Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Durachka


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The fresh breeze played across my face as I stepped outside from the building in which I work. It felt amazing after being cooped up in an odor infested sowing shop. The place constantly stinks of sweat and the heat is almost always unforgiving. It felt like a hot midsummer day in the south in that small building. I open my eyes and focus on my surroundings and I'm reminded of the dreary life we all live. Spread across a giant field are many tents. All appear old and tattered from the long 15 years they have been through. People weaved through the tents talking to their friends and family. It seems like the usual day here in The Settlement at 6 o'clock at night.

I take a deep breath and begin walking towards the tent in which I call home. Hopefully Lara is nearby so that I can take her to get the daily rations. I'd honestly rather not go searching for the adventurous little girl. Even after 3 years of being able to roam around the compound she still finds ways to get herself in trouble. She is always telling me of the many different adventures she embarks on daily. Its a new story every day. Somehow an hour is long enough for a child to find such a story to tell. I smile as I think of my beautiful 7 year old daughter.

I finally reach my tent after a 20 minute walk. It sits under a cluster of trees. It is only big enough for two people, but they don't spend a lot of time inside unless it is storming or they are sleeping. Lara is sitting with her back to one of the trees drawing in a book that she found. She looks so beautiful and I hate to interupt her. "Afternoon, lovely." I say cheerfully as I sit down next to her, "What are you drawing?'

Lara just smiles, "A rabbit." She says while pointing at the ears and it's puffy tail. Sometimes Lara can act like a child and other times she acts so adult that it scares me. She shouldn't be growing up this fast, but the world around her as stolen her innocence. It kills me to have to deal with it.

"Wanna go get something to eat?" I ask and she nods eagerly. I take her hand and begin to walk towards the ration house. It is a small building centered in the middle of all of the tents. I could have worked there as a cook, it would have certainly been better than a seamstress, but I burn everything. I'm hopeless in the kitchen that is for sure. We stand in the long line awaiting the food. I briefly wonder what the cooks have for us today, but I know its likely either tasteless slop or some sort of mystery meat. That is all they can make for us usually. The small gardens where vegetables or potatoes grow are usually reserved for the more powerful folks.

We make our way back to the tent after scarfing down some food. I realize that Lara is being more quiet than usual and this worries me. I try several times to start a conversation but she only says one or two words back to me. Her mind is obviously somewhere else for the time being. I let her run off and go play for a little while. She runs into a bigger cluster of trees. If it was little bigger it could be called a forest actually.

I stare out at the fence left with nothing to do. I wonder what is beyond it's chain links. The horrors for everyone else must be intense. I try to shake such thoughts out of my head.

Someone grabs my arm a little roughly for my tastes and i turn to glare at the person. I am surprised at who it is, "Josh?! You scared the hell outta me! Don't grab me so roughly." I stand up and wipe off my pants. He just chuckles and shakes his head. "Whats up?"

"Lara got her foot stuck in a hole in the forest." He said with a shrug, "She told me to come get you. She doesn't like me much, you know."

"She never has." I start to walk with him towards the forest, "Hows the secretary job going? Anything interesting happening in that big ol' mansion I should know about?"

"Nahh, just stupid stuff. They are assholes as always." He sighs. I sense that something is off with my old friend, but I opt to not say anything about it. if he wanted to tell me he would have.

We are nearing the center of the forest and I find it odd that we hadn't found Lara yet. Suddenly my daughter comes into view only she is tied to a tree. I only have moments before I realize whats going on. I let out a belting scream as I reach for the knife I keep in my pocket. I am then knocked out from behind. I see stars and then total blackness...
I sigh. That was such a piece of cake! She fell for it perfectly. A small amount of guilt over what I just did only registers a little. I sigh and drag her limp body over to the tree next to her daughter. I have a gun, but I do not want to use it until late tonight. Hopefully the loud noise will be perceived as the police paroling the fences. I look up at the sky. It is only 8 o'clock and I have three hours to kill. I chuckle to myself. Hours to kill...two woman to kill.

I think of the deal that I was offered. I life in the mansion for my little brother and I. I know that Jack desperately needs something other than the life he has right now. He needs better education than the small outdoor classes held once a week. It is for this reason that I must do what I am doing. I look at Genevieve's beautiful young daughter and only a little remorse slides through my body.

I must take care of Jack. It is the only way.

(Three hours later)

It is nearly time to kill them. I can hear the gunshots off in the distance from the police. Hopefully no one will register that these gunshots are both coming from a different direction and also much louder than the others. I raise my gun to the child's head. My hands are shaking and I see Eve wake up suddenly. She begins to struggle to try and save her daughter. My hand shakes worse. I shoot my gun, but it hits her in the chest instead of in the head.

The shot is louder than I anticipated and I raise my gun towards Eve...

OOC: Have Lilly hear the gunshot and come to investigate quickly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheFlyingScotsman


Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Knelt down besides Jack, I brush my blonde hair away from my face, moving gently towards him softly, so to not scare him, or make him uncomfortable. Reaching over and taking his hand to get his attention, I can’t help but smile at the happy gleam in his eyes as he notices me, moving across the tent to settle in my lap. Wrapping my arms around him in a sisterly manner, I smooth down the few strands of hair which are out of place, letting him rest against me gently. Peeking outside the tent, I sigh, reflecting on the events of the last fifteen years.

I was only his age when the events... the “takeover”, so to speak, occurred. I was terribly afraid at the time, and didn’t want to go through it all, alone. If it hadn’t been for Josh and Eve, I don’t know how I would have coped with the fall out, and all the following events. I’d lost my family in the massacre, and was very lucky indeed to survive long enough to enter this… compound. It certainly isn’t, and never was, the nicest place to be, but it was a lot safer than the literal no-man’s land between her and the next safe haven. We had shelter, food and water, even if it was limited, and a shower, even if it was only once a week that we actually could shower and get ourselves clean. Not that I was complaining, even if I felt gross, I’d give my time up for one of the others, or spend it cleaning up Jack more than myself.

The poor child isn’t ever really going to be able to look after himself, I know that as well as anybody does. He needs near constant care and attention, from dressing, to toileting, to feeding, everything. I love him like a little brother, and would do anything to protect him. I feel like being incapable of his own care helps him, to an extent, as he just can’t understand what’s going on around him, and it never really seems to faze him at all. Perhaps it’s best for him, and he seems happy being able to play and cuddle with his brother all the time, so…

Kissing his forehead as I feel him sleeping against me, I lay him on his sleeping bag, putting his teddy in his arms. With the full intentions of remaining close, I lay on Josh’s bag on the other end of the tent, closing my own eyes to relax, maybe even get a nap in, so I feel refreshed…

-Three Hours Later..-

Waking up to a gunshot, I jump slightly, looking over to see if Jack was disturbed at all. Seeing him still asleep on the bed, but no sign of the others, I don’t want to leave him alone.. But what if they are hurt? That would explain why none of them are here, or why they haven’t come back and woken me, or Jack up... Perhaps they did, and I just hadn’t actually noticed that, I am a heavy sleeper.

Preparing to make my way slowly out of the tent, I place a kiss on the sleeping child’s temple to reassure him, pulling the spare blanket over him, it’s a hell of a lot colder than it was earlier, and I don’t want him catching a cold at all. Draping a blanket over him, I feel myself shaking ever so slightly. I really don’t want to leave him alone, in case something happens to him while I am gone.. Josh or Eve might not blame me, but I would always blame myself, no matter how minor the injury is, after all.
Slipping out, I zip the tent back up and creep across the grass towards the forested area, having figured the shot was from there. The police officers weren’t usually on duty yet, and if they were, it was rare for them to be that way.. Nonetheless, it’s worth checking out, right?

What I saw when I reached the area wasn’t really what I expected in the slightest.. I don’t really know what I expected, to be brutally honest. But.. It wasn’t this. Rage flowed through my body at Josh turning on us like this.. His cold blooded murder… Grabbing a rock, I lifted it, with much difficulty, bringing it down on the back of his skull with a sickening crack. Dropping it, I fell back onto the grass in shock, feeling sick to my stomach, and ever so faint. Moving around his body, I quickly untied Eve and Lara, hands shaking madly. What have I done? What has HE done?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Durachka


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Tears stream down my face as I see Lilly. Relief flows through me. Maybe there is time. I struggle to look at the dark blob that is my daughter. Its like I can feel the blood pouring out of her body. Time is running out. As soon as I am untied I rush towards Lara and help Lilly untie her. The poor little girl is in shock and she just stares at me with a blank look on her face. "oh god. Oh god." I whisper and I check over her body. My vision is clouded with tears, however, and that mixed in with the darkness that surrounds me makes me frantic. I can't see! I want to scream it to the world, but the words won't come out. Only the sound of a sob fills the air.

My little girl, my only family, my only ties to the husband I once loved to much...she is dying in my arms. Her blood is soaking through my shirt and I can feel it on my skin. Its sickening and I want to puke. I put my hand up to her face, "Lara, stay with me. Stay with me baby. We are going to get you to the hospital station, okay?" My little girl just shakes her head and stares into my eyes. I can see the light fading from them. "no. No., Stay with me." I whisper.

"I lo--" She tries to speak, but it only comes out in a gagging cough. Blood sprays all over my face as she does this. I suppress the urge to gag. I feel her breathing shallow. "no..." I whisper as I pull her closer to my body and lay her head on my shoulder. "No...." I sob as the agony slices through me. I glance over at Josh and briefly feel the want for him to be alive so I can kill him myself. With the gun that is killing my daughter to be exact. I hold her as tight as I can, knowing that she is going to die. I am going to lose her. Her wound is to great.

This knowledge only makes me sob at a greater multitude. I can not bare to lose her. Yet here I am, in the pale moonlight, and I'm losing the only person I love with all of my heart.

Even after she is gone I just sit there with her in my arms. I rock back and forth and I sob. I scream out. I'm irrational at this point as the pain courses through my veins. I sit there as a half-hour ticks by. I hold my daughter's limp body close to me for fear of having to let go. Because I know I'll have to let go of her. I'll have to bury her next to her father. This thought makes my body shake with more sobs. How could the world be so cruel?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheFlyingScotsman


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I sighed as I wrapped my arms around Eve, feeling my own tears running down my pale face. I knew the pain Eve would be feeling at the loss of her daughter must be awful, something I couldn’t even draw a comparison to from my own experiences. Yes, I had lost my own family in the “apocalypse”, but never my own child... Perhaps I was lucky to have not gone through that. The fact I couldn’t bear children might have impacted on that.. But I knew she was suffering.

“Come on sweetheart, let’s get you back to the tents, okay? I know it hurts, but it’ll be the best cause of action right now.” Taking a hold of Eve’s arm, I pulled her to her feet, walking with her to the tents. “We’ll give Lara a nice burial, hmm? Get flowers to put on her grave, make a head stone for her.” Giving her hand a squeeze, I walked with her.

“I cannot believe Jack did that… I’m so, so sorry you lost Lara.” I tried to keep calm and stop crying for her own sake, knowing I needed to keep her calm. “Come on sweetheart, let’s get you rested and fed up, okay? You’ve had a nasty shock, sweetie.” I knew it had affected her deeply, but how would I explain to Jack that there was no more Josh? No more Lara? I had to put those thoughts to the back of my head for now.

“Do you want me to go and get Jack?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Durachka


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I didn't talk for the entire trip back to the tents. I just held Lara close to me as silent tears rolled down my face. I stared off to the distance. One of the only things on my mind was getting revenge on whoever plotted this with Josh. I knew that he had probably not worked alone. I knew him entirely too much and this seemed completely off base. Why would he kill my daughter and me? What was the point.

My mind went to Jack as Lilly said his name. What if Josh did it for Jack? I would do anything for Lara, but killing someone? I racked my brain and I knew what the only solution was: The higher ups had done this. They had promised him something and I was going to find out what and why. Who the fuck asks someone to kill a child that has barely even begun to live? To kill her mother right alongside her? Who is that emotionless.

I lay Lara down on her sleeping bag and stare down at her closed eyes. More tears flood my face and I'm filled with such overwhelming loss.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheFlyingScotsman


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I awaken hearing the rustle of people moving around in the tent. What's going on? Crawling along the ground towards Lilly and Eve, I am scooped up by Lilly, taken into her arms. Curiously, I glance up at the woman, smiling at her, not knowing why she looks so... sad. She doesn't say anything as she holds me, letting me nuzzle into her body. Her hand smooths down my hair as she talks to me, telling me that big brother has gone away.
Entering the tent with Eve and Lara, I instantly make my way to Jack and pick him up as he begins to crawl to his best friend and Eve. Not wanting him to see the blood-soaked Eve, or the fatally wounded Lara, I hold him to me for a few moments. I'll have to tell him... But I can't tell him about Josh... I'll have to lie. I certainly don't want to. But... it's the best I can do.

"Jack?" I flinch as his big, blue eyes gaze up at me, and I feel a lump raise in my throat. Kissing him on the forehead, I speak gently.

"Big brother had to go away, Jack.. So.. I'll be looking after you, okay?" Shifting him a little, I pull back the rear of his pants and diaper.

"Ohh, looks like someone's stinky!" I speak in a jovial tone, trying to stop myself from crying. Turning to Eve, I whisper to her.

"You take Jack and get him cleaned.. I'll get Lara in new clothes and bandaged up, okay? It'll be better.."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Durachka


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"No." I shake my head, "Shes....shes my daughter...I'll..." I close my eyes and a few more tears slide down my face. "I'll clean her up and put her in new clothes. Its my job." I gulp and stare down at my daughter. How could it be that its been more than 20 minutes since shes looked into my eyes? How can it be that she is really gone? I take hold of her hand, but it is already growing stiff and cold. Its so different from when I would walk her to her classes on Saturdays. Or when I'd walk her to her friend's tent so she could play for the day.

I would never be doing such things again. I must do one last thing for her. I have to take care of my daughter because when it mattered most I was incapable of keeping her safe. Somehow I feel responsible for her death. How could I have looked into Josh's eyes so many times and not see the killer? Not see the hinges that had already come undone in his gaze? I feel so lost without my daughter's life sitting next to me and it is all that man's fault.

I will get to he bottom of this if it is the last thing that I do.

I sigh and turn towards her backpack. It is filled with all of her clothes. I grab her washcloth out of it and also her ration of water. I look down at the half empty water bottle and realize I have to be careful otherwise she'll still be covered in blood when I bury her. Oh god. When I bury her. How am I going to be able to handle such a thing? More tears slide down my face as I rummage through the backpack for her favorite pink sundress.

I had bought it one summer from a merchant that had come through the settlement for a week. He was kind and gave it to me for just one day's ration of water. He knew the suffering my people went through and had even asked if my family and I had wanted to tag along. I had told him no. I wish I had. Maybe then she would still be alive. I look at her and begin to take her shirt off. The sight of her chest makes me crumble to the floor and sob.

A gaping hole with blood pooling around it is centered above the left side of her stomach. It is the wound that killed my daughter and it is gruesome. I try to pull myself together so that I can wipe the blood away but it is too much. I sit down and sob into my hands. My eyes are hidden; therefore, I cannot see Lara's anguish anymore. How badly that would must have hurt. She had probably been so scared and I wasn't there to comfort her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheFlyingScotsman


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I never thought I'd face this day. Burying Lara next to her father. Holding Jack's hand to help him stand up, I stand a little behind Eve, watching and giving her space. Glancing at the crying boy by my side, I kneel down and give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek, wiping his tears away. Smiling at him, I feel myself tremble a little as I keep myself in check. Tears roll down my face, but I wipe them away before Jack sees, not wanting to upset him anymore then he has been the last few days. Feeling him let my hand go, I watch him walk to Eve's side and hug her. His first steps... And they were to go and help Eve.. Unable to stop, I cry, emotions overwhelming me. It hurts to know we all only have 2 people left in our lives anymore..
I stand next to my big sister, holding Lilly's hand tight, my teddy under my arm. Lilly said that Lara was very hurt and wasn't able to play anymore, she was going to sleep for a long, long time, and that she was gonna join her daddy up in the sky! Looking around, I see Mommy crying. She's sad too...

Letting go of Lilly's hand, I shakily walk across the ground to Mommy, falling a few times, but gettin' back up. Reachimg Mommy's side, I give her a cuddle, holding up my teddy to her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Durachka


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Tears cloud my vision as I watch my daughter's body being buried. How could this have happened? My eyes roam to the stone that marks my husband's final resting place. At least she'll be with her father. When Jack approaches me I give him a small smile. He is such a sweet little boy. He holds up his teddy bear and I take it. I sink to my knees and pull Jack into a close hug. I'm never going to let anything happen to him. Ever.

That is why I have to get him, Lilly, and anyone else that wants to leave out of here. This place is a poison. It drives people insane working 24/7 with only a little food to show for it. I know exactly who is responsible for the death of my daughter. It is not only Josh that is to blame. I can't just sit here and let Lara's death go unpunished. Sure Josh is dead, but he is certainly not the only suspect of mine. I know that some of the higher ups had something to do with it.

An event dawns on me that occurred a few weeks back. I had rallied together a small group to protest the working conditions where I work. I protested that our treatment is unfair and that they should take better care of us. Maybe the higher ups don't like rebellions. Maybe they decided that the leader of such a thing must be put down. Of course they are too coward to handle it themselves. They sent someone after me they knew I would trust.

After the funeral everyone begins to file out of the makeshift cemetery. Only Lilly, Jack, and I remain. I stand and hand the teddy bear back to Jack. "Lilly. We can't live like this anymore. It is obvious that Josh was manipulated. Can you take a guess at who might be capable of manipulating a man into killing someone he's known and loved for a long time?" I look at her, hoping that she is catching what I am saying. "We can't stay here." I look down at the fresh soil used to cover up my daughter's grave. "We'd fare better in the real world. At least there power hungry douche bags won't rule what we eat and what we do." I sigh and look up at her again, "I think they might try to kill me again since their first attempt failed."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheFlyingScotsman


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"I agree. We'll be able to find other settlements as we travel, I hope. We need to plan it all out. Who's going? You, I and Jack, obviously. Can you think of anyone else who'd want to.. or deserves, for that matter, to join us on our travels?" I pushed hair from my face, glancing at how close Jack stood to Eve. He'd always been affectionate towards her, and was close, but he'd rarely stood hugging anyone for more then a few moments, unless he was asleep. Not even.. Josh... I shudder, thinking of that name. Not even Josh got that much affection or attention.. it was as if Jack knew she needed someone there for her, and was filling that role..

Children have a strange way of detecting hurt and upset, realising emotions, even when people try and hide them. Ruffling Jack's hair, I had back to the tent with my friend and my.. my godchild, my arm around Eve's shoulder to offer myself to cry on. I knew it would be hard, but I also knew it was the best for her to get away, to leave the pain behind.
From where I stand a few yards away, I can tell what they are planning by body languge and a brief attempt at lip reading, though the constant sun in my eyes harboured any real attempts at detection. I know I could be wrong, but I'll take that risk. My own family have already disowned me, after all. It can't hurt to see what's going on over there...

I make my way over, watching as Jack breaks away from Eve's grip and runs to me. I kneel down and accept him into my arms, standing up and giving him lots of kisses on his cheek and forehead, cuddling him happily. I'm reminded of when I used to babysit him all the time, and he would want cuddles and kisses from me. Carrying him back to Eve and Lilly, I am glad of a reason to come over to them. Jack never seemed phased by my gender change, and was more accepting then others off it.

"Hi, you two."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Durachka


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I smile at our old friend as she walks over, but the smile feels heavy and fake. "Good morning Charlotte." I say weakly. My hospitality certainly has it holes in it. It sounds thin and fake due to the sorrow located deep inside of me. I can't necessarily hide it. Walking away from that grave had affected me more than just standing there and staring at it. It saddens me even more that I will be leaving behind her and also my husband. I'll never see where their final resting place is ever again.

"I wouldn't suppose that you are as unhappy here as we are. We are planning on leaving. Maybe becoming merchants like the ones that travel through sometimes. You know, on the armored cards." The idea had just come to me and I look at Lilly trying to figure out if she liked the idea as well. We could certainly go through each town and scavenge items that they could sell to people. "They say that there are plenty of settlements out there. Maybe we can find a different one that treats everyone differently than here. Here we are slaves. Its not fair."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Durachka


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

SCENE! Everyone has packed up their things. They are sitting around a camp fire in front of Eve's tent.
I stare into the flames as they dance around. Its a beautiful unchoreographed dance. I have to wonder if life is like that: unchoreographed, but beautiful. Or are these thoughts just me trying to put an explanation as to why the order of things in my life dance around. Its like a never ending game of musical chairs. I never get peace and I'm always fighting to get a chair. Maybe now I'll be able to go find some peace.

I can't help but think that the danger I'm about to put myself in will make me feel better. A lot of people throw themselves into such situations when they are grieving. Am I being irrational by leaving here? No because others want to leave as well. I glance at my packed bag. In it are some mementos from my life here and some clothes. We don't have food or weapons. This scares me a little. How are we going to survive with no food or protection? Everyone else seems to just think we'll find a town. Hopefully we will.

"We leave in the morning." I say quietly, eyes focused on the fire again. "This isn't going to be easy. We have to find a place to get food and weapons. I'm sure that a lot of places has been wiped clean in the past 15 years, but we need to try. Otherwise we'll die out there." I gulp and look up at everyone's faces. Hopefully they can't see the fear in my eyes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheFlyingScotsman


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I nod as I hold a sleeping Jack in my arms, leaning back a little. "I agree. We may need to seek out items we can trade or sell to the merchants or citizens of other settlements. That way, we have items to barter with." I speak, glancing into the flames briefly. "I have an idea. It's risky.. But we should raid the kitchens before we run. That way, we'll have supplies with us. Which reminds me, on the topic of supplies. How the hell are we going to look after Jack, here? He needs wipes, powders an' stuff." I look down as he wakes, crying in discomfort. I stand, taking him to Eve. "I think he wants his mommy." I settle him down in Eve's lap, then sit back where I was. "Good luck, everyone."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Durachka


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I take Jack into my arms and smile softy. "We should, but how? The people that live in the mansion will stop us." I sigh, "Its too risky. We don't have weapons so how are we going to steal food from the kitchen?" I hold Jack closely and hum as I close my eyes. Hopefully it'll sooth the little boy. I'm not sure what we are going to do with him out in the world. He needs special supplies and not everything that we find is going to suffice for him. I need to at least try to get some food for our journey. It doesn't set well stealing food from everyone else. Maybe the kitchens in the mansion would be better. The food in there is probably more nutritious anyway.

"So...are we going to do that tonight then? Go raid the kitchens? I think it should be the mansion's kitchens. It doesn't feel right to steal other's rations when they barely get enough in the first place."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheFlyingScotsman


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I nodded, smiling kindly at her. "Yes, we'll do it. But... One of us needs to remain here, ready to flee with our supplies, and Jack, if we are caught. Who's to do that?"
I glance at Lilly and nod, my smile fading. "Yes.. That's very true. Jack needs to be carried when we run. And we need to pack supplies for us all.." I sit by Eve, stroking Jack's hair to soothe him. Wrinkling my nose, I pull back his pants, coughing and gagging at seeing him sat with a full diaper. "I'm so not changing his stinky ass, I can't."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Durachka


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"I think that person should be Lilly. He thinks of you as his sister." I gulp, "I think I know how to get into the kitchen. We just have to sneak around back while everyone is asleep. We'll stake it out until every last one of the lights are off inside the mansion."
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