Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Salroka
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Salroka Antivan Crow

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Durnehviir
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Makoto was genuinely surprised that, of all people, the Mizukage sought to interrupt the training session with his assigned Genin.
"I still have a couple days," Makoto stated, lowering his blood sword before the weapon became a deep maroon colored liquid that ran up to his arm and running into a small slit at his wrists, "But," He'd start, looking at Chigetsu in the eyes with an unusual intensity, "I am ensuring that they are ready. If they are not able to survive in these conditions, then I would not allow them to go into the exams at all," Because, of course, it was Makoto's right as instructor of these children to ensure that they were mentally and physically prepared for the Chuunin Exams. Just because Chigetsu was excited and wanted the children to participate did not mean that they were ready to participate. When Makoto was designated the Sensei over these children was the moment that he, not Chigetsu, was given the right to say when they were ready for the exams. Had they failed this final test Makoto could have denied their entry stating that they were not ready for the exams at all. He had to be sure that they would be able to survive. Chigetsu could have told Makoto anything he wanted too prior to this training session, however it wouldn't have changed what Makoto decided to do. Out of his three students there was one in particular that he had to ensure was ready for the difficult and dangerous exams where even the slightest rule could result in an untimely demise. Due to that one factor, Makoto had to push them.

"We are not leaving today, in any case," Makoto would explain, not that he really needed too. The exams were not starting for a few days out and, unlike Chigetsu, Makoto and his team were not expected to be in the land of Ash today. It was fortunate for them, but unfortunate for the Mizukage that the only one that was actually wasting time here was himself. Makoto was already aware about the time he needed to be there and he had that in mind in correlation with this test, the demands it held on these young teens, and the recovery time that they would need after this test.

"You three are dismissed," Makoto would say, crossing his arms. "You have the rest of the day to yourselves. Rest up, recover, pack. Don't forget everything you've learned today and let your wounds remind you of what is to come," Makoto would sternly say. He'd focus on Chigetsu a moment, thinking about this interesting scenario. Makoto would look to the right and left a moment, before returning his attention to Chigetsu, "Hotaka isn't going to the Land of Ash with you?" It wouldn't be that surprising if Chigetsu had Hotaka go in his stead while he reprimanded Makoto, which seemed like what was about to happen. If anything, Makoto was a rough, diligent, harsh, body-breaking-mind-rending Sensei and it wouldn't be all that surprising if his methods were to be questioned here and now. Makoto wasn't arrogant enough to believe he was beyond being corrected, but, most of the time, that didn't change how he chose to train those under him. Such a remark especially wouldn't have caused him to withdraw such an important test as the demonstration of being able to survive all on their own while being hunted by the enemy. This was his Genin's trial to standalone, without their Sensei to guide them, and to work together while in the worst of conditions. The fact that they were able to endure this meant that they would be able to survive the Chuunin exams. They had passed their final test as Genin, at least by Makoto's standards, and if they would pass the Chuunin exams they would be, in Makoto's opinion, ready to be leaders and independent units.

Now that the test was over they just needed to recuperate. Likely food and sleep would take up most of their time, but they'd know better, having just passed their most difficult training exercise with Makoto, that there was plenty they were unprepared for and that, for the upcoming exams, there were precautions they needed to stock up on and mentally devise. There was plenty they learned and experienced going up against Makoto and they'd have to take that knowledge and turn it into the needed wisdom to survive for their unknown futures. Makoto would get them on time to the exams, so if the Mizukage was worried about that it was something he didn’t need to worry himself over.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ouroboros


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Kaido Kaguya and Jin Uchiha

Jin's eyes widened as a look of awkward discomfort overtook his face. He groaned quietly as Mayu literally squeezed the compliment out of him. When she started burying her nose in his hair and messing up his wild black haiir he placed a hand on her chest and pushed her away with a loud grumble. "Lay off, will ya..? I wasn't trying to be nice.." He mumbled as he looked away from Mayu, too shy and distant to look her in the eye.

His eyes darted to the cookies, then away from them in defiance, but then back again as his hand shot out from within his sleeves and grabbed one. A muffled 'Thank you' came from his mouth as he ate the whole thing in one bite. His eyes rolled onto Muyo as he defended his eating habits. ... I just store all the energy. You don't have to worry about me Jin scoffed at this, smirking at his comrade after doing so. "Too late Uzumaki, as a matter of fact.. I am worried about ya, can't you see yourself? Skin and bones and tattoos, not much else. How do you expect to stand up to the world's top Genin like that?" Jin pestered Muyo as he usually did, though he decided his usual pestering wasn't enough. "I mean c'mon, do you even know what you're getting yourself into? Mayu's right, the Chuunin Exams are dangerous, you could die there! ..but don't worry. I guess since you have such a distinguished Uchiha as a member of your team you won't need to worry about yourselves, I'll just have to make sure we all pass myself!" He grinned and chuckled in pride. He spoke highly of himself and seemed a tad overconfident, though Jin was always making himself seem larger than life. That, and a pride in his heritage aided in his attitude.

"Your hubris is showing again, child." Kaido interjected after Jin and Mayu expressed their opinions toward the Chuunin exams. He turned a kind eye to Mayu, his most sensitive pupil. Most would see Mayu as a fragile pupil in need of care and protection, and although Kaido admittedly feels the need to protect her more than this other students, he still views Mayu as a strong kunoichi who needs to learn the lessons of a shinobi regardless. "It is very important that you keep your lives, my young Shinobi. However in order to do that you must keep your wits about you, stay true to your roots and always be aware of yourself and your surroundings. I believe you are all ready to partake in the ritual, as does our lord Uzukage." Kaido finished. His voice was firm, yet soft. He treated his students as adults with a very respectful title, the title of Shinobi. He had always instilled the meaning of what it is to be called Shinobi into his students.

Kaido turned to marvel at what remained of the ruins, allowing his eyes to scan over the debris and what was left of the walls. He laughed at Muyo's comment, turning his eyes onto his Uzumaki student. "I bet you would have liked that, wouldn't you Muyo?" He mused before turning hsi attention back to their location. "No, no.. that's not why I brought you here.." His voice seemed to drift away into the breeze around them, almost as if his mind was carried off into the elements around him. "The ruins you see here around you, where we have specifically met for the duration that this squad has been together.. the true nature of these ruins that lie around us stems from the father of this village, and of this nation. These ruins contained the secrets that the Sage of Six Paths left for us. The First Shinobi World War was fought over these ruins, and they were destroyed as a result of greed and fear over what would happen should these secrets fall into the wrong hands." Kaido seemed to ground himself as he finished, mentally returning to himself.

He paused for a moment in silence, only the sound of the spring breeze blustering in the background. "That is why these exams, the first worldwide Chuunin exams being held in Uzushiogakure, are so important. My children, these exams are a statement to the rest of the world that we are still alive and thriving, a statement to show them that they may have destroyed our homes and the things that we built that are precious to us, but they cannot take the knowledge that the Sage has left us. You will fight in the name of Uzushiogakure." Kaido explained to his young Genin. They needed to know of the true nature of this test, and of its importance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lyfe


Member Offline since relaunch

The stench of stale tobacco smoke sat in the air of the Tsuchikage's grotto atop the highest mountain of Iwagakure. His assistant, Sogeki, persistently insisted that he keep a window open yet as the Tsuchikage smoked his pipe his thoughts seem lost in the atmosphere, oblivious to the stale aroma staining his furnishings. Kazuma Harukotsu, Second Tsuchikage of Iwagakure, was leaning on the back two legs of the chair, thinking of the Chuunin Exams to come, although he should have been doing desk work that had been piling up over the past few weeks. Sogeki entered the room abruptly, the Tsuchikage's chair falling forward as his eyes focused on his comrade. It was easy to tell that he had been procrastinating any real work he had.

"Shirking your duties again, Kazuma?" Sogeki asked in a disciplinary tone with a slight grin on his face. Kazuma leaned back again, looking away from his subordinate and finding himself staring out the window. He mumbled something in response, it was either a joking insult or a lame excuse. "I know you have a lot coming up with the exams and all but don't you think there are important matters to attend to right about now?" It didn't seem to register with the Tsuchikage. He was still stairing out the window aimlessly, though he had most certainly heard his assistant. There was a short pause before he finally turned to Sogeki and looked him square in the eyes.

The Harukotsu's eyes were an electric blue, his hair a black mess with no real form to it, tufts of hair just stuck out and gave him a somewhat unkempt yet free-spirited appearance. His chair touched the ground on all four legs again, and he folded his hands together on his desk. His firm expression never faltered as he stared down his assistant. "Gather the Tsubakihara girl, the Kamizuru kid.. oh, and that immortal freakshow. Yeah. Those three. After thinking it over a bunch, it's them. They're the Genin I want representing our village."

And that was that. Letters were sent to the Genins' homes to inform them that they were selected to participate in the Chuunin exams and were to begin traveling to Uzushiogakure immediately under Jounin supervision. Kazuma himself traveled with a caravan of two Shinobi. The travel was a long one, but felt rather short to Kazuma as he daydreamed and allowed his thoughts to carry him away from himself on his journey.

Arriving in Uzushiogakure was a little odd. He didn't expect anything fancy but he assumed accomodations would be made for his stay.. they did not. He received many judgmental, piercing glares from pedestrians in the village. Especially along the outskirts where the damage from war was highly evident as the poorer occupants seemed to live around the village rather than in it. This was were where the judgmental atmosphere was most intense, many of the villagers whispering to one another and when an Uzushiogakure Shinobi passed, they would either scowl or spit in the path of the Tsuchikage.

Kazuma paid very little mind to it, one of his aides commented that their rude behavior was most likely due to the jealousy over wealth, as Iwagakure was a rich country who had suffered from the war as well but still made out prosperous from it. Kazuma, on the other hand, had taken over after the war. He was not responsible for these peoples' damaged lives. And in knowing so he corrected his aide, explaining that their behavior came from grudges held against foreigners for coming onto their homeland and bringing disrespect upon their people. That is why they did not welcome the other Shinobi.

Eventually Kazuma reached the entrance of the Uzukage's manor. He took a deep breath before drifting through the threshhold and up a flight of stairs. A long hallway led to two large wooden doors, the presumed location of the meeting of the six Kage. Kazuma entered through the doorwar with his two Jounin guards, and quickly scanned the room. He discerned the only woman in the room to be the Kazekage based on her uniform, and determined the Hokage to be the other occupant, aside from the large old man sitting across the room at the head of the table.

"Oi, you lot are the Kage then?" Kazuma shrugged before talking over to the right side of the table and taking a seat. His escorts stood behind him, one on either side, standing firmly still like gargoyles. "Well, let's get this formality over with..." He sighed as he looked over the three other present Kage once more, taking in their appearances and attitudes toward one another.
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