As a player, what is your preferred writing level?
Long stories with heavy collaboration

Is grammar and depth of writing important to you?

Are there any writing subjects you particularly enjoy exploring?
Character growth, both physical and mental.

Is there anything you really dislike and want to avoid like the plague?
Plausible canon violations.

Is there something you are uncomfortable with happening to your character?
Not much.

Do you have any short-term or long-term goals with this character?
You’ll find out when the empire rules the galaxy...

Imperial personnel files

Name: Darth Theya Katherion
Species: Sith Pureblood
Pureblood percentage: 100%
Age: 176 years 3823 BBY
Gender: Female
Rank: Darth
Master: Darth Aruk, Councilor of Sith Philosophy
Former master(s): None
Sphere of influence:
Sith Philosophy (primary)
Biotic Science (secondary)
Laws and Justice (secondary)
Military Strategy (tertiary).

Known associates:
Darth Aruk, Revae Jenhâsk, Jarik Tarwin, Kurin Tonaal
Favored Equipment and clothes:
Cloth/leather mix, not armor. Intricately made, with fine details. Gold accents. Golden-hilted lightsaber with black leather wrapping.
Personality type:
Superior/aloof, confident, not stuck in old ideals.
Known flaws:
Sith purebloods are superior to all others. Humans hold some potential, but everyone else will at best make apprentices.
Those bereft of the Force and who have not proven themselves in other ways are irrelevant.

Imperial Intelligence Reports

Detailed appearance. Imagery insufficient.

The subject, Darth Katherion, apprentice of Darth Aruk of the Sphere of Sith Philosophy, stands at one point two centimeters shorter than the average for pureblooded Sith (171.8 cm). She is, as one should expect of such an illustrious individual, in peak physical condition, with a supple body and no excess body fat. Her head is crowned by deep red hair that she keeps just a touch longer than it needs to be to brush her shoulders. She has no prominent scars, birthmarks or other disfigurements. As with anyone this incredibly powerful in the Dark Side, her power with the Dark Side of the Force is apparent in her eyes. Her cheeks are graced with subtle tendrils of just the right length and girth, and the bone spurs are in just the right places to exemplify her natural grace.
She is well-known for her good taste in clothing, choosing them for function first, but always of the finest materials available and with the perfect level of ornamentation. They are typically black and dark gray in color, complemented by gold in all the right places, all of it making her perfectly crimson skin stand out. At her waist she has her lightsaber attached to a belt, a curved hilt saber of flawless design.

Report on natural ability with the Force, as well as all known Force Techniques and the skill level.

The illustrious Darth Katherion has extensively studied all aspects of the Dark Side available at the Sith Academy and a number of aspects not available to lesser beings like myself. She is an advanced wielder of all basic techniques, as well as a master of telekinesis.

It is expected that she has a good grasp of all intermediate uses of the Force, with Intermediate or Expert Training at the minimum. She is a skilled practitioner of Sith Alchemy and Sorcery, presumably holding at least Expert Training in these. There is no limit to the number of natural talents she holds. Public record speaks itself on her mastery of Telekinetic Whirlwind, as evidenced by the capture and execution of the treasonous Lord Verrek three years ago. Beyond this, little is known about her skill with the Force, but it can be concluded that she is to be feared by all who cross her.

Report on skills not directly rooted in the Force, including level of skill.

Older records speak of her being above-average as a pilot and being skilled at combat without both the Force and lightsabers, but no evidence to prove or disprove this has been uncovered. Public record indicates that she makes all her own food, something that can be confirmed.
Her level of skill with computers and slicing is unknown, but unverified rumor indicates she has several in her service who are at minimum advanced-level slicers, possibly masters. It is only to be assumed she has others of similar skill level at her disposal in other fields. Her flawless appearance is proof enough that her tailors are masters of their trade.
Report on known combat experience, training and lightsaber training.

Records from the Ministry of War specify that she was quite active during the Great Galactic War. She helped liberate Korriban from its unlawful Jedi occupation and took part in a number of later campaigns. It is worth noting that she was not involved in the Sacking of Coruscant, and her whereabouts during that event is unknown.
Lightsaber Forms
Study of records and recordings from the Dromund Kaas Sith Academy, made available to this operative solely for this job, have revealed that Darth Katherion is particularly well-known for her use of the Makashi form, having a well-trained talent for it, bordering on mastery. She is also known for mixing elements of both Ataru and Niman Forms into her personalized form. Whenever she fights on the battlefield, she seeks to quickly defeat lesser foes and uses both her lightsaber and the Force to crush mightier foes.
Her favored style is to control the battle. Lesser foes are given no quarter and only enough attention to be negated as threats, usually in a fatal manner. When facing foes more skilled than her at lightsaber combat, such as Jedi Battlemasters, she will seek to either end the battle quickly in a manner that favors her, such as by pummeling them with Force-based attacks, or to avoid the battle if possible.
Choosing where to fight is also a method of hers, directing any long-term battle into terrain she can use better than her foe. She is neither too proud to leave a battle that cannot be won, nor so foolishly honorable that she will say no to assistance from others, such as siege weapons or dedicated Sith warriors.
Detailed notes on political influence and associates.

The Mighty Darth Katherion has her claws in a variety of aspects of the Empire, in particular the Sith Academy on Korriban, where rumor has it she could have been in command had she so desired, something she has left to others for now. It is known that she has enough influence to move smaller fleets at need. She holds power within the Imperial courts and has more than once dealt with the execution of treasonous Sith, like the aforementioned Lord Verrek. Careful investigation has uncovered her connection to numerous Sith and citizens within the sphere of biotic science as well, though her exact ties and goals in that are unknown.
It can be presumed that she has ties to Imperial Intelligence and several other spheres as well, but confirming this has proven impossible.
Detailed notes on known rivals and enemies, outside and within the Empire.

Investigation has revealed that she has an impersonal rivalry with the Grandmaster of the Jedi Order, evidenced by conflict in the past in the inductment of certain individuals into the Korriban Academy. Her rivals within the Empire are unknown, but it can be assumed that they exist. No Sith rises to prominence the way Darth Katherion has without making enemies. It has proven impossible to tie her to the deaths of any past rivals, which by itself is terrifying.
List and description of other known associates, including underlings.

Revae Jenhâsk
Kurin Tonaal
List of known all ownerships, including vessels, non-standard equipment, slaves and locations.

Imperial records indicate she owns multiple estates on multiple worlds across the Empire, as well as having multiple ships of her own. It is uncertain whether the Dreadnaught Lesik is merely at her disposal or fully owned by her. Getting access to her private vaults has proven impossible, so what she owns of other technology and artifacts is unknown.
Records drawn from the files of the Sphere of Production and Logistics indicate that she also owns twenty-nine thousand six hundred and seven slaves taken from worlds conquered after the Sacking of Coruscant, both sentient and lesser lifeforms.
Psychological evaluation of candidate.

To be truthful, Darth Katherion frightens me. Her power and influence is so far beyond my own that I can barely comprehend it on a conceptual level. She will go far in the Empire, that much I can say for sure.
All known interests of the candidate.

Darth Katherion has a vested interest in seeing more Sith trained, no matter if they are proper Sith Purebloods, humans or lesser species.
She believes firmly in the goals of the Empire and has shown no signs of disloyalty.
Her power and skill with the Dark Side is great and she is not at any risk of straying.
It is apparent that she is an experienced student of the art of Sith Alchemy.
She also has a vested interest in reassigning nosy Intelligence operatives to remote outposts.
List and description of known and suspected flaws. To be put into restricted database.

She is perfect. She is flawless. I have been unable to find anything wrong with her and have no reason to suspect anything else is the truth. And she did not instruct me to write exactly that. I would never let myself be influenced in that manner.
Major achievements on record.

Dromund Kaas Sith academy - Spent over two decades educating young Sith there.
Executed the treasonous Lord Verrek - Proven to be corrupted by the influence of the Light Side of the Force, this so-called ‘revanite’ was publicly executed at her hands after being convicted.
Liberation of Korriban - Slew several Jedi knights on the planet’s surface.
Destruction of the Sluis Van shipyards - She commanded a dreadnought fleet there.
Korriban Sith Academy - She spent three years and two months training some of the first Sith to be trained there following its reconstruction.
Conquest of Ilum - executed one Jedi master, two Jedi Knights and captured six padawans who were transferred to Korriban for interrogation and/or reeducation.
Republic SIS purge - Saw to it that Imperial Intelligence got extra resources to hunt down republic intelligence operatives, weakening their operations significantly.
Conquest of Kashyyyk - this world, while primitive, has provided the Empire with considerable numbers of slaves, many of which now are owned by Darth Katherion and her various subject lords, apprentices and other associates.
Major failures on record. Not for publication.

Any and all information in this section is class seven secret. Breaking confidentiality bears punishment most severe.
Dromund Kaas Sith academy - Her assignment to the Dromund Kaas academy was involuntary. Exact cause unknown.
Duped by Lord Verrek - Lord Verrek was investigated but cleared of charges more than a decade before his eventual execution.
Lost apprentice - One of her apprentices died in an incident with Sith Alchemy. Details unknown.