Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thread Generator SIN
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Thread Generator SIN

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I begin tucking him in and he tells me with a smile, 'Mommy check for monsters under my bed.' I look underneath for his amusement and see him, another him, under the bed, staring back at me quivering and whispering, 'Mommy there's a monster in my bed.'

Beaverton Oregon, USA. ██ / ██ / 20██
A potential phenomena was detected by Foundation automated media/communication monitoring systems at 05:37:20 when a local radio news station reported a story on several missing persons (review attached document.) Report contains details indicative with that of an anomalous event. Probability of specimen: 78.5%. An acquisition order was approved by Hyperion at 09:20:57. A dispatch team consisting of level ⓵, ⓸, and ⓹ personnel is to be deployed to investigate the anomaly and any person(s) associated with it. In the event of specimen confirmation, a report is to be made to Foundation HQ via telecommunication and immediate containment and quarantine procedures are to be enacted if possible. Additional personnel may volunteer with approval of an on site Admin. The deployment of one(1) Boeing VC-25 passenger transportation aircraft has been approved for this mission. Any additional transportation is available on location upon request.

The sun had just begun to rise over the hills in the distance, filling the dim sky with a brilliant sea of light and warmth. A beautiful sight to behold for anyone lucky enough to gaze upon it. This was not the case for agent Miles Gatsworth, administrator for the personnel dispatch department within Foundation HQ. Instead, sitting within the dank confines of a small white office, he meagerly enjoyed the warmth of the mug of coffee in his hand as he sat at his deck, reviewing field reports on the last specimen that was obtained, still awaiting declassification. The entity had hastily been shipped off to the research department before he had a chance to get a look at it so he wanted to read up on it a bit. Miles always enjoyed knowing about specimen before the other staff. But before he could get to the specimens description, an order from the higher ups came down through the mailing tubes. Letting off a dull sigh, Miles grabbed the mail canister and popped it open, pulling out the approved acquisition order with an attached document.

A few moments passed as the Admin sipped his coffee and read over the pieces of paper. An eye brow raised as he read the news report. To some, it may seem dismissible, but Miles had been with the foundation long enough to know a specimen when he see's one. Rather, reads about it. "Feh...seventy eight percent my arse. Everybody knows the bloody monitor doesn't even bother piping up unless it's an actual specimen. The damn thing should should just say one hundred percent every time." All the time in this quiet office drove Miles to conversing with himself on many occasions. Today was no different. Despite being a little bothered by having to move from his cushy chair, Miles was actually somewhat relieved to be getting a chance at leaving that lonesome office.

Leaving through an automated motion detecting door, Miles made his way down the chrome plated halls toward the announcement room where he kept a few personnel records on hand for easy deployment. He wasn't supposed to organize teams before a mission was announced. However with all the free time he had, being an expert bureaucrat, he couldn't help but organize teams in advance when he knew he would have to do it anyway. It's not like there's suddenly going to be no more specimen to contain. Even if that day did exist, it would be beyond his time. This was at least what Miles believed. Sliding his access card through a auto lock, another door slid open, revealing a room filled with file cabinets, television screens, and a telephone wired to the PA system.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bobby Barrows
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Bobby Barrows The Scholar

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Thousands of miles to the North east is a Wrangell Island,a small island near the "North Pole" On this map was a large foundation base, one of the only ones currently expanding for new specimens. Any new specimens would most likely be transferred here. Wrangel Island has a severe polar climate. The region is blanketed by dry and cold Arctic air masses for most of the year. Warmer and more humid air can reach the island from the south-east during summer. Dry and heated air from Siberia comes to the island periodically. Wrangel Island consists of folded, faulted, and metamorphosed volcanic, intrusive, and sedimentary rocks ranging in age from Upper Precambrian to Lower Mesozoic.

Wrangel Island was due for a new specimen, one should have arrived a week ago according to how specimens are usually brought, but there were simply no specimens to send to Wrangel that week. A phone nearby started to ring,and Polyester let out a dull sigh. He hated listening to other people, but he would do it if he had to. It was most likely the research team or a foundation head coming to tell him about a new specimen shipment anyway. He picked up the phone and was greeted to someone of a lower class that a new anomaly has surfaced, and they are checking if it will be a good specimen. Polyester hung up the phone soon after responding quickly from the news.

Polyester opened a small cabnit dedicated to missing anomalies and specimens that have escaped. He pulled one out from the bottom right row and skimmed through it. This specimen was smart and charismatic, however the specimen was rather weak. It was considered a specimen because of it's fabric like skin that weaved itself over time, repairing it's own injuries. This is why it has gone missing for so long, the suspects were simply unable to be cut due to multiple, complicated reasons.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by solamelike
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solamelike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 23 days ago

'Another medical check' Flint thought to himself as he was asked to step off the treadmill. The monitors showing his performance and heart rate. The vile of blood and urine he filled before where taken away to be analysed "Ok that's everything. See you next month" The doctor said as he left the medical bay. 'I know why we need them but I wish they weren't such a hassle' Flint thought as he began to walk to the security changing rooms. He removed his sports wear and began to strap into his body armour. It was thick and made the occupant able to take a few bullets to the chest without dying. Flint tied his laces then went to the armoury to get his guns. He swiped his Id card at every doorway which separated each corridor and room until he got to the armoury. He gave his card to the man behind the metal fencing and the man went off to retrieve Flint's gun. He returned moments later with a large box which slid through a small slot in the metal fencing. "Standard issue L85 IW Rifle , Standard issue M1911 Handgun, 3, 30 round STANAG Magazines, with 90 5.56x45mm NATO Rounds, 2 7-round standard detachable box magazines with 14 .45ACP Rounds." The attendant behind the mesh said in a dreary tone as Flint holstered the handgun and pocketed the ammunition into the correct pouches. Finally slinging the rifle on his shoulder. The numbers 117 Where engraved on both guns signifying them as Flints. "Don't lose them" The man behind the metal fencing sarcastically remarked as Flint left waiting for the usual call on his two way radio to signify what doorway or corridor he was guarding today.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MysT3CH
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MysT3CH The Wordsmith / ★★★★★

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Lakeport City - Lake County, California, USA

He had been walking north for only a few minutes before he finally came upon it. His next clue. A smirk lined his lips. Before him, encircled by a square of yellow tape, a corpse debauched under the warmth of the evening sun. Its entirety dwindling as its stench thickened, staining the immediate air around it as coagulated blood did the concrete. Overhead, a single crow, black-feathered and sleek, sat perched upon a nearby ledge. Eyes trained upon the corpse as it waited patiently for those below to take their leave.

It was gruesome, even worst than the others. What had once been a human body was now only a bloody mound of charred flesh, weakly held together by the shattered pieces of bone protruding from it's exterior. Standing behind the yellow tape, Chris continued to look on. Watching a single member of the Lakeport Police Department in particular as the dumbfounded lot continued to take pictures and whisper back and forth. Two of which were clearly on the verge of hurling up the contents of their stomachs. Turning to his left, he watched intently, almost mineciously, as a short yet stocky male officer shimmied under the crime tape and barked orders at the group.

"Nothing right?" Christian's eyes softened as they locked upon the face of the brunette walking towards him. Barely managing to refrain a glance at her rear as she walked by, the man sighed. Dutifully, he then followed.

"I'm really not in the mood today, Cross. This shit is getting out of hand." Despite her confident posture and strides, he could tell by the dip of her head she was on the verge of breaking down. Thus, he remained quiet until they had reached the black mustang which had served as the detective's cruiser.

"It's not them." He walked to the passenger side of the car, holding the door open as she entered the vehicle. Her cobalt eyes following him as he leapt over the hood and without contacting the ground, threw himself into the driver's seat via window. Silently justifying his train of thought. 'They don't completely dismantle their targets... it's all wrong.' The car then roared to life, drowning out the churning of the woman's stomach as she buried her head within her hands. Sobbing softly as Chris maneuvered the vehicle through traffic and took a sharp left. Entering a side road as he gradually increased the pressure he placed upon the gas, easing off every so often as to maintain a speed of sixty km/h.

"It was Trina, Chris. That thing, was Trina's friggin' body!" As she raised her head to scream at him, the tears upon her face became visible. The sight of them pained him, but upon his grimed face, it didn't show.

"Em..." His voice faded. Leaving only silence over their heads for the remainder of the drive. Slowing the car to crawl, then stop, he starred blankly at the dashboard before him.

For a few straineous and rather awkward moments, neither of the pair moved to exit the car. Both instead choosing to blank out as if reminiscing about some far away land. Finally, she pushed open the door. Stepping out and wiping her face prior to entering the eatery to which they had just pulled up at. Snapping back to his senses, Christian followed with due haste. His hands digging into his pockets as he followed the detective into the building. As she made her way to the bar, he simply stood at the entrance. His brown eyes observing the elegant paintings and luxurious mood lighting curiously as he scanned the entirety of the room, almost as if expecting them to leap off of the walls towards him. Once satisfied, he caught up.

Now leaning over the bar next to the obviously distraught woman, Chris watched as she reached into her back pocket, pulling free a thin leather wallet as her pale breasts threatened to fall from her v-neck shirt. Indifferent, Cross continued to eye her intently. Inwardly debating whether the body - or bodies, as this was the fourth, was indicative of an anomaly or not.

"The usual, Mikael. I'm having a rough day." The bruenette placed her wallet down on the black marbled counter, leaving her twelve twenty dollar bills, her I.D. and her badge in plain sight as she adjusted her self upon the bar. Placing her left hand to her jaw as she leaned upon her elbow. Having glanced at it, Chris silently read over her name in his head. Emily Elizabeth Rhodes.

"Milk." Christian's voice was unusually lifeless, void of it's natural playfulness as he sat next to the detective and shot a heated glance towards the bar keep. Leaning closer to the long haired haired woman, he attempted to touch her shoulder. She instantly made a big deal of moving away. Looking up only to show Mikael an empty smile. If only for a moment, Cross stiffened, relaxing only after an exhale.

"They'll know we're on their trail Em. These men i'm after." Naturally, Chris hadn't told her the truth. After all, she wasn't ready for, nor needed to be aware of it. Hence, he had spent the last month posing as an member of the FBI. Claiming that he was in pursuit of a pair of serial killers whom we're believed to be hiding out in Lakeport as of recent. Of coarse, it didn't help that Cross actually had no idea for what he was really searching for.

Annoyed, he turned in his seat, moving as to place his back to the platinum haired bar keep. After looking between the two, Mikael quickly turned and walked away, leaving only the two of them around the eatery's bar. Chris then let his gaze fall back onto her, admiring the cuteness in her face as he continued to talk. "Look, i'm sorry it was her love, I really am. But you and I both know that that's just how the story goes.." Before he could utter another word; a strong, albeit soft, hand struck him square across the jaw, causing a thunder 'clap' to resound throughout the high-ended eatery. Mikael, who had only just returned with their orders, as well as the rest of the patrons, all shot Christian a brief yet disappointed glance.

"You fucker..." While her words were not loud enough to be carried over the collective chattering and music, it was enough to once again cause a now frowning Mikael to draw himself away from his post. "I never wanted a part in this you know, any of it." She paused, fighting some tears to no avail before downing her drink in a single yet large gulp. "You dragged me into it."

The words caused Cross to grow still, as if he himself had become frozen. Had stung at his chest as if an arrow itself had pierced it. As a result, a growl formed in his throat, only to be briefly expelled when he too downed the beverage of which he had just now taken hold. For a few minutes, that was how the two remained. As silent and still as stone. Feeling the slightest buzz of vibration, Chris then quickly whipped out his phone. Immediately, his gaze was met by that of Rhodes'.

While the two did not exchange words, their conjoined glances spoke volumes as he listened to a soft voice speak through the phone. After a moments silence, a clear "Affirmative." from Christian could be heard prior to him glancing at it's screen. The action was inevitably followed by the pocketing of the silver touch screen phone.

Resisting the urge to say anything more, the man clenched a fist, sighed, then relaxed with an exhale. Raising from his seat, he then reached into his side pocket and pulled free a single twenty dollar bill. Placing it squarely upon the top of the milk glass, Chris then continued to turn towards the exit. As he did, something seemed to change in Emily, who sprung up from her seat. Cutting off his "Keep the Change" as she clung to the back of his right sleeve, almost as if begging him not to leave. Her face, which had turned red the instant his sleeve and her hand had touched, now glowed a dim blue under the light as she dragged Christian around as to once again face the bar. Remaining silent as she pulled him back down into his seat, he simply looked back up at the barkeep who shook his head.

"Another perhaps?" Mikael's voice held an air of complacency, giving his words a snide and rather hostile tone as they rolled from his lips.

Responding with a dry "No, thanks." Christian let a sly grin line his face. While it seemed sinister in nature, it added an aura of grandeur to his face. Upon seeing it, Emily could only sigh as she scooped up her wallet and badge, leaving the money owed on the counter top. Having silently accepted a second drink, she then took a sip, a brief smile forming on her lips as she swallowed a bit of the white liquid. Remonstrantly, Christian offered his hand to the barkeep. Softening his grin into a smug smile, he then parted his lips once more.

"Cross." He let his gaze slip from the barkeep's face to that of Emily's for an instant, observing the way she took to the drink before refocusing on the man before him. His tanned skin now holding a green hue under the light. Having noticed both his glance and his gesture, Emily tilted her head slightly. Unsure of what what to make of either as she placed the now half empty glass of Tom Collins back upon the counter.


Once again seated within the black Chevrolet Impala the Foundation had issued him as a means of solidifying his cover, Christian intently studied an petite map book of the US he had obtained from a local travel agent. Despite the fact that he was familiar with the states, and that his Chevy had been equipped with the latest GPS technology, he still preferred to plan out his routes the 'old fashioned' way. Though he did so more to cover his tracks, as opposed to personal preference. Especially since his latest contact had clearly grown attached. He tried to dismiss the fact that he had as well.

Once satisfied, and confident that he had located the shortest route to Oregan, home of his next assignment, Cross quickly folded the map away. Throwing his keys into the ignition, he then sighed as the Impala's modified engine roared to life. As he at last begun his estimated ten and a half hour drive, inwardly grateful that he was at least rid of the headache that Lakeport City had recently become, Christian then reviewed the audio file he had received from HQ. The likes of which contained an apparently relative news report.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

You know that feeling you get when there's an itch you just can't scratch? Like, when you get it, it starts out a small easily negligible thing, something that you feel doesn't require much focus. Then that itch begins to grow worse as time goes on, eventually progressing until it reaches the point of burning excruciation that can only be relieved through a good solid scratch, which now when you need to do it the most, can't be done because you're either in public, or lack the means to scratch it. John Charles Alexander was experiencing that sort of itch right now, however the itch that ailed him wasn't a physical one, but a mental one. It had been two weeks since he'd gotten a new specimen in for study, and in that time not only had John completed every assignment thrown his way, but he'd even managed to complete the side projects that he had self imposed. Needless to say, John was stressed, and it showed on his person; His long red hair was unkept, even more so than how it usually looked after a long period of research, sticking out wildly in several places, his lab coat was wrinkled and sported stains on the sleeves and body, thankfully it was only from food and not from some ghastly chemical or entity, there were dark rings under his somewhat bloodshot eyes, a sign that he wasn't getting enough sleep, he chalked this off as too much brain activity with not enough fulfillment.

John tapped his foot rapidly as he sat in front of his computer monitor, the air was filled with brief but rapid intervals of tik-taking sounds as John's fingers flew across the keyboard. He was typing out a request to the Department Administrator for permission to start work on a new entity, preferably a parasite or virus, though after two weeks of inactivity, he'd happily take whatever he could get. As he typed, John couldn't help but find something funny; he'd been given medicine to help him focus, to keep him on track when it came to completing the assignments given as opposed to working on his own agendas, and it worked like a dream, allowing John to finish his research with near record timing. Now however, that exact same medicine was making him focus on a complete LACK of assignments, bringing the word irony to mind. "Come on Homes, come through for me this time man, i'm dying here..." John muttered as he clicked send and exited out of the window. The researcher spun around in his chair, got up, and exited his lab, he'd done his part, now he could only hope that the Dept.Admin would give him something to occupy his mind.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Morric
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Morric Roleplay Enthusiast

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Things were rather dull. It had been a couple weeks now since Markus's qualification papers went through and he had expected something to happen by now. So far, he has spent the last couple weeks hold up in one of the Foundations many level 1 habitation units. To the foundation, it was a habitation unit. But to Markus, it seemed more like a white collar prison cell. There was two doors and no windows. Instead, the walls were a dull white as well as the majority of the furniture. There was a bathroom behind the door that wasn't the entrance, though it was rather cramped. He had a bed, a small low quality sofa chair, and a small desk littered with papers covered in drawings. Sitting next to a small TV set at the back of the room was an old acoustic guitar. Scattered about the room were dozens of beer cans.

Sitting in the sofa chair with his leg kicked up over the armrest, Mark flipped through the channels on the television. Thankfully, the tv was one of the few things that weren't censored or provided by the Foundation. That would probably be absurd. A bunch of personnel fumbling about, attempting to film something that could be considered interesting. Knowing the research department, it would likely be a bunch of techno babble and informative shows with a warning here and there about obeying foundation rules. The later, they actually managed to apply, as Mark found himself unable to flick the channel for one of the foundations incoming safety messages!

'All information regarding the Foundation is classified beyond the perimeter of the Foundation. Any personnel attempting to transfer intelligence off the property without clearance will be neutralized immediately. Adhere to the safety protocols and have a nice day!' Markus sighed as regular programming came back on. The first couple days, the messages were a bit intimidating but he was used to them now. At this point, he didn't even think there was any intelligence to steal anyway. All he had seen was the walls of his cell, the reruns on tv, the food delivered when he requested it, and the occasional security officer who would come to check on him.

In spite of it all, there wasn't any turning back now. They let Markus know in the briefing that once he had entered the facility, he was sworn to a vow of silence and by being there, he had already been exposed to valuable information...and it seemed pretty obvious what they would do to someone who broke that vow. So instead, he waited, bored but patient, for someone to give him an assignment. In the meantime, he simply enjoyed an episode of warehouse 13 and nursed the dull beer in his hand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hagura


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The sound of gunfire rung in her ear. Flashes of light and muffled yelling and screams rose to her. Sanja was there again. But just as quickly as the dream and memories had come, they vanished like a morning mist. Tiny glimpses remained, but it soon dissipated into obscurity. The morning was dark. Her room was dim as the only light was her alarm clock. It glowed a pessimistic red and glared at her. It was still early morning. Sanja rose herself from her bed with a quick sigh. Her shirt had gotten balled up to her chest in her sleep. She never slept well. She could never forget the wars and battles she was in. But she didn't let them effect her while awake. She simply pushed them to the back of her mind and out of thought. Fixing her shirt, she turned off the analog clocks alarm. Set to military time as always. Sanja began her morning routine, simple and quick as always. Being as efficient as possible.

How Sanja dressed was her only show of personality. She had nothing fancy, but she did wear a tan buttoned coat with a blue embroidered over coat. Normally it would don all her medals and show her rank, but it didn't matter here what rank she was. She was an officer, more specifically, a Emergency Containment Specialist. Knee high leather boots was something that she also enjoyed wearing. But that was the limit to how much she expressed herself.
This morning she went down to the mess hall and scarfed down a meal quickly. Just as she had for years. Many of the other staff avoided her, not wanting to be shunned by her ice cold gaze and her stone dead tone. She was deadly in presence, an icy aura surrounded her. She didn't mind, she didn't even think about it, because it wasn't something she deemed not worthy of being bothered with. With a hasty meal finished, she checked her daily schedule.

This morning she was very mildly surprised to see an order for her. She was instructed to be apart of the investigation team that was investigating a possible appearance of an entity. She would receive more briefing once she met with the Admin. Sanja closed her log book and began en route to the office. She had memorized the base and the surrounding area. She quickly arrived at the Administrative offices, her clearance badge allowing her to near any place in the facility. She waited in the empty waiting room for a request for her to enter the briefing room.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thread Generator SIN
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Thread Generator SIN

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

A muffled shriek like distorted scraping metal echoed through the corridors of the Foundation HQ research department as four security officers and a researcher came striding through a pair of large retracting doors. One of the officers possessed a small hand held control which guided a automated service dolly. Sitting n top of it was a large metal crate like box sealed together with state of the art deadbolt locks. It was like a computerized safe stamped across the side with bold red letters that read 'HOSTILE SPECIMEN' and an interface across the top with a spot for an access key. It was the latest specimen to be obtained and had been shipped to HQ hours ago from Site-27 in the Aokigahara forest, japan. Once researchers there assessed, analyzed, and classified the entity, submitting their report to HQ, and order for immediate transfer of the entity was sent and it was shipped here.

"Specimen 007..." Read an Admin, Dr.Bill Gyles, as he looked over the file the researcher handed him. "Nobody's bothered to name this file...I wonder what the rush was." He continued down the page, raising an eyebrow to the photograph that had been provided in the file. He was aware of the specimens impending arrival however he had no idea what the higher ups were planning for it. Looking it over, he couldn't help but notice that a containment procedure hadn't even been developed yet. "You mean we don't ev"n know how to contain this thing?" "The box seems to work just fine doctor..." Piped up on of the security officers. "I'm sure we can just put it in a standard containm-" "Do you know how breaches happen?" Interrupted Dr.Gyles with a sneer in his voice. "This! This is how breaches happen and how things get loose...and how people die. The better place to go would have been the ECS department or one of the containment zones." The officer paused for a moment, his visored helmet hiding his reaction. "We...we were just following orders sir..." Dr.Gyles sighed in contempt. "I bet you were...that's all you guards are good for. Following orders...I guess common sense must be a worth while sacrifice these days."

Finishing up his scan of the file, he stood up from his desk and paced over to a phone hanging from the wall. Picking it up, he flipped open a book next to the phone containing a list of all department extensions and dialed the ECS department. "Hello administrator Goodman?...Yes this is doctor Gyles with the research department. We just received a new specimen and need a containment specialist down here to make sure it's secured....No. They basically sent it down here in a shoebox...You're sending officer Sanja Grimaldi? Alright. I'll be waiting for her in my my office...You too. Thank you." Hanging up the phone, Dr.Gyles marked something down on his notepad before looking back at the group who stood with the boxed specimen. "Well what are you all just standing around for? Go do something constructive...getting research lab three ready for the specimen maybe?"

A small chime sounded over the intercom, signalling the beginning of an announcement. Blaring through the corridors and departments, the british voice of Administrator Miles Gatsworth began to issue his latest orders. "Attention personnel. Doctor Bill Davron, doctor Lucetta Josephine, doctor John Charles Alexander, officer Flint white, and officer Matt Lewis. Please report to briefing room-C17 in the dispatch department. Repeat, doctor Bill Davron, doctor Lucetta Josephine, doctor John Charles Alexander, officer Flint white, and officer Matt Lewis, please report to briefing room-C17."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bobby Barrows
Avatar of Bobby Barrows

Bobby Barrows The Scholar

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

It was time to head to the HQ in order to pick up a new specimen, if there was one. Polyester stood up from his chair and grabbed his key card and a suitcase. Sliding his key card to open his own office, he stepped out into the hallway. Polyester's office was relatively close to any exits of the facility, as was the norm. Polyester took a left from his office and walked down the stairs. He was greeted by 2 members of the ECS, which were bickering to each other. "Do you have any idea how long he's been here? The chances of him being the miss-." The fell dead silent when Polyester came within sight. Polyester stood there for a moment to stare at them. Polyester walked passed them into a small room where foundation personal would go to other bases. A man approached him. "There is going to be a specimen contained at Beaverton. Someone higher in command want's you to be there." Polyester nodded his head and assigned a flight to Foundation HQ and stepped onto the plane. The plane took off, and he was on his way.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by solamelike
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solamelike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 23 days ago

Flint looked to the speaker on the wall and stopped leaning against the door frame "Well at least its not patrol duty" He mumbled to himself as he placed his rifle into one of his hands. Resting it on his shoulder whenever he needed to use his key card. Which was every few minutes as he was quite far away from the briefing room. As he got to the room he slung his rifle back onto his shoulder and knocked before scanning his card and walking in. Slowly approaching one of the seats and sitting down ready to be given his orders adjusting the strap on his helmet to itch at his chin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hagura


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sanja was slightly glad she didn't have to wait long. She received orders on her pad. Contain Specimen 007. She quickly opened its file and read about it as she made her way to the doctor. She would be assisting Dr. Bill Gyles with the containment of the specimen and its transfer. She wondered why they had not simply sent it to the ECS to deal with the containment or a better facility. Sure they could not completely research it in the containment zone, but atleast it was safe from breaching the outside world. Bringing it hear would mean that the Admins believed it was safe enough to be secured in a research facility or there was something already known about this specimen that was needed as soon as possible. Sanja didn't question the order of command. She simply did what she was ordered to do. As an ECS officer, she was allowed to carry weapons on her at all times incase of any containment breach.

At her side she holstered a custom made desert eagle that could fire with much less recoil than standard issue. It was loaded with armor piercing rounds that could shred infantry kevlar and bust through 2 inches of reinforced steel. Then at her side she also carried a state of the art enhanced rapier. It was made with heating templates that could reach over 3600 degrees Fahrenheit and melt steel. Basically a plasma blade. She wielded both with deadly intention. Though only as a last resort to kill a specimen to save lives or stop an escape. The facility was completely capable of stopping much worse than specimen 007. Though Sanja was credited on her caution than her courage.

Sanja passed other staff and officers. Each of the security personnel giving her a quick salute as she passed. Sanja had made it her duty to be known as an officer. She established a chain of command. Taking it as her fully duty to lead the security team and make sure they worked as efficiently as possible. Though she wasn't truly allowed to do this, she did the best she could to make sure her job was as easy as possible.

Sanja soon reached the research department. It was in full swing as people were walking about and talking about the new specimen. There wasn't clear order here, but it wasn't her duty to apply it here. Nothing was out of the ordinary yet. So Sanja quickly spotted the contained specimen and the researcher. She went up to him and saluted as a greeting.

"Emergency Containment Specialist Officer Sanja Grimaldi reporting for duty. Is that box where the specimen contained?"

Sanja indicated the box with bolts. She observed the doctor. Analyzing his body movement and his speech. He was frazzled and distracted. A problem for receiving a new specimen. It led to failed attention to detail and here, that could cost lives. Before the doctor could respond, Sanja cut him off.

"Is everything well doctor?" She asked with a questioning eye.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

John had been in the foundation's mess hall pouring himself a fresh cup of coffee when the sound of Miles Gatsworth blared over the intercoms, requesting the presence of multiple personnel, three doctors -of which he was one- and two officers to be specific. John's face split into a somewhat Cheshire-esque grin as he listened to the intercom, he nearly dropped his coffee, however was still focused enough on it to set it on the counter as he listened to the intercom. A request for his presence in room-C17 could only mean one thing: A new specimen, likely one that fit his forte. The doctor let out a somewhat feminine squeal of excitement as he sprinted out of the mess hall, completely forgetting about his coffee as he did so. "A new entity! HELL YES! Come to papa!" The researcher said with a cackle whilst weaving around other personnel that were present in the hall at the time. A left, a right, another right, and- "There!", John's sneakers squeaked against the floor as he came to a halt, just barely managing to keep from falling over.

The doctor fumbled for his key card, scanned it, then stormed into the room still grinning widely as his eyes began to dart around the room, "Where is it!? Can I see it?! How's it been behaving thus far!? Are there signs of-", he stopped himself as he remembered exactly where he was and what he was currently doing. John's cheeks turned pink, he felt a hot wave of embarrassment wash over himself as he replayed what he'd just done in his head. That was not professional, certainly not befitting of a man of his stature, and most definitely not befitting of someone doing what he did for a living. He was a doctor first and foremost, meaning he was to retain an air of professionalism at all times, regardless of how long he'd gone without something to research. John cleared his throat with his fist over his face, "My apologies. It's...it's been a long two weeks, and I got over excited." he said meekly as he slunk over to a seat and nestled in quietly. Suddenly becoming increasingly aware of his disheveled appearance, John began to smooth out his lab coat and the top of his head, then pulled his pony tail over his shoulder and did his best to smooth down the stray strands.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thread Generator SIN
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Thread Generator SIN

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Researchers bustled throughout the research department, each perusing their own tasks and assignments. Most of the activity revolved around specimen research lab 3, where the new specimen had been moved. Behind a set of reinforced glass quarantine doors, two researchers prepared a sanitized experiment room. The room was filled with various machines ans mechanisms all built for the purpose of analyzing specimens and the data pertaining to them. Across the far side wall of the experiment room was a large pane of thick reflective glass. On the other side was an observation room filled with audio and video recording devices that captured all angles of experiments being performed as well as several computers and cabinets for documenting information.

Outside of the research lab's doors was a corridor leading back to the main offices where Dr.Gyles waited in his own room, fiddling through documents and pacing through his room. As always, there was much work to be done and the biggest portion of it ended up on his desk. Being the head administrator of the research department at HQ tended to be a rigorous and thankless job. Today was no exception, especially with a new specimen to figure out. Dr.Gyles was completely lost in his work and thoughts as the containment specialist stepped into his office. He hadn't even noticed her, shuffling through papers in one of his many file cabinets as she announced herself and greeting him. Eventually, Dr.Gyles managed to catch officer Grimaldi in his sight when he turned to reach another cabinet behind her. A brief moment of surprise managed it's way across his face before he snapped back to reality. "Oh...Ah, you must be from ECS. Officer Sanja Grimaldi...Alright um..." He paused for a moment, looking around and tapping his right temple, trying to knock the correct thought into his mind. "I need you too...uh...Dammit! Where is that blasted-" It was at this point the officer cut him off, showing a bit of concern.

Sliding his hand down the length of his face, pausing briefly to wipe his eyes, Dr.Gyles composed himself and gave a faint sigh. "Excuse me officer. I've just had yet another eventful evening is all...But not to worry. It'll take much more then this to break me." Turning to his desk, the now steady doctor reached down and pulled up a small document, handing it over to Sanja. The document itself was simply a written affidavit acknowledging the officers assistance on any tasks involving the specimen, including those that wouldn't normally be permitted to personnel of her level as long as clearance is given by the doctor himself. "In that box over there is specimen 007. We're about to perform several scans and take some samples from the specimen's body for analysis. The higher ups specifically want a sample of it's neurotoxin. Why do we need it so urgently? I don't know. But since it so urgent, I need you to be on stand by in case of any unforeseen issues. While the tests are being performed, you'll be working off the data provided by the researchers to create a sufficient containment that is confirmed to work. I'm sorry we won't be able to do this in the ECS department but...as you know...orders are orders, no matter how ludicrous they may be."
It wasn't very long at all after the announcement before personnel began to arrive briefing room-C17. The first to enter were the security officers Flint white and Matt Lewis, brandishing impressive load outs across their Foundation standard combat uniforms. "Oh good!" Exclaimed administrator Gatsworth who was waiting at the front of the room, going over the briefing. "Officers White and Lewis! I need you two to go escort test subject 93-" Suddenly, an excited researcher came rushing through the door, cutting the Admin off. Miles watched and waited silently with a raised eyebrow as John Charles Alexander seemed to lose himself for a few moments before finding his composure and apologizing, taking his seat quietly. After several empty moments and one long deriding glare, Miles finally looked back at the officers in front of him, clearing his throat before picking up where he left off. "...to go escort test subject 9341 Markus Geist back here. By the time you get back, everyone should be here. Officer White, you take point. The subject is located in the Habitations Department in cell-F12." Officer Lewis saluted and waited by the door for Flint to lead.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by solamelike
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solamelike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 23 days ago

Flint listened intently then stood up "Right away sir" Flint remarked saluting as he left. Officer Lewis hot on his heels "Well it beats guarding a hallway all day" Flint remarked to Lewis as they began to walk to the Habitations Department. Flint counted the numbers of the rooms until he got to F12. Flint knocked on the door "Make yourself presentable" He barked through the door and , after waiting 3 minutes, he swiped his ID card and the door quickly opened "Come with us " Flint said authoritively . He knew that the least the subjects knew the better and so he wasn't about to explain where he was going or what he was needed for. Even Flint didn't know the last question but he knew by now it was best not to ask questions. He looked to Officer Lewis behind him then looked back to the subject. Wondering just how he got to becoming a Test subject.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MysT3CH
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MysT3CH The Wordsmith / ★★★★★

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Never drop your fucking guard!

Repetitively slamming a thumb against the circular buttons upon her wireless game console controller, making an occasional awkward jerk away from the television before her as to nearly destroy the controller's analog sticks, Tyler Finch spat a cry of frustration at the small screen. Watching with annoyance as an dagger wielding gladiator was decapitated by another warrior wielding a sword and shield combo.

"Oh, come on!" The girl let the black controller fall from between her small hands. Leaning back, Tyler also let her lean body fall back, allowing her head to fall upon her bed moments after the controller had landed in her cross legged lap. "How can Spartacus suck ass when the game's called 'Spartacus'?" As she spoke, she let her hazel eyes trail over the ceiling of her room before moving them over the rest of it.

Her 'den', as she often referred to it, was of standard Foundation layout. Its floor littered with old magazines and white walls filled with tiny fist sized holes. All in all, it was what many would call a mess, save for the little section next to her television in which her game console sat. After arriving, it had been the only thing she had asked the Foundation for. Since then, she had made a habit of asking for a new game every time she helped with a new specimen, the last of which she had been disappointed with.

With a sigh, Tyler rolled over onto her side. Trying to recall all the specimens she had worked with in an attempt to keep her mind busy. To remind herself that her life had made a difference.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

John shrank down in his seat as he felt Miles' gaze bore into him harshly for a few moments, 'Yup, definitely screwed the pooch there...' he thought to himself as Miles readdressed the security officers in the room. The young doctor quietly finished smoothing out his hair as the officers saluted and stormed out, then cautiously raised his hand, "Sir? We ARE here because of a new anomaly or entity of some sort, right? If you don't mind me asking, what do we know of it thus far?", the doctor flipped his pony tail back over his shoulder, "I mean, it would allow me to produce better results if I had something to go on, rather than walking in with nothing to go on." he stated calmly. John fidgeted ever so slightly in his seat at the thought of a new entity to research, John began tapping his heel against the floor rapidly as he bounced his leg and started twiddling his thumbs together, however aside from that, he showed no signs of excitement, the last thing he wanted now was the be reprimanded or having his professional status called into question for childish behavior.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hagura


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sanja ignored the distracted response of the research admin. She received his file and then opened it. While reading the file quickly she noted the names.

"Good. Thank you doctor. I will go see to the containment of the specimen."

Sanja quickly left the office and proceeded to go to the contained specimen. Taking notes from her memory she began to think of a possible containment cell for the specimen. It was small, and judging from the way it hunted, it was most likely not powerful. Its only real weapon was its speed and toxin. She assumed anything near the mouth of the specimen would be clamped down hard. But until she knew full details on what it was capable of, she would want it frozen and kept under drugs the whole time. Sanja pulled out her pad and relayed a message over radio coms to all officers in the vicinity a message.

"To all security personnel assigned with the duty of guarding specimen 007. This is ECS Officer Sanja Grimaldi speaking. You are to treat this a medium class containment. No deadly force to be used unless of immediate breach of the facility, but only under my order. That is all."

Sanja then proceed to walk over to where the specimen was being held. Watching from behind the windows to observe the researches directly dealing with the specimen. She hoped it would be still be subdued enough to test on. She touched the button to activate the microphone to research room.

"Is the specimen currently active? Please do a scan of the containment chamber for movement before opening the box. We do not need and unnecessary deaths here."

Sanja then rose and watched the steel box with cold intent to do her job.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Morric
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Morric Roleplay Enthusiast

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Suddenly, there was a pounding on the door followed by the stern voice of a security officer. Markus looked away from the tv briefly as the guard barked his orders and prepared to open the door. A quick gaze was shot up to the clock on the other side of the room. "Wow...it's morning?" He asked himself, scratching his head and stretching. "Maybe if there were some windows I could tell the freakin time of day..." Standing up and fastening his foundation standard class 1 jumpsuit. Giving a rather drawn out yawn, Markus turned off the tv, tossed the remote into his sofa, and finished off the last of his dull beer. With the bottle empty, Mark tossed it aside and looked to the door just as it slid open to reveal the officers that had come for him.

The light in the hallway was bright compared to the dank confines of the habitation cell. It cause Mark to squint as he stepped out into the corridor. "It sure took you guys long enough. I almost died of boredom in there." Rubbing his eyes he gave a detached chuckle. "So what's the big occasion? Someone having a birthday or...?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bobby Barrows
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Bobby Barrows The Scholar

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

After a long flight to Foundation HQ, Polyester steps off the plane and breaths in a breath of fresh air. The air felt unusually moist, but that did not matter. He was here for a new specimen to be shipped all the way to Wrangell island. After a short walk, he walked into the area where the foundation where small amounts of research was being done. After some walking, he managed to figure out where this transportation and research is taking place and they needed a facility for Specimen 007. After some poking around and observations, he managed to find where Sanja was doing some sort of tests. After arranging for the specimen to be taken to Wrangell island, he was allowed to enter the room, and so he stepped in. Taking a quick scan across the room, he found Sanja and approached her.(Or him) "So, when are these tests going to be done? I have scheduled the location for the specimen.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by solamelike
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solamelike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 23 days ago

"That is Confidential information " Flint looked down to the mans id card "test subject 9341 follow me" He said aloud as the three of them began to walk back to the briefing room. Flint still wondered the past of this subject and how desperate they would have to be to work this job. That was if they where here by choice anyway. The long walk was dull. Flint repeating the same line whenever a question arose from the subjects mouth "That is confidential Information." They soon got back to C-17. Flint slung his rifle onto his shoulder once again and swiped his card. They walked in, the two officers either side of the subject, and stood close to the door awaiting orders.
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