Hidden 1 yr ago Post by 4323O2
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Kissimi has landed her ship in a field near the capital city of Lothal, and she is currently playing with her Loth-wolf friends, White and Brown. Her playful laugh is light as the white wolf knocks her over, licking her face. However, the brown wolf is more resigned, playing with the girl only when the white wolf is farther away.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by SoulStealer
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SoulStealer Local Deatheater

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Vishu had been walking for what felt like hours. He had been stranded on Lothal with very few resources when his ship was shot down by pirates. Vishu was on the bad side of multiple pirates. This is when he spotted Kissimi and her wolves. He watched them for a while, waiting for somebody to notice him. The Pantoran was appropriately wary, though the sight interested him.
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After a few moments, the brown wolf catches a glimpse of Vishu and barks. Immediately, the girl stands, turning to study Vishu. She remains silent for a moment before speaking.

"Who are you?" Her voice carries, and her tone conveys a slight threat- she is not afraid to become dangerous.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by SoulStealer
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

Vishu also studied her, wondering the same thing. Of course, she had asked first, so he would be the bigger person and respond first. "My name is Vishu Soya. I was stranded on Lothal by pirates." He told her, holding up his open hands to show he meant no harm, as if he could sense her threat.
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She thinks about his response for a moment before responding herself. This time, her tone carries a touch of kindness. Beside her, the white wolf barks and growls. Immediately, as the white wolf barks, the brown wolf utters a fierce growl and both wolves fall silent.

"My name is Kissimi. I live on Lothal mostly. Which pirates, if I may?"
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by SoulStealer
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SoulStealer Local Deatheater

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He sighed. This girl, Kissimi, asked alot of questions for a local. "Gorian Shard and his crew," he replied, glancing nervously at the girl's wolves. The two animals made him rather uncomfortable. He slowly lowered his hands, watching both the qolves and the girl.
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She raises her eyebrows, suspicious of Vishu's answer. If Gorian Shard really was mixed up with Vishu, this could go very badly. She knew who Gorian Shard was, and dislikes it.

"Gorian Shard is dangerous. Why would you mess with him?" she asks Vishu, turning her attention to her wolves for a moment, "Brown. White. Hush."

The white wolf whines but they both fall silent.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by SoulStealer
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Vishu watched her wolves, still wary. But he dared to take a step forward, not knowing what the reaction would be but willing to risk it. "I was desperate. Please, Kissimi. Can you help me?" His tone took on that of a dying man.
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Kissimi shakes her head. There was no way she was getting messed up with Gorian Shard.

"I am not getting myself involved with Shard," she tells Vishu.

She moves her hand down to her purple lightsaber, revealing it a little bit.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by SoulStealer
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Vishu froze upon seeing the lightsaber. "Jedi," he growled, his fraction of trust towards her vanishing in an instant. He was already on edge, so seeing the loghtsaber hadn't helped matters. "Who really are you?"
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by 4323O2
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Her expression changes at the mention of Jedi.

"I am not a Jedi. Nor am a Sith. I stole the lightsaber," she explains quickly.

Her wolf friends snarl as Vishu steps forward. But Kissimi puts her hand down and they fall silent quickly.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by SoulStealer
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SoulStealer Local Deatheater

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Vishu was still suspicious but nodded. "If you say so. So will you help me or not?" He got ztraight back to the point he was going for in the first place.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by 4323O2
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She thinks for a moment before finally nodding. She strokes the white wolf's head for a moment before speaking.

"Fine. What do you need?"
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by SoulStealer
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He smiled, relaxing a bit. "Thank you. I need transport offworld and to pay off Shard," he replied. He took another step forward, forcing himself to ignore the wolves.
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It's her turn to stiffen. She takes a step back. The brown wolf barks and growls in warning, and this time she doesn't silence him.

"I can get you transport, but I cannot pay off your debt," she replies, voice tight with some strange emotion- perhaps annoyance, or maybe bitterness.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by SoulStealer
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SoulStealer Local Deatheater

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He seemed a bit co fused at her response to his seemingly sinple request. "Is there something wrong?" He inquired, tilting his head slightly.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by 4323O2
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She nods, and her wolves growl warningly at Vishu.

"I am not paying off your debt," she replies, shaking her head as if disappointed.

Her tone is gentle, but firm. She gently taps the noses of her wolves and they vanish into the form of a pendant around her neck, one advantage of being Sith.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by SoulStealer
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SoulStealer Local Deatheater

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"Kissi, you said you'd- what the hell did you just do-!?" Vishu watched the wolves seemingly vanish with a rather alarmed expression. Vishu had seen many people with exotic pets, but never had anybody done that...
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by 4323O2
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She smiles elusively.

"Magic," she replies simply, "now do you want off Lothal or not?"
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by SoulStealer
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SoulStealer Local Deatheater

Member Seen 9 mos ago

"You're Force-sensitive, aren't you?" Vishu snapped, his hand going to his blaster almost immediately. He stepped back, stumbling over the ground but not falling. "Sith or Jedi?" He growled.
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