Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Tapioco bristled at the two humans who entered the room and he waddled closer to the cursed one, not wanting to be anywhere near those two disgusting creatures. As he jumped into his cursed human’s arms, demanding that his new servant hold him, he thought about what had happened today.

Earlier, after his failed attempt to create the demonic summoning circle due to his limited movement thanks to the duck form he was cursed into, he flew through the skies in search of new ideas. It was him luck that lead him to sense another cursed creature. Surely, he thought, finding the cursed creature would help him solve his own cursed form. He followed the trail and entered the house by crashing into the window. Such feeble glass would not stop the prince of hell, no matter what form he was in!

Consequently, blood seeped from his body after glass cut into his wings, but Tapioco cared little about the pain. He had endured much worse from merely sparring with demons. The wound was nothing. But the cursed human had seemed concerned over his wing, which confused Tapioco, but he became distracted once the human gave him an offering of bread. It only took a few nibbles for Tapioco to forget about the wing, and to forget about the human’s worries.

Unfortunately, his meal was interrupted by two unworthy humans who dared to bask in his presence. Even after he tried to scare them away, they were still in the room, and the duck felt angry that his new form was not threatening enough to scare mere pathetic humans like them.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 3 mos ago

" Oh my God, what is going on here??" Shou gasped as he looked around the room. The window was broken and glass covered the floor. He would have assumed that there had been an attempted robbery if it hadn't been for the wounded duck in Daisuke's arms.

" He just flew in through the window!" Daisuke explained urgently, trying to clam the fussy duck with some comforting pats on the head. " There is some glass stuck in his wing, do you think you can help him?? Or should we take him to the vet?? Ummmm..." It was a shame that there hadn't been a member of the Zodiac that was a duck or else they would know how to deal with this situation better. But Daisuke had faith that Shou would know what to do.

Shou was over the shock already and quickly switched into his doctor mode, flipping his hair out of the way to open his first aid bag. " I'm insulted that you don't think I can do this!" He joked, flashing a smile to Daisuke to let him know that it was a joke. He searched around in the bag until he pulled out a small pair of tweezers. " Akiza, help Daisuke hold the duck down while I pull out the glass. I don't want that thing biting me!"

Breathing a sigh of relief, Daisuke broke off some more pieces of bread for the duck to eat and smiled happily, " Do you hear that?" He asked, forgetting that non-cursed animals couldn't speak or understand him, " We'll get you fixed up in no time! Just be a good little duck and sit still for us, okay?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 3 mos ago


How dare this human think he can order him around??? 'Sit still' he ordered. Well, he was sitting still right now, but it was ONLY because he wanted to, and because it was easier to eat the food offering from the human. NOT because he would listen to a mere mortal.

The humans were all talking in their primitive language and Tapioco inwardly cursed that he did not have enough power to cast a translation spell. Unlike his sister, he never bothered to learn any human languages, and Tapioco was really regretting that now because it was difficult to comprehend what they were saying and he could understand only a few words like "sit". What was he, a mere dog?! The thought infuriated him. But he could read facial expressions at least, and while the two humans he could care less about were looking at him with some sort of urgency, his human had flashed him a happy smile and offered him more bread. Yes, Tapioco had obviously chosen the best possible servant.


"Ah, alright..."she mumbled warily, slightly fearful of the vicious duck. During her time as a hobo she had encountered ducks near the lake and despite how cute they looked at first. those things had terrifying teeth. To be honest, she would rather eat the duck rather than help it, but Akiza didn't want to offend her new landlords. While Daisuke distracted the duck with food, Akiza slowly grabbed the sides of the duck. Sadly, the duck noticed, and immediately tried to bite her with it's bill. "Eep!"she squeaked, pulling back her hands from the bird. It was snapping at her and Akiza frowned, hesitant to try again but she was determined to be useful. Ignoring the duck's glare, Akiza reached out again and tried holding him down. The duck tried attacking her again, but it couldn't move out of her and Daisuke's grasps, which she hoped would help Shou treat it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 3 mos ago

SHOU && DAISUKE Turns out, only a few pats on the head and a piece of bread were enough to calm the duck's anger, making it able for Shou to go ahead and take the pieces of glass out. " Okay, all done!" Shou sang happily as he set the last bloody piece aside and reached in his bag for a roll of gauze. " The glass didn't go far enough for him to need stitches, which is lucky for both of us! Imagine putting a needle anywhere near that." Shou shot a look at the duck, shuttering at the thought. For as calming as Daisuke's presence could be, Shou doubted it would be enough to keep the duck still enough for Shou to stitch him up and he was sure that he would get bit in no time. " Still hold it down," He instructed as he unwrapped the gauze and began applying it to the wounds. As Shou was working, Daisuke looked worried. " Is this okay? I mean, you got the glass out, but is he gonna be able to fly and stuff?" " Mmmmm, he should be fine," Daisuke sighed in relief, but perked up again when Shou continued, " But he's not gonna fly anytime soon. He needs to relax and get his wounds to heal. Then he'll be fine." " Oh, okay..." Daisuke said, discouraged. While he was glad that the duck would be okay, he didn't like the idea of releasing it back into the wild until it was able to support itself again. " Do you think it would be okay if I kept him here while he recovers?" " How did I know you were going to say that?" Shou chuckled as he cut off the end of the gauze and pinned it down, moving on to the next wing, " But yeah, that would be fine." Daisuke beamed after hearing the good news, but quickly remembered that he wasn't the only one living in the house, " Would you be okay with that Akiza?" Daisuke asked hopefully, turning to her. " Daisuke it's your house, you don't have to ask permission," Shou spoke up, sounding offended. " Well yeah, but still..." He trailed off, patting the duck's head.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 3 mos ago

AKIZA “Er…I’m fine with that, it’s your home after all but,” she answered, her tone hesitant as she eyed the duck as if it would lash out at her at any moment, “I won’t have to take care of that thing though, right? I think it hates me.” And the feeling is mutual. she thought to herself, watching as the thing was handed more bread crumbs by Daisuke. It had the sharpest teeth she had ever seen on a duck. That automatically put the duck near the top of her list of animals she wanted to stay away from. Then, to her horror, it turned its chilling gaze onto her and stared straight into her eyes. Akiza could practically feel the hatred rolling off of the duck in waves, which sounded ridiculous, but she had seen stranger things tonight. Maybe it was finally getting to her. The duck lifted its wings, or at least tried to lift the injured one but it was being held down by the men, and it started hissing at her and Shou. The beast looked like it was getting ready to fight them and Akiza just wanted to leave. Sadly, before she could ditch the guys, the duck flung itself at Shou and tried to bite the doctor who had been tending to the wounded wing. “Eeeeeh!” she screeched out of surprise, and nearly stumbled over when she backed away. GIIMA He paused in the middle of writing his math problem, frowning when he heard a woman’s scream come from downstairs. “Was that,” he took a moment to remember name of the girl who learned their secret earlier, “Akiza, yeah, Akiza…was that her yelling just now?” She sounded freaked out and hoped that scream was from seeing another transformation. Or someone returning back to normal…most girls screamed when naked men appeared out of nowhere, right? “Who’s Akiza?” asked a puzzled Natsuki, which reminded Giima that his best friend had climbed through his window pretending to be the superhero spendidSTAR so he would not have had an opportunity to meet her. “Oh, our new housekeeper. Uh, she was hired today. I think she starts tomorrow? Or something.” he answered, then turned to Reiko and gave her a pleading look to go check on the situation downstairs. There was no way he was letting Natsuki downstairs if someone did transform but leaving him alone with a female zodiac member was a horrible idea, so Giima would have to stay here with him while she snooped around downstairs. Reiko rolled her eyes at him. “I’ll go see what they’re doing.” She agreed easily, and Giima could tell that she was relieved to have an excuse to take a break from studying calculus.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 3 mos ago

" Ahahaha what do you mean it hates you?" Daisuke laughed warmheartedly as he continued to pet the duck soothingly on the head. " Of course he doesn't hate you! A sweet little duck like this couldn't hate anyo-" Sadly, he was cut off by the duck catapulting itself out of his grasp and onto Shou. " No!! Ducky!! Don't do it!" He pleaded, trying to get a hold of the wounded animal but with no luck.

Shou, on the other hand, was having a worse time since he was on the receiving end of the duck's wrath. For a while there he had actually thought that he would get out of this without having any trouble, but that proved to be just wishful thinking when the duck unexpectedly left Daisuke's grasp to try to attack him. Now, Shou had been the zodiac's doctor for quite sometime now, and should be used to an animal attack by now. But he was still just a human, and like anyone else, reacted badly to a crazed duck flying at him. " OH MY GODDDD, OH MY GOD GET THIS THING OUT OF MY HAIR BEFORE I KILL IT!!!" It seemed like the duck had been going for his hands, trying to bite them, but in the process had gotten caught in Shou's magnificently long hair. The more the duck flapped it's injured wing, the more it got caught in his strands of hair. Luckily Daisuke had gotten hold of the duck's lower half so it wouldn't fall (and bring Shou along with it) but that didn't stop the duck from trying to bite him.

" Daisukeeeeee!!! Get him off!!!" Shou pleaded, trying to pull away from the duck. But the more he pushed back, the more tangled his hair would become, making it harder for Daisuke to pull the duck off. He even tried to pry the duck off using his own two hands, but when his fingers got close, the duck clamped down on them like some kind of pitbull and wouldn't let go. Shou let out a screech. Not only was the duck ruining his hair, but now he was trying to bite his fingers off too?? " You ungrateful little beast!! You bite me after all I did for you?!! See if I ever help you again!!"

Meanwhile, Daisuke was desperately apologizing to Shou while simultaneously trying to pull the duck away without hurting either one of them. He almost cried when he saw the duck bite down on Shou's fingers. " Noooooo! We don't bite people in this house Ducky! It's one of the rules!" He moved with Shou the further back he went, trying to keep the duck from falling, and was so distracted that he didn't see chair leg in his path. His feet tripped over it and sent him tumbling to the ground, the duck and Shou following after him.

" Ow, ow, ow." He whined as he picked himself off the floor. His wrist had broken his fall, but in return it was red and puffy, possibly sprained. But he couldn't focus on that now due to Shou threatening to murder the duck, who still hadn't let go, even after the fall.

" I swear if it doesn't let go I'm going to cut it's little neck off!! Akiza, get me a knife from the kitchen!!!"

" Shou noooooo!!!! Aren't you a doctor?! You save things, not kill them!!" Daisuke cried out, pulling the duck closer. It was then that Daisuke heard footsteps coming down the stairs and he looked up from where he sat on the floor, seeking any kind of help he could get.
" Reiko!" He cried, almost forgetting that she had been over to study with Giima, " You have to help me, Shou's gone mad! He wants to kill Ducky! We have to stop him!!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 3 mos ago

“Uh…okay!” she replied, siding with Shou on his views of the duck. With luck, maybe they could scare the duck into behaving. Or even better, running away forever! Akiza ran out the room and headed towards the kitchen, only to bump into a person.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" she apologized, still flustered from the duck fiasco in Daisuke's room. She bowed then moved to hurry to the kitchen, only for the girl to place a hand on her shoulder.

"Wait!"cried the girl, who she remembered Daisuke introduced as Reiko earlier, and Akiza paused. Reiko looked concerned.

"We hear you yell, so I came to check on you. Are you ok?" she asked, and Akiza gave a hesitant nod.

"Yes...it's just, a duck flew into the window and it hates me and Shou. After it tried to bite him, we freaked out so Shou yelled for a knife and I just started running to the kitchen. I was hoping a knife could scare the duck away." she explained, feeling ridiculous the more she continued her story. It sounded so stupid.

"What? Someone could get hurt!" Reiko frowned, not liking the thought of somebody getting cut on accident. She did not want a poor, innocent animal harmed either. "Or that duck!"

Akiza could care less at this point if the duck became their dinner tonight, but she did not want to upset the teenager. "I could grab a butter knife, so it wouldn't be as dangerous."she mumbled, but Reiko looked like she did not believe her.

"Whatever! You get the pointless butterknife then, I'll go help that duck stay safe from Shou!" Reiko said with resolve. In her mind, she painted a picture of a vicious Shou torturing the poor animal. Why else would a duck attack? Every duck she came across were cute and swam in lakes! Completely harmless, peaceful, and gentle. The adults most likely overreacted and it definitely sounded like something Shou would do.

When the pain in his wing finally became unbearable, Tapioco took his anger out on the human who had been touching his wings. The human dared to try and harm the prince of Hell! He would not stand for this and he would keep this scum away from his servant too. He watched the humans fumble and panic as he moved to attack. Their frightful screams gave him great satisfaction. The female ran from the room like a coward but he could take care of her after he dealt with the long haired male first. Tapioco prepared to bite again; but, the arrival of another cursed human flooded his dull senses.

Caught off guard, he paused in his attack and got a glimpse of a confused looking girl. She looked like an ordinary human but she possessed the same aura as the cursed man he found earlier. The duck stared at her and wondered how he did not sense her sooner and chastised himself for missing something so important. Tapioco tapped into his limited dormant powers. The duck spread out his senses and felt surprised when his scan revealed yet another cursed human to be nearby. Three in total…yes, staying here would definitely be a top priority of his now.

Unfortunately, it seemed the humans were not completely pathetic as he thought. Behind the cursed girl the coward from earlier had returned, only this time, with a blade in her hand. He stared at the knife without fear. He watched the girl hand the weapon to the other vermin in the room and Tapioco flared his feathers on instinct.

So, the humans wanted to fight him? A foolish idea, but Tapioco respected good warriors, and felt thrilled at the thought of a battle. He would accept the challenge in a heartbeat and show the humans their place. Duck or not, stupid humans would not be a challenge for a demon of royal blood!


Reiko entered the room and boy, was that an interesting sight. Daisuke held an angry looking duck in his arms, trying to keep it away from a disheveled looking Shou. She looked at the men like they were idiots. Daisuke began to plead for her help to protect Ducky from certain death. She rolled her eyes at how over dramatic her family acted. “A duck is the reason I heard screams from upstairs? It looks scared, no wonder Akiza said it tried to bite you!”

Akiza returned at that moment and from the corner of her eye, she her hand the knife to Shou.

“Don’t tell me you’re going to fight a duck with a butterknife.” She asked with disbelief, looking at Shou with a frown. The duck then stopped its rampage to stare at them and Reiko wondered if Akiza’s plan to scare it worked. She was wrong because a few seconds later, feathers all over the duck flared and it tried to spread its wings out like it was ready to fight. “Aw, the poor thing feels scared, I told you!” she voiced her concern, walking over to Daisuke without fear or hesitation. She smiled and gave a gentle pat on the duck’s head. It looked at her with caution, but to her delight, did not try to bite her or Daisuke.

“See, this duck is totally harmless!” she said, looking smug back at Akiza and Shou. She grinned and pet the duck again. "Whose a good duck? You are, you are! Such a cute ducky." she cooed, and the duck remained frozen, as if it did not know how to react to her. That just made it so much cuter!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Seizing the opportunity given to him by the duck's momentary shock, Shou ripped his hair free from the feathers and jumped as far away as he could from the little demon. Now out of immediate danger, he dropped the butterknife, which was now useless, to the ground and focused his attention on his tangled, mess of hair. " Oh my God, look at this," He whined, frantically running his fingers through the tangled locks, " Look how tangled and gross this is! I look like a hobo! I look like Akiza when she first arrived here!!" The memory of that bird's nest he had dealt with the day before was still fresh in his mind, but never in a million years did he think he'd be the one with the ugly tangled hair!

However, if Shou was anything, he was always prepared, and not a second later he had his hairbrush in his hands trying to tame his wild hair. “ After everything I did for him and he treats me like this?! Ugh Daisuke, if you know whats good for you, you’d keep that duck out of my sight from now on!”

“ But what about his wing?” He heard Daisuke ask with worry in his voice, but Shou quickly held up his hand to silence him, already being 200% done with this conversation, “ I already said, he just needs rest. Now, I’m going to take a look at your hand and then go home to treat my poor, poor hair.” He let out a solemn sniffle as he looked down at his once beautiful hair. The knots were out by now and it symbolized some sort of order, but it still wasn’t up to its usual magnificent beauty.

“ Okay then…” Daisuke said, dejected. He wanted Shou to have another look at the duck’s wing, just to make sure he hadn’t hurt himself during the attack, but he understood Shou’s distrust towards the animal. Afterall, Daisuke had asked a lot from him already.
“ Reiko, do you mind looking after Ducky for a while? He seems like he likes you.” He smiled, offering the now calm duck to Reiko. It wasn’t that he distrusted Akiza…but well…she had gotten the knife for Shou! There was no telling what she would do if the duck decided to attack again. Out of all of them, Reiko seemed like the best choice. “ Maybe he can help you and Giima study!” He joked, although, it was a very lame one.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Reiko shrugged. “I doubt Ducky knows anything about math, but sure.” She held the duck a little tighter, when she felt the animal begin to attempt to squirm out of her grasp. Reiko would rather watch over this cute duck, than think about school. And surely, the adorable thing would absolutely love Giima and his strange friend Natsuki . He would be perfectly behaved.

She rolled her eyes as Shou brushed his hair in desperation. “Is hair REALLY that important?” she mumbled, a strange sense of déjà vu coming over her as he rambled about hair. Akiza had a feeling she was forgetting something; she remembered vaguely meeting that kid Giima before everything went black and she woke up to Daisuke’s drama with turning into a dog. Oh well. Obviously, this family was crazy and her sanity would be better off if she ignored anything weird. She decided to clean the mess the duck made instead, and headed out of the room to search for the broom.

“Gross, is that a duck?” he said in disgust at the thing in Reiko’s arms, entering the room everyone had gathered in. Leaving Natsuki upstairs to solve the math problems, Giima had come to see what was taking Reiko so long and immediately regretted his decision. Because as soon as he insulted the duck, Giima swore, that he was looking into the eyes of the devil himself. It was is if could just feel the anger from the animal.

“What, Giima it’s not gross! This duck is adorable!” Reiko looked offended, and seemed to hug the creature tighter as if to protect him. “And Daisuke wants us to watch it, in your room.”

Giima looked at the duck with doubt and made no effort to hide his disgust. “Hell no! I don’t want some stray animal messing up my things. Leave it in the dumb cat’s room, instead.” Besides, it was making him feel uncomfortable, as if the duck was somehow plotting his death.

The duck was plotting the death of the insolent boy. The girl holding him, while annoyingly dared to hug him like a stuffed toy, at least seemed to recognize his greatness and seemed to worship him. That boy, while Tapioco could not understand the words, he could recognize body language and the fool thought Tapioco worth less than dirt. The human better watch himself, Tapioco was going to make his life hell during his stay with his human servant. The long haired fool and the girl with the blade, as well, would regret offending him.
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