Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by lotusthevoid
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Hello there! With the new year and holiday season finally being over, and a bunch of ideas circling around my mind throughout said season, I figured I may as well make a more general interest thread, which of course I may add to and tweak over time depending on what I'm looking for. I'm always open to new RPs, just PM me here if anything catches your interest and I'm sure we can figure something out!

A little about me: my name is Lotus, I use they/them pronouns, I'm 20 years old, and in GMT timezone (though in all honesty, with my fucked up sleep schedule that hardly matters lmao). I've been RPing on and off since I was around thirteen, and been writing since before then. I'm not sure where exactly I'd place myself on the casual-advanced scale, since as a general rule I'll just do my best to at least match the length of my partner, though I'm fully capable of churning out multiple paragraphs. All I ask is that my partner doesn't just give me one-liners - would prefer at least a paragraph.

I am willing to play any gender character, and happy for you to play any gender either! Whilst I have a slight preference for MxM or FxF, I'm down for MxF as well (and in fact, I feel that some of the plots listed may work better as MxF), just let me know what you'd prefer. Romance isn't a necessity but I absolutely do enjoy it. When it comes to explicit content, I'll say that if we did go down that route I'd prefer to fade-to-black, although depending on the RP I may be willing to try something out, best thing to do it check in with me at the time to see how I'm feeling with it. (Though if you are a minor, whilst I won't say no to an RP, I would not want any sort of smut involved, even a fade-to-black.)

In particular, I've really been craving something a little darker recently, focusing on an unhealthy relationship of sorts, and am specifically looking for someone to play a bit of a villain (the plots below may give more context to this request). I don't have any limits when it comes to angst and darker content, so fr go crazy, but of course if you have any boundaries do let me know! I'm also up for something more lighthearted if that's what you'd prefer, or a plot that focuses more on hurt/comfort, but again, really craving some good angst right now.

But yeah, have a look over the plots below, or at the general pairings, and shoot me a PM if your interested! Happy to RP through PMs, thread, or discord, whichever you'd prefer (my discord is lotusthatexists#1512 if you'd prefer to message me there), again just let me know. So yeah, onto the fun stuff!

Alright, I believe that's all for now! This will be updated as I come up with ideas, but thanks for reading!
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by lotusthevoid
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

bump + added some fandoms bc why not
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