Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Red
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Yep, I had to try out for the club team. It gets competitive because soccer is so popular. Try outs last a couple days, and after each day they post a list online of who ever gets called back. You have to make the first cut, then the second and then after that you make the team :) You also try out for certain positions. I mostly played right midfield in high school so that's the position I tried out for. That doesn't necessarily mean it's the only position you'll ever play in a game, but it's sort of like your speciality.

Think you'll continue dance when you get to college?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by emmyanne
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Ooh, that must have been exciting when you made it!! Do you play any other types of sports or just soccer?

I hope to. The school that I want to go to in NS has a dance team that you have to try out for and stuff, and they're really good! One of my choreographers is on it right now so if I end up going to there I'm kinda hoping she'll put in a good word for me, lol. If I do end up going to Toronto, though, I'm not sure what I'll do. I'll definitely dance in some way, but Ontario is one of the best places to go if you plan on taking your career in dance to the next level. They are very talented and extreme out there and I just don't think I'm good enough, haha.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Red
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Eep, sorry for the delay! I got busy with school work Dx
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by emmyanne
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Haha, I figured it was something like that. No big deal, school is kinda important :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Red
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Yeah, I just had a couple of assignments due at the end of last week, so I'm playing catch right now with all of my RPs. x)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by emmyanne
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I know what that's like... I bet your assignments are actually fun though! Since you're doing graphic design. :p

Also, I'm working on a response right now! I would have had one up sooner but I've been competing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Red
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They are pretty fun, one assignment was to turn in some sketches and concept proposals for the packaging design for headphones, and the other was a project that we've been working on for a while now, creating a small website for an event in Raleigh of our choosing.

Competing, huh? Nice! Dance right? What kind? Also, no worries :) I totally understand, there's no rush. Although I am always eager to read your reply x) But I get busy with real life stuff too, so I'm not one to bug my partner to post or anything like that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by emmyanne
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That actually sounds so fun! It must be so great to be in school doing stuff that you actually like instead of dumb stuff that you "have" to learn.

Yeah, dance! It was really fun! I did one of my solos at a show/competition thing. I'm not the best dancer ever, but I feel rally confident after today even though I didn't get a scholarship it was still really great. And yeah, I'm not pushy either, people like that make me mad/frustrated like seriously? This is a pass time, not anything super serious.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Red
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That's awesome! Man, do you ever get nervous before you do a solo performance? I can't imagine doing something that, that's very impressive.

Yeah I totally agree x) It's hard though, because I always want to find someone who takes it a little seriously, by writing well and being creative and stuff like that, but also without being a control freak haha. Another reason why I usually creepily stalk their recent posts, to see if they're bossy xD You seemed sweet in yours :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by emmyanne
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Oh my god I get so nervous! This morning while I was at my house getting ready I almost threw up. Usually when I'm onstage I shake really badly and I'm off balance but today I was only nervous when I was backstage, right before I went on and when I walked on. All of the nerves just kind of went away when my song started and it felt really good.

Exactly! It's annoying when people just don't post forever and don't give you any good reason so you're just lost like "Okay then..." and when people are super bossy and stuff. To me, the ideal RP partner is laid back, kind, creative and doesn't leave me hanging (cough you cough... damn that cold! ;)) Hehe, d'aww! Thanks (: I try to be nice online, it's so easy to be mean to people when you're behind a computer screen but you just never know what peoples situations are like and even if I'm flustered by someone, I just don't want to say anything to set people over the edge in any way.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Red
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Almost done with your post!

I feel that way before I give a presentation, which of course isn't nearly as intense as a solo dance performance lol. But yeah, I know what you mean. Once I'm actually up and presenting, the nerves go away and I feel good. I guess I get nervous before games too, but it's totally different. It's more like I get really restless and full of energy that I need to get out xD

Haha, thanks! :D Yeah, there seems to be a sort of unspoken RP etiquette, right? Definitely good to be nice, even when the anonymity of the internet makes you feel invincible.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by emmyanne
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Yay (:

Dude, presentations are scary. If you screw up a dance routine you can just improv but with a speech if you get tongue tide you'e basically screwed! But yeah, I totally get that whole restless energy thing. There's nothing like that moment right before you go on stage/start a game when you're so full of angst and anticipation that you feel like you're going to burst!

I like that; The anonymity of the internet makes you feel invincible. The wording is beautiful. But yes, there is isn't there. My pet peeve is when people start up drama. Like 'Woah, I'm a sixteen year old high school student, I have enough of that in my life as it is without you starting shit online'. It's incredibly frustrating and as you can tell I have very big opinions on the topic :p
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Red
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Done! Ah, so I guess I should just come out and tell you, I can be sort of slow, when it comes to writing... x) I know it frustrates some of my other partners who can shoot 'em off like that. I get a little bit perfectionistic and end up re-reading my post over and editing a couple times and all that, heh. But I think roleplaying in general will make us faster/better writers in the long run. I've already noticed how it makes writing papers easier for me, like school papers.

Ah shucks, thank you <3 :D Oh yes, I stay away from drama haha. On here and in real life. Unfortunately, there's some at my job sometimes, rumors and gossip and stuff :/ It can all seem pretty innocuous at first, but it's cost a couple people their jobs! Like once there was a nasty rumor that one of the managers and an underage cashier were "together" and even though there was no truth in it, the manager was eventually relocated :/ Serious stuff, all because of some mean jokes. Luckily the turnover is pretty high here. So even when obnoxious people get hired, they're usually quick to either quit or get fired. I really like my fellow cashiers at the moment though :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by emmyanne
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Honestly, I don't mind! I'm not the quickest either. I honestly think that it's better to be able to write really well done posts in a shorter amount of time rather then slap something together and it maybe not be so great. And I agree! roleplaying really helps me with my character development and plot development I find.

Ew, really? That's kinda shitty, luckily they're good at weeding out the bad ones though! Honestly the drama in my life now isn't as bad as it has been (in some ways), but I'm actually starting to feel comfortable and happy again and all the shit that went down in the last couple of months has kinda come to a stop and everything's cool right now, thankfully.

Okay, so I'm going to bed now, but I'll post something sometime tomorrow :) See ya!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Red
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Goodnight! Sweet dreams! :D
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Yo what's up? :D 'Bout to post a reply :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by emmyanne
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Honestly? I feel dead... haha. I was at stage practice after school today and it was kind of exhausting. But some eleven year old that goes to my dance school challenged me to a "dance battle" at comp this weekend, haha. She's such a cutie! Oh, and for our production this year, one of the parts that I'm in is a vampire sequence and whenever I performed it today I was seriously channeling my inner Mila P Anyways, that was my day. Whats up with you?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Red
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Haha! Channeling your inner Mila, I love it! xD What a funny coincidence that you're doing a vampire sequence. And ah, that's adorable, the eleven year old putting your dance skillz to the test! x) Do you ever challenge other dancers?

I'm feeling a little dead myself lol. I had a really long shift at work today, and I trained two new people. They both did really well, but training is always a little exhausting x) I really liked the second guy I trained, you could tell he was pretty nervous but he handled himself well and was great with the customers. I should have done more school work this morning but I don't have class until two tomorrow and I don't work 'til Friday so I'll just finish up tomorrow morning. Hmm, not as exciting as a dance battle x) What else, what else... uh, my shower head was leaking this morning and I fixed it xD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by emmyanne
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It really isn't a thing that we do, challenging other people :p It just started as a joke in class one night when I told her my abs were better (not true, the kid is freaking jacked...) and then we somehow decided that we'd have an improv competition, winner gets bragging rights for a year. She's taking it really seriously and it's so adorable!

I can see how that would be exhausting. I don't do well teaching people, I get really frustrated when they don't understand. The only thing I'm actually good at teaching is dance because it's acceptable to yell at your students. Eesh, school work... I got all my stuff done today in class so I'm pretty pumped. we're getting a huge storm tomorrow that's going to last until Thursday so I won't have to do anything the next two days except get ready or comp (I realize that 99.9% of the time I talk about dance... sorry for that :p)

Yay for fixing your shower head! I'm the least handy person you will ever meet so that is actually kind of impressive to me.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Red
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No worries, I think it's cool that you're so devoted to dance. Talk away! :) I'd love to hear the music you guys use, if the songs are on youtube or something.

Did you say you're getting a huge snow storm? Does school get cancelled often because of the snow? You can talk as much about dance as you want if you'll forgive me for asking nosy, ignorant questions about Canada stuff. I mean, I talk to my old roommate about stuff like that but she lived in the US since she was like 5, and only recently moved back, so she's still adjusting. Plus Quebec's gotta be different from NS, right? I noticed you said "housecoat" in you last post and I googled it to see what that was lol. Do I use any words that sound distinctly American? Sorry, I'm weirdly interested in other cultures, even though I'm sure ours are pretty similar of course x)

Haha, I'm thinking I should call the office maintenance guy anyway, just make sure I did the right thing to fix the leak.
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