Hidden 6 mos ago Post by cyberhead
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cyberhead lover of this digital world

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Hello! This is my first Interest Check, so I apologize if its missing any important pieces or isn't usual. But!!!

Nice to meet you! My name is Cy and I'm a 19 year old college student who's been roleplaying for around 7ish years? I'm looking for a roleplay partner who's interested in some of my suggested plots/ shares the same interests as me and would like to brainstorm!

I have a lot more, but these are just some I've been wanting to try out. I haven't found anyone interested in doing it yet, so this is sorta my last attempt in looking. But if you'd like to roleplay anything else, my PMs are wide open! Send me a message ^_^
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by qiao

qiao stinker

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Wsp!! I'm qiao, similar age and roleplaying experience as you.

I'm interested in your teacher x teacher idea first and foremost, but I can totally see fitting some of your other ideas in there. For example, an enthusiastic, optimistic new hire is introduced to an older, disillusioned mentor. This can take place in the late 90's, a time where the prevalent feelings are hope for the new century but also fear for what the future will bring, creating a direct parallel with the characters' personalities. There can also be a bit of drama regarding the social taboo of being gay in such a setting and I think it'd be interesting to see how our characters navigate that. If you want to discuss further into this, do reach out.

As for what I have to offer just so you're more convinced, I
- have been roleplaying for nearly a decade (whether I am good at it or not remains to be seen)
- can do faceclaims for my characters, but they'll all be shitty scans of sketchbook drawings until I get my tablet fixed
- am alright with most mature themes (only exception I can think of is if you get off to like. snuff, that's kinda weird,)
- can communicate daily even if I don't update daily. I try to update from every few hours- 3 days at most and will let you know if life gets in the way.
- am open to criticism (including rewrites if you don't know what I'm saying lol)

And lastly, what I want:
- good communication from you too; lmk what you're uncomfortable with if it comes up, what you'd like to see, etc.
- a wholesome story? I don't mean that nothing serious or bad happens to these characters, just that they experience genuine growth and have heartwarming moments with each other regardless of the outcome of the story itself
- understands basic english (will not be incomprehensible) (good news I understood your post so you pass this with flying colors !!)
- general vibes of silliness and whimsy (I am half joking here; you don't have to be a clown but also don't take yourself too seriously you know)

Anyway I mentioned this before but hmu if you think we're a good fit! Looking forward to it.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by cyberhead
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cyberhead lover of this digital world

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@qiao You just might be my roleplay soul mate xD I'll go ahead and send you a message! I'd love to get more into your idea of mixing my ideas.
Hidden 6 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by meri
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Hey there! I'm Meri, I'm 18, and I've been roleplaying for about 9 years (if you're feeling charitable and count warrior cat LARPing lol). I love your ideas! I think spy x spy has a lot to offer, especially if we were to mix in the childhood best friends aspect. Obviously great angst potential, but it would also be really funny to learn that someone you knew as a kid also ended up pursuing a career in military espionage and /or assassination. Like, what are the odds? Small world. Boxer x ballerina/o also sounds fun, possibly in a sci-fi setting? Much to consider!

Communication is probably my #1 ask, so glad we agree there! I can update at the very least once a week, and communicate ooc no less than every other day. I'm cool with most mature themes (drugs, violence, sexual implications). I am not okay with explicit sex or references to sexual assault. I prefer FxF or NB pairings, but I'm not averse to relationships with men involved. As for the writing itself, I tend to skew towards Advanced (lord forgive my use of em dashes), about 3-4 paragraphs? Feel free to tell me if I end up getting too long-winded. Totally agree with your stance on one-liners. I also draw pretty often, so I can do some art if faceclaims help you visualize.

Anyways, yeah! Your rp ideas and general vibe seem great, so if you're looking for another 1x1 partner, just lemme know :)
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by cyberhead
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cyberhead lover of this digital world

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@meri Oh my gosh the warrior cat larping is so iconic x) I'm really loving your addition to the Spy x Spy (it totally gets bonus points for being sapphic) I'll send you a message over!
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