Alright friends. This isn't a general, catch-all interest check, because I want to do something with this show (The Order, Netflix original) specifically. If you haven't watched it, I suggest you do if you're into shows like The Magicians (Which it feels like it tries to be at times, but does it in its own cheesy way).

  • I don't care about post length. Give me enough to reply to and I'm happy. I personally don't care to write 10 pages per post. I will match your length as best I can.
  • The show is 18+, so I expect you are as well. I don't personally care to write out sex scenes (Doesn't mean romance/sex is off the table, just not a central theme I enjoy), but if you really want me to, I can give it a shot. Everything else is fine.
  • I will play male or female, prefer male.
  • Posting fairly often would be nice, especially if we're writing more low-casual.
  • I like to talk OOC and develop the story beyond just what our characters are doing at any given moment, so don't be shy.

As for what exactly I'm looking to RP in this setting, I'm not too sure. We can do canon characters or OCs, pre or post show, etc. I'm fairly flexible.