Hidden 6 mos ago Post by A White Mage
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A White Mage The Angry One

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Please read the following Disclaimer section fully and carefully before reading further-

This RP idea is very simple, but nonetheless has what I believe to be a lot of potential.

You are one of a handful of winners of a giveaway, and are now on your way to a weekend vacation at an unbelievable location. However, you didn't quite understand the whole idea of 'bring a +1 on an amazing weekend getaway', and you ended up bringing a friend, only to find out most everyone else brought their significant others.

What's worse is something happens, something goes wrong, and you end up stranded, unable to go home until things clear up. So it seems you are stuck there until further notice. Guess you have nothing to do but get to know the other guests, and enjoy your now extended vacation!

There are a few options to pick from for this 'Vacation Gone Wrong', though to call it that is unfair seeing as how most people don't mind being stuck where they are.

Examples include a Winter Cabin Resort in the Mountains, or a Private Island and Beach Resort.

PM me if you're interested!
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by A White Mage
Avatar of A White Mage

A White Mage The Angry One

Member Seen 3 mos ago

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