Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silverwit


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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sevinya
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Roused from a fitful sleep by raised voices, she blinked awake, staying silent and unmoving. She was part of the morning routine now. Every morning Kaufmann shouted at his wife, and every morning, his wife shouted back.

Every morning, after their shouting match over a nutritious breakfast of crumbly soy bacon and chalky powdered eggs, Kaufmann stomped his monstrous frame down the basement steps, passing right by where she lay hidden in the darkness. He would stay in the basement, deep inside a protective labyrinth of crates, kegs, and general junk, until his wife stomped downstairs to resume the shouting match.

As they shouted at each other, she scooped up her pack and darted soundlessly up the stairs. Not that the Kaufmanns would have been able to hear her.

At the top of the stairs she entered the tiny kitchen, passed quickly through the musty bar, and exited through the back door, making sure as always to lock it behind her. A chill ran through her as she stepped out into a poorly-insulated hallway, and she wasted no time, setting off at a brisk pace and pulling her hood up over her head and face.

The hallway was damp and poorly lit, tiny orange bulbs only illuminating suite numbers. Every so often, she would step in a puddle of unknown liquid, or feel something crunch and squish beneath her boot, or trip over broken paneling and exposed wiring. Though she came through Corridor T-17 often, something new was always broken.

What started as a hallway eventually opened up to a large enclosed space. Flashing neon signs advertised highly-rated merchants. At least three stories of kiosks were stacked on top of each other. She had rarely been above the third level, which was mostly for pricier items: ship parts, weaponry, electronics, people...

She kept her head down and pulled a small metallic blister pack from a pocket, pushing one of three pills through the foil. She pinched it and popped it in her mouth, swallowing it and tucking its brothers back into their spot. Swallowing heavily, she tightened the straps on her pack and zig-zagged through the crowd.

Dancing expertly through the swarm of people, it was as though she didn't exist. Her long fingers snaked easily through coat and pant pockets, purses, backpacks... Even a woman haggling with a vendor didn't notice the small hooded figure pluck a bundle of bills from her bosom. There's a first time for everything...
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silverwit


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Standing awkwardly tall amidst a throng of moving people, he once again questioned his own wisdom in coming here. He didn't exactly fit in. Okay, that was a pretty hefty understatement. Between the two categories of people here who had either not nearly enough, or more than they could ever need, he stood awkwardly tall in the third category, Other.

A very nice man in a cheap suit had asked him to borrow his Bulletin, for a job interview. Titan wasn't sure how a glorified social media device would be useful for landing a job, but the man had been so nice that he hadn't cared, at the time.

It had been about 3 hours now. The man had told him to wait right here, the interview was the next block over, it would take him only 15 minutes, 20 at most, he promised, and thank you so very much sir you're a life saver. Titan began to feel the sinking suspicion that he'd been duped, yet again.

He closed his eyes. This certainly wasn't the first time. The only reason he'd even come to the Debris was because he'd received a message from his brother that said he needed urgent and immediate help, please come immediately. Titan hadn't heard from his brother in years, so he'd jumped at the opportunity.

That was nearly 8 months ago, and he hadn't heard from his brother since. He sighed, then awkwardly and suddenly bent over to retrieve a small piece of paper he kept in his shoe, eyes still closed. He felt his head collide with a hard object, and opened his eyes, rubbing his head.

Someone he didn't recognize stood in front of him, rubbing their head. And his wallet was in their hand.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sevinya
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

It didn't take long to fill the deep utility pockets around her midsection, which in turn began to limit her movement. As the medication began to take effect, she looked for a final target.

She found him quickly, and casually wandered nearby. A tall young man who looked awkwardly out of place. Easy prey. At first he seemed to be waiting for something, then, incredibly, he shut his eyes. Idiot tourist... She took her chance immediately, sliding her fingers into a bulging pocket as she nonchalantly strolled past, but without warning she heard a loud crack and pain surged through her head. She nearly lost her balance taking a step back. Had she been attacked?

But no follow-up blow came. Dazed, she looked up, rubbing her head. Her pose was mirrored by the young man; their heads had collided as he'd pitched forward to tie his shoe or something. "The fuck, mate?" But as the accusatory words slipped past her lips, she caught the young man's eye. He wasn't looking at her face. She followed his gaze.



After being headbutted, she'd forgotten to tuck the wallet away. She stood there stupidly, holding the thing, her head throbbing, feeling her face flush from pain and embarrassment. She struggled to maintain her composure as she soundlessly mouthed words, trying and failing to come up with a smooth apology to let her off the hook.

She'd never been caught before.

"Uh... sorry?"

There really was a first time for everything.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silverwit


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

He just stared at her for a few seconds. He was naive, sure, but he wasn't an idiot. He did very poorly with confrontation overall, however.

"Um, miss, why are you holding my wallet?"

His hands kind of fumbled a bit, rifling through his other pockets. He realized that he didn't really have much of anything else so he didn't know what the point of this was. He stopped.

She looked incredibly uncomfortable with the current situation. He sympathized with her a tiny bit, as he was also very awkward with the current situation. He was incredibly awkward in most situations if he was being honest.

He realized that it was very likely that the young lady might try to run, so he decided to do the only thing that made sense to him. He reached out, and grabbed her by the wrist.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sevinya
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

She continued to stand there dumbly until he grabbed her. It shocked her back into reality.

"H-hey! Hey, fuck off! Don't touch me!" She struggled to keep the panic from creeping into her voice as she pulled away from him, but his hand easily held fast to her wrist. "Fuck you, weirdo, let me go!" She considered threatening him but her five-foot-two frame was easily dwarfed by his six-foot-five. She attempted to pry his fingers off with her free hand, but she knew it was useless. "I said I was sorry, okay?"

She grimaced uncomfortably. The trapper had become the trapped. She wondered what the price to pay for a stolen wallet would be as she continued to fight his grip.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silverwit


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As she struggled, Titan realized how dumb a move this had been. If she'd had a weapon, she very likely could have turned it on him with her free hand. The dumbness of his action started to creep through on his face, and he panicked internally trying to figure out what to say.

"Well, uh, if you're sorry then why are you still holding my wallet then?"

Though his grasp on her wrist was firm, he allowed his arm to drop and hang loosely. He was acutely aware of how much taller than her he was.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sevinya
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Look man, it's nothing personal, okay?" He was clearly out of his element, and the gears began turning. "Let me-- let me make it up to you, huh? Apologize?"

Her plan wasn't working. He wasn't going to let go of her wrist. So she dropped the wallet. She probably had more than enough money for the day tucked away on her person. She cursed herself for being greedy. Now she had to bring Tall and Stupid along for the day.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silverwit


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

He just stared at her for a moment, then let go of her wrist, and bent down to pick up his dropped wallet. He kept his eyes on her the entire time, as his fingers searched the ground a bit before finding and picking it up.

He thought about the situation for a few moments, still watching her as he straightened back up, the wallet still in his hand a bit loosely. Finally, he spoke up again, ignoring her offer for the moment.

"Why did you need it?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sevinya
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The second he released her, she took a step away from him. She rubbed her wrist as he fumbled for the wallet on the ground, watching her the entire time. Her face was mostly obscured by her hood in the harsh lighting, but he could have sworn he saw her roll her eyes.

As he stood back up and neglected to put the wallet away, her eyes glinted. She held her composure, though doing so was more difficult now, as sleepiness began to tug at the corners of her mind. Usually she was in and out of the Marketplace quickly. Today was different.

But she bristled at his question. "Let's get one thing straight, Tall Guy--" Once again her mouth moved and no words came out. She held a hand up, lazily pointing at him. "I don't need your fuckin' money. It's none of your business." Her words began to slur slightly. "I've got debts to pay, who doesn't? Now are you gonna help let you out? Err, let me? Help you? Last chance, Tall Guy."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silverwit


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"I don't really get it. Are you trying to say you need my help?"

The girl was stammering a bit, so he had a somewhat difficult time understanding what she was trying to ask him. He slid the wallet into his pocket once more, and brushed off his shirt.

"Yeah, I can do that."

He had nothing better to do anyways.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sevinya
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

She sighed heavily. He'd clearly misunderstood her but she was quickly running out of energy to correct him. Plus now she was late. So she tightened her bag's straps and pivoted around, not wanting to waste any more time.

With a sudden haste she darted through the crowd. She still stuck close to the outer wall, circumventing the majority of kiosks. As they went along, she sorted the money underneath her oversized coat, surreptitiously tossing the emptied wallets in nearby trash chutes and darkened corners.

It wasn't long before she stepped into a cramped, smelly hallway. Corridor K-3. A pair of figures were crouched in the corner, fiddling with some small tools. Suite 7. The windows had been barred and blacked out, and a fancy-looking keypad sat perched on the wall near the heavy door.

She turned around to see if her new companion had been able to keep up.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silverwit


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

He didn't have much trouble keeping up with her, since his legs were much longer. They darted past so many small stalls and kiosks that he couldn't even keep track of what they were all selling. Eventually, she led him to a very seedy looking corner. She turned to him, and he stared at her kind of dumbly and blinked. He absentmindedly put his hand to his pocket to make sure the wallet was still there.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sevinya
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

She gave him a pained smile upon spinning around and seeing him, making a mental note to move faster next time. "I just need to pick something up. But they like to talk sometimes. So stay out of trouble."

She procured a wad of paper money and handed it to the tall man. "Go see if they have any Razzies for Tau. You'll get a cut if you manage a deal. Don't go any higher than twenty-five for three one hundreds." She waved a hand in the direction of the huddled figures, before turning around to the keypad.

It took a while to remember the passwords, her mind foggier with each button press. But she wasn't unfamiliar with the sensation. What felt like hours was scarcely a minute and a half, and with mild difficulty she managed to get the door open. She nearly threw herself into the suite, barely moving out of the way as the door automatically closed and latched itself behind her.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silverwit


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

He was at an utter, and complete loss. He understood that she wanted him to buy something, but he had no idea what. He stared down at the bills she handed him. Slowly, he pieced two and two together.

If she had grabbed his wallet, it probably wasn't just him. He was holding stolen money. He had to restrain himself from dropping it on the spot as though it had morphed into a snake.

The other word she had used, 'razzies'. He hadn't heard it before. He looked at the two other gentlemen in the immediate area, and noticed that they had begun to walk over to him. One of them had his hands in his pockets, and the other one had a strange glint in his eye.

"Um, excuse me, the young lady who was just here wanted me to find her some razzies. I'm new around here, can either of you tell me where I can find that?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sevinya
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

They noticed the pair of figures heading very quickly down Corridor K-3. It only took a moment before they realized it was Tau, unusually late, along with some freakishly-tall companion. He looked a little wet behind the ears still. She, however, looked exhausted, her eyes glazed over. They shared a glance before returning to their tinkering on a small device.

They finished their troubleshooting at almost the exact moment Freedom's heavy armored door clicked shut. They stood and casually sauntered over to Tau's companion, who'd been handed a nice little chunk of change.

As they stepped closer to the light, their features became clearer. "Ya hear that, Jasper?" said the one hanging back, his hands in his pockets. His hair was long, greasy, and matted, and his face had been horrifically disfigured. It was impossible to see where one scar ended and another began. "Kiddo's old lady's lookin' for some Razzies. I think we had some Razzies at some point, eh?"

The other, Jasper, continued until he was a little more than arm's length from the stranger, keeping a bit of distance between them. He was NOT horribly disfigured, and maybe could have been a pretty boy if there had not been tattoos all over his face, neck, and shaved head.

"Yeah friend, I have a few left. New customer special, eh? It's fifteen a pill. How many ya want?" His eyes glinted as he nearly salivated over the wad of cash.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silverwit


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Titan quietly tightened his grasp on the money, and thought for a moment. The numbers that the young lady had given him weren't matching up with the numbers he was now receiving. He frowned as he realized this.

"Sorry sir, but my friend asked me not to go over 12 for each one. It's her money, so I shouldn't waste it, I think."

He calmly slipped the cash into his pocket next to his wallet, making sure it was as tightly packed in there as possible. He smiled genuinely at the two gentlemen.

"Sorry about that. Do either of you have any idea where I could find someone else who has them?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sevinya
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Jasper laughed, a harsh, mocking sound. "Okay kiddo, look, I know your little friend, and she won't be too happy about not getting her shit. But I don't want to deal with her either. So I'll give 'em to ya for twelve, but you have to buy six. Huh? It's not like Tau ain't gonna be back this weekend anyway." He laughed again, rummaging around his pockets.

He withdrew a pair of blister packs, tearing one in half. He tucked the extra half back into his coat and held his hand out, showing Titan the contents. Six unmarked blue-and-white capsule pills sat suspended in soft plastic bubbles with shiny foil backing. They seemed innocuous enough.

"Tell ya what, man. You're at 72. Make it an even 100 and I'll throw in an extra three. Help me help you, eh?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silverwit


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Upon seeing the pills, Titan became very suddenly aware of what was likely actually happening. He didn't want to jump to conclusions, however. He didn't retrieve the money again just yet.

"Pills? What's wrong with her?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sevinya
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Tau leaned heavily against the wall just inside the door. There was a short hallway that ended at another door, this one secured with only an old-fashioned lock that needed a key. She inhaled slowly and began to count her breaths. One... two...

She cursed her new tall companion. Normally she'd be back at Kaufmann's tavern, nestled in a booth, drinking a warm beer, zoned out and perfectly content. Three... four... But since she'd run into that walking distraction...

Five... six... With a monumental effort she heaved herself upright, pulling out a small chain necklace that held a few keys. Seven... eight... She fumbled with them briefly before getting a hold of one. She was surprised to insert it on the first try. Nine... Turning the key, she heard the tumbler click, and she opened the door. Ten.

She stepped into the main room, which was illuminated by red lighting and was empty save for two overstuffed armchairs facing away from her, and a long table sat behind them, upon which perched a small lockbox. There were two doors on every wall, closed and probably locked. "Tau, my dear." An ethereal voice echoed from... somewhere. "You're late. I was beginning to wonder if you'd show."

"Freedom, I'm sorry. I ran into a... minor annoyance." It felt as though her tongue was swollen. Her voice was thick and it took an incredible effort to enunciate her words.

"Is he your new assistant?"

"Nothing like that... just for today."

There was no verbal response. The door on the wall to her right unlatched and a bulky, muscular man entered. The door locked itself behind him. He was carrying a long, thin rectangular package, wrapped in dingy multicolored cloth. Tau didn't move as he set it on the table. He then pulled out a small box and placed it on top of the package. Without a word, or even a glance, he exited through a different door. She waited briefly, the adrenaline helping to keep her mind sharp in the moment, then approached the package. Pocketing the smaller box, she withdrew a worn set of straps and harnesses from her pack and carefully attached them to the parcel's wrappings. It took her a solid fifteen minutes to figure them out. At last, she situated it comfortably on her back, went back to the door she'd entered from, and bowed deeply to the empty room before finally exiting.


"What's wrong with her?" Jasper snorted, and his companion snickered quietly. "Seriously dude?" But upon realizing it was a serious inquiry, he composed himself. "Hell if I know, man. I just get the stuff. Some use for pain, some for sleep, some just use 'em to get high. I don't judge. You'll have to ask your girlfriend. There she is."

She was fiddling with a small box as the mechanical door unsealed with a loud hiss. There was a desperate, feral look in her eyes as she tried to pry the thing open, before glancing up at the three and regaining her composure.

"Heeeyyy!" Jasper called out to Tau. "Where's my shit, girl? Your little boy toy is trying to haggle with me!"

"Fuck off, Jasper." With an exasperated sigh she pulled out two large bundles of cash, tossing them towards Jasper's companion. "Count it," she told him, then looked back to Jasper. "Where's my shit, now?" And she cast a sidelong glance to Titan, her hand out expectantly for the money she'd given him earlier.
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