Jayce, just a young boy (age 14) is given an opportunity that holds the weight of the world on his shoulders. Traveling, he ran into an old man that spoke with him for many hours about his childhood. He had asked the boy what his intentions were with his life. The boy, unsure about how to reply, started telling him that it was really a tough decision for him to make. Being that for the past several years, he had been tortured as a slave and made to do unspeakable tasks that his owner had given him, and that only recently he had escaped the life of a slave. He explained that he was unsure if he wanted to take revenge on those who treat their slaves in the worst of ways, of if he just wanted to roam around and see the world, sheltering himself from the rest of the world. After the hours past, the old man reveals that he is indeed a holy acolyte that is able to give someone the ability to change the entire course of the world. He also explains that with this ability there is a downfall. That if you choose to rewrite the world, that you will rapidly age in years and grow old in a matter of a year. The boy eagerly says I can live with that and begs the old man for this ability. Unsure that Jayce grasps the full concept of this abilty, he asks if he is sure, and says that if he takes this, there is no getting rid of it. Jayce agree's and suddenly the old mans body starts to glow brightly and a burst of light shoots out of him and blinds Jayce. After a couple of seconds, Jayce's vision is restored and the old man is gone. The boy, surprised looks around and cannot find him. He looks down in disappointment and notices markings on his hands. This must have been some sort of seal for the power. Jayce starts to walk off and notices that he is suddenly dizzy and lays down in a shaded area to take a nap.