Name: Lucas Derain

Age: 65 (looks 32)

Gender: Male

Appearance: Though over all, he looks younger than he truly is, his hair aged properly and is a whitish silver, it is cut neat and short, with a perfect side part etched in. He has pale green eyes and wears goggles usually around his neck, or over his eyes when he is about to try something. He maintains a good appearance to hose in the public, usually going out in a smoke grey business suit with a plain black tie on, but when he is in the lab, he changes according to the current experiment, ranging from a full bio suit, to his common lab coat and long insulated gloves. He is fair height, standing at 6"1' and also a fair build, looking fairly muscular. His facial hair does not grow.

Personality: Lucas is crazy, however he is also sane enough to realize that what he does and wants to do is unethical, immoral, and likely illegal. Which is why he does his best to fool the general body to thinking he is just the nice scholar. He will do anything to progress his studies though, he has done numerous tests on himself, thus cutting his age in half, and leaving him in good shape, he also feels no pain in his hands due to nervous damage from experiments. He is sadistic and enjoys hearing the screams of his subjects during tests, and enjoys giving hope, only to take it away.