean effort to even last through breakfast without taking off for District 16. She scowled slightly, frustrated with herself, and quickly continued getting ready.

A few moments later, Vander stepped out of the bathroom. The new clothes fit well, with the addition of her own belt to the pants. Her hair was straighter now that it was clean, brushed over to the right and pulled back off of her face. The shaved left side still marked her as distinctly not from Zone Alpha, but at least she was clean now. And the worst of the bruise had been covered by makeup. Aside from her obvious exhaustion, she looked almost put-together. She offered a smile to James and Mason as she stepped out, mentally prepared to control her drug cravings until after the three had eaten breakfast. "Thanks," she said, yet again. "Best shower I've had in ages."
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