Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CorruptedShadow
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CorruptedShadow The Warrior of Sunlight

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

With the call to jump given, Kelim'tel dropped down with the rest of the clones, and smiled, ready for the oncoming battle. "Sergeant Falcon, I sense there is danger near...I have a bad feeling about this." Although he had taken so many training sessions, had meditated before-hand, and was well-trained in the Force, he had began to grow a little nervous with the situation. He groped to his side for his lightsaber, gripping the hilt of the blade tightly. He looked all around him, at the many different Clones, and sighed out in order to calm down. This is it. This is what his training would be summed down to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Roran Hawkins
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Roran Hawkins

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Even as a clone I can tell you I feel the same thing. But this is what we're trained for, and this is how we'll do it." He said while running ahead of his men through the winding course of the canyon. Left, right, left, right... The endless orange walls and the gloomy athmosphere of dust followed them everywhere as they neared their target, or graves. In any case, their attack had to succeed. Without those turbolasers destroyed those Lucrehulk-class Core ships would launch and connect to their hulls and would wreack havoc on the Republican landing forces, or they might even escape with their leaders to regroup. Then all of their work would have been for nothing, and they'd only have achieved the shutdown and destruction of the tons of droid factories here. An achievement too small for an operation this big. Especially considrering the losses they'd suffer doing frontal assaults everywhere.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Red Fox

Red Fox

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Things happened way too quickly for Fox´s consciousness to remember them all. One moment, they were fighting for their lives and those of the Jedi Knights in the arena - in the next moment, they were at relative peace and calm at a forward command center and in another moment, they were being dropped from Striker Eureka near a set of canyons that led to their next goal. Restocking on ammunition at the center, quickly left Striker and listened very closely to the briefing. Tremor´s instructions were as clear as the fact that they will encounter some casualties during this attack - and they will not be small. Without artillery strikes or close air support, the odds were pretty much against them. But ultimately, they always were. Bu the odds were of no concern for the 67th Legion - they will either accomplish their goals or die trying. So when Falcon gave the order to move out, he moved with the rest of his brothers, confident that they will find a way to solve this situation as well.

Dropping from the slope and resuming the charge with the rest of his unit, Fox started to notice the surroundings. The hive buildings around them were bound to be crawling with more Geonosians than he could possibly imagine - and the terrain before them was full of large rocks. That gave him an idea he shared with Falcon." Sarge, when felucian foxes hunt, they hunt in packs. In a way, we are the hunters now - and our prey are those guns. As they are not moving, we can assault them from several different directions - we can use those large rocks formations for cover. They look like they can withstand quite some punishment. Or the hives. We can split into smaller groups and approach them like foxes close on their prey - from their front and the flank through the hives. But the call is on you, Sarge - give the orders, we will follow. " With his suggestion being said out loud, he gripped his rifle more tightly - adrenaline was gathering inside of his body.

Like it does in the body of a fox on the hunt.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ChromeHound


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Wolf felt driven now. He had a purpose, a mission. After they had dropped from Striker Eureka, Wolf had followed his brothers into the dusty canyons. As they charged he kept an eye on his surroundings, always searching for a target. The canyon walls were a dirty mixture of orange and reddish hues. The many ruddy brown sections reminded Wolf of dried blood. Before the day was done he knew they would add a few more stains to the age-worn walls.

Moving ahead Wolf remained wary. This was the perfect place for an ambush and they had no real cover, save for the many nooks and eddies of the canyon walls. He would follow his orders however, and knew that if the clankers did decide to ambush them, then the troopers of the 67th would prove a whole helluva lot harder to kill than they thought.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Roran Hawkins
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Roran Hawkins

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

A large explosion threw CT-1378 against a rock pillar emanating from the sides of the wall as the droid barricades opened fire. "Fire at will!" He screamed as soon as he recollected himself, and opened fire himself. The droids' defences were impressive, he had to admit. The barricades he had expected didn't exist, but were camouflaged into the terrain, making him suspect this was a Geonosian barrier. Droids didn't have the subtlety for this. The large LR1K turrets hidden in rocky coves largely protected from their small arms fire wreacked havoc on the open ground the clones were on, who were either dead or scramblnig behind minimal cover. Already he counted 7 injured and dead after a few seconds into the engagement, as several repeater blasters opened fire on their position. Peeking over his cover he was forced back as laser bolts whizzed past his head, and he blindly fired several shots over the rock he was hiding behind.

They weren't getting through this by charging it. So much was clear. Quickly thinking about how to deal with the fortifications he tried peeking again to get a beter look of the situation, but was immediately forced into cover again as the large turret made his ample cover shudder and fragmentate little by little. It was a lucky coincidence that the camouflaged geonesean defences only sported their traditional LR1K cannons, who fired vibration waves, capable of turning a clone to soup inside his armour, and frying just about everything right through any armour, making it devastating against vehicles too. However, it had little colletaral damage, which proved to be vital in allowing the 23 remaining attackers hide behind the rocks. "Covering fire!" He yelled and waited a moment before taking a look again, trying to memorize anything important to get an alternative plan up. He saw Geonosians fly in and out of their holes, unwilling to charge over the covered clones' position to be slaughtered without support from the defences. He saw the three LR1K emplacements hidden in the red walls, protected by rocks that also limited their field of fire, but together they provided a nasty crossfire turning the open ground into a killzone. The overhanging rocks above them made them invisible to most superficial scans, and protected them from tossed grenades that weren't pinpoint accurate. But those gave him an idea.

By the time he ducked back into cover, two more clones were downed, and his frown deepened behind his dusty white helmet. He was about to give an order when he heard a change of sound in the enemy lines. The buzzing of wings diminished untill it fell nearly completely silent compared to before, where it orchestrated a theatre of hell along with the turrets blazing off at them. They had entered the cave system and would attempt to outflank them and drive them out of cover. "Squad Charlie and Beta, rig the cave entrances with detonators, Squad Alpha, hit the ridges above the enemy turrets!" He yelled, stepping out of cover to fire a rather unaimed barrage of max charge fire from his DC-15A into the ridges above the gun emplacements, hearing his troopers unleash a battlecry as they did the same. Once more the sudden barrage of fire diminished enemy accuracy enough to give the men enough chance to duck back into cover as one of the LR1K's was crushed beneath a rock, while another one had a large part of its field of fire blocked by fallen rubble, creating an opening in the crossfire the clones could manouvre through. Only the two repeater blaster emplacements now remained, but those were a piece of cake for the trained assault troops with him.

"Storm the Repeaters!" He ordered and opened fire on one of the emplacements, ducking back in cover to reload his rifle. The trick to take down MG fire was to unleash a wave of surpressive fire as other clones sneaked closerby, and would then provide covering fire in their turn to make a rather slow but safe and effective way of getting closer to a repeater turret or even taking it down. Not everyone would advance as to leave a single marksman to attempt and take down the emplacement now the attention was on the other clones. The enemy also didn't know clones were staying behind, so that further improved the chances of the marksmen. It was in their advantage that they were fighting geonosians here and not droids too, because these creatures were prone to morale, and a repeater blaster crew feeling their fire ineffective and their surpressing effect returned to them as they are swarmed and sniped upon are often not eager to fight for much longer. "All squads, advance!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ChromeHound


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As the firestorm opened up all around him, Wolf dove into cover behind some rubble. He could hear the carnage that was being caused by the Geonosian turrets. Poking out from behind cover, Wolf fired a few shots towards the turrets, knowing full well that they would do little more than serve as a minor annoyance. As he was about to pull back into cover, Wolf noticed one of his brethren get struck a glancing blow from one of the turrets. The wound was not enough to kill the trooper, but he was clearly injured. Breaking cover, Wolf sprinted over to the fallen trooper. Firing one handed with his DC-15S, he used his other hand to grab the trooper and began hauling him back into cover. The fallen clone, pulled his own rifle out and added to the covering fire as Wolf wrestled them both behind more fallen debris.

Once they were back in the relative safety of the rubble, Wolf gave the trooper a once-over, checking to make sure the wound wasn't going to be fatal. "Th..thanks brother." The clone spoke, clearly in pain. He clasped Wolf's wrist in a gesture of thanks and Wolf returned the gesture, nodding. Motioning for a medic to come and help his injured brother, Wolf pulled out his DC-15A and peered out around the boulder he was hovering behind. His look was greeted by a sudden burst from the turrets. Pulling his head back swiftly, Wolf heard the concussive shots rebounding off the cover. Cursing silently, he wondered what they would be able to do to get past these turrets.

Before he could think up another option, Wolf heard Falcon shout out the order to charge the turrets. He knew that this would mean he would stay back as a marksman and attempt to pick off the gunner inside. As his brothers all charged out from behind cover, Wolf braced his DC-15A against the boulder he had hidden behind. Leaning in, he adjusted the scope until he could see beyond the dust and into the turret emplacements. The exchange of blaster fire from his clone brethren, and the fire from the turrets, was making it difficult to get a bead on the people inside the emplacement. Taking a breath, Wolf steadied himself. Spotting movement he pulled the trigger and watched as the bolt hit home. He hadn't hit the gunner, but that had not been his target, not this time. Making some quick adjustments, Wolf set his sights on the area just above the turret that was still firing mercilessly into the crowd of charging troopers. The glare from the gun was making it too difficult to make out a solid shape behind the turret, and so Wolf made an assumption. Calming himself for the shot, he made a last minute adjustment and then simply fired, letting the rifle do the rest of the work. The shot seemed to take forever to reach its target and once it did Wolf held his breath, hoping his aim had been true. After a moment's pause, the turret stopped firing. Wolf smiled. One down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Roran Hawkins
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Roran Hawkins

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

As one of the machineguns ceased fire the group of clones charged on, taking turns in covering eachother and rushing the defences, and before long the second repeater blaster ceased fire too, because of the geonosian manning it ducking for cover. CT-1378, currently reloading his DC-15S, took turns looking behind and in front of them, every moment expecting the geonsian infantry to appear behind them. Not yet. Turning around he fired another few shots along with the rest of his squad once the rest had arrived, and saw two men being cooked in their armour by one of the LR1K turrets, before he heard the buzzing sound behind him. "Blow the detonators!" He screamed, beforehis voice was overruled by a serie of explosions, quickly followed by a rolling wave of dust that reduced sight to a few meters. That was convenient. He'd have to remember that one.

The clones around him, knowing that the threat behind them was taken care of, realized this just as fast as he did, and a cheer went through the men as they charged the blinded defences. The slim but treachurously strong geonosians had no trouble seeing in darkness that would blind most humans, but this dust was a total other case. It didn't as much blind them but did prevent them from flying. The dust removed every point of orientation once a few meters in the air, and that was the Geonosians main advantage. Charging in along with the rest he used his rifle but to transform a Geonosians' skull into brain salad before grabbing one by the throat and lifting him up, drawing his DCA and popping a hole through it's face. They had taken this defensive outpost. Next target, the AA emplacements.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

This mission wasn't off to a great start, his transport had been hit with AA guns and it was a bloody miracle that they even landed. Most of the group he had started out with had died, Roark CT-4231, Jumper CT-5732, Screw loose CT-3573, and now Lucky CT-1477 after taking the defensive outpost. Taking advantage of the moment of calm, Heater took of his helmet and started scratching a word onto it with his knife. L...U...C...K...Y. He was his best friend growing up on komino and he was going to take as many of these clunkers down with him as he could.

"Ok troopers, were heading out!" Came the call from one of the officers.

With that, Heater strapped on his helmet, connected his eye, and started marching in the direction of the AA emplacements. Its time to show these bugs what a trooper can do.
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