Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Master EffeX
Avatar of Master EffeX

Master EffeX I know what I know.

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Hey there!
I hope I'm understanding this forum correctly and this is alright.

So, I've been working on a series of X-MEN storylines which, *soon, I plan to host on a site I made: telkjplang.wixsite.com/xmenenvisionings.

Ideally I'd like the stories not to be just written, but to be web comics, though I'm not skilled that way.

My storylines are based off of the original trilogy of movies, so what I'd be looking for is a reflection of that in the drawings. Like draw Cyclops and Professor Xavier recognizably like James Marsden and Patrick Stewart (the actors who play them). Draw the Mansion recognizable to how it appears in the movies, etc.
So long as the recognizable box is checked, I look forward to seeing the style you bring to this.

You don't necessarily have to be familiar with the francize. I would provide any needed screenshots for ref. (although I do think this might work best if it's something we're both hooked on).

*I have a deadline listed on my website, but that's if I'm releasing it myself, text-only, so don't worry about it.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Master EffeX
Avatar of Master EffeX

Master EffeX I know what I know.

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

While I think -as aforementioned- this would hit best if you're also passionate about it and not just in for some cash, you will be compensated (I mean besides your fine work being showcased on my site ; ) )

To be up front though, my current job is seasonal and I likely won't be able to give you your worth.
But it won't be chop liver.
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