Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sightles
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The Wild is a land of forests, mountains, large rivers, plains and unforgiving weather. Springs are wet and muddy. Summers are warm, yet fleeting. Autumns are the swan song of easy times. Winter is the reaper that culls those without support or strength. Despite this, life has a habit of flourishing in The Wild.

Wolves are the most dominant of the species that inhabit The Wild. Numerous, strong, and smart, there is not much Wolves cannot accomplish when they work together. However, the Wolves are split into differing factions. On the best of days, most packs tolerate the others. On the worst of days, all out war can erupt between the packs. More than a few Wolves have aspirations of uniting the conflicting packs, allowing the Wolves to truly rule The Wild. Different societies, different values, different ways of living, and different tactics prevent such a lofty ideal, though. This won't stop certain Wolves from trying.

The Wild is unforgiving, punishing mistakes with brutal efficiency. Those that learn to respect, and live within, The Wild are the only ones to survive.

However, there lies a realm even more dangerous than The Wild. Outside the nurturing of life of The Wild, there exists The Beyond. Not many have ever traveled out of the safety of the region, and even fewer have returned.


This is a thread where you play as a unique member of a pack of wolves (or potentially another species altogether). All animals in this setting can speak, and understand one another.

There will be an over-arcing plot to the entire thread, which many players will be given more than enough chances to becomes a big part in. However, this thread is still considered to be 'Slice of Life'


This thread will ALWAYS be accepting new players. If you have questions, feel free to ask in the OOC.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sightles
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Grizzly Bears - The Grizzlies are normally foul tempered to the other denizens of The Wild, and consider themselves of the defacto kings of The Wild. However, their dangerous tempers cause them to fight each other just as much as they fight others. They also not in large numbers, and fairly spread out.

Caribou - Numerous, and keen to stick to groups, the Caribou help make up a fair portion of The Wild's population. Not much can be said about the species, other than their distrust of every other species.

Deer - Another numerous species in The Wild. Although, they don't normally form herds like Caribou, they use their amazing agility and cautious nature to avoid any kind of danger. There cautious nature should not be mistaken for a sign of weakness, however. The larger males, and some females, of this species can easily put up a fight that would easily deter any would-be attacker.

Birds - It is as useless an exercise to count all the bird species in The Wild, as it would be to count all the stars in the night sky. With no real sense of community, and most individuals living by themselves, it's hard to estimate just how many birds are in The Wild. Demeanor and nature differ from species to species, but most birds are definitely creatures of flight, rather than fight.

Owls - The oft forgotten danger of the night. Some species of the Owls of The Wild have be said to grow so big that they would hunt the adolescent grizzly bears. However, most Owls of The Wild are, thankfully, not so big. Most hunt other birds, and other small animals. It is best to keep cautious of Owls, though. Considered to be cunning, and scheming, it would be a fool to ever trust the word of an Owl.

Hares - It is surprising how large the Hare population is, considering how many species hunt them. Extremely agile, isolationist, and quick to flee, Hares are perhaps one of the hardest preys to capture, but the easiest to find

Lynx - Lynxes would be able to challenge the power of the Wolf Packs, if they had any sense of unity whatsoever. Often living alone, the lynx can still be consider one of the most dangerous predators in The Wild. Typically better hunters than wolves, their failure to work in packs prevent them from bringing down larger prey. However, if a single wolf and single lynx were to fight, the result of the fight could often go either way. It is lucky for The Wild that lynxes prefer to operate alone.

Coyotes - The little, and less achieved, cousin to the wolves of The Wild. Coyote packs, and hunting tactics, could be considered a poor mimicry of wolves. With their numbers being low, and the only quality they have being agility, the Coyotes are normally ignored by other predators. However, this underestimation of them can often surprise when Coyotes are led by a smart alpha, and cohesive.

Bison - Most likely the most dangerous of all prey. Bison experience the foul temper of the grizzlies, but have the benefit of being able to work as a herd like the Caribou. More likely to turn and fight a predator, rather than flee, makes the Bison the most difficult prey. However, if possible, downing a bison pays off in dividends. The Bison are in limited numbers, and mainly stick to only a small portion of the plains of The Wild, which makes them a fairly small player in the grand scheme of things.

Gophers - Combine the cautiousness of the Deer, and the population of the Hares, and you have the Gopher. Split into small communities, you can find the gophers pretty much anywhere in The Wild. While not as agile, large, or strong as other species, Gophers make up for it by constructing many escape routes around their areas, allowing quick escapes at all times.

Goats and Sheep - Found mostly in the mountainous regions of The Wild, they typically become the prey of wolves and mountain lions. While their herd mentality more often than not protects them, they are not the most cunning of creatures. Slow to learn, followed by a dependency on the herd, often lead to many of them being picked off by predators.

Mountain Lions - Too quick, and too silent. Most species never see the mountain lion that kills them. Rare to ever see, and rarer to ever survive seeing one. The apex predator of The Wild. While not quite matching the raw strength of the grizzly, they more than make up for it with some of the best agility in The Wild. Much like the Lynx, Mountain Lions would be a much bigger threat to the other denizens of The Wild if they formed packs, or groups. Mostly sticking through the mountainous regions of The Wild, and rarely ever traveling outside their territory unless for specific reasons, the only species they seem to terrorize are goats, sheep, birds, and the Summit Wolves.


The Wolves - Perhaps the strongest sense of communities, the population of Wolves in The Wild is split between 6 distinct packs;

The Creek Pack - Normally, the Creeks stick to the lowlands of The Wild, and hunt along rivers and creek beds. They shy away from interaction with other packs, as The Creeks are small in number and mainly compromised of medium-to-small sized Wolves.

The Summit Pack - Sticking near the foothills and mountains, The Summit Wolves are a deadly combination of large builds and agility. Summit Wolves enjoy peace from most other species, including their own. Spread out, and only a pack by the loosest of definitions. Most wolves would sooner associate the Summit Wolves with grizzlies than other wolves. Normally wolves like the Summit wolves would be the dominant pack in The Wild. However, lack of pack cohesiveness, and lack of numbers, prevent any kind of warring or semblance of dominance over other packs.

The Crescent Pack - A good contender for most dominant pack, the Crescent Pack is the most populated of the packs. The Crescent Wolves have a knack for accepting any stray members, exiled or otherwise, into their pack. It would be difficult to pin-point an exact attitude, or focus, in the group, as the diversity is takes a wide berth. A tight sense of community, and an emphasis on teammwork, the Crescent Wolves are a tight-knit group that interact well with most other packs.

The Deep Pack - Probably the most mysterious, and least interacted with, pack. The Deep Pack is known by other packs as a dangerous, and weird, pack. The Deep Pack root bears, or whatever other inhabitant there is, out of deep caves, and use it for a home. The Deep Pack don't often hunt the typical preys, like other packs, instead sticking to rather odd choices. With their numbers limited, but with probably the best fighters of all the wolves, the Deep Pack is considered to be the odd ones out in The Wild.

The Storm Pack - Another excellent contender for the most dominant pack. The Storm Wolves are vicious in nature, with a community based around weeding out the weak. Weak pups are usually left out in the cold, to die to whatever comes to it first. Members that show weakness are ostracized by the pack. If they fail to get back in the packs good graces, the pack will either exile them, or they will chose to leave themselves; Only allowed to return if they can come back and prove their worth against the Alpha. The Storm Wolves find themselves often fighting with other packs of terrority, and over hunting. Despite their emphasis on weeding out the weak, the Storm Wolves have a large number in their pack, almost rivaling The Crescent Pack. Perhaps the biggest fault of the Storm Wolves is actual hunting ability. While they are excellent at taking large prey down, hunting smaller prey, and tracking, are not their strong suits. Making poor hunters, but excellent warriors, often bring the Storm Wolves to clash with other packs as they steal other pack's kills.

The Crown Pack - One more contender for the most dominant pack title. The Crown Wolves mainly make home in the plains, and forests, of The Wild; distancing themselves from the creekbeds, caves, mountains, and highlands of the other wolves. With a strong focus on making sure even adolscents are able to hunt, every member of the Crown Pack contributes in one way or another. Excellent hunters, excellent trackers, and excellent pack unity, the Crown Pack can be seen as the envy of other packs. However, most Crown Wolves do not get as large as some wolves of other packs get. This medium size, coupled with only an average ability to fight and defend themselves, prevent the Crown Pack from becoming the most dominant pack.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sightles
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No powerplaying
No godmodding
No metagaming
Respect each other
Listen to the GMs
If there happens to be romance, keep it PG-13 at least, or just timeskip.

Alpha positions are forbidden from player choice. If you wish to play a Beta, please speak to me first. Everything else is free game.

If you wish to play a SPECIES different from the Wolves, please PM or talk to me first to confirm it. I am expecting most of the thread to be filled with Wolves, and I'd like to make sure you stay relevant if you aren't a wolf.


Bio Format :

Name :

Gender :

Age (1-17 for Wolves, may want to look up ages for another animal if you so choose to play one) :

Position in the Pack (if applicable) :

Pack/Species :

Appearance :

Personality (optional) :

Short History (optional) :


Positions in the Pack :

Alpha Female: Often handles the interior workings of the pack, such as shelter, inner politics, and food distribution. Normally mated with the Alpha Male

Alpha Male: Often the strongest male, although this can also not be the case. Handles hunts, interactions with other species and packs, and decides where the pack will settle. Normally mated with the Alpha female.

Beta Female: Typically the right-hand wolf to the Alpha female. Often delegates and helps the Alpha female on important tasks. Not normally mated with Beta male.

Beta Male: Helps lead hunts with the Alpha, and often does the day-to-day running of the pack for the Alpha. Not normally mated with the Beta female.

Delta Female: The delta female is in charge when the Alpha's and Beta's are not around. They usually take charge of watching for storms, and watching the area around the pack for danger.

Delta Male: The delta male is in charge when the Alpha and Beta are not around. They take charge of long distance hunting trips, and training pups.

Lead Hunter/Huntress: Advises the Alpha on the best hunting areas, and paths. Will normally be the one helping the Alpha make decisions during the hunt. Is considered an expert at hunting.

Hunters/Huntresses:Most hunts don't require a Alpha or Beta, and that's when the hunters and huntressess come into play. They provide the majority of the food for the pack.

Lead Warrior: This wolf is typically someone who is on the Alpha's level of physical skill. They lead the defense of the pack when the Alpha is not around. They only answer to the Alpha, and are typically considered the best warrior in the pack.

Warriors: The fighters of the pack. While they make up a small number, they are a formidable defense. Often used in conjunction with the Delta Female and scouts to watch for danger.

Scouts: They patrol the area around the pack's resting grounds. Normally, they are females or small males. Answer directly to the Delta Female.

Loners: Wolves without a pack. They are either banished or leave for their own reasons. There is always a chance for them to join a pack, again, if they are able to prove themselves.

Omega: This is the bottom ranker of the pack they are the least important and are often the most submissive. They often are used to babysit pups, or do menial tasks.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sightles
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Character Name/Page of Bio/Pack/Position/Player Name

Player List :

Natalya/Page 1/Crescent Pack/Huntress/Natural Mess

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sightles
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Positions in the Packs :

The Creek Wolves :

Alpha Female: Ivy
Alpha Male: Nan

Beta Female: OPEN
Beta Male: OPEN

Delta Female: OPEN
Delta Male: OPEN

Lead Hunter/Huntress: OPEN
Hunters/Huntresses: Roughly about 15 wolves

Lead Warrior: OPEN
Warriors: Roughly about 8 wolves

Scouts: Roughly about 10 wolves


Omega: Roughly about 5 wolves


The Summit Pack :

Alpha Female: Laysa
Alpha Male: Kaine

Beta Female: NONE
Beta Male: NONE

Delta Female: NONE
Delta Male: NONE

Lead Hunter/Huntress: NONE
Hunters/Huntresses: Roughly about 5 wolves. Answers directly to the Alpha

Lead Warrior: NONE
Warriors: Nearly every wolf in The Summit Pack can be considered a warrior

Scouts: Roughly about 5 wolves

Loners: More than there can be estimated

Omega: NONE


The Crescent Pack :

Alpha Female: Moon
Alpha Male: Cliff

Beta Female: OPEN
Beta Male: OPEN

Delta Female: OPEN
Delta Male: OPEN

Lead Hunter/Huntress: OPEN
Hunters/Huntresses: Roughly about 20 wolves (Natalya/Female/3 years old)

Lead Warrior: OPEN
Warriors: Roughly about 15 wolves

Scouts: Roughly about 20 wolves

Loners: NONE

Omega: Roughly about 10 wolves


The Deep Pack :

Alpha Female: Scythe
Alpha Male: Rand

Beta Female: Ice
Beta Male: Luke

Delta Female: OPEN
Delta Male: OPEN

Lead Hunter/Huntress: OPEN
Hunters/Huntresses: Roughly about 5 wolves

Lead Warrior: OPEN
Warriors: Roughly about 15 wolves

Scouts: Roughly about 5 wolves

Loners: Several loners that have broken off from the pack

Omega: Roughly about 5 wolves


The Storm Pack :

Alpha Female: Lily
Alpha Male: Scar

Beta Female: OPEN
Beta Male: OPEN

Delta Female: OPEN
Delta Male: OPEN

Lead Hunter/Huntress: OPEN
Hunters/Huntresses: Roughly about 5 wolves

Lead Warrior: OPEN
Warriors: Roughly about 25 wolves

Scouts: Roughly about 10 wolves

Loners: Several across The Wild

Omega: NONE


The Crown Pack :

Alpha Female: Razor
Alpha Male: Mar

Beta Female: OPEN
Beta Male: OPEN

Delta Female: OPEN
Delta Male: OPEN

Lead Hunter/Huntress: OPEN
Hunters/Huntresses: Roughly about 25 wolves

Lead Warrior: OPEN
Warriors: Roughly about 10 wolves

Scouts: Roughly about 10 wolves

Loners: Only a handful of wolves

Omega: Roughly about 10 wolves
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sightles
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sightles
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sightles
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