Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Master EffeX
Avatar of Master EffeX

Master EffeX I know what I know.

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

I just realized this Interest Check might work better here as it does fit into multiple sub categories (1x1, small group, casual, advanced).

Thanks for reading.
I'm open to any feedback you may have on the structure of my Interest Check, as well, as I'm not used to making such

See below for a Teaser post to give you a feel for the idea (and for me)!

NOTE: I'm typically good at mirroring the level of my partner(s), and while the teaser post doesn't show it, getting into a character's thoughts comes naturally to me. Just to say, it may not reflect Advanced RP but I'm capable and can provide an Advanced sample (different scene) on request.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Master EffeX
Avatar of Master EffeX

Master EffeX I know what I know.

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Obviously with somebody else playing Xavier and contributing to the idea, the details will differ - that's what I'm here for: not looking to write this myself. This is just my lone interpretation of a climax scene we'll be building towards:

Back at the facility, in a room not unlike a prison visiting area, Cyclops and Xavier are in the heat of battle against [Xavier's son].

Presently, Xavier has been knocked from his wheelchair while a ways beside him, Cyclops is picking himself up from a knock of his own - the room thoroughly wrecked with its tables and chairs broken and strewn.

[Xavier's son] is ramping up - intent on destroying his father and the one his father actually cared about.

Xavier (emotionally, painfully, worked up): "You asked for my guidance, Scott, as you approach fatherhood. SEE the kind of father I am and know NOW to LOOK ELSEWHERE!"

But Cyclops stares steadily at Xavier - until [Xavier's son's] movements shift his attention.

To this point, Cyclops' optic blasts have been virtually ineffective against [Xavier's son]; absorbed or deflected. He's been too quick in noticing the blasts coming for Cyclops to get one off impactfully beyond the first, which he hadn't had dialed up to full; unwilling to go that far against a kid, Xavier's no less, and unaware he should've.

Seeing [Xavier's son's] latest intent, Cyclops makes a decision-
-pushing himself up the rest of the way, he quickly closes the distance between himself and Xavier in time to take a crashing blow intended for the latter; much more vulnerable than Cyclops is in his combat suit.

"NHAHHHH!" Cyclops groans; falling to his hands and knees over Xavier - just barely able to keep from falling flat.

Xavier: "You FOOL, Scott Summers! To risk your life for me, when YOU have a famil-"

"That includes you." He catches his breath. "And I'll manage this,"
he rises with new purpose, a new plan, facing [Xavier's son] once more. "It's what I was taught to do."

He starts walking closer to [Xavier's son], firing a series of short blasts---missing his target with every one...

[Xavier's son] swings at him with another psionically extended arm.

Cyclops ducks, then finally aims a proper blast at his adversary's centre.

[Xavier's son] absorbs the blast as before -- but in paying attention to that and his approaching foe, [Xavier's son] neglected to pay attention to all the previous, short blasts which from point of discharge, had been bouncing off the scattered objects and now, from multiple points, collide at once!

[Xavier's son] howls as he finally takes damage -- Cyclops properly aimed blast now dealing some too while his defenses are down - Cyclops dials it up.

But [Xavier's son] isn't through just yet - a final show before he succumbs, he psionically shoots Cyclops' blast back at him -- its properties changed so Cyclops feels the impact --
--flung back as though hit by a car

--CCrrRAACcK as he slams into the wall.

At separate ends of the room, both now lay - defeated.

Xavier looks between them.

Scott's overcome with pain -- now in a fight to breathe.

Xavier's son is injured, extent unknown, yet he stares at his father with a strange look...expectation?
He's waiting to see what he'll do....Who will he go to?

His rage may burn anew if his father cares first, cares more, for his "other son".... and if he comes to himself instead, would it only be with that thinking? To save the other?. .
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Master EffeX
Avatar of Master EffeX

Master EffeX I know what I know.

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Bah da dee bumpin'.
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