Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nuada
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“I think I will be content with ten,” he chuckled, looking up at her again. Nick noticed that his eyes were missing the glare of the sun and he had Claire and the brim of her hat to thank for that. “Five boys, five girls. The eldest being a boy. No, the first five children should all be boys. That way, they can look after their little sisters and scare away any unworthy suitor.” And it would definitely make his work a lot easier.

Wait. Nicholas closed his eyes and sighed. This was all pretend, he reminded himself. He wouldn’t have the ten children with Claire and he definitely wouldn’t need to protect daughters from unworthy, ambitious men. “Don’t worry if they outnumber us,” he added. “We can hire a nanny and a governess to help us out. They’ll know what to do to naughty little boys.”

“You know, I never would have guessed that about you and your work. And I’m glad you want to work so many hours to provide, it’s a wonderful reason to go, but…Nick, do not forget to actually enjoy that which you are working for. Else what is the point in having it? Or find something else that makes you happy, gives you reason to get up in the morning. What I mean to say is- I’m proud of you for your business, but remember to spend time doing what you do have a passion for, Nicholas. Whether it be your family, spending your day riding alone, or that red head you’ll be flirting with at my party. I’m not trying to steal you away, I promise, but simply remind you to be happy with something or someone in this world. I’m afraid you’ll wake up one day with regret if work, something you do not enjoy, is all you have lived for.”

“Claire,” he let her name roll out of his tongue with a smile on his face. “I was just teasing you. Of course I will not be flirting with other women at your party. I hardly know my wife, why should I go running off chasing skirts of mysterious women when there is one here I haven’t figured out? I may not look like it, Claire, but I am a faithful man. I promised, with London as the witness, to be only yours. I intent to keep that promise… Promise” He raised his right hand and placed over his heart as a gesture of his sincerity, which he knew deep down to be false.

Then Claire gasped softly and gently shook him by the shoulder. ”Nick, will look at that! You have good luck coming your way.”

He followed her eyes to where the butterfly perched on his knee. The slow fluttering of the creature’s wings enthralled him. The patterns of its wings were an intricate design by nature. Reluctantly, he pulled his attention away from the butterfly and then back to Claire.

“Let’s wager then, to test my luck.” He sat up, supporting his side with an arm while the butterfly flew away. “I bet you will not be able to make a flat stone bounce on the river. Name your price if I am wrong.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akela


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

“I think I will be content with ten. Five boys, five girls. The eldest being a boy. No, the first five children should all be boys. That way, they can look after their little sisters and scare away any unworthy suitor.”

“Ten children! My lands, Nick, you have thought about this!” she gasped, a wide grin beneath blushing cheeks. It was her turn to be embarrassed. “I do hope some of them are twins, or I may be pregnant my whole life,” Claire joked with a giggle. “Sounds like we better start soon if that is your plan.” Perhaps as time went on the little devils would make him want less and less. But the idea of her and Nick having such a big family…it was beyond her imagination. With him working, would he even ever see them?

“Claire,” he added, which got her attention. Claire loved when he said her name, it always sounded romantic. “I was just teasing you. Of course I will not be flirting with other women at your party. I hardly know my wife, why should I go running off chasing skirts of mysterious women when there is one here I haven’t figured out? I may not look like it, Claire, but I am a faithful man. I promised, with London as the witness, to be only yours. I intent to keep that promise… Promise.”

She did not believe him. Nicholas Rochford seemed a decent man, better than most, but she knew better. He had no desire to “figure” her out in any way, and eventually someone would catch his eye. Even if not, even if he remained faithful as he promised, wandering eyes was not a sin. Her stomach sank as a part of her actually hoped he had a night with another. Perhaps then she wouldn’t feel like was such a burden- the adulteress he was attached to, forever diving into his work to forget the home life he was stuck with. How embarrassing, though, if London found out. Claire Rochford, stuck at home with ten children with their father has his fun. She deserves it, for what she did before marriage they would say.

Claire blinked, realizing time had gone by while she had completely made up an entire scenario of their lives before any of it had happened. What a bad habit. Still…Claire did not believe he intended on chasing her anytime soon. And that was fine by her.

“Let’s wager then, to test my luck.” She shifted a bit as he sat up, putting the grapes to the side. “I bet you will not be able to make a flat stone bounce on the river. Name your price if I am wrong.”

What a bet! His wife’s eyes immediately lit up and she quickly looked out to the water, eyes searching it for the perfect thing to ask of him. The world around them was quiet, as if time stood still as she decided. Finally Claire held out her hand so he could help her up, and as gracefully as possible went to the bank to find the perfect rock. “Soon you will be well enough to return to your work. I know I cannot keep you away forever, and our time together hasn’t been perfect, but I would like to request one thing,” she asked, picking up a flat stone and looking back at him with a playful glint in those emerald eyes. “One day a week, you are mine. When I wake in the morning, you are still at my side. We can order breakfast in bed, and plan out our day together as we eat. After I steal a few kisses from you,” she added with a smile, “we shall get up and do whatever it is that pleases us. Of course in a few years it may be multiple children jumping on the bed to get us up,” Claire said, painting a lovely picture of their lives together. “We could go shopping together, or travel to Brighton and leave the next morning,” she offered. “Or perhaps all we want is to stay in that warm, cozy bed beneath the covers all morning.” Claire walked toward him, putting her arms around his shoulders with a sigh. “All I ask is for one day a week. I do not even have to see you the rest, if that is what you wish. One day, Nicholas.”

With a kiss to his cheek she went back to the water, praying this would work. She’d done this before as a child, but it was possible she didn’t throw properly. The stone would simply sink to the river, along with her hopes of ever getting to know her husband. With a deep, steading breath Claire flicked her wrist and tossed the stone. What luck! The rock bounced along the top of the water, defying gravity for a total of not just one, but two jumps! The young woman laughed happily, twisting to quickly look back at him. “Do you believe that?” she grinned, putting a hand to her still slightly red cheek. The heat in her multiple layers was giving her a permanent blush. “You didn’t think I could do it, did you?”

Claire watched him carefully, curious if the idea of taking a day a week off work was too much. “I’d like to make a bet with you, now,” she said, her smile fading a bit. “If yours can go further than mine, more than two skips, you can take back what I just won.” She was quite confident he could do it. “You can work as much as you like, no promises made.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nuada
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nicholas offered his hand to her with a mischievous glint in his eyes. He smiled all the while as he led her closer to Thames, her reaction to him saying that he wanted ten children playing over and over again in his memory. The way her cheeks reddened at his suggestion, he wondered if it was anger, embarrassment, or utter surprise. Nevertheless, blushing was better and infinitely more normal than blanching upon the mention of ten children. If the latter happened, Nick couldn’t promise that he wouldn’t laugh at her.

He watched her bent down to pick a rock of her choice and prided in himself for choosing a fairly difficult task for the lady. Surely she didn’t have the time he had as a kid practicing to make rocks skip on water. Besides, Thames was not very calm that time of the day. Then again, a different kind of pride swelled in his chest when she took him up for the challenge. He was smiling when she said, “Soon you will be well enough to return to your work. I know I cannot keep you away forever, and our time together hasn’t been perfect, but I would like to request one thing.”

“What is it?” he asked, thinking perhaps she would ask him about his previous plan to sail away to France. Nick could not promise that they would be allowed after another person was already sent for the mission, but he could try to talk to Mr. Bennett.

”One day a week, you are mine. When I wake in the morning, you are still at my side. We can order breakfast in bed, and plan out our day together as we eat. After I steal a few kisses from you. We shall get up and do whatever it is that pleases us. Of course in a few years it may be multiple children jumping on the bed to get us up. We could go shopping together, or travel to Brighton and leave the next morning. Or perhaps all we want is to stay in that warm, cozy bed beneath the covers all morning.”

The silly grin slowly faded. Claire was serious. What he intended by suggesting a wager was to enlighten the mood. Nick realized, although he initially didn’t think he did, that he wanted to see the playfulness of the woman he married again, and not the worried, dull-eyed doll that London made up. That, he understood, was what set her apart from the other ladies. Claire was full of life. She was not afraid to say what she wanted to say and she joked with him even if their joking sometimes turned scandalous to others. After what happened that morning, he wanted to bring out that Claire.

He let her walk towards him. “All I ask is for one day a week. I do not even have to see you the rest, if that is what you wish. One day, Nicholas.” And he let the kiss be. Nick didn’t move, failed to react to her words and her tender gestures. What should he tell her? That he promised one day per week to spend with her? And then what? They would grow fond of each other until the day that he had to break her heart. He wasn’t certain if by then he would only be breaking hers, because…

Her rock leapt once, then twice, the sound muffled by a passing ship and her laughter. He turned to her, a mixture of surprise and happiness on his face. The happiness won over and he cheered with her, even if it meant he lost to the bet.

“Do you believe that? You didn’t think I could do it, did you?”
Nick laughed and placed his arm around her as she touched her still blushing cheeks. When she put her hands away, he leaned over and kissed her. “I never dreamt you could do it. I am so proud of you, Mrs. Rochford.” He laughed again, wanting to lift her up and spin her around, but he couldn’t. Not yet, at least, or else he might just crumple to the ground and bleed to death.

“I’d like to make a bet with you, now,” Claire proposed, her face a little more serious than before. ”If yours can go further than mine, more than two skips, you can take back what I just won. You can work as much as you like, no promises made.”

His grin instantly turned into a frown. She doubted his promises, that much was clear. He shouldn’t be offended because he never meant to keep those promises anyway, but he was offended by her silent accusation. It was the same accusation she made last night when they had their first ever fight – that he only married her for her title.

Nick looked away and sighed. He turned his body away from her then raked a hand through his hair before he picked up a rock. Without saying a word, he deliberately tossed it in an arc so it landed with a single plop only mere inches from the bank. “There you go,” he faked a smile, but chose not to look at her. “I lost again. Looks like the butterfly didn’t bring me luck.”

The sun was still high up in the sky. It would be a few hours more until sunset. “I feel tired, Claire. Can I lie down under the tree?” He walked her back to their blanket and waited for her to settle down. Nick was lying on his back, with his arm as a pillow while she sat beside him. Moments passed with both of them absorbed in their own thoughts, not minding to share with the other until Nick broke the silence. “Why do you doubt me so? Why did you have to think that I will not spare part of my time to spend with you? Have I done you wrong?” The questions were thrown into the air as he stared at the shifting patterns of the leaves. Without him knowing, it was James asking her the questions and not the spy. “What am I doing wrong, Claire? Tell me. Tell me why you have to give me a chance to win back the favor you won?”

Perhaps he had an idea why. Perhaps she could feel that only a few days into marriage, that she was not the center of his world, that his world revolved around his work. She would be correct in assuming so, but he didn't want that. He didn't want to make her feel bad that she married him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akela


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

He simply let it drop. Nicholas let the stone plop right into Thames without even trying. Claire’s lips parted in surprise, but she said nothing. He wouldn’t even look at her. She expected him to laugh, for them to kiss. Playing picnic like they were in love had been going so well, what was wrong now?

She then asked if they could be under the tree and she of course obliged, being reminded of how unwell he was. Or perhaps it was more than the wound getting him down. Still, she sat down beside him, running her fingers over his arm with little response. The entire time she wondered what was on his mind, what she had done to upset him. She had given him an out and he didn’t take it. He was being sweet and flirting, saying he would keep promises that he would soon forget. It was a game, why had he quit playing?

Just as she was starting to feel comfortable, assuming he was just tired, Nicholas spoke. “Why do you doubt me so? Why did you have to think that I will not spare part of my time to spend with you? Have I done you wrong?”

He wasn’t finished. And just like the night he left the bedroom, he actually seemed hurt. “What am I doing wrong, Claire? Tell me. Tell me why you have to give me a chance to win back the favor you won?”

“Why would you not spare your time? Because you would not do it before, why would you now!” she asked desperately, getting angry. But he did not deserve that kind of attitude. “Oh, Nicholas,” she breathed, licking her lips with hesitation. “I give you a chance to win it back so you do not have to lie to me again. But if you want to, if you want to make false promises that will not be kept, then by all means continue to do so. Whatever makes you feel better,” Claire murmured, watching him. “Let’s take a look at my experience with you so far, shall we?” she said, unsure where else to start but the beginning. If he wanted to know why she doubted him, if he was so blind as to need an explanation, then she would give it.

“Our first night together was nothing but pleasantries. I gave you an out and you took it immediately. When we became engaged…well, I have to admit you won me over quickly, even after clearly not wanting to show me the estate,” she laughed bitterly, the heartache still there. It wasn’t so long ago, despite how much had happened since then. “You were charming, swept me off my feet as if our marriage would be a storybook romance. ‘I will be in constant contact,’ you said, and sealed it with a kiss. I waited, but heard not a word. That hurt me, did I not make that clear at the wedding?” Claire let him dwell on that a moment before going on, her fingertips at her throat where the necklace he’d given her lay.

“You continue to give kisses, but keep your hands to yourself with sweet words I feel you do not mean. After flirting that you do want more than that, of course, but make no move to prove otherwise. I want honesty, but all I feel is distance. So now I am putting up my own defenses. I would rather not expect much from you and be pleasantly surprised than expect what I want, what you say you will give, and be disappointed. So please. Please do not push me to dream of being loved again, because it hurt when it was proved to be a fantasy.”

Claire groaned softly, wishing she could hide her face from him. Just get up and leave, forget the conversation and any idea that he might care. “Why are you doing this, aren’t things going well?” she asked softly, her fingers clenching over her dress. “If you believe I am wrong to doubt, that I should trust your charm and promises, and that children will one day come and we will smile in each other’s arms with whispers of ‘I love you”…then prove it. Give me a reason to have hope.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nuada
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

“Why would you not spare your time? Because you would not do it before, why would you now!”

He couldn’t believe he was arguing with Claire about it. What was it to him anyway if she thought he didn’t care about her? Nevertheless, the words escaped his mouth. “I already apologized. Would you have me beg for your forgiveness too?” He barked a humorless laugh then added, “Because I will.”

And they she licked those lips before she started recounting the wrongs he did her, which he thought were all very valid. Nicholas listened to her, keeping a passive face and then staring her in the eyes when she dared to look at him. He let her say everything she wanted to tell him – her impressions of him and his actions. All of it was true. He had been lying to her ever since they met. His goal was to earn her trust and keep her quietly at home while he run around London doing whatever it was that he had to do. Her feelings should not matter to him. It was her name that he wanted and he already earned it. Then why argue with her?

“Our first night together,” he said slowly as if watching the events of the night happening right before his yes. “Claire, I might have been a dear friend of the Farleys, but I am from the trade. I may be rich, but I don’t have even a single drop of the precious blood that runs in your veins. I am a commoner, Claire, and you are the daughter of a duke. No matter how hard I think about it, you and I just do not fit together in one picture.” He felt that it was still true even after they were already married. “I walked away before I got attached,” which, he thought was what he should be doing. He had done it countless times to a number of women whose tally he already lost count. “And you neglected me too after our engagement. Not even a note.” His smile was sad. “I had thought you were negotiating with your father on how to get out of the marriage and was thankful that you showed up at the altar. My angry, but terribly beautiful bride.”

“You continue to give kisses, but keep your hands to yourself with sweet words I feel you do not mean. After flirting that you do want more than that, of course, but make no move to prove otherwise. I want honesty, but all I feel is distance. So now I am putting up my own defenses. I would rather not expect much from you and be pleasantly surprised than expect what I want, what you say you will give, and be disappointed. So please. Please do not push me to dream of being loved again, because it hurt when it was proved to be a fantasy. Why are you doing this, aren’t things going well? If you believe I am wrong to doubt, that I should trust your charm and promises, and that children will one day come and we will smile in each other’s arms with whispers of ‘I love you”…then prove it. Give me a reason to have hope.”

She must have been lying to him as well if she was thinking of him the way she described it. All those smiles, those moments of laughter that made his heart feel light, the concern that dimmed her eyes back in the carriage when she learned that he was shot – all of it must be as unreal as the wall of lies he built around himself.

Nick was silent for a while as he watched the emotions play on her face. Claire must be unhappy with him. It might be just his ego, but Nick was not content that she was unhappy with him. To be honest, it bothered him that he felt that way towards this woman whose hat had blocked the sun from his face. And when he found his voice, he said very quietly, “I’m sorry that you feel that way about me – that I’m a charming liar who freely gives empty promises. I hope in the future that will change.” If there was a future for them. He sighed.

“I would like you and me to work, if not in a romantic way, then as friends. However, that will not happen unless you let go of your prejudices about me. I will be honest with you.” Nick sat up and leaned forward so they were at the same eye level. He touched her chin with a gloved finger and gently directed her face to look into his. “I do not like highborn ladies,” he confessed, barely speaking louder than a whisper. “I don’t like the way your kind look down on us with inferior bloodline. I don’t like that you are all spoiled girls whose ultimate goal was to be fashionably pale. I don’t like that your greatest achievement may be to marry the most eligible bachelor, preferably one with a title. I can go on and on on the things I don’t like about highborn ladies, but then I will only contradict myself because I --”

Nick hesitated. What was he doing? He immediately looked away and let her face go. “Never mind,” he covered his hesitation with a long, heavy sigh. “It’s not important.” And then he got up, picking up a random rock, and walked to the riverbank. The gentle breeze caressed his hair, but it was nothing compared to when Claire ran her fingers through it. He stood there for a while, absorbed in his own thoughts, then before his wife could walk up to him – if she planned on joining him – he bent his body, angled his arm to be parallel with the water, and with a quick flick of the wrist, released the stone. It bounced on the water, creating ripples, and did two more before it finally surrendered. He smiled absently at Thames.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akela


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Claire swallowed her selfish anger, lips curving into a gentle smile. He was just as unhappy and wanting as she. Her heart sank when he tossed the smooth stone before she got to her feet and walked to his side.

“That doesn’t count, you know,” she informed him quietly, looking out at the river. It looked inviting in this warm weather, but she knew she would cringe if her toes actually touched that chilly water. “I already won, no second chances.”

She sighed softly, finding his fingers with her own and holding tight. “I have thought of you as a lot of things, Nicholas, but below me was never, not once, one of them.” Her thumb brushed against the back of his hand, her eyes on him now. “Is that it, then? You see me the way you do and put a wall between us because we simply don’t belong together?” She smirked, amazed. If only she had seen the married through his eyes before, perhaps they could have already been falling for one another. “You silly man, I have not once looked down on you. In fact, I’d say I look up! I may not act like it because of my pride, but it’s true,” she laughed, remembering that first night once more. “For the past what…four months now? I have doubted every move I make, from simply stepping out the door to-“ Claire paused. “To more important decisions. You may be of trade, Nick, but I see you as the handsome man who has a chance to be with any woman in the room. I suppose that caused me to see arrogance that might not actually exist.”

Claire swallowed, a bit shamed at how she had acted. “I did not send a note those two weeks because I wanted you to prove you thought I was worth something. Why would Nicholas Rochford, who had the eyes of many women on him because of his looks and attractive words, need me to tell how deeply I craved his company? I thought it would be obvious.” There was so much to clear up…but was she rambling at this point? It didn’t matter. He needed to know she was different, and it wasn’t wealthy living that got her out of bed every morning.

“And for your information,” she added in a sing-song tone, “I do not try and be pale. I would love to spend all my time outside playing games or riding that gives one a tan, but how can I be anything but pale in these dreadfully hot clothes?” Claire complained, putting her fingers to the neck-line of her dress. Her blush was getting darker because of it. “As for marrying an eligible bachelor…” She frowned, letting go of his hand and taking a step closer to the water. She was very close to the edge, the wind coming off the tiny waves felt good on her face. “I will admit I didn’t argue with father much because I knew I needed you. You cannot be cross with me over that,” she defended quickly, “I can’t depend on my him forever, and reality would rather me starve otherwise. But if you knew me before you would have seen titles didn’t mean much to me. Noble men have asked to court me before, and I refused. So speak ill of high society if you wish,” she said, turning to face him and lifting her hands to rest on his chest, “but as you do so remember that I am at least a little different. Even you can admit that. For instance,” she giggled, nodding toward the river behind her, “I want nothing more than to jump into that water and splash you until you’re soaked, just to see the look on your face.” The thought brought a bright grin to her face as she closed her eyes, leaning forward until the brim of her hat touched his forehead.

“I’m sorry. You were right…again, though I don’t enjoy admitting it. I will not judge and assume you want to leave the room as soon as I enter it. Forgive me? I'm new at this thing called marriage we have between us.” It seemed the incident with the married man had brought her well below humility and into a lack of self-confidence. She hadn’t really noticed how bad it was, and certainly hadn’t meant to push that on Nick. It was possible, though, good had come of it all. As she said before, she did not think of herself as higher than anyone because of her name. As London had proved to her, some of her status could change in the course of a day. Claire reached up and brushed her fingers though his hair again, the corner of her lips twitching into a secretive smile when she saw how ruffled she had made his hair. “Tell me what you were going to say before. You were going on about contradicting yourself…I don’t understand, and it is important. You said you would be honest,” she playfully reminded him, hoping he wasn’t feeling so hurt anymore.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nuada
Avatar of Nuada


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nicholas was not surprised that she did follow him out of the shade of the tree, what surprised him was how gentle her voice sounded in his ears. That doesn’t count, you know,” she said as she stood beside him on the riverbank. Both their eyes were watching the gentle downstream flow of the water, not once straying to the other person’s face. ”I already won, no second chances.”

He didn’t comment, but soon felt her hand seeking the warmth of his, gently squeezing as if telling him that she understood. But she would never understand. The story he told her was a cliché, a story between two persons living in different worlds – star crossed, like Romeo and Juliet. In a way, they were like that, two characters from different worlds, but unlike the heroes and heroines in the story, neither of them loved the other.

“I have thought of you as a lot of things, Nicholas, but below me was never, not once, one of them. Is that it, then? You see me the way you do and put a wall between us because we simply don’t belong together?” Claire explained.

Nick nodded. He didn’t love her. This woman who sat by him when he was too sick to move, even after he pissed her off by disappearing for two weeks, he couldn’t love her. He was a total stranger and yet she cared for him as if he was her lover. She held on to him and told him her deepest secret and insecurity, but he could never bring himself to do the same. She was all sincerity and warmth, anger and laughter, but he was a fabricated shell with nothing but hollowness inside. In the end, it was not really that she was a high born lady and he was a commoner, it was that he was not really meant to be with her. Agents like him could not afford to be attached.

She was just a mystery to him, he decided. And perhaps once he had solved the mystery he would stop being curious about her. And after his curiosity was satisfied, then perhaps he would stop caring.

“I’m sorry. You were right…again, though I don’t enjoy admitting it. I will not judge and assume you want to leave the room as soon as I enter it. Forgive me? I'm new at this thing called marriage we have between us.”

Nick squeezed her hand. “I’m as new to this as you are,” he admitted. “But perhaps we could start by learning how to trust each other.”

Claire used her free hand to run over his hair. He was fond of the gesture that he thought he understood why puppies, no matter how excited they were, would be tamed once scratched at the side of the face or behind the ears. “ Tell me what you were going to say before. You were going on about contradicting yourself…I don’t understand, and it is important. You said you would be honest.”

He used his other hand to catch hers. Without breaking eye contact, he brushed his lips over her knuckles then let go. “I believe I have married a very smart lady,” he flashed her a lopsided smile. “You can figure it out yourself.”

What time was it? Nick put a hand in his pocket and brought up his pocket watch. It was only a quarter past three in the afternoon. They had so much time to spare before sunset and he promised Mr. Bennett that he and Claire would be out of sight until it was dark. Thankfully the effects of his hangover were fading or else he might find more reason to turn back home. “It’s too early to be heading back home,” he said thinking aloud and still holding her hand in his. “Have you been to the Royal Observatory?”

He started to guide her from the river and up to where their carriage waited for them. “I know somebody who will let us in to watch the stars tonight. If we leave now, we might be able to catch a ferry to Greenwich. Do you want to go there? Or perhaps do you prefer to go to London and shop. I haven’t taken you out shopping and I would like to learn your taste.” He shrugged. “As a reference for the future.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akela


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Claire immediately wrinkled her nose at the thought of shopping. Besides, she supposedly already got fitted for a custom dress this morning. “No, I don’t enjoy shopping,” she admitted, watching a servant pick up their picnic supplies before turning to step into the carriage. “Except for hats…I don’t think I could ever get enough of those. But as a general rule, I try and get out of the shops as quickly as possible.” Something about the frustration of finding exactly what you were looking for and spending time on something so monotonous didn’t interest her. “Besides, if you want to know what I fancy, just look in the closet. Simple as that.”

She communicated to the driver that they wanted to visit the Royal Observatory before settling into her seat, this time a little closer to her husband. “I’ve never actually been, though I’ve been told it’s beautiful. I love looking up at the night sky. It makes all my worries seem so small, every time,” she told him, timidly taking her hat off, placing it in her lap, and gently laying her head on his shoulder. “How are you feeling? Your side. Tell me if you need to go home, I wouldn’t mind,” Claire added, tilting her head to kiss his neck before resting on him again. He needed love and care shown just as much as she, and Claire was willing to give it, to go all in. If that was what it took to make this work, making herself vulnerable, then so be it.

Claire reached for his hand, turning it palm up within her own. “Your hands,” she murmured, “they’re a little rougher than I would have expected in your line of work.” It was a tiny comment as she ran the tips of her fingers over his, one by one. “Don’t worry, I like it. Gives you a very masculine feel.” It was said with a hint of mischievousness, but she meant it all the same.

Again she changed the subject quickly, seeming to do so when her mood was light and uplifted. “I don’t think you should show me what you’re wearing to the masquerade. Surprise me,” his wife encouraged, letting out a soft sigh at the simple thought of her ballroom dance. “Our eyes meet from across the room, faces shrouded in mask and shadow. Despite the attention from both of us being unforgivably striking to everyone who lays eyes on us, we have no desire for conversation with any of them. A dance starts, and hold out your hand without a word, as if we are made for one another. Then we dance, and the people are quick to make room for people with such graceful feet. Afterwards,” she continued, clearly caught up in her own story, “you steal me away, not bothering to say goodbye to a single guest. There are so many people there, nobody will notice its hosts missing for the remainder of the night.”

Claire laughed, letting out yet another dreamy sigh. Apparently she was hiding quite the romantic imagination. “Yes. I want your suit of choice to be a surprise. Will your cousin still be around by then, Timothy? He seems very kind, he should stay long enough to attend. Perhaps we could find him a dancing partner,” she grinned, looking up at him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nuada
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nicholas couldn't even begin to describe how relieved he was that Claire refused his offer to accompany her to a shopping trip. The Observatory at Greenwich was a better option than shopping, plus the travel would buy him some time. Besides, he liked watching the night sky especially under a powerful telescope. It just happened that one of the new friends he made as Nicholas Rochford was a professor who also worked at the Observatory.

He followed his wife to the carriage, climbing in after her and they shared the same bench. Nick noticed that Claire sat closer that time. She was seducing him again, though she might not be aware of it herself. Nevertheless, he followed her lead and leaned closer to her, allowing her head to rest on his shoulder.

"How are you feeling? Your side. Tell me if you need to go home, I wouldn’t mind."

"No, no..." he was starting to say. Words used to come easy for the gentleman. In fact, his wit was one of his assets, but when he felt her soft lips touch the sensitive skin on his neck, he was shamefully reduced to a blabbering fool. "Bloody..." What was he going to say? Thankfully, she withdrew and instead leaned her head back on his shoulder.

"I would love for you to continue what you are doing," he teased, snaking am arm around her waist so she could pull get her closer against him. "If we're in a more private place. Perhaps later when we get home?" He winked at her.

Then she told him about her observation on the roughness of his hand and how she liked that it made him more masculine. He smiled at that, though ababsently, a different scene playing in his head. "Whose hands have you been holding before mine, hmmm? You tell me this as if you have held hands with some other gentlemen before."

And again she changed the subject, directing it to the topic of the masquerade ball that she was organizing. He was amused at the fantasy tale she had made up in her mind. It showed him a different side of Claire - the romantic, sensitive lady that was more common in London. "I'm not going to tell you what I plan to wear then. I don't expect you to reveal yours either. I like the idea of mystery and the thrill of hunting for my wife in a sea of masks and false faces. Howerver," he paused to plant a quick kiss on her head. "However, you must promise not to get mad if I fail to identify you. There's also the possibility of mistaking someone else as you. I'll try my best, but no promises."

Timothy, however, had not yet mentioned anything about attending a masquerade. Perhaps he had not yet received the invitation or maybe he intended to keep him out of the operation that time. "I haven't spoken with my cousin yet. But perhaps he has a"Claire, I'm sorry," he muttered.

Time passed as their carriage travelled the road towards th port that will take them to Greenwich. It was only when the carriage slowed down did Nick woke up. He rubbed the sleepiness from his eyes then looked outthe windthe window. "Here we are," he said to no one in particular. "Wait for me here," he told her then got out of the carriage. It just occurred to him that they didn't have any reservations so Nick did What he does best. He charmed & bribed his way to the next ferry to Greenwich.

When he returned to the carriage. he was grinning. ''I procured for us two roundtrip passes." Nick offered his arm out for her. "Shall we board the next ship, my lady?" He asked, immitating the gestures of a knight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akela


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

It was actually pleasant waking up within the carriage beside Nicholas, though he’d been asleep much longer than she. He needed it, though. Claire was surprised he was still going; it was his first day out, and by the way she’d seen him previously acting she thought he would need to be home by now.

She was relieved he’d gotten them tickets for the ferry so quickly, as she wasn’t feeling very patient. He was taking her on an actual date, their first real date. Better yet, Nick didn’t even seem as put out as she’d expected. Perhaps France was in their future, one day. “Thank you,” she grinned when he kindly let her lead the way, acting like the perfect gentleman. Instead of taking this to be an act she tried to honestly believe he was wanting to treat her like a princess. If it was true, then Claire may have just married the perfect man.

“It’s been a while since I’ve gotten to sail the seas,” she joked, putting a hand on the railing as the ferry started. The breeze felt wonderful against her face after being so hot during their picnic. Claire was quiet for a moment, glancing at the others laughing together, having quiet conversation in groups of two, sometimes three. Not many of them were dressed as nicely as them. There were even a few children, tugging on their mothers’ dresses and asking for fathers to hold them so they could see the water below at a better angle. “Where does the money from our business go?” she asked suddenly, still watching the thin crowd. “I realize it goes to you and your father, but do you give any of it away?” Claire grinned, realizing how silly she must sound. “I mean charity. I always made Father give to the home the church runs for children without a place to go. Could we do that? If you have money to spare?” she asked, glancing at him before turning her attention to the destination in the distance. He probably thought her silly, but seeing the people around her had reminded her of it. What did he think?

When they arrived she put her hand in his, stepping onto the dock with excitement. “Are we almost there? Are you sure they’ll let us in…I’m starting to have doubts…”
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"Trust, Claire. Trust. It's moments like these that I need you to trust me," he answered, squuezing her hand.

They had left the servants at the other side of Thames, because of the lack of passes, but in truth Nicholas didn't bother looking for extras. He believed that the two of them can manage to be without the comfort of being waite upon if only for oneHe noticHe noticed that she had forgotten to bring a parasol, maybe because she thought that there will be no need of one.

"Regarding your question earlier,"he started. "I can talk to my father about your proposal. I may look like I'm running most of the operations, but the final decisions all come from my father." But the truth was he couldn't give to the poor what he really don't have.

The arrival of the boy saved Nick from elaborating his answer. "Found you a carriage to the Royal Observatory, sir" announced the boy proudly.

"Thank you," Nick replied. To Clairehe added,"I hope you don't mind riding a hired carriage.I have reasons to believe that the experience is more or less the same, although there might be some exceptions."

Nick took Claire's hand and placed it on his arm. This way, she was closer and he could lean on her a bit. "It's not too far away from here," he assured her as they followed the boy. "However, I just realized that we might not see the night sky if we plan to make it back home tonight," he let her ride up the carriage first then sat beside her after the door closed.

The ride to the observatory wasn't too long and the person who had the reins knew the city all too well. soon enough, they Were dismounting and facing the imposing building of the observatory. "This is where the directions at Sea is being based, we re at the origin." He led her to the main entrance where he declared his presence.

"Might I see Professor White, please? Tell him that Mr. Rochford requests to meet with him."

The attendant at the front desk politely nodded. "I shall check if the Professor is available," she said. "In the meantime, please make yourself comfortable." She gestured to the sofa opposite the desk.

The professor, a middle-aged man of substantial size, walked into the room wearing his lab coat and glasses. His cheeks were flushed and his lips smiling wide. "Nicholas, my favorite boy," Professor White greeted. Then his eyes landed on Claire and a flash of a different kind of emotion showed for a fraction of a second before he was back to his cheerful self.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akela


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Of course Claire didn’t mind a rented carriage or doing without servants; she’d done so on a number of occasions when going about her very private business. He wouldn’t know, of course, so she nodded with a few words of reassurance. The fact that he even asked made her wonder what he saw when he looked at her, and brought her back to their argument during lunch.

Claire had done lied and kept her thoughts hidden a lot that day, and frankly it was getting exhausting. But telling Nick she would be honest with him only to turn around and see her contact? The young woman stared at him for much longer than was appropriate, blinking in surprise. “Professor?” she said quietly, more of a question than a greeting as she curtsied. “How did you two meet?” Surely Nicholas didn’t know him in the same way she did.

“Yes, Professor White,” he said, still smiling broadly. “Oh, work of course,” the professor answered simply, keeping his eyes on hers. “I once gave an educational talk on my findings here, and I met your husband at the after event. I have to say, I think he slipped in just for the drinks at the end,” he joked with a hearty laugh, putting a hand on Nicholas’ shoulder. “What can I do for the newlyweds, hm?”

And so the evening went on with a tour. Thankfully Nicholas and the “professor”, if that’s who he really was, found conversation easy enough that Claire could happily stay silent except for minor comments on the building. This must be his real identity, which was why he’d never give his name…he was actually someone, important. It made her wish she could have used a fake identity, but since he had been the one to contact her…that just wasn’t an option.

The couple were left alone eventually to wait for nightfall. Claire was clearly uncomfortable around Professor White, barely making eye contact as he left. She would get in trouble for it later, she was sure, but the girl just couldn’t help it. What Nicholas has said about always having a choice…it had left its mark, and the thought of telling her contact it was over, now with him standing right there, was a daunting one. She would never be able to go through with it.

By the time the stars were out Claire herself was tired, which meant she knew her injured husband had to be exhausted. “Nick, I’ve never seen such a beautiful view,” she whispered, “but I believe we should get home. Your father will be worried and you should have been in bed hours ago. I’m getting anxious just sitting here with you.” The vast sky above them was a sight to behold, something she wished they could see before sleep every night. It would make relaxing in the evening much easier.

“It makes you feel…small, doesn’t it?” Still she spoke quietly, as if regular volume would disturb the stars above or the emptiness around them. “Do you think we could have someone paint our bedroom ceiling just like this?” Claire giggled, putting her head on his shoulder. "It's a shame we don't see so many stars in London. Why do you think that is?"
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Not having seen him for weeks now, Nick was glad that Professor White did honor his request to be shown around the observatory again. This time though, it was for the benefit of Claire. The older gentleman welcomed the couple with a wide accommodating smile and talked with Nicholas at length regarding theories and his latest studies.

Nick was worried that Claire might be feeling a little out of place considering the topics that he and the professor were engaged in, but she didn’t fail to surprise him whenever either of the men asked for her opinion. Claire was a very smart person. Some would think that her mind was wasted on a woman, but more and more Nick was being convinced that her intelligence was well placed.

“I’m sorry you couldn’t make it to the wedding,” he commented during a short pause in their discussion of the lenses of the telescope. “I couldn’t reschedule it another week later.”

The professor looked up from the papers he was browsing through, then glanced at Claire, who wasn’t even looking at him. “I’m sorry I missed the event of the season,” he chuckled. “I’ve been too busy with work I failed to realize that it was the daughter of a duke that you were marrying. Of course it was all over the society pages, but who has time for that?” he shrugged. The boys laughed the topic out then continued their discussions regarding other matters.

When finally Professor White had left the two of them to themselves, Nick sat beside Claire behind the biggest telescope the world had seen, and they talked about trivial topics. He had been fighting off fatigue, but after everything that happened that day, his whole body felt heavy. The gunshot wound at his side throbbed and he believed he missed on a few medications that the doctor emphasized should not be missed. He could already hear McQuerin complaining about Nick’s apparent stupidity.

“Nick, I’ve never seen such a beautiful view, but I believe we should get home. Your father will be worried and you should have been in bed hours ago. I’m getting anxious just sitting here with you.”

She was never more correct. “Just a few more minutes.”

”It makes you feel…small, doesn’t it?” He nodded, though perhaps she didn’t notice the gesture as she was engrossed watching the night sky. “Do you think we could have someone paint our bedroom ceiling just like this? It's a shame we don't see so many stars in London. Why do you think that is?“

“There is a difference between watching the real night sky and just watching a replica of it.,” he answered. “I don’t doubt we can hire an artist to paint our ceiling with stars, but I doubt he can get it right. That’s where the problem is. As for London, there are places where this is visible, but,” he gestured for her to follow him to the telescope. “It’s here where you can see it upclose.”

They spent about an hour watching the sky until Nick admitted to himself that he cannot anymore stand the abuse he was doing to himself. He leaned back and asked Claire to go home. He took the lead and guided her through the corridors and rooms of the observatory until they met with the Professor at the front desk.

“I was just about to check on you two,” he said cheerfully.

Nick straightened up and masked every sign of weakness, even in his voice. “Thank you for the tour and the free lecture, Professor White. Much as we would like to stay longer, we need to get back home.It has been a pleasure meeting you again.” He extended a gloved hand, which the older gentleman shook.

“It is always a pleasure to have an intellectual discussion with you, Nicholas. Do drop by one of my lectures, will you? I shall make sure that the drinks at the after event will be worth the boredom.” They both laughed. “And it’s such a wonderful pleasure finally meeting you, Mrs. Rochford,” the professor added. They made final farewells and then the couple was outside the building waiting for another carriage to hire.

It didn’t take long for them to commission one and as soon as he and Claire were alone inside, Nick let out a heavy sigh as he slumped on the seat. He didn’t bother showing Claire his weakness, but to the outside world, he had to always be firm. Still, he refused to voice it out loud. He refused to say anything at all, just leaned against her, closed his eyes and let her scent fill his senses.


"What do you mean we cannot cross the river?"

"Exactly as it sounds, sir. You cannot cross the river tonight. We apologize and we are willing to reimburse your passes, but there is a technical problem with the ferry. We value our customers' safety, therefore the admin advises against further travels tonight. Again, we apologize, sir." The attendant was a middle-aged man with a slight foreign accent. He offered the money in exchange for the passes that Nick had bought that afternoon. "There are taverns and inns around the vicinity where you may choose to spend the night in. We will have gotten the issue straightened out by morning."

Defeated, Nick handed him over the passes and took the cash. He had not expected this, therefore he was not prepared, which meant they had limited funds at their disposal. He could deal with it, but he looked over his shoulder to where he left Claire to wait, and sighed. There was nothing else to do other than to swim the frigid waters to the other side.

He walked back to where Claire waited, but that time he couldn't just bring himself to greet her with a smile. Nick was tired, hungry and frustrated, yet he allowed himself to calm down before he spoke. "We have a problem," he confessed. "The boats are not sailing tonight. We may have to spend the night here. I know of some places, but... It may not be up to your tastes, so I apologize in advance."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akela


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Claire waited patiently on a bench that was covered by a long structure in case it rained, plenty of sitting space for crowded days. She didn’t like being left to the side while he had do to all the work of getting them back, but it would have been rude to offer and do it herself. He never would have accepted. Men and their silly pride…

It had been sad enough seeing him wither against her as soon as they were out of the public eye. In the carriage Claire had said nothing, only stroked his hand or hair, his cheek to the side of his neck. That was what she wanted to be for him- a silent aide when it was needed. She was happy to have found how he’d not only listened to her opinion on multiple occasions, however, but asked for it. He valued her mind and thoughts of the world and him, or at least acted like it. That was more she could say for most, even her own father.

Claire looked up as Nick came back looking even more grim than he had before. “Is something wrong?”

"We have a problem. The boats are not sailing tonight. We may have to spend the night here. I know of some places, but... It may not be up to your tastes, so I apologize in advance."
She knew what he expected. An unlady like pout, or perhaps at best a brave smile and a quiet night that left her disappointed in him. As if he hadn’t provided, or wasn’t being the best husband. Instead Claire grinned widely, picking up the skit of her dress as she stood. “You mean we get to have our honeymoon away from home?” she asked quickly, keeping her positive smile as she grabbed his hand. “This will be exciting, won’t it? Kind of secretive…nobody knows where we are. Almost like we ran away for the night to be alone. I do hate that you won’t take your medication, but it’ll be all right. I’ll take care of you.” She sounded confident, not once looking back at the boat. Yes things would be uncomfortable and not exactly what she was used to, but how could it be?

“Now if I were alone that would be a different story. I’d probably sit right there and cry,” she said, pointing back to the bench as they started back for the carriage. “You said you know of somewhere we could stay? Do they serve dinner?”

Thankfully the place under their new budget was close by, but one look in the windows and Claire knew they were out of place. It had clearly been there for a while, the white paint chipping at the doorway and the brick color faded. It wasn’t in a dangerous area or a ‘poor house’, but just as Nicholas had warned, it wasn’t like anywhere she’d ever stayed.

“Well. This is a memory in the making, wouldn’t you say?” she said as they stepped out of the carriage. As Nicholas paid the driver she took a few steps toward the door but waited for him before going in. “I’m going to look like a pampered child in there. Perhaps we could get the food taken up to our room?” she offered, hoping it was possible.

It was surprisingly loud inside, not something Claire was particularly used to. The tables were crowded with friends and family, and since it was past dinner time most were drinking a beer or something a little stronger. The smell of alcohol and the haze of smoke that filled her lungs caused Claire to cough, squeezing the hand of his she still held onto. The noise, and probably the look of their attire, got them a few stares without hesitation. By the looks of the building the inn served food at the entire downstairs area and the rooms were up the stairs on the other side of the large room. There was someone playing a fiddle in the corner by the fireplace and multiple women in plain brown dresses with low cut necklines waiting on the tables. It was a nice enough establishment- the bar, floor, and round tables were clean, well kept. Everything was well lit, which had been her biggest fear.

“Um…do you mind if I come with you to get the key and room from the inn keeper?” she leaned in to say close to his ear, knowing her voice wouldn’t carry with the noise around them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nuada
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

The Bore Crown was a tavern along Thames Street, which happened to also offer rooms for travelers. It was among the suggested establishments by the coachman, but given more money to spend, he would quickly choose a different establishment – something befitting Claire’s status. Nick was worried about her and had reasons to doubt the sincerity of the enthusiasm that she was showing. Nevertheless, he indulged her.

Nick placed an arm around her shoulders when she requested to go with him to talk to the inn keeper. They were out of place because of the way they were dressed and he didn’t like the way some of the men were staring at his wife. Call him selfish, but he much enjoyed being stared at than watching others stare at his wife.

The crowd inside the dining hall of the tavern was loud, he wasn’t sure that she had ever been to a place like that. The good thing though, was nobody dared to call either of their attentions. A number of transactions were done all at once – business and personal – but above all that, the general population of the tavern was intent in getting themselves possessed by the spirit of ale. It was a good place to hear juicy gossips, especially after the alcohol did its job of lowering the inhibitions of the customers. Tempting as it was, Nick couldn’t just deposit his wife in their rented room and then spend the night mining information. She would most likely want to come with him just as she did when he fetched the keys. Besides, didn’t she say that their little tragedy was like a honeymoon away from home?

“Can we have food served in our room?” he quietly asked the innkeeper after the keys were given to them.

The young man behind the desk nodded. “Most certainly, sir.” He opened a drawer and pulled out a list of the food that was being served for the night. Ordinary food, nothing fancy. He ordered a course of fish, vegetables and bread, plus wine for the two of them, and hoped that the food was good.

Their room, he thought, was overly simple, but clean. There was a double bed, a dresser, and a vanity table. Its floor and walls were made of wood, two widows were at the far end of the room. It was clean, well illuminated, and functional. It would do for the night, but he wasn’t sure what Claire thought about it.

He closed the door behind him, after they both entered, shutting out the noise from the dining area. “This is the other side of England,” he said slowly, as if she wouldn’t understand that London was not all elegance and riches. She was a sheltered heir to a title and she wasn’t very aware about the real world. This was just a glimpse of the working class.

“I hope you like it so far, your majesty” he teased, bowing low at the waist, then wincing as the action stressed his wound. A smile tugged the corner of his lips even as he winced. “We’re lucky to find one not too far from the port. Not too many drunk either. I would encourage you to mingle with all the people if I wasn’t feeling greedy tonight.”

Nick moved to the bed and sat on its edge. “I didn’t like the way some of those men were looking at you,” he confessed. “Why don’t you try wearing something that covers significantly more of your skin? I will take you shopping for more conservative clothes. I’ll even pay for it.” He chuckled thinking how silly he was sounding. Would she think that he was being jealous? Was he being jealous?

He lay down on the bed, with his arms under his head and his legs dangling at the edge and waited for their food to arrive. “Come here,” he invited. “Sit with me. Don’t worry, I will not take advantage of you.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akela


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I didn’t like the way some of those men were looking at you. Why don’t you try wearing something that covers significantly more of your skin? I will take you shopping for more conservative clothes. I’ll even pay for it.”

Claire stared at him in surprise, being in the middle of taking her hat off hand hanging it on the hook. Her gloves were next, being laid on the bedside table. At least he asked politely. “You’ll pay? My, how generous,” she teased with a smirk, walking to stand right in front of him. It was true she showed a fair amount of cleavage, but that was the fashion nowadays. “Nicholas Rochford, are you wanting my curves to yourself? Surely you don’t intend to keep every bit of me covered up every moment of the day. There were women down there dressed in far less than me down there.” A blush crept to her cheeks as an argument came to her that might shut him up. Or not, but it was worth a try.

“You’re only upset because those men are seeing just about the same amount of skin you have. If you’d seen me in the nude you would realize that those boys downstairs have seen absolutely nothing.” Claire watched him lay down, unsure what to do with herself. She didn’t want him getting up when the food came. He may be acting like he was all right but Claire wanted to do what walking she could for him. “But if you honestly want me to buy a new wardrobe, we can go next week.” Afterall, it wasn’t her place to argue and they were trying to get along. That meant she needed to do her part in being what he wanted. Besides, once they were shopping he would surely see how silly he sounded.

”Come here,” he said, looking like the perfect dream laying on the bed like that. “Sit with me. Don’t worry, I will not take advantage of you.”

“I should think not. The food will be here soon and that would be something I don’t want someone walking in on,” Claire grinned, sitting down before laying back just as he had, her head half on his arm, half on his chest. She’d made sure to be on the side opposite his wound. “You know what would be fun? If we’d brought the appropriate clothes I would have loved to go downstairs and spend a night living a life other than our own. We could make up a story as to why we’re there,” she said, getting excited as ideas came to her. “We could tell them we’re traveling for business. You…you’re a hunter. And you’ve come to track down a wild animal in the area. Oooh, the looks you would get,” she went on, busting into a fit of giggles at her thoughts before she could even get them out. “You wouldn’t dare bring your wife, of course, too dangerous, but after you left I traveled on my own to find you with disheartening news.” Claire’s tone saddened, as if the story were true. “I am with child, and our house burnt down not a day after you left. So now we travel living off the land, taking what jobs you can. Perhaps you are an assassin. Oh, they wouldn’t be looking at your wife any longer after that tale,” she smirked, clearly not caring how absurd she sounded. Somehow she didn’t think Nick would mind her rambling. “Do you think any of them would believe you? We might have to leave, however, in case one calls the police. It would be a good night of fun, though, I think! Pretending for a night. It wouldn't be a bad lie, not since we won't see them again.”

There was a knock at the door and Claire shot up, hoping to beat him to it. “You’re not moving,” she instructed, quickly moving to answer the door. “It smells delicious, thank you.” After placing the steaming plate of food on the tiny table within the room Claire went back to Nick and slipped a hand into the inside pocket of his jacket, pulling out a few coins. A gleam in her eyes told him she was flirting, but whether he appreciated it or was just annoyed she wasn’t sure. Either way Claire gave the small tip to the woman before shutting the door and turning to him, her hands behind her back.

“Are you as hungry as I am?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nuada
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

“I should think not. The food will be here soon and that would be something I don’t want someone walking in on.”

“I won’t mind,” he shrugged, still thinking about what she said regarding the boys downstairs missing a whole lot, and that he had not yet seen her “in the nude.” Nick wasn’t sure whether or not he blushed, but for a few seconds, he was stunned. Words failed him and all his mental processes shut down to the point that he was fairly certain that his body’s involuntary functions ceased. Even his heart stopped. Images of her filled his mind, and then his heart started racing in his chest.

It didn’t help that she took him up on his offer and lay her head down on his chest. Some loose wisps of hair tickled his jaw. Her scent, now familiar to him, was something he would miss when it was all over. Nick allowed his head to rest on the bed and used his arm to pull her closer to him. Never mind that she was most definitely hearing that he was having palpitations, he wanted the woman close by. But it had nothing to do with love, he thought to himself as he listened to the tale she was weaving in her head – an insane idea to pretend to be someone else, not knowing that the man beside her was already living out her fantasy. It had nothing to do with love, because he had only known her a few days and it was impossible for him to fall for someone that fast. No, if he loved her, then he should be willing to give his life up for her, but he wasn’t. The ugly truth was, just like the middle class men downstairs, he was attracted to her – to the shell and not the woman living inside it.

All because she was undeniably beautiful, and with her lying so close to him, he had to have an iron grip on his self control for it not t slip.

Nick chuckled at the end of her idea, more from the enthusiasm in her voice than anything else. “What would we tell the police if I got caught?” his voice rumbled in his chest, carelessly lazy against the muffled noise from downstairs. He noticed that there was music played. Perhaps dancing had even started. “I must confess that I am not a good actor. Can I not just play a role of a fine gentleman? I’m certainly good at that.” He flashed her a charming smile, then his face became thoughtful. “Or a rake. I could possibly pass for a rake.”

A knock at the door disturbed them. Nick was about to get up, but since Claire was lying on him, she managed to move first and was instructing him to stay where he was. Curiously, he watched her approach the door, the tight clothing and the low cut of her back, covered only with lace was not helping either. Was she seducing him? Perhaps he had been without a woman companion for quite some time, that’s why he was starting to turn to the closest, most beautiful woman available. He watched her graceful movements as she placed their dinner on the table with the music playing downstairs entering through the door, then she approached him.

Obedient as he was, he stayed on the bed, though he propped himself against the pillows to observe her better. She climbed up the bed. He thought she’d straddle him, and that time, he did blush. Her green eyes stayed on him the whole time, alight with something he couldn’t tell. Their faces were only a few inches apart. The corners of her lips slightly tugged upwards. Then he felt her hand on his pocket, lightly, just like a thief. It emerged with a few coins and a triumphant grin lit her face.
Nicholas had to shake it off his head and he used the time she was talking to the person who delivered the food to do it. When she turned back to him, he was smiling sheepishly. The door closed and with it the waltz that had just started.

“Are you as hungry as I am?”

“Perhaps more,” he admitted. Nick swung his legs off the bed and walked to the table. He pulled her chair and offered her the seat before taking his place. The food looked good, at least good enough that it was presented prettily. Well, this was all their money could pay for, might as well enjoy it. At least the wine was good.

The music continued downstairs, sometimes accompanied with claps. It was like they were having a ball down there. Nick looked at Claire, sitting with her back straight and her manners intact even in a place like that. He made a show of wiping the corners of his mouth with the napkin, then pushed his chair back. Not minding that his side was hurting more, Nick extended a hand to her. “I seem to find it difficult to find a lady more beautiful than the one sitting in front of me,” he started, faking an American accent. It sounded horrible to his ears, but that was just how he wanted it to sound for her. “May I have the pleasure of this next dance?” He hummed in time with the music and the beat, his voice a rich baritone and in perfect tune. In case she refused, Nick grinned and pressed his luck more. “Come on, miss. My name is Samuel Blair and I am a soldier from the continent.” He moved with the beat until he was at the back of her chair, guided her to her feet then swept her into the small space in between the bed, the closet, and the wall. “My stay in England is short, but how fortunate am I to have met one so lovely?”

Nick was smiling as he twirled her around, humming and listening to the beat from below them. He led her through the steps, his ailment momentarily forgotten, they danced as if the eyes of the ton were on them. It was as if the room fell away and they were in the grand ballroom of Claire’s father’s house, dancing with the glorious music in the background. “And you, dear lady, what is your story?” He extended his arm and gently let her go, only to follow her and… And he was about to lift her up, but Nick paused with one foot ahead of the other, prepared to complete the dance. He laughed lightly. “I can’t possibly carry you right now,” he admitted with a sheepish grin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akela


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Claire brightened at his suggestion, quickly getting to her feet. She’d heard the music just as he had during the meal but said nothing. He was in pain, she wasn’t about to ask him to dance to such silly tunes. One could hardly call it music compared to the beautiful instruments that were present at the parties they were used to, which made her wonder if it annoyed him until he asked her to dance.

And there they were, twirling and stepping in perfect time. Nicholas was a wonderful partner, he was probably even better when there was no wound and he’d taken his medication. His humming she loved, it was incredibly relaxing. The entire time Claire couldn’t stop beaming at him, excited to share such an intimate night with her husband, especially since most of their time together had been filled with stress or uncertainty thus far. His story of Samuel was nothing but cute and romantic, even better than her own. It amused her that he would get in on the fun, and she couldn’t help but giggle at his accent. It was absolutely dreadful.

“And you, dear lady, what is your story?”

“Elizabeth Cartwright. I’m a maid at the Duke’s estate. Spoiled they are,” she joked, attempting to stay in step while following along with the story. “I don’t know what anyone would say if they caught me with someone so handsome. I’m sure they would all be jealous,” Claire went on until she felt him attempt at a finishing move. He could not complete it, however, and she couldn’t help but give him a look of pity. It had to be frustrating to be so limited.

“You dance beautifully. I have no doubt I’d be able to find you on the dance floor in no time at all, mask on or not,” Claire whispered, squeezing his hand. Her cheeks were warm, and the moment felt incredible. While she’d been determined to be positive before, Claire had no idea the night could turn into such a success. How long had they been dancing together so flawlessly?

“You know,” she said quietly, her chest tight with apprehension as she met his gaze, “with you going back to the states so soon, who knows how long you’ll be mine.” If only Claire knew how true her words were, in regards to their time together. “Perhaps the only thing left for us to do is take advantage of this night we have alone in one another’s arms. Ah- if you think that battle wound of yours will allow it,” she quickly added, hoping it would make him feel better for saying no. It was bold, but it felt right to her. If he refused then she would accept it and not ask again, no harm done.

But still, in the moment Claire wanted to give it her all. Her hand moved from his shoulder to his chest, a finger running along the edge of his jacket. “I would not label it as taking advantage of me, as you said earlier. More like…living in the moment.” Claire looked up at Nicholas with a racing heart, praying she did not ruin something that was going so well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nuada
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Even though they had stopped dancing, they stood there in the middle of their tiny room, close to each other with careless smiles playing on their lips. It had been quite some time since Nick had truly enjoyed dancing with a woman. Most of the time, he danced with partners he intended to seduce for information or for purposes dictated by his superiors.

“You dance beautifully. I have no doubt I’d be able to find you on the dance floor in no time at all, mask on or not,” she whispered. He was looking down at her face, smiling dreamily as she squeezed his hand.

“And you are so beautiful tonight, Ms. Cartwright,” he whispered back. “More beautiful, I believe, than the duke’s own daughter.”

”You know, with you going back to the states so soon, who knows how long you’ll be mine. Perhaps the only thing left for us to do is take advantage of this night we have alone in one another’s arms. Ah- if you think that battle wound of yours will allow it.”

And for the first time it seemed their minds were in perfect synchronization. His brows rose, thinking that he might have misheard or misunderstood what she had just said. “I don’t think it will bother us,” he lied, his voice dropping a notch.

“I would not label it as taking advantage of me, as you said earlier,” Claire reassured.

Nick nodded his agreement, stepping closer. “Certainly not,” he muttered.

”More like…living in the moment.”

His eyes were dark with hunger that no food could satisfy. He towered over her, one arm slipping around her back while his free hand was at her nape. “Of course, of course,” the gentleman murmured, although he was feeling less and less a gentleman as he claimed her soft lips and kissed her with urgency.

There was nothing wrong with what they were doing, he reasoned to himself. He was her husband and she was his wife. His response was the response a normal husband would have to his beautiful wife. And that night Claire was just the epitome of beauty. Her milky complexion was so smooth to the touch. Suddenly he wanted to touch her everywhere with his hands, then with his lips.

With much regret, Nick pulled away from her enough to look her in the eye and ask with all sincerity, “Are you sure about this?”

If she said no, he would find a way to clamp down the desire that stabbed him through the heart. He would honor her decision and tame the feeling she had roused. But even as she contemplated for an answer, he was nuzzling her neck and his hands worked their magic on the hooks and ribbons of her dress. “Tell me if I’ve gone too far,” he murmured into her collar bone as he pushed the sleeves of her dress down. But he didn’t promise he would stop. He probably could.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akela


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

“Are you sure about this?”

Claire nodded, her insides trembling with a want she hadn’t felt before. “I’m the one that suggested it, Nick,” she said, forgetting their pretend labels and falling back into their real names. “I’m positive.” Her insecurities made her want to hesitate, to ask again if he really wanted to sleep with her and not just some woman named Elizabeth. But that was the last thing men wanted in bed, someone asking for reassurance every few minutes. No, if they were finally this close and he was taking such a big step forward, then she was doing nothing but stepping right along with him.

“Tell me if I’ve gone too far.”

The blush on her cheeks wouldn’t be going away anytime soon with the way he kept touching at her, looking at her with . Claire was so lost in his touch it took her a moment to move or even breathe. The waist of her dress loosened as he untied the back of her dress, her arms getting goosebumps from the sleeves being pushed down a few inches.

“I don’t think that’s possible tonight,” Claire replied, rising to her toes to kiss him again. Her hands moved down to the buttons of his jacket, slowly unbuttoning them one by one. She then slid them up to the shoulders, slipping his jacket off and letting it fall to the floor. Next came his vest, but not being used to undressing a man Claire had to look down to get him out of the rest of his clothing. The music below them was barely heard as she started to expose his chest one button at a time.

Claire licked her bottom lip and glanced up for his reaction as she brushed her fingers along the few inches she could see, a chill going down her own back. She felt her own dress fall and she couldn’t help but grin in excitement, despite still being so covered up by her chemise.
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