10 years ago…

After her mother abandoned her after figuring out who her father was, not long after that she was found by her father, a pirate. She was then taken to an island, given a small knife, a gun and left there told that she was to defend his treasure and in return she could have this island to herself. A few of the members had already taught her a few tricks to survival so she was not completely left without some knowledge.

Present day…

The island was prepared, she'd noticed that ship on the horizon a day or two ago now and had prepared the traps needed. The ship had anchored near the island and now the pirates were on board. Aged 18 now she was prepared for anything. Wearing what appeared to be a tattered white dress she made her way to the place where the treasure was, her father returned usually every year, he hadn't this time but before then he'd left her a cutlass. She rested it on her hip and sat down leaning against a rock, she was the last defines against other pirates taking the treasure. Sayuri moved out from the cave for a moment watching their reactions to the traps she made smiling a little "Good that's working well" she smiled and headed inside the cave once again staying out of the oncoming rain, something she and to be careful of. Being both part mermaid and siren as well as human she had a tendency to revert back into her original form, which was very inconvenient for fending people off when on land.

The treasure chest was very well hidden and she'd promised to keep it safe to her father and she planned on keep that promise, after all she wouldn't have stood a chance at life on any other place. She sighed and ruffled her hair sitting on the oak inside the cave she was the last defence. "Well it can't get any worse"