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Therealslayer Cage Jr.

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Name: Kristjana (Christina) Steinsðottir
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Ethnicity/Nationality: Iceland/UK Dual Citizenship
Former Unit: ICG (Icelandic Coast Guard), 3rd United Kingdom ‘’Iron’’ Division - 38th Infantry Brigade at Bulford camp in Wiltshire, 2nd Battalion - The Rifles HRH at Thiepval Barracks in Lisburn. Parachute Regiment (UKSF) 1st Battalion in St-Athan.
Role: Automatic Rifleman
Physical Description:
Most individuals who see Kristjana for the first time would quickly guess that she has Icelandic or Scandinavian blood running through her veins - and those people would be correct. Her pale blonde hair, bright blue eyes and stature are common physical characteristics in that part of the world. Her shoulders are broad and taut; her muscle mass lean and clearly outlined as if a sculptor had carefully pressed the lines into her skin.


  • Arctic/Desert Survival Specialist
  • Advanced C.P.R Training
  • Advanced Automatic Weapon and Ranged Shooting Training
  • Navigation Specialist
  • Advanced hand-to-hand Combat Training
  • Advanced Kinesiology Courses
  • Search and Rescue Specialist (parachuting, helicopter rescue)
  • Olympic Weightlifting and Track Veteran (can endure excessive pain and muscle fatigue; exceptional cardiovascular capacity)

Kristjana had always been interested in the Military, or at least, inclined towards the military lifestyle. At a young age, she competed in any and every sport she could join. She took part of the Track team in middle school and then joined the Olympic Weight Lifting team a few years later. She fell in love with the hard work, the short nights, the pain and soreness, the restrictive diet, and most of all, the mental toughness needed to pull through it all.

Knowing Iceland didn’t have a military force on land, she joined the Icelandic Coast Guards as soon as her age permitted it, leaving her family and village behind; though she always kept in touch with them, and sometimes the promise of a visit during the holidays was the only thing that motivated her. With the ICG, Kristjana did everything from ice operations to search and rescue missions. Already a long term addict of the sought after adrenaline rush, time flew by and she reached the third rank of enlistment in her three years of service – which was not uncommon.

Having the dreaded feeling that she wasn’t progressing anymore, the young Coast Guard decided it was time for a new challenge. Kristjana set sail to the United Kingdom and established Manchester as her home. She knew enough English to get around, but found it difficult to assimilate the language fully. After working low paying jobs in markets and coffee shops just over a year, Kristjana was fluent enough to start coaching in a small time gym. She remained at the same gym for nearly three years when she finally decided to go off on her own. She mostly coached weightlifting athletes privately until she was able to get her UK citizenship.

The day she enlisted in the British Military was the day her life really started, or so she believed. Her determination and the skills she acquired in the ICG helped her climb the ranks quickly. She first served in the Reserves before earning a place in the 38th Infantry Brigade in the 3rd Division. After earning her Corporal rank, Kristjana joined The Rifles Brigade’s 2nd division for five years. However, her experience with ICG and her expertise regarding search and rescue lead her serve with the 1st Battalion of the Parachute Regiment in St-Athan.

Kristjana is still trying to convince her family to come to the UK, though it’s proven to be a difficult task. Yet She understands their reticence fully as she too misses her home.

Psychological Profile:
Krisjtana is family oriented which makes teamwork and loyalty extremely important to her. She approves of transparency amongst soldiers and does her best to be forward about everything she does. Her determination and never-give-up attitude is most likely her strongest characteristic, yet sometimes she believes she can save everyone no matter how dire the situation causing casualties to play negatively on her morale. She performs just as well under pressure than during training missions and can withstand a lot of mental hardships before even considering breaking.


  • IMI NEGVEG; Kristjana opted for the double drum magazine and a comfortable shortened stock.
  • SIG Sauer P226 with a tactical green laser sight.
  • UK BDU with a solid black undershirt
  • Black ACU boots
  • Black ACH combat helmet with NVG mount, top mounted flashlight, small microphone on the left and she carries a fast gunsight mandible and a sentry visor attachments.
  • Black tactical leg drop holster
  • Black tactical gloves
  • Black tactical vest with three ammo pouches, medic pouch, combat knife and holster on left shoulder.
  • A pair of shooting sunglasses and regular shooting glasses (Yellow).

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Therealslayer
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Therealslayer Cage Jr.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Samantha Oshiro

Theme song:Klrx & Kaj - Empathy

Age: 33

Political Standings: Anti-government. Despises the Emperor's ways. Samantha believes a noble government should be democratic, host fair trials to those found guilty of offences and also give back to his people.

Weapons/inventory: A Dao. Apart from water, currency and light snacks, Samantha never carries a great deal of items while traveling.

Fighting Style: Samantha is highly skilled with her sais and has adopted a mix of jujitsu and muay-thai style of fighting during close quarter combat battles with them. She is also proficient in silently dispatching, but often chooses not to kill unless it is absolutely necessary. She will use her Dao mostly for defence.

Personality: Samantha cares a great deal for other's lives and finds much value in humility. Though she is wise, she can sometimes be naive and is quick to believe people's good intentions. She is mostly optimist and good-natured, he smile never fails to warm even the coldest of hearts.

History: Samantha was orphaned at a very young age and hardly remembers anything about her biological parents. Though from her appearance and name Samantha guesses that one of her parents was a westerner - maybe both. She never lingered on the though long enough to do more than wonder haphazardly; her heritage is and will always be from the land of Daokai.

The orphanage in the city of Udai was small, mostly run by the local unemployed women. Samantha wasn't particularly social and was often pegged as shy and introverted. She would get angry but never showed it, having no outlet for it she decided it was easier to stay away from people instead of using them as punching bags, literally.

She rarely joined the other orphans for any activity or gatherings and instead chose to spend most of her time at the neighbouring dojo. She expressed a particular interest in martial arts and fighting. Masimoto, her sensei, sensed a great power within the shy young girl but saw how her anger set her back. Before even showing her anything, they practiced meditation until she had full control of her emotions. Masimoto trained her for years to come and as he had not married, or had any children, her took on a paternal role with Samantha early on. On her 16th birthday, he gifted her a hand-crafter Dao sword, which she still carries with her to this day.

When Masimoto passed away, she left the village and travelled around the continent, finding great peace in helping others. Samantha did everything from bringing thieves to justice to smaller tasks like finding lost horses and bringing them back to their owners.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Therealslayer
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Therealslayer Cage Jr.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Lára Jhonsðottir
Age: 32
Nationality: Iceland
Race: Humanoid
Personality traits: Hard worker. Smiles a lot. Beloved leader.
Brief Bio: Not much is known on Lara, except that she is the only survivor of the tragedy that struck her team Delta Zulu, on mission codenamed Eagle's Nest three years ago. Since then, she has been training teams for resource mining and analyzing different planetary environments, yet never joining them in their space ventures.
Role: Tank
Abilities:Her body is a fortress, a brick wall, a titanium door, whatever comparative element you wish to use, it all adds up to: you're gonna get knocked the fuck down. Her brute force is enough to make anyone or anything stop in its tracks. They usually remain dazed from her slow yet powerful hits. Biggs also excels at creating choke points to block any incoming damage and attacks to her teammates. She is a protector, and unlike most, doesn't mind being used as a human muscle shield.

Laura's stamina is a thing of beauty. Not for cardio, though, but she can withstand large amounts of damage and still remain standing.

Her muscle, organ and skin tissue is comprised of of 10x more closely knitted tissue than the normal human body making it hard to penetrate. If damaged, however, regeneration is slow and painful. This ability also makes her skin impenetrable from any airborne toxins, gases and liquids alike. Digestion is similar (though ingesting certain substances come with a price, such as heartburn, indigestion and flu-like symptoms).

Weapons and Equipment:

  • Pulse shotgun. Cut off short barrel with a single drum that holds the energy cells. It's also mounted with a target seeking blue laser pointer.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Therealslayer
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Therealslayer Cage Jr.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Samira Darzi

Character Summary

Samira Darzi
Sam, DZ, Darz, Iranian Barbarian.
May 25th
Birth Place:
Miami, Florida.
Miami, Florida.
Bachelor's fire science degree. EMT certification.
Part-time firefighter, part-time fitness coach.
English written and spoken. Spanish spoken.





Deep Brown

Dark Brown

Skin Tone:
Fair complexion

Sam has a full black and white sleeve on her right arm: On her shoulder and down her tricep there is a lion's head, followed by a medieval shield on the inner part of her bicep near her armpit. Down her bicep near the inner part of her elbow, there’s a skull with a rose next to its head. On her forearm there's a guardian angel dressed as a medieval knight; his head is bowed in prayer and both of his hands are resting on the hilt of his sword, angel wings spread on either side of his body. There is a dove on top of her forearm, next to the knight and next to them is a wooden cross and rays of sunlight shines on both them.

She also has the rebel alliance symbol tattooed on the back of her neck. it's quite old, faded and it's fairly low quality.


Caring * Impulsive * Charismatic * Egotistical

Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single
Personality: Sam is the kind of person that could make anyone feel at home with a smile that draws you in and a charming personality that gets you hooked from the first sentence. She's an extrovert, through and through, and it shows how easily she welcomes anyone with open arms and an even bigger heart. Everyone's family and nothing is more important to her than those around her. Sometimes though she'll retreat to have some peace and quiet, but she'll be back before you notice with a fury of good-natured jokes.

Sam is not easily angered or agitated, she is usually cool and calm in most situations. She's mastered how to defuse most tense situations with a joke or a swift change of subject that almost goes by unnoticed. In order to get on Sam's bad side, someone would really have to work at it, but she does have a short fuse when it comes to negativity and people who are quick to give up. If there is something she cannot stand its laziness, there is no excuse not to do anything when you can at least try.

This extroverted exterior seems perfect and shiny, but on the inside, Sam is a bit of a mess. She thinks too much, way too much, about pretty much everything. She sees improvement everywhere and would like to fix everyone, sometimes calling those mistakes out-loud has gotten her caught into a few heated arguments with close friends and members of her family. But perhaps her biggest flaw is believing everything can be fixed and that everyone can change.

Habits: When Sam finds herself with nothing to do she'll clean or find something to fix or tamper with. She also always analyses why people do or say certain things to get a better idea of how they think.
Hobbies: Training (Crossfit, weightlifting) and cooking are two of Sam's favorite ways to unwind.
  • Lossing a loved one
  • Vulnerability; being perceived as weak by others and herself, both mentally and physically
  • Being taken hostage

  • Animals
  • Crossfit
  • Honesty
  • BBQ Chips
  • Leading
  • Jokes/Laughing
  • Strawberry Smoothies
  • Star Wars
  • Winning arm wrestling matches
  • Metal, the kind you trash to.

  • Running
  • Smoking
  • Laziness
  • Bacon
  • People who chew their food loudly
  • Waking up before the sun rises
  • Being hungry
  • Clutter

Cards On The Table

Pre Outbreak Skills:
  • Safely extracting people from buildings that are burning and/or falling down
  • Assessing a person's medical distress and stabilizing it
  • Advanced Anaerobic and aerobic capacity
  • Trained with Fire axes, crowbars, pry tools, hooks, hammers, bolt cutters and other tools of the firefighting trade.

Post Outbreak Skills:
  • Attacking and defending with a knife
  • Building temporary shelters
  • Hunting small animals
  • Reading people
  • Scavenging for resources
  • Shotgun

Current Supplies:
  • Current clothing - blue skinny jeans, black T-shirt, black firefighter work boots, weathered dark brown leather belt (beer opener on the underside of the buckle), Dark blue Firefighter light hooded jacket.
  • Brown fire axe holster
  • Fire Axe
  • Black medium sized single strap military backpack
  • Fitness tracking watch
  • BCAA's (400g)
  • Shaker bottle
  • Protein bars
  • M4 Tactical Shotgun w/flashlight (her fathers)
  • 2 boxes of shotgun shells (24 shells)
  • Basic medical emergency kit (scalpel, gauze, needle for stitching, etc.)
  • Paracord Bracelet


Your First Walker Encounter:
The first time Sam encountered a walker was on her birthday. She was working that day and lucky for her the fire station's birthday ritual was to make the person being celebrated run 3 laps around the building. On her first lap, she spotted a homeless man by the dumpster, on her second she swore he was eating a rat, on her third her fears were confirmed when he turned his bloody screech towards her. She stood frozen for what seemed like a long time but in reality it was just a few seconds. She was able to dodge him and run back into the station, where cheers erupted. Her colleagues heartily sang happy birthday to her while she attempted to catch her breath and tell them what she had seen behind the station. The party was abruptly interrupted by the crazed man and all hell broke loose. Sam ran for the nearest fire axe and closed her eyes as she plunged it deep into the man's skull.

History Before Outbreak:
In school, Sam excelled in math and science so her parents pushed the idea that she should become a doctor. She didn't hate the idea, but she didn't love it either, yet her parents kept fueling the fire. They were happy, so she was happy. Sam was very smart, but she also naturally athletic and drawn to running track because she was good at it, not because she enjoyed it, but found her passion for Olympic lifting soon after. She competed all throughout high school and even college, but when her coach made it clear that without taking anabolic steroids she wouldn't go further into this sport she quit immediately. Feeling empty at the loss, Sam entered a Crossfit gym and fell in love with lifting all over again.

Sam's four years of hard work as a medical student paid off as she received a full scholarship and promise of a residency at a local hospital. Everything was going great, once again she dominated, but the unexpected loss of her mother and her grandmother back to back was like a sucker punch to the gut. She fell into a deep depression and even dropped out of her residency when there were a few months left until completion. She realized that pursuing a job where losing people hourly was commonplace wasn't for her.

Her father, a military man, would have loved for her to follow in his footsteps. Yet, year-long tours overseas was too much of a commitment for Sam at the time. She decided to compromise and passed both the written and physical exam for the police academy admittance, but in the end, she still felt that her talents would be wasted in driving around in a vehicle all day. Sam began feeling more hopeless than ever, without a prosperous future ahead of her, yet there wasn't anything she could see herself doing for the rest of her life. Her life turned around when her good friends shoved a firefighter recruitment paper into her hands. It was the perfect job, part-time too so she could continue coaching at her Crossfit gym on the side.

She completed her fire science degree in a year and a half and also received her EMT certification after 300 of courses and practice. It was the perfect job, at least, until the outbreak forced her out of the normalcy of her life she had established and driven her out of the city she had grown in.

History Since Outbreak:
Sam remained at the station with the rest of her colleagues until they exhausted their food and water supplies and were thus forced to leave the safe brick walls and venture out into this brand new world. Sam was one of the first to volunteer to scavenge for food and report back with news on how the rest of the city was doing.

At first, Sam was completely distraught to see the city in shambles; fires everywhere, abandoned cars littered the streets and made moving around this concrete jungle much harder with 50 pounds on your back and a horde of crazed people hot on your tail. Though Sam grew quickly accustomed to it, she was used to the exertion, welcomed it even. She scavenged for the station for a few months, but the thoughts of her father's whereabouts in all this chaos was eating at her. She needed to know if he was safe, so one day she dropped off her biggest payload of scavenged goods, grabbed her axe and left in search of her father.

Sam found him after a few weeks of traveling alone, he had been leading another group of survivors out of the city. She wasn't surprised to see him offer protection to a group of people in times like this, Sam had always loved his bravery and hoped she was as half as brave as he was. Even though they worked hard to set rules for the group, it got smaller and smaller. They decided to go against her father's advice and leave to scavenge and explore alone. None of them ever made it back and Sam and her father both knew they would never be back.

She and her father survived alone for almost 2 years, he taught her how to properly build shelters as they often camped in lower populated areas free of those...walkers. One night, one of her father's 'recon' mission, as he liked to call them, didn't go according to plan and they were separated. Hordes of walkers between them and no way to go around. They decided to part ways for now, but they both promised to find each other again. At least that's what Sam think he was saying with hand signals. She's now all alone, with her own demons, and she soon noticed that her demonds were the loudest.


Character Quote: Do or do not do. There is no try.
Theme Song: Move (keep Walkin') - Toby Mac
How Many Walkers Have You Killed: 27
How Many People Have You Killed: 1
Why: Failure to save them from a fatal wound.
Anything Else: She's a cat person.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Therealslayer
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Therealslayer Cage Jr.

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