Greetings, I bid thee welcome.

So I've been on an insanely long hiatus and I finally decided to shake off the dust and attempt roleplaying once more. I must warn all potential partners though that writing creatively is now somewhat awkward for me, though I'm confident I'll get back into the swing of things soon enough. But first, the rules (rules, not guidelines).


> I honestly don't care if you give me two paragraphs or a novel as long as they're of decent quality. And by decent I mean proper capitalization, punctuation, grammar and spelling as far as possible. If you typ3 lyk d1s, consider our partnership void.

> Romance. I know a lot of people like this as a plot device, but it is what it is: a plot device and not something that consumes the entire story. If there is to be romance, it'll come secondary to the main plot. That being said, I'll only do M/F if romance is desired. Otherwise, everything else goes for non-romance.

> I play characters of both genders, no preference. I am female, though.

> I won't censor myself as far as violence/profanity goes. For romance, I can either write everything out or fade to black. Your choice, but let me know beforehand so I don't step on any toes. Do take note that anything 18+ in relation to that will go straight to PMs.

> In addition to roleplaying, I do have other hobbies and responsibilities to attend to. Do not harass me for replies. Gentle reminders are welcome, but anything in the vein of "WHY ARENT U REPLYING" will usually not be responded to.

> I like to be friends with my partners, so feel free to talk to me about anything OOC. Rant, discuss the weather, debate the pros and cons of owning a unicorn...

> Plot with me. Help me develop new plot twists/lore/whatever. It tends to get excruciatingly tiresome when I have to drag the entire storyline on by my lonesome.


> Horror (particularly the survival sort) - currently craving
> Action/adventure/intrigue
> War/conflict
> Dark fantasy (medieval, Victorian-era inspired, whatever)
> Science fiction (soft)
> Modern/urban fantasy/supernatural (angels, demons, superheroes, etc.)
> Steam/cyberpunk
> Historical/alternate historical
> Apocalyptic/post-apocalyptic
> Slice-of-life drama (no drama, no slice-of-life)
> Modern (spies, cops, military, etc.)
> Anything intense and gritty, preferably involving a generous helping of angst, harsh decisions and shades of gray morality
> Any combination of the above

Suggestions are more than welcome; PM me or post here if you're interested, though I tend to forget to check threads and would rather you sent a PM. I'm open to a lot of things, as long as the basic plot idea's interesting and gives me something to work with.

Thank you for perusing my thread, and safe journeys.