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Aurel's eyebrows furrowed. "Only seventy? That's hardly a passing grade. You should at least give me seventy-five. I was half right." He protested, but didn't actually look upset. He'd make sure to memorize the smell.

The teenager was surprised to hear the girl address him, and had tensed for a moment, before looking down at the snake in his lap. His eyebrows rose again, not having expected the girl to hold such knowledge. He knew the snake was European, but he had never actually learned the name. How did she know this? He glanced at Lucien, but the man had only encouraged him to answer her question, though he too was surprised by the girl's knowledge of the reptile.

"Oh.. well I'm German.. I found him there.." He answered her. The right answer was technically that he found him, but those weren't details she needed to have.

"The human child does not fear me.. sshe's strange, but different from you." The snake said, tilting his head a little.

"Don't worry, he won't hurt you." He added. While the girl didn't look scared, he wanted to make sure that she knew the snake wouldn't bring her harm.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FreckersFrog
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Faolan snorted and shook his head, but heard Illyana speak before he could respond. He raised an eyebrow and glanced over his shoulder at the girl. It was plain to see that she was not at all frightened by the presence of the serpent on board, and in fact seemed much more interested in it than in the food he was about to prepare. She had to be starving...at least this had confirmed his theory about her force of will.

Illyana never took her eyes off of the snake, even as Aurel spoke to her. The way it moved, the way it seemed to turn toward Aurel and the young man's reaction to this...it appeared that the two of them were communicating. This was most curious...if she had the opportunity, she would have to ask him about it later. The boy's admission tot his nationality at least explained his accent as well.

"Actually," she began, completely absorbed in the conversation, "European Asps are extremely venomous. They can kill a human with a single bite. Although, they aren't as dangerous as, say, a common rattlesnake, which produces hemotoxin that can cause necrosis."

Faolan's look morphed from one of surprise to concern as the girl continued to speak. It was clear that whatever she was wrapped up in now, she had fully devoted herself to it. It was strange ton consider her condition and then see her react like this...he wondered what other facts she had floating around in that brain of hers.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by xivyxx
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Lucien's expression almost mirrored Faolan's, but he was a bit more surprised than concerned. The book the girl had on her person only contained animals within the United States, if she knew this much about the snake, it meant that wherever she was from, there were a lot more books she had certainly dug her nose into. It was impressive, and honestly reminded him a little of his own childhood. Though the knowledge she had about such a snake was a little concerning.

If the snake could scoff, it would have done so. "There'ss nothing impressive of a snake who cowers behind it's rattle." He said, tilting his head upwards in almost a proud manner.

Aurel shook his head a little, before looking back at the girl "You're right.. but he won't bite you.. so you don't need to worry about that." He told her. Of course he had known the snake was venomous, he had been together with him for many years to have discovered that when he killed his prey, but he had never been concerned about it.. but it was interesting.. to learn facts he had not known in regards to it. So it was an asp.. perhaps he really should have dedicated some time to look into this kind of thing. When he was younger Lucien had gotten him a book on snakes, but it hadn't covered too much on them, just the basic ones that were more common in America, like the large yellow python he had in his other trailer.

It was then that Lucien cleared his throat. "Well, I'm sure you two will have plenty of time to talk about snakes later. For now, Illyana, you should change. We can get some water for you to clean yourself up a little if you wish. Of course we will step outside for this." He said, pushing the bundle of clothes in the girl's direction.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FreckersFrog
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Faolan was relieved to hear Lucien change the subject. If he knew one thing, it was that this girl needed to eat, and sooner rather than later. "I left some washing water outside," he said, and began to move toward the door, "I'll put it in a bucket and bring it in with a clean cloth."

Illyana's attention was immediately taken once more by Lucien's voice, and she jumped slightly as he interrupted them. She had been about to ask Aurel how he was communicating with the creature, but she supposed this was something that she could discuss with him later. She was rather dirty, and she didn't want to scare Isabella by showing up at home looking like this. Lucien was right, it was best if she washed herself, especially if she was going to eat.

She nodded in agreement, then slid the bundle toward her. Why she had decided to stand then and there, she did not know, but her legs seemed to slip out from under her of their own accord. As soon as she tried to hold her own weight, her legs shook, wavered and buckled beneath her. Dizziness struck her head and she felt herself falling, but managed to catch herself against the arm of the bench before she collapsed. She sensed movement next to her and an alarmed look crossed her face as she saw Lucien reach towards her. "Don't touch me!" she shouted and shirked away from his hands, moving away as far as she could while still balancing on the bench.

Faolan had been halfway outside when he heard the shuffle behind him and Illyana call out. Though her voice was not loud, her tone was commanding and forceful. He turned to see the scene and furrowed his brows. There was much more to this than the girl was willing to share, of this he was sure.
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Lucien had reacted quickly, or at least, he had tried to, when he saw the girl lose her balance, but as soon as those words left her mouth he froze, and pulled back.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want you to fall.." He asked, his eyes clouding with worry. That reaction.. it wasn't normal. It returned Lucien's previous fears that maybe something else had happened.. for the girl to react so negatively to being touched.

"We.. will leave you be.. you don't have to rush. Just tap on the window when you're finished okay? We'll bring the water in a moment.." He told her, before beginning to head toward the exit of the bus, motioning for Aurel to follow.

The teenager hadn't hesitated, and pulled the snake close as he left the bus with him, giving Lucien and Faolan a worried look. The way she had reacted to Lucien.. Aurel recognized it.. but he wasn't sure if the reasons behind what he was familiar with and what the girl might have gone through were the same.. but it still worried him. If the girl wasn't telling the truth.. what had happened to her? Was her home safe? If they had hurt her.. why would she want to go back there? Too many thoughts were going through his head as they had all stepped outside.

Lucien watched Faolan get the water for the girl and then head inside, and once he had come back out again, he hadn't wasted too much time in speaking up and out of hearing range of the girl.

"What do you think..?" He asked.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FreckersFrog
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Ashamed, Illyana averted her gaze from Lucien's face as he withdrew. She could tell by the look in his eye that she had worried him, and she expected nothing else. There would be more questions now, she was sure of it, it was only a matter of when.

That was too much to tackle right now, so she simply nodded to the man and left her eyes on the ground as he, Faolan, and Aurel exited the bus. She waited a few moments in silence, too afraid to move in case she fell. After what felt like an hour but was only mere minutes, Faolan returned and set a bucket of water on the ground near the kitchenette, then opened a cupboard and set several clean towels on the counter. "Don't worry about the water, I'll clean everything up when you're finished. Take your time, I'll be preparing dinner outside." The girl simply nodded as he left, taking the bag from earlier with him, and waited to let out the breath she was holding until he closed the door.

When Faolan returned outside, he set the bag on the ground and busied himself with preparing a fire. He had already dug the put earlier, anticipating that he may need to it warm the meat when he got back from shopping.

To Lucien's question, he turned his head slightly but did not stop his work. He spoke quietly, knowing the girl may be listening. "I think there is much more to her story than she's telling us," he said with a flat tone, clearly worried, "I don't want to force her to say anything she doesn't want to, but I won't leave her in a place that she's not safe either." At this, he stopped and looked up at Lucien as he crouched by the fire, "As much as it bothers me to say...We don't know enough yet, I think we have to see what happens."

This course of action clashed hard with Faolan's general principals about life. He had always espoused freedom as his most cherished right, and it felt restrictive of him to put a condition on leaving the girl in her rightful home. But her reaction to Lucien's reach was more than concerning, and it made Faolan uncomfortable to think that she would want to return to a place where she had suffered any form of abuse. The Irishman's dark green eyes fell on Aurel and he felt his heart squeezed by a cold fist at the thought of being asked to return him to the place they had found him. It made him sick to even consider...so with this girl, well, he was feeling conflicted to say the least.
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Lucien had the same train of thought as Faolan. There was definitely more to the story, there was absolutely no doubt about that in his mind. He too didn't want to force her too much.. she was certainly more weary than Aurel had been when it came to answering questions, so prying further might actually have the opposite effect with the girl.

"Yes.. we might have to see the situation for ourselves.." If they returned the girl, they would be able to tell whether the parents had wanted her back in the first place.. depending on how they reacted to her. Both he and Faolan were fairly good judges of character.

"Um.. She's.. special isn't she? In some way?" Aurel spoke up, lightly tapping his forehead. "Maybe that has something to do with it? I didn't like it when people touched my scales or asked to see my tongue.." He muttered.

"Though.. in the picture we saw.. her parents didn't seem very.. warm." He said worriedly.

"They didn't..." He muttered. "Perhaps you might have better luck in talking to her, Aurel. She was clearly interested in your snake, and you're young. It's possible she might have an easier time trusting you than us adults, depending on what her experience has been." He told him.

"You don't think she might find me.. weird?" He asked.

"You aren't weird, Aurel. You're unique, we all are in our own ways, and I have a feeling she is too." Lucien responded with a small smile, before reaching out and placing a hand on Aurel's head and ruffling his hair a little, making the teenager smile.

"Okay.. I'll give it a shot." He responded, feeling more reassured. It had been a while since he had closely interacted with strangers, but he was willing to try if it meant he could help the girl in some way. After a moment, he turned to Faolan. "She didn't seem scared of you, that's a good sign isn't it?" He asked.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FreckersFrog
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Faolan busied himself with setting up the fire and the food as Aurel and Lucien discussed the facts. Try though he might to distract himself, he knew that he would have to face this head on at some point. Avoiding it would do no one any good...and for the sake of that girl, he and Lucien would have to stay strong when they saw the way her parents reacted to her. In all likelihood, their expressions and actions when they saw her again would be very telling. If they were too eager to have her back, or nervous to see her accompanied by strangers, it would be suspicious, and if they were not eager enough that would also cast doubt upon them. He trusted that he and Lucien would decide the best course of action when the time came, the Frenchman was persuasive with words and the Irishman was intimidating. Either way, they would get their answer.

Faolan paused also as Lucien ruffled the lad's hair and he smiled up at him. Over the years, the three of them really had become a family, and Lucien's interactions with Aurel always reminded Faolan of why he had fell in love with him in the first place. Lucien had no conditions on his love, there was no ceiling to it. Once he loved you, that was it. No negotiation, no way to wriggle away from it. When he had you, he had all of you.

At Aurel's comment, Faolan was shaken from his reverie. He chuckled as he turned back to the fire, "No, she didn't, and yes, it is. She also was more interested in facts about your snake there than any of your other qualities. I think Lucien is right, she doesn't seem the type to judge by appearance alone. If you do speak with her, I would just talk...see if you can get her to open up without asking anything directly. Then let us know if you sense anything strange. Use that nose of yours." He said, tapping the side of his own nose with his index finger as he flashed a smile at Aurel.
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Aurel knew this was true, in fact he was actually interested in knowing what else the girl might know about snakes... perhaps he could start the conversation with that. It wasn't often he met people who weren't scared of them at first glance. After what Lucien and Faolan had told him, he definitely felt much better about giving this a shot. Plus.. Lucien and Faolan had done so much for him as a child... being able to extend a hand to someone else who was possibly in a similar situation than him.. he wanted to be able to give the kindness he had received from them to someone who needed it.

"I will do my best!" He said, his nose twitching for a moment.

Lucien had retained his smile throughout the exchange, quite proud to see how far Aurel had truly come. He was still a bit reserved around strangers, but he was a lot more outspoken now than he had been as a child, and he and Faolan were even closer now than they were back then. He couldn't have imagined that things would have ended up like this in the past, but he was truly happy that it had. Seeing them together always made him smile.

"Can I help?" He asked as he approached the fire. Aurel was quick to join them.

"Oh, me too, is there anything I can do?" The teenager asked.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FreckersFrog
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Faolan chuckled and nodded to Aurel's determined expression. "I know you will." Considering the matter thoroughly discussed, he continued with his work setting up their meal.

At Lucien and Aurel's offer, he nodded, "Thought you'd never ask." He said, obviously joking to those who knew him. "Lucien, can you cut the bread into sandwich slices, and Aurel, can you set up the plates? I just have to warm this." He unwrapped the meat and tossed it in a pan he had left warming. It was perfectly rare, so all he wanted to do was heat it a bit, not actually cook it. It should only take a few moments, and then they would have sandwiches. He could hear the girl moving about the in trailer, but was unsure just how long it would take her to clean and dress herself. He made sure to keep the fire low so the meat wouldn't warm too quickly...she was weak and exhausted after all, it would take her much longer.

Several more minutes passed before the girl emerged from the trailer. Faolan had been correct, her weakness had certainly slowed her down, though the promise of a warm meal was keeping her engaged with the activity for the moment. Illyana was normally a small eater, mousy, as her mother would say, but right now she knew she needed sustenance. It would be one of the few times that she would choose a meal over reading, as she often did when she was at home. It was all well and good, because her parents never preferred her presence at the table anyway and would usually have Isy bring her something after they had finished eating.

She washed herself with the towels, standing on one to keep the water off of the floor. Though her muscles still ached from lack of hydration and her limbs were shaky and unsteady, she managed to stay standing for the entirety of the procedure without getting anything too wet. She had always been a tidy child, another lesson enforced by her parents.

When she was done, she changed into the clothes that Faolan had brought. Simple undergarments, a dress that was slightly too large but warm, soft, and not too flashy, and a dark blue coat that she wrapped tightly around herself. She found a mirror in a drawer and fixed her bangs so that they were laying over her forehead. As she had no hat and no scarf at the moment, this was the best way to hide her deformity.

Once she was finished and dressed, she made her way to the door after folding the towels and leaving them on the counter. She took a deep breath and opened the door to find the three men gathered around a fire outside. She stood in the doorway nervously, looking over at Lucien with her hands wringing together in front of her.
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Lucien and Aurel did as Faolan asked. The nephilim began to expertly cut the bread into slices, while Aurel went off to begin setting up their table. He opened the side storage of the bus to pull out some chairs to set up around the fire and the plates Faolan had asked for, and took a seat once he had finished doing as he was asked.

By the time the girl had finished, they were gathered around the fire. The snake had settled back around Aurel's shoulders, since there was no longer a need to make himself unseen from the girl.

Hearing the door opening, Lucien turned to Illyana, taking note that she had made no move to approach them. He gave her a smile and motioned towards a chair. "Please, feel free to take a seat." He urged her, taking note of her nervousness. It seemed the clothes had fit her well enough. He was just glad to be seeing her in a better state.

"I hope you like roast beef sandwiches." He said to her lightly, hoping to make her a little more comfortable.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FreckersFrog
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Illyana was glad for Lucien's beckoning, she just felt better when things were asked of her first. Slowly, she exited the bus and made her way to the fire and the seat that Lucien indicated. She was determined to let her weakness show through as little as possible, though she swayed slightly when she walked. Her muscles were just not responding to her as they normally would, the fatigue and dehydration had done more in these past few days than she had ever experienced in her life. It was more than lucky that someone like Lucien had found her or else...well, she knew she wouldn't be walking around.

Faolan was disturbed to see the girl walk over; she was moving as if underwater. She would need food and water and treatment, but he knew that alarming her about her health would not be helpful right now. Hot through or not, he began putting her sandwich together from the items that Aurel and Lucien had helped prepare and handed it to her shortly after she sat down.

Illyana took the plate from Faolan and flashed a tiny smile at him and then at Lucien, "This looks very good, thank you," she said, her voice flat. In truth, the sandwich did look scrumptious and her mouth began to water before the plate was even placed in her hands. Her stomach let out another loud growl of protest as she held the plate in her lap and looked down at it as if mesmerized.

Faolan began heating the meat for another sandwich, but furrowed his brow when he noticed the girl was not eating. "No need to wait for us," he said, nodding toward the plate, "Please, this isn't the time for table manners. Dig in." He flashed a smile back at her. It was true that it was impolite to eat before everyone was served, and Faolan observed this ritual at every meal, but there were exceptions to this rule, and this was certainly one of them.

Illyana was slightly startled by Faolan's insistence, but she knew that she needed to eat, and it was clear that all three of the men around her knew it as well. She nodded and slowly lifted the enormous sandwich to her mouth. It was heavy in her hands, and her wrists shook with the effort of holding it up, but she managed to put it to her mouth and take a tiny bird-like bite out of it.

It was absolutely delicious, akin to the best meal she had ever eaten in all of her life. Part of her knew it was because of the lack of sustenance, but the other part simply wanted to enjoy the meal.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by xivyxx
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Lucien attempted to keep his worry under control as the girl made her way to them, but he stopped himself from moving, considering she previously hadn't wanted him to touch her. She was able to make it to her chair to sit, and he was glad that she was finally getting a proper meal. He returned her small smile with his own, and nodded in agreement with Faolan as he told her to eat. Her nourishment was most important.

Faolan served the rest of them, and for the most part there was silence, and none of them wanted to get in the way of Illyana finishing her food. In the end though, the small girl hadn't even been able to get through half of it, but neither of them pushed her to eat further. Lucien knew it was bad to push someone past their limits when they have gone hungry. They had been through this before. Instead they wrapped it up so she could eat the rest later if she got hungry again.

"So then.. Illyana, you want us to take you home, yes? To Utica?" Lucien asked, deciding it would be best to figure out exactly what they were going to do.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FreckersFrog
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Illyana ate until she physically could not eat any more. Faolan had also brought extra water back for everyone, and she made sure to drink her fill. Though she was usually a smaller eater, she surprised herself by getting through almost half of the sandwich before she was unable to eat another bite. She was a bit worried that her body would be unable to digest it, but hoped that the water and whatever Lucien's healing had done would help her to keep it down. Maybe he would offer to help her again before going to sleep...but then again, she really wasn't sure what the limitations of this were and whether he would have to touch her to do it. She weighed her options mentally as she ate, wondering if it would be worth it to try; if it would take away the pain and if she could...control herself. That was the true test, whether she could stand to be in skin-to-skin contact with a person in the state she was in, especially given the strong feelings that were radiating out from Lucien at all times. Either way, she would wait for him to offer. Illyana was not one to ask.

Once she was finished and Lucien had asked his question, she nodded toward him almost ferociously, though she was caught in the middle of a yawn. "Oh, yes, please. I'm ready to go." She said this matter-of-factly, as if they had no choice but to leave right away.

Faolan had watched the girl eat, and though he was dissatisfied with the amount of food she had chosen to ingest, he knew it was best not to push her in her current state. He wrapped the remainder when she was done and handed it back to her so she could have it if and when she decided she was hungry again.

At her answer, Faolan raised his eyebrows and shook his head, "I'm afraid we can't leave tonight, miss." He answered her tone with a hard line of his own.

Immediately, Illyana's face fell as she looked at Faolan and then back at Lucien, her eyes growing in size with each passing second. She thought it had been clear to them...she wanted to leave as soon as possible. It would only be a few hours of driving into the night if they left now...but the big man's voice was flat and final. He had decided, just as her mother had that night...she knew there was no changing his mind.

"Oh..." she answered, dejected, "I'm sorry, I just thought...well..." she looked into her lap and the sandwich she held there. She'd gripped the hem of her dress and was squeezing and twisting it in her hands. This was a nervous habit she had been trying to kick, but she had so far been unsuccessful.

"I'm sorry." Faolan said, softening his tone a little when he saw the girl's reaction. "I didn't mean to come off harsh, but Utica is almost five hours from here in the bus. Even if we left now, we wouldn't arrive until around midnight, and I doubt your parents would be happy about that. Besides, you need a good night's rest. Let's get you some sleep and breakfast, and we'll head out first thing in the morning." He looked at Lucien when he was finished, hoping for agreement.

"I-It's okay. I...I understand." Illyana said, staring down into her lap with an intensity she could scarcely muster. She had been looking forward to seeing her sister's face again...her smile, to see someone happy to see her for once. But waiting another night...it wouldn't be so bad. At least she would have a roof over her head, and blankets...
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by xivyxx
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Illyana's disappointment at being told they would not be leaving tonight was very clear. Lucien felt a little bad. It was obvious that she wanted to get home as soon as possible. Part of him thought that someone suffering from abuse wouldn't want to go back home so hastily but... there was also the girl's twin sister. Perhaps she was the reason? Either way he wasn't going to ask, as it seemed she might not be willing to share just yet. He met Faolan's eyes, and nodded slightly, at least to show that he agreed with him.

His expression softened as he turned toward the girl.

"Please don't be upset. I understand how badly you must want to be home.. I'm sure it would be best for you to arrive in the middle of the day, and not at night, so you can explain things properly to your parents. You have a sister as well, yes? Getting a good rest overnight will also help you physically recover a little more, so you can go ahead and greet her properly. You don't wish to make her worry right?" He said gently.

"I promise that we will head out as soon as we possibly can tomorrow, okay? We'll do our best to get you there as fast as we are able." He tried to reassure her.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FreckersFrog
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Despite her disappointment, Illyana knew that Lucien and Faolan's explanations made sense. It was calming, in a way, to know that they were willing to get her home in the best condition possible. But she also knew that they were not unintelligent in their own rights; they had seen her family's photo, and given her condition, probably feared that they would be taking her back to a less-than-savory environment. Despite their misgivings, she sensed no deception in either of their voices or in the feelings they gave off. Either way, she was in their hands and she would just have to trust them.

She nodded to Lucien, and though she opened her mouth to speak another, this time jaw-cracking yawn escaped her instead. She rode it out, but felt herself wobble slightly as she did so. The fatigue, now that she had eaten, had finally caught up with her. Suddenly she was so tired...exhausted even, that she felt her eyelids growing heavy. In the middle of a conversation, though she was fighting for consciousness, she felt it leaving her, and fast. "Yes, I understand..." she said quietly, blinking slowly and yawning again.

Faolan watched the girl wearily as he saw the last bit of strength leaving her. Now that her body had obtained the fuel it so needed, she was crashing quickly. He heard all that Lucien said, and was grateful for it, but was more focused on making sure the girl didn't collapse into the dirt right in front of them.

"It's late," he said after Illyana answered, and stood to begin collecting everyone's dishes. "Why don't we get a good night's rest and figure everything out in the morning." Although it was phrased like a question, Faolan's tone made it more of a command.
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Lucien smiled, glad to know the girl understood, but her fatigue had grown quite obvious. He nodded in agreement with Faolan as it was time to go to sleep.

"Yes.. that is probably best.." He said, before glancing over at the bus and Aurel's trailer. In terms of sleeping arrangements.. he wasn't sure what to go with, or at least what would make the girl feel the most comfortable.

"Aurel, would you be alright in letting Ilyanna sleep in your trailer? You can sleep with us on the bus instead."

Aurel of course was quick to nod. "I don't mind at all, I just er.. have to move the snake.." He muttered. The snake was getting a bit large, and while the girl hadn't minded the viper, he wasn't sure if she wanted to sleep in the same place as a snake that was large enough to wrap around her body.

"Would you be okay with sleeping there, Illyana?" He asked the girl, also making sure that's what she wanted. "If not, we can make different sleeping arrangements for you." If the girl wanted to sleep in the bus by herself, then he and Faolan didn't mind camping outside, since it was something they were used to doing anyway. He just wanted to make sure the girl felt safe.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by FreckersFrog
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Illyana was beginning to lose the semblance of control that she had built around herself since awakening on the bus. The last hour or so had been some of the most overwhelming she had experienced in her young life, and it was clearly taking a mental toll to match the physical toll the past few days had exerted on her tiny and frail frame. She took deep breaths to keep herself in the moment and focused on one specific point, Lucien's necklace and the pretty jewel that hung at its end. She noticed it back on the bus, but he subconsciously tucked it back beneath the collar of his polo every time it escaped. Right now, she couldn't see it, but she could feel it pulsing beneath the cloth.

"Um, yeah that's okay. I don't mind." Snake? She vaguely wondered what snake he was referencing. Another Viper, a Python, or a Cobra, maybe? If Aurel and the Viper had a friendly relationship, she doubted he drew the line there. Maybe she would get to see them sometime...

Faolan could see the girl's strength fading rapidly. She was beginning to lean heavily on one side and her eyelids were about ready to close. He glanced at Lucien and nodded toward her, but was sure the man had already noticed. If she was unconscious, she would never know if they carried her to the trailer until she woke up. Best not to rouse her now, anyway, she needed all of the rest she could get.
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Aurel was quick to head off toward his trailer, which luckily was tidy this time around. The bright snake was curled around one of the bars that Faolan had installed on his wall for the snakes to slither on if they felt like.

"We've made a new friend, and she's going to sleep here tonight. I hope you don't mind if I move you outside for now? I don't want to startle her." He told the snake, who tilted her head but nodded.

"Not at all... Perhapss I'll go on a little hunt.." She responded. Aurel raised his hands and let the snake slither onto his arm, before carefully placing his hand near the end of her tail to steady her, before leaving his trailer and heading to a nearby tree to place her near, in case she wanted it.

"Okay, she can go ahead!" Aurel called out, since he was currently out of sight of them.

Lucien nodded and was quick to stand as he caught Faolan's gaze. It was clear the girl hardly had any strength left. Aurel hadn't wasted much time in going to move his snake, but it was clear with every second that passed that the girl was likely not going to make it. Lucien didn't step in, at first, but then he heard Aurel call out that he was done, but my then Illyana could no longer sit upright in her chair. Seeing her begin to tilt off her chair, Lucien placed a gentle hand on her shoulder to steady her, and paused. It didn't seem like she was too aware of what was happening anymore. She really was that exhausted.

"I'm sorry, it's probably best if I pick you up." He muttered, giving her a small moment to protest, but having received nothing, he carefully picked her up, and walked over to Aurel's trailer. The teenager had come back to open the door, and Lucien set the girl down on the mattress. He made sure the windows were all open for her, to get some fresh air, before he stepped out, and joined Faolan once more, who had begun to clean up.

"Hopefully she'll feel a little better tomorrow.." He said, beginning to help pick up as well.

"I hope so too.." Aurel muttered. "But um, looks like it's like the good old days again?" He said a little lightheartedly, hoping to brighten the mood at least a little.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FreckersFrog
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Slowly but surely, Illyana gently drifted into unconsciousness. Though she fought to stay awake, and hard, she had reached the point of full saturation and both her body and her mind gave out. She was vaguely aware that someone was touching her, but didn't mind so much. It was a comforting, calming presence. He smelled like ripe berries and mint tea and sunshine on dewey grass. He sounded like a choir of angels singing very far away....

Faolan watched the girl slowly fade, and though his muscles tensed when she began to fall, he knew Lucien would catch her. And he did, gently and slowly, as was his way. Faolan watched him handle the girl and felt his heart swell with something akin to pride. He wasn't sure why, but watching Lucien handle a creature that was so weak, so vulnerable...it was soothing to him. It reminded him of Aurel mostly, but also partially of when they had first met. Lucien had been young and soft and naive, and Faolan had been harsh and stoic and even slightly cruel. The Nephilim's warmth had eventually melted his cold heart, and broken down the walls around Aurel's. He wondered what effect he would have on this girl.

As Lucien walked away to bring the child to Aurel's trailer, he began to clean up. He smiled at the lad as he returned and indicated for him to help gather things.

"A good night's rest will do wonders." Faolan said, smiling softly over at Lucien as he approached them once again, his eyes full of love.

He chuckled at Aurel's comment and shook his head, "Exactly, even. I thought we'd put that behind us...but fate has a way of intervening." He said, slightly wistfully. He wouldn't say that he regretted their positioning on the road, knowing that this girl's life had depended on them was enough to add pause to that thought. He was just...weary and unsure of her future, which made him reluctant to reach contentment on the matter. If they found out a little more about her past, her situation, he would be able to rest easy knowing they were not returning her to an adusive household.

Nothing would be gained until the morrow, however, so Faolan knew there was no point in worrying now. At least she was safe her with them and could sleep easy for one night.
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