Stock SooroSuub Mining Vessel (3MSS)

Type Heavy Frieghter
Designed by SooroSuub as universal Mining Craft 3690
Planet side landing capable
Main Ship
Length: 180 meters
Width: 120 meters
Defenses: Heavy Hull
Class 2 Shielding
Main Purpose of heavier Hull and Shields is survivability in harsh environments as well as deterrent for pirates.
Sensors: Medium Range capable
Advanced Short range Geological sensors
HyperDrive: Type 4 No Backup
Maneuverability: Average
Equipment: 1 tractor beam and 8 grabber claws bottom mounted for ore recovery
2 Light laser arrays forward shooting only
Comms capable
3 Boreing Lasers (do to slow build up in power not readily functional against non static targets)
2 loading and offloading ports top rear
Crew: 1 pilot 1 copilot
Can support 10 full crew in various tasks.
Notes: Slow moving in sublight do to mass. Total haul Capacity 80 metric tons.