-Setting: This RP will be set apart from the canon series and will take place during the 'natural' 5th Holy Grail War set 60 years after the 4th war. As in the timeline proceeds as if the grail wasn't corrupted.

-The plot: We will play both servants and Magi who fight for the Holy Grail. Magi are modern masters of mage-craft who have created the Holy Grail Wars to have their own wishes granted. Generally the wish is find the root of all magic, however each individual mage has his own goals. A servant is summoned by the grail and manifests as a Heroic Spirit taking physical form to fight for the grail and have their wish granted. A Heroic Spirit being a being of great renown, King Arthur, CĂș Chulainn, King Iskandar etc and fall into 7 'classes', Saber, Lancer, Archer, Rider, Assassin, Caster, and Berserker, and there can only be one servant per class.

-Additional notes: This RP is based off of the popular Fate/Stay Night/Fate/Zero anime however I will be taking my own particular liberties in the interested making this more enjoyable.

-Fuyuki City: For as long as anyone can remember Fuyuki City has been ground zero for the Holy Grail Wars. It is separated into two sections by the river Mion that can be considered two towns, Shinto and Miyama City, which are the new and old sections respectively. While not based directly on a real city, many of the locations are based on those located in Kobe.

Okay, now that the essential info is out of the way, here's how this is going to work.
-We are all going to fight each other. If that's not your thing I strongly advise you don't try to play.
-However this isn't clash of egos or anything of the sort, this is, first and foremost, an RP, NOT an arena. Meaning I expect characterization, decent writing ability, and I shouldn't have to say it but, no god modding please.
-Any disputes or arguments will be resolved amongst yourselves or by me if it gets out of hand.
-As far as canon servants goes, so long as you can come up with a unique, and balanced interpretation apart from canon I'll allow them.
-I will only except 6 players for this RP, that would make 7 players counting myself. Also you will each be required to have two characters, one mage and one servant.
-Have fun people! We're just trying to kill each other for a magical artifact that will grant our every desire!

So yeah, feel free to ask questions or post character sheets. I'll look over them and we can talk about them.