(repost from here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/159002-burn.. )

It was only a few years ago when the UED was driven out of Koprulu, it was only a bit more when the Confederates fell to the Dominion. Nothing's changed. Guns might look flashier and you get more A.I. around, but it's all the same. Zerg and Protoss have more or less fucked off, they still come around to do some nasty shit every once in a while though. Let me tell you, if you're not from Korhal or Tarsonis, nor got a ship, you better shut the fuck up about what living you're earning, it's the way of the world. Now, where was I? Oh right, so which of these beauts do you want?

So. You're here. This is an interest check for an RP set in the Starcraft universe, heavily influenced by Firefly/Serenity. This RP will have lots of slice-of-lifey moments where you're just doing shit on your ship, however this will also have a lot of the space-cowboy themes we so love, where you use totally not FN FALs, Pythons, Deagles, M16s, etc. and can readily compete with super space magic alien swordsmen whose civilisation predate yours by aeons by the sheer power of their coolness and retro appearance. This is going to take place somewhere in the beginning of the year 2504, on the latter half of the middle of the interim between Brood War and Wings of Liberty. Your characters can (and I even encourage this!) to be as mary-sue as possible although as you can imagine, without contradicting lore. Your characters can be almost any human; an ex-pirate, a survivor of the UED fleet, some Confederate who's just given up fighting, a poor chap who lost confidence in the dominion or just some random joe running away and looking to get a new life travelling and doing cool shit. I would like at least two PCs to have some past with each other. Someone would have to be captain, of course when you get your ship. This RP would need a bare minimum of four people to work though more would be preferable. You only need barebones knowledge of the SC world to participate.

I'll also warn you that there will be lots of 90s/2000s nostalgia and references as SC1/BW (the best of the series) had a lot of them. So... yeah, join up folks. I'll make an IC the moment there is interest.